"Spring is in the Air" March 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge

I've been flip flopping back and forth emotionally, usually better in the mornings and then feeling kind of desperate in the evenings.

I think I've done well with social distancing, and can only think of two times when the five foot barrier has been breached... getting an eye exam and a brow wax last week. I went ahead and did them because they both seemed very hygienic, but if I had a do-over I'd skip them both. I'm all set to be sequestered at home for the next two weeks, the only thing I have to do away from home is to pick up thyroid meds from my doctor.

I didn't sleep well last night at all, and this morning woke up with a thick head, but it feels like a cold coming on, or possibly the after affects of all the gluten I ate yesterday... hopefully it won't amount to anything.

Pretty much all I did yesterday was comfort knitting, and a little bit of reading. I'm working on Gennon Doyle's new book 'Untamed' and it is so clear, raw and direct that I can only read a little bit at a time and then need to pause and digest. I did sit out on the front porch for a while just soaking up sunshine and listening to the neighborhood sounds with my eyes closed. I am so grateful that we are going to have nice weather for most of this week. I think a lot of gardening is going to get done in the coming weeks.
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I am not feeling well and waiting to find out when will I be tested for Corona virus. I am moderately worried, I feel I don't have it but following the guidelines I had to call

:grouphug: Our thoughts and virtual hugs are with you. Do keep us posted!

So what’s going to motivate you this week to stay with your plans?

I hate to admit it, but my motivation is slightly competitive. With so much closed here, I know a lot of people who will "use" this time - get projects done, spring cleaning, that sort of thing. And I don't want to sound lame when people talk about it and all I have to say is "I binge-watched This is Us". :rotfl2:

I fully admit to Pollyanna tendencies (see the screen name) so while of course I believe this is bad overall, I'm looking for any tiny good that thing that comes of it. ~~ So I will share a thought I had today: I hope people keep up with the things they start during this difficult time - that families who rediscover game night, or taking walks together, keep doing it; that people who dust off their treadmills/a.k.a. clothes racks, stick with it, that relatives who call out of the blue to check in, make it a habit going forward. (That's actually what prompted the thought - I talked with my cousin in Texas, and wondered why on Earth we don't do that every week?)
:grouphug: Our thoughts and virtual hugs are with you. Do keep us posted!

I hate to admit it, but my motivation is slightly competitive. With so much closed here, I know a lot of people who will "use" this time - get projects done, spring cleaning, that sort of thing. And I don't want to sound lame when people talk about it and all I have to say is "I binge-watched This is Us". :rotfl2:

I fully admit to Pollyanna tendencies (see the screen name) so while of course I believe this is bad overall, I'm looking for any tiny good that thing that comes of it. ~~ So I will share a thought I had today: I hope people keep up with the things they start during this difficult time - that families who rediscover game night, or taking walks together, keep doing it; that people who dust off their treadmills/a.k.a. clothes racks, stick with it, that relatives who call out of the blue to check in, make it a habit going forward. (That's actually what prompted the thought - I talked with my cousin in Texas, and wondered why on Earth we don't do that every week?)
Amen! I've been thinking the same about how much long term social change this could bring.
:grouphug: Our thoughts and virtual hugs are with you. Do keep us posted!

I hate to admit it, but my motivation is slightly competitive. With so much closed here, I know a lot of people who will "use" this time - get projects done, spring cleaning, that sort of thing. And I don't want to sound lame when people talk about it and all I have to say is "I binge-watched This is Us". :rotfl2:

I fully admit to Pollyanna tendencies (see the screen name) so while of course I believe this is bad overall, I'm looking for any tiny good that thing that comes of it. ~~ So I will share a thought I had today: I hope people keep up with the things they start during this difficult time - that families who rediscover game night, or taking walks together, keep doing it; that people who dust off their treadmills/a.k.a. clothes racks, stick with it, that relatives who call out of the blue to check in, make it a habit going forward. (That's actually what prompted the thought - I talked with my cousin in Texas, and wondered why on Earth we don't do that every week?)
I wish I could like this 100x!
:grouphug: Our thoughts and virtual hugs are with you. Do keep us posted!

I hate to admit it, but my motivation is slightly competitive. With so much closed here, I know a lot of people who will "use" this time - get projects done, spring cleaning, that sort of thing. And I don't want to sound lame when people talk about it and all I have to say is "I binge-watched This is Us". :rotfl2:

I fully admit to Pollyanna tendencies (see the screen name) so while of course I believe this is bad overall, I'm looking for any tiny good that thing that comes of it. ~~ So I will share a thought I had today: I hope people keep up with the things they start during this difficult time - that families who rediscover game night, or taking walks together, keep doing it; that people who dust off their treadmills/a.k.a. clothes racks, stick with it, that relatives who call out of the blue to check in, make it a habit going forward. (That's actually what prompted the thought - I talked with my cousin in Texas, and wondered why on Earth we don't do that every week?)

you will get on with my DH. He bought paint and gardening tools in prep for social distancing. :)
I was doing okay until yesterday, when I just completely broke down over all of this. Tired of people not taking it seriously, tired of people being selfish and not caring about others, tired of being stressed and scared. Just tired. Not saying people should be panicking, just saying if people would care a little more and cooperate a little more and just stay home for a minute, this whole thing could be lessened. I think it hit me extra hard yesterday because DH didn't work Saturday but he had a 9 hour shift yesterday and his primary job today.

We went to Sprouts, Costco, and Kroger Friday evening, and Walmart late Saturday night, and got groceries to get us through the next 2 weeks for sure. Just things we knew we'd need, not more than that. I'm not planning on us getting out again for 2 weeks if we can help it.

Begged DH all day yesterday to stay home today and talk to his boss about working from home during this. He had a lot of hesitations about it even though he is taking this very seriously. His office just isn't, and he didn't want to make waves or "make up [his] own rules" since everyone else that works there is operating like normal. Finally convinced him to call his boss this morning, who okay'ed working from home today. His boss had a conference call with corporate this morning to discuss all of this moving forward. All DH has heard since the call was that nothing new came out of it, BUT they did send DH a form granting permission to work from home for the foreseeable future. :thumbsup2 He still has to physically go to his second job, and I've made him promise to always wear gloves and stay as far away from customers as he can whenever possible. Maybe that makes me paranoid, but that's fine. Honestly his second job puts him at more exposure risk than his primary job, but unfortunately it's the one that can't be done from home.On the bright side, he's only there about 15 hours a week.

I'm doing better now that I know he can be mostly home.

@HappyGrape I am sending so many socially distant hugs your way!!! Please keep us updated!
I struggle without routine and schedules. So we started the day with a family talk over breakfast. It didn’t go well as the kids just don’t seem to understand why they can’t hang out with their friends if neither of them are sick. But then we worked on coming up with a daily routine...breakfast, reviewing school work, house work/chores, lunch, free time (outdoor walks & bike rides encouraged), dinner, family movie/game. As I’m typing this, my 15 yr old twins are playing knee hockey and speaking with accents. I’ve been hearing a lot of giggling. It’s nice to hear them having fun with each other instead of bickering. 😊 So their moods have changed since this morning.

My motivation today was to create a daily routine to help my mental health. While my son was helping my husband with a house project, my daughter helped me with meal planning. And I normally get up and do a workout before breakfast. I feel better now that I have a plan.
I was doing okay until yesterday, when I just completely broke down over all of this. Tired of people not taking it seriously, tired of people being selfish and not caring about others, tired of being stressed and scared. Just tired. Not saying people should be panicking, just saying if people would care a little more and cooperate a little more and just stay home for a minute, this whole thing could be lessened. I think it hit me extra hard yesterday because DH didn't work Saturday but he had a 9 hour shift yesterday and his primary job today.

We went to Sprouts, Costco, and Kroger Friday evening, and Walmart late Saturday night, and got groceries to get us through the next 2 weeks for sure. Just things we knew we'd need, not more than that. I'm not planning on us getting out again for 2 weeks if we can help it.

Begged DH all day yesterday to stay home today and talk to his boss about working from home during this. He had a lot of hesitations about it even though he is taking this very seriously. His office just isn't, and he didn't want to make waves or "make up [his] own rules" since everyone else that works there is operating like normal. Finally convinced him to call his boss this morning, who okay'ed working from home today. His boss had a conference call with corporate this morning to discuss all of this moving forward. All DH has heard since the call was that nothing new came out of it, BUT they did send DH a form granting permission to work from home for the foreseeable future. :thumbsup2 He still has to physically go to his second job, and I've made him promise to always wear gloves and stay as far away from customers as he can whenever possible. Maybe that makes me paranoid, but that's fine. Honestly his second job puts him at more exposure risk than his primary job, but unfortunately it's the one that can't be done from home.On the bright side, he's only there about 15 hours a week.

I'm doing better now that I know he can be mostly home.

@HappyGrape I am sending so many socially distant hugs your way!!! Please keep us updated!

Adding on to this to make it a little less dreary!!

Yesterday while DH was at work, I did a lot of things I *can* control to help with the fear of the things I can't control. I showered, which is the top of my list of things to do when I feel overwhelmed and need to calm down or just "feel better". I cleaned the kitchen. I did my usual Sunday meal-prep for the week - still keeping on track with our low carb eating. I cooked food for my dog. I watched Frozen 2 for the first time and WOW it was BEAUTIFUL. I wasn't a big fan of Frozen, but I LOVE Frozen 2. I cried a lot, which was cathartic.

I'm planning to start my online certifications tomorrow and carry on business as usual as much as possible. Maybe my whole house will get clean! :rotfl:
I think having a routine is important-learned this when I retired! I’ll probably keep to pretty much the same schedule but not doing my usual errands and library visit.
I’m sure it’s hard for healthy teenagers to understand why it’s so important to stay away from others-look how many adults can’t seem to
comprehend the situation.
OK, just had a little adventure. I had to drive to our nearest store to get on the company wireless, so my laptop would pick up my updated password. I was able to stand just inside the entrance without touching anything or talking to anyone, so I still get to count this as total isolation day-one, but it was so nice to go out and do something "normal" and the weather today is absolute perfection, bright, sunny clear blue skies. It really lifted my spirits, so I think I'll plan on going for a drive everyday. I am so lucky to live so close to the water, I can make a 20 minute loop around the peninsula and see some pretty spectacular stuff.

While I was driving I came to the conclusion that I need to set a work schedule. Usually a third of my day is dealing with whatever comes up, a third is meetings and a third is dealing with the stuff I need to get done, but usually in no particular order, just get it all done. I'm going to start actually planning my days and saying "from this time to this time I am going to work on this", writing it down, planning it out. I know this sounds like pretty basic stuff, but after 8+ years in production support where you jump from one fire to the next, I just don't plan my days out that way. As several of you have mentioned about making plan for home life, it will give me a better sense of control, over one small thing.
I will be starting distance learning with my students soon. The district has no plan for Pre-K. I would like to assign activities on ABCMouse.com because they use it on their iPads for 20 minutes a day and I use it for Smart Board lessons. We only use technology for 40 minutes a day individually and whole group in
total. Everything else we do is entirely hands-on learning. It will be interesting to see what the district wants us to do. I have a feeling that it won’t be developmentally appropriate. I will be required to contact families 3 times a day every day. Ugh. This group of parents is not very cooperative so I can’t imagine how this will go.
I am just barely hanging in there. I tend to be scared of sickness in normal day life already. So, this is really bad for me. I have allergic asthma (fully under control though), so I am in a risk group. I find it difficult to concentrate on other stuff than constantly try to read about the newest developments.

I even lost my appetite. I am a stress eater normally. I only remember very few events in my life when I was so stressed that I stopped eating. I am making sure that I do eat something. Not eating isn’t helping me to stay healthy.

On a more positive notes: I arranged a chat with some friends via Skype conference for Wednesday evening. We will see how this works!!

:hug: Sending you hugs. Hang in there. We will all get through this. DD also has issues/anxiety with illnesses. Same with me. I have had to keep it together and stay calm to keep her calm.

I am not feeling well and waiting to find out when will I be tested for Corona virus. I am moderately worried, I feel I don't have it but following the guidelines I had to call

:hug: Sending you hugs and prays that you have nothing but a cold. Please keep us posted when you are able to.

And I don't want to sound lame when people talk about it and all I have to say is "I binge-watched This is Us". :rotfl2:

This is funny. We have been binge watching Last Man Standing for a few weeks now. We are almost to the current season.

I will be required to contact families 3 times a day every day.

This seems like a lot in one day. I can see maybe once but 3 times sounds a bit ridiculous to me.
We are finding our new normal here. Kids are handling things pretty good. But DD had some attitude this afternoon. Could be just a teenage thing or it could be her anxiety since this is usually how it shows. DH went outside and played soccer with her for a bit as I finished dinner and then she seemed good. She really wanted to go for a walk by herself. This is something we have let her do in the past but feel right now she, or DS, should go without us. If they run into friends they will not be able to keep with social distancing. I know this is tough on them so trying to do my best to keep them happy.

For me being home has calmed me a lot. I don't have the panic or craziness of the office last week to stress me out more. I am still stressed and can cry at a drop of a hat and have at times, but the chest pain is now gone. A couple of days last week it was like I was in a mini panic attack that was never ending. I did get more work done today then I did all last week at the office. I did learn something today though. I determined about a year or 2 ago that I am most likely Lactose intolerant. Being home I just was not watching what I was eating. I had cereal with milk for breakfast, mac and cheese for lunch and homemade potato salad with dinner. None of this agreed with my stomach. So first lesson I learned, continue to eat like you normally would eat. Your digestive system does not change because you no longer are leaving the house.
Oof. Life is so surreal these days.
I work for a school district which is closed, and was called in today (at 10:30pm last night, mind you) because the concern is that the building itself will be shut down and my manager wanted to ensure we all had everything we needed to work from home. (I was smart: I had all my stuff!)

Daycare is still open (for once I'm glad to be paying 2 daycare tuitions!) but we are just waiting to be told it'll be closed. They're cleaning like mad, and a lot of other parents have pulled their kids out. We're blessed that no one in the family has asthma or other predispositions towards breathing issues. My own autoimmune issue is managed by a heavy anti-inflammatory, instead of immunosuppressants. We have plenty of food in the freezer, pantry, etc.

But it's so surreal. Trying to find toilet paper is like preparing for battle, or the worst, most competitive easter egg hunt ever. People are mean and nasty in the stores, or they are coughing and make me nervous.

I'm trying to focus on the positive: DH and I can both work from home. I can do my cooking throughout the day rather than having to cook a full meal after the family has already eaten dinner, so we have more food for the next few days. Diapers and wipes are still in plentiful supply, in the event we can't find toilet paper. And the weather will be warm enough later in the week/weekend to get the girls outside for some good movement time. But man, the uncertainty. It's stressful.


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