Something About Nothing............ #14

Well, on Thursday night it was arranged for us all that were out for dinner (kids and dogs too) to go for a long walk this morning.......I thought it might not happen.....but we all met early this morning and walked over 10 miles along the beach/prom area of our coastline.

Beautiful walk, even though the sun wasn`t shining, but it was warm and muggy, so hoodies wrapped around our waist as we didn`t need them. We really enjoyed it, although it was maybe a mile or two more than I should have done, but managed it fine.

Bacon sandwiches and tea waiting for us at the beach cafe when we got back....they were both welcome!!

Now recovering 😉 .........but felt wonderful and so much fun to go altogether with Kyle and some of our friends too with their adult kids too, usually it`s just a couple of us meet for a walk.

Earned my prosecco tonight..........🥂
:wave2:Making a procrastination Friday morning stop in lol

I'm soooo glad it's Friday, and that the piles of papers on my desk a very light today.

Woke up a horrible sinus ( allergy ) headache and sooo stuffed up. Promptly took allergy medication and advil and chased that back with a nice cold gatorade that I always have in the fridge for these days. Starting to feel somewhat human again.

Came into work...tried to log into my computer....and I get locked out :headache: :furious: My wireless keyboard has been giving me soooo much grief, I just want to throw it out the window of my office, then proceed to drive over it on my way out of work. after getting someone to email our IT department...they got it fixed. Needless to say, I'm going to be cleaning my old keyboard, and using that going forward. It is beyond frustrating. Let's just say, I'm glad it's Friday.

Didn't get out for a walk last night, but we did head to Costco to pick up a few things that we were needing. Not as many steps as I would put on, but at least I got some walking in. Now to get some steps in over the weekend.

Dh and the boys are heading to the big city, as the boys have some shopping they want to do. I'm glad to just stay at home. We have been soo busy since the middle of May, I'm just to just putter and clean up the house and enjoy some down time. I picked up a sift for someone, as I was scheduled for an evening shift, and we are planning to go camping with the kids on Canada day weekend. So I'll work my shift, putter in the house, and just enjoy being at home.

Nice score!!!!!!! What is your count down at now? Your chinese dinner sounded very yummy!!! I love a good chinese meal feast!!!

I know that this will be me with my mom in the future. Then I remember how much I/we miss dh's mom, then I just enjoy the fact that I still have my mom here to have these moments with. As frustrating as it can be, we will miss all those moments in the future. Neither situation is easy. I'm sure you were relieved to hear about her cancer. That must be a huge relief!

I am glad you had an amazing time!!! I love the fact that I have dd's right now. This is a bonus part of being a parent!!!!

That is a SWEET ride!!! A co-worker ordered one last fall, and is STILL waiting for his to be delivered. You can't find those on a lot here anywhere in Canada. With covid, the fire at one of the ford manufacturing plants....and now that the microchips that they are putting into the vehicles are not available or in short supply makes getting your hands on a new ford vehicle hard! That is an awesome ride. She will love it!!!!

My next vehicle with be some sort of bigger cross-over or SUV type vehicle. My car does great's bigger/heavier and low to the ground which makes her great on not so great roads. But my next one will be one of the others.

Well, I should shuffle a few papers around.

Have a great day everyone!!! Stay safe and healthy!!!!!
DH ordered the Bronco for DD a few months ago. Yes, they are difficult to get...for several reasons.
I also love a large vehicle!

Good evening. I am finally back home. My aunt should be home later tonight and my brother will leave tomorrow. Dh and B are at Busch Gardens, so I am alone tonight.

It will be funny if we end up with rooms close to each other. I was also concerned about the noice from the pool, so I was really happy when lagoon view came available.

You have never shopped with my husband, He is such a pain to shop with. We have opposite shopping personalities. I like to go to the store, get what I need, and leave. He will spend a lot of time browsing and then go back for one last look.He also tends to be very indecisive.

That's probably what I will have to do. I got her a nice file folder for her bills. I really hope she doesn't continue to stick them in dresser drawers.


Are you anywhere neat Oshkosh? I have a friend who lives there.

Oh no. Any chance they will give you a new computer?

Very relieved. This is her 4th time fighting cancer.

I should probably go and unpack. I think I will spend the rest of the evening doing nothing.
I grew up about 20 minutes from Oshkosh. Have you ever been there? They have a week long annual international aircraft show that's a pretty big deal for flying lovers. Hotels and campgrounds book up over a year in advance, for 60 miles away in all directions.

You deserve a cool feeling, quiet house Charade. And a good long sleep in your own bed. Hehe, we had my mom do mail piles on the floor next to her chair. Piles were to save, to recycle, and to trash. Whoever showed up to visit was the pile cleaner upper. Otherwise, not a drawer, but a piled high table of mail and other papers we had to go through. We gave her a shredder that she sometimes used, though shredding was also a you show up, your job to do. I can understand as my mom was a child of the great depression. And yay, hope we get rooms near each other. I do leave the 2nd, but have an evening flight, that I very much hoping not to be changed in any way, so will probably leave around 5:30pm. Will checkout early, and put luggage to keep while I enjoy last day park fun.

Ah, a quiet evening for me. Older one will not return from work for another almost two hours, and little one is online playing I’m not sure with her friends. She complained of a painful shoulder when she came home from her work. Said coworker pushed down on it, and popped back. Um, not sure exactly what popped that was needed to be put back, but I guess she is okay, as I did not see any swelling. Told her to take some pain medicine, and if still hurt, call doctor tomorrow. But that little bugger. Had to put her arm next to mine. She’s already very tan. By the end of summer, she will be much tanner. Tans like her dad, with that olive Mediterranean skin.

And so, tea for me, coffee for her, and a smaller screen viewing for me. Relaxing, with alarm turned off. Perfect Friday night. Ahhhhh.
Hope your DDs shoulder is ok!

Well, on Thursday night it was arranged for us all that were out for dinner (kids and dogs too) to go for a long walk this morning.......I thought it might not happen.....but we all met early this morning and walked over 10 miles along the beach/prom area of our coastline.

Beautiful walk, even though the sun wasn`t shining, but it was warm and muggy, so hoodies wrapped around our waist as we didn`t need them. We really enjoyed it, although it was maybe a mile or two more than I should have done, but managed it fine.

Bacon sandwiches and tea waiting for us at the beach cafe when we got back....they were both welcome!!

Now recovering 😉 .........but felt wonderful and so much fun to go altogether with Kyle and some of our friends too with their adult kids too, usually it`s just a couple of us meet for a walk.

Earned my prosecco tonight..........🥂
10 miles! You earned 2 glasses of prosecco for tonight!!
More rain for us today....we waited forever for the rain to come, and now it won't hardly stop for days. No walk for the dogs sadly...I don't do drenched, lol!

Last night with friends was fun! It's always nice to have a few laughs and a couple of cocktails! Hopefully we will see each other again, sooner than later.

Today is a chore day at home. Not exactly my idea of fun, but needs to be done. And since it's a rainy day, not much else going a good day to work around the house.

DH ordered the Bronco for DD a few months ago. Yes, they are difficult to get...for several reasons.
I also love a large vehicle!

I grew up about 20 minutes from Oshkosh. Have you ever been there? They have a week long annual international aircraft show that's a pretty big deal for flying lovers. Hotels and campgrounds book up over a year in advance, for 60 miles away in all directions.

Hope your DDs shoulder is ok!

10 miles! You earned 2 glasses of prosecco for tonight!!
More rain for us today....we waited forever for the rain to come, and now it won't hardly stop for days. No walk for the dogs sadly...I don't do drenched, lol!

Last night with friends was fun! It's always nice to have a few laughs and a couple of cocktails! Hopefully we will see each other again, sooner than later.

Today is a chore day at home. Not exactly my idea of fun, but needs to be done. And since it's a rainy day, not much else going a good day to work around the house.

View attachment 584858

I always imagine you to have sunshine.....or snow! Rain doesn`t seem to fit for your`ll be glad when it improves and you can get the dogs back out again.

Glad you had such a lovely evening with does us the power of good to be around them as often as we can.

Rain doesn`t bother me too much, as long as I`m dressed for it and it`s not cold nor windy at the same time. And I hate getting soaked. But, a little drizzle is fine.......yes, I earned a whole bottle I think!!! We did laught the other night at dinner......there was a table for 2 near us, a couple....he was on coke and she had a bottle of prosecco and drank the whole thing to herself.....she looked happy as Larry, he looked miserable as guy!

Just the two of us for dinner tonight, made another curry last night so the flavours would develop for tonight, and I`ve just added the chicken to the sauce I made, and it`ll simmer away for the next few hours. Smells gorgeous!!!

Managed to do some housework and will get any laundry done that we need. With us having guests while we`re away, I`ve got their room ready and just a few things to add before they arrive tomorrow evening. He joked to Kyle he was hoping I`d leave a chocolate on their pillows at night, so I have some lindt chocolates for their room in a bowl and will place one each on their pillows......well, he did ask! He always has some wonderful tales to tell being in CiD and she works as a traffic officer.

Cup of tea........or.........maybe something`s 5 o` clock somewhere 😉
A bit of rain just passed by an hour ago. But that was dried up within an hour. And it’s raining quite noisy now. And the heat wave not quite starting yet. 88 degrees the high, with that Summer chances of wicked, spectacular thunderstorms. But predicted 90’s to be started tomorrow, with excessive heat warnings Monday and Tuesday.

Off to see if little one will do errands with me. With her salty response that not quite ready, means I think her shoulder is okay. Will keep an eye on her. Thanks Paris. I think it’s sore because lots of physical work with camp work starting this week, but hope it’s just a soreness and nothing more.
Can`t forget to wish Robbie and her family a wonderful wedding day for her Granddaughter and her new husband.......what they have planned for the whole day sounds so beautiful.......💞

Cheers 🥂


Good afternoon everyone. I think I was a lot more exhausted for the past week than I realized. I woke up at 6:00, fed the cat, and went back to sleep. I woke up briefly at 8:00 and 10:00, but was still very groggy and went back to sleep. Finally woke up for good at noon.

And yay, hope we get rooms near each other. I do leave the 2nd, but have an evening flight, that I very much hoping not to be changed in any way, so will probably leave around 5:30pm. Will checkout early, and put luggage to keep while I enjoy last day park fun.
My flight gets in a little after 3:00 ion the 1st, so we could meet for dinner, breakfast, lunch, or even some park time. I'll private message you my phone number when we get closer to trip time.

Well, on Thursday night it was arranged for us all that were out for dinner (kids and dogs too) to go for a long walk this morning.......I thought it might not happen.....but we all met early this morning and walked over 10 miles along the beach/prom area of our coastline.
Wow. We didn't even do that much in a day at Disney. I need to start walking more, but can't seem to get motivated in this heat.

I grew up about 20 minutes from Oshkosh. Have you ever been there?
I have never been to Wisconsin. I don't often get out of the south east.

there was a table for 2 near us, a couple....he was on coke
That has a completely different meaning than the one you intended. 😜

Today's project is to attempt to get my mom off so may charity mailing lists. When I was shredding mail I kept some of the addresses and today I will write to the and tell them to take her off lists. It should be illegal for charities sell or even exchange their mailing lists. I am convinced that they deliberately target senior citizens. My brother has started getting a lot of charity mailings and he just turned 65 back in April.
This is Happy Day for Robbie
Her granddaughters wedding

Wishing the happy couple years of happiness as they start their life together today

I need to play catch up here ... way behind posts and updates

Still waiting for my car to be finished but it’s a pipe dream isn’t it
Charade………yes, my terminology is very British at times.

My mother is quite savvy for an 86 year old, now she has fun with these phone calls trying to extract money from her on the phone……..well, she was bored during lockdown…………all postal mail not welcome from her gets shredded, but yes, it’s a nasty practice from people who will prey on the vulnerable.

mac……’ll get it back eventually…….at least you have mr Mac’s to fall back on………yes, I think Robbie and family will be having the best day.

Prosecco is open…….watching The Game with Michael Douglas, fabulous movie if you’ve never seen it.

Curry was delicious and no room for snacks tonight……..well, maybe a chip and dip later……..::yes::
Yeah, my mom used to give a small donation in memory of someone once in awhile, Charade, and we tossed a large pile of address labels and stickers she got from them. At least my mom was wise enough to ignore all most of the time. Even at our house, sometimes the amount of junk mail we get is the majority of what we have in our mailbox. Why we have a recycle paper bag next to the front door. Relentless.

Ah, burger dinner, as just a little one and me. With chicken noodle soup and salad, all food little one likes to eat. Ack, she wants to go for a smoothie from Mr. Wish. Um, not a yogurt fan, so gave it a pass. Tea, why yes. After dinner drink for me. Quite nice, I have to say.
Seventeen! Seventeen different organizations asking for charity donations. Some I know are legitimate, but others I have never heard of. I just hope I can get her off these lists.

Its never easy getting names removed from lists. It does take time, but worth persevering. Hope you can sort her out……

Yeah, my mom used to give a small donation in memory of someone once in awhile, Charade, and we tossed a large pile of address labels and stickers she got from them. At least my mom was wise enough to ignore all most of the time. Even at our house, sometimes the amount of junk mail we get is the majority of what we have in our mailbox. Why we have a recycle paper bag next to the front door. Relentless.

Ah, burger dinner, as just a little one and me. With chicken noodle soup and salad, all food little one likes to eat. Ack, she wants to go for a smoothie from Mr. Wish. Um, not a yogurt fan, so gave it a pass. Tea, why yes. After dinner drink for me. Quite nice, I have to say.

Burgers and chicken noodle soup? she must have been hungry… a yoghurt smoothie, not many places do them over here, but do make our own now and again.

Getting muggy here again tonight…….weather is looking good for next week in Scotland, so if we do manage a day out it’ll be nice…..

Enjoyed the movie…..watching different channels right now as someone is roaming through trying to find something…….I wish I was a tv fan……I do have a friend that watches it from early hours…..not my thing at all……

Windows will be open tonight for sure in the bedroom…….weirdly cool and muggy at the same time……
:wave2: Making a quick evening stop in!!!

Just waiting for the boys to get back from the big city. I am catching up on some tv I had missed and enjoying the portable air conditioner that we finally set back up again for this heat wave. It is HOT...and supposed to stay like this for a few days yet. We are breaking an over 60 yr old record for number of consecutive days over 90F +. I enjoy it...others not so much. We really don't get this hot for this long. We will spike up to this hot...but only for a day or two...then it's gone.

Came home, deep cleaned the bathroom (it was really needing a good cleaning again) and puttered and cleaned a few other areas. I tossed some chicken breasts into the airfryer, to cook them quick...then whipped up a chicken ceasar salad wrap! It was exactly what I was needing. I just wanted something light with the heat...and this was perfect!!! Still have some chicken to have another one or 2 for the next day or two.

Think I finally found a pattern for a new quilt I want to make for my sister. Now to find some fabric she would like. Get it here, so when we have some rain or some downtime, then I can get started on it.
Very relieved. This is her 4th time fighting cancer.
She sounds like she's a spitfire and doesn't give up easily. She sounds like she would have a few interesting stories to share.
She complained of a painful shoulder when she came home from her work. Said coworker pushed down on it, and popped back. Um, not sure exactly what popped that was needed to be put back, but I guess she is okay, as I did not see any swelling. Told her to take some pain medicine, and if still hurt, call doctor tomorrow
I am glad her shoulder is on the mend. I hope you get a little reprieve from all the rain soon. YOu might start to grow pin feathers
Getting muggy here again tonight…….weather is looking good for next week in Scotland, so if we do manage a day out it’ll be nice…..
Have a wonderful time in Scotland!!!! I can't wait to hear your tales when you return.

Well, I should go and give my flowers outside another drink of water. I moved them into some shade...but they are drinking up lots of water in this heat.
Have a great night everyone!!!!!584989Screenshot_20210626-190116.png
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Schumi in case I miss you later tomorrow, hope you have a safe trip!
Be sure to show us pics of Scotland when you return home.

I know you leave on Monday but I have not been an early riser the past week

Thanks mac.....I`m sure we`ll catch up plenty before I leave....... 😉 So much to chat about!!!

:wave2: Making a quick evening stop in!!!

Just waiting for the boys to get back from the big city. I am catching up on some tv I had missed and enjoying the portable air conditioner that we finally set back up again for this heat wave. It is HOT...and supposed to stay like this for a few days yet. We are breaking an over 60 yr old record for number of consecutive days over 90F +. I enjoy it...others not so much. We really don't get this hot for this long. We will spike up to this hot...but only for a day or two...then it's gone.

Came home, deep cleaned the bathroom (it was really needing a good cleaning again) and puttered and cleaned a few other areas. I tossed some chicken breasts into the airfryer, to cook them quick...then whipped up a chicken ceasar salad wrap! It was exactly what I was needing. I just wanted something light with the heat...and this was perfect!!! Still have some chicken to have another one or 2 for the next day or two.

Think I finally found a pattern for a new quilt I want to make for my sister. Now to find some fabric she would like. Get it here, so when we have some rain or some downtime, then I can get started on it.

She sounds like she's a spitfire and doesn't give up easily. She sounds like she would have a few interesting stories to share.

I am glad her shoulder is on the mend. I hope you get a little reprieve from all the rain soon. YOu might start to grow pin feathers

Have a wonderful time in Scotland!!!! I can't wait to hear your tales when you return.

Well, I should go and give my flowers outside another drink of water. I moved them into some shade...but they are drinking up lots of water in this heat.
Have a great night everyone!!!!!View attachment 584989View attachment 584989

Thanks Pumpkin......hope you have a great week ahead......and yes, we have heatwaves like we too absolutely make the most of them when we get them......

Someone is asleep at the wheel tonight...
No porch light on and I tripped over the cat on the porch steps ..🤬

We need Charade back so you can see in the dark.......💡

Well, weird morning....sunny and foggy at the same time, but going to be nice.

Need to pop out for a few bits this morning and then the Grand Prix, will see how much of that we watch depending on what happens. Then dinner will be a bbq tonight, Kyle`s friends will arrive later, so won`t be feeding them which is a shame, I like them a lot. They`re staying till Saturday or maybe Sunday when their home will be, or should be finished.

Won`t take me long to pack later, then head off early tomorrow. Having trouble fitting everyone in we want to see, so I guess we`ll upset someone, but we have our main family and our oldest friends covered.

Think more fog is rolling in now off the sea. It`s gone a bit dull.

Bacon and poached eggs this morning.......




Have a wonderful Sunday :flower3:
A wonderful Sunday indeed.

Safe travels Schumi. Hope the family visit is perfect. And nice to have the couple staying in your home while you are away. Hope tea is being enjoyed as it’s your afternoon now.

Eh, for me, nice to have a lazy Sunday. And a warm one like Pumpkin. 90 degrees for us, and a partly sunny day, with a heat advisory issued. Already 75 out, and oh so muggy. But awww, have heard a dove cooing yesterday morning and today too.

So a typical Sunday. By nightfall, trash will leave the house and be filled in cans lined up along the curb, ready to be dumped into a trash truck early Monday morning. And by nightfall, any kitchen stocking up needed will be done, and alarm already set. And early bedtime, as back to routine tomorrow, too.

But as this coming weekend is a holiday one, I decided I needed an even longer one. Yay to an XXL weekend, with taking off Friday and be off the holiday Monday. Woot!!! Short weeks? Yay! ::yes::

Well I think little one will be okay. She jumped when I touched where she said was sore, so I think it’s still a bit sore. Gave her a heat pad to put on it, and said to take more pain medicine. If it’s still sore a few more days, I’ll recommend she talk with the doctor. She will surely be sweating tomorrow and Tuesday. Excessive heat advisory issued for Monday and Tuesday, as those muggy, full sunny days will have fell like temps of 100 degrees.

Summer? Oh yes it is. And why we don’t mind the heat in Florida. We have muggy heat and thunderstorms all Summer. So we are used to it. And my favorite is shorts, and hat, hair tied up, with shades. No need to pack any warmer clothes. Though I always toss in a pair of pants, as sometimes the evenings are cool enough that more comfortable to be in long pants.

Ahhh, still the weekend. And morning for us. The AC is cranking, and it’s otherwise quiet, with besides hearing the AC, the washer and dryers are running, and the teapot has been on the stove, being heated until it whistled, and almost empty now. Remote has been in hand, and watching cooking and cocktails shows. Eh, not much on in the early mornings and later evenings. How shows are from 2012 still on? Oh well, old food and cocktails recipes are always of some interest.

Thus, the Sunday for this house. Will be sweating like Pumpkin, enjoying those 90’s, and starting our heat wave too.
00D4AE82-950C-4838-808F-2D2567098E56.jpeg ::yes::

:wave2: Super Duper Sunday homies.
I always imagine you to have sunshine.....or snow! Rain doesn`t seem to fit for your`ll be glad when it improves and you can get the dogs back out again.

Glad you had such a lovely evening with does us the power of good to be around them as often as we can.

Rain doesn`t bother me too much, as long as I`m dressed for it and it`s not cold nor windy at the same time. And I hate getting soaked. But, a little drizzle is fine.......yes, I earned a whole bottle I think!!! We did laught the other night at dinner......there was a table for 2 near us, a couple....he was on coke and she had a bottle of prosecco and drank the whole thing to herself.....she looked happy as Larry, he looked miserable as guy!

Just the two of us for dinner tonight, made another curry last night so the flavours would develop for tonight, and I`ve just added the chicken to the sauce I made, and it`ll simmer away for the next few hours. Smells gorgeous!!!

Managed to do some housework and will get any laundry done that we need. With us having guests while we`re away, I`ve got their room ready and just a few things to add before they arrive tomorrow evening. He joked to Kyle he was hoping I`d leave a chocolate on their pillows at night, so I have some lindt chocolates for their room in a bowl and will place one each on their pillows......well, he did ask! He always has some wonderful tales to tell being in CiD and she works as a traffic officer.

Cup of tea........or.........maybe something`s 5 o` clock somewhere 😉
We get all types of weather, sometimes all in the same day, lol!
I wish I knew how to make a mild curry....yours sounds amazing!

Good afternoon everyone. I think I was a lot more exhausted for the past week than I realized. I woke up at 6:00, fed the cat, and went back to sleep. I woke up briefly at 8:00 and 10:00, but was still very groggy and went back to sleep. Finally woke up for good at noon.

My flight gets in a little after 3:00 ion the 1st, so we could meet for dinner, breakfast, lunch, or even some park time. I'll private message you my phone number when we get closer to trip time.

Wow. We didn't even do that much in a day at Disney. I need to start walking more, but can't seem to get motivated in this heat.

I have never been to Wisconsin. I don't often get out of the south east.

That has a completely different meaning than the one you intended. 😜

Today's project is to attempt to get my mom off so may charity mailing lists. When I was shredding mail I kept some of the addresses and today I will write to the and tell them to take her off lists. It should be illegal for charities sell or even exchange their mailing lists. I am convinced that they deliberately target senior citizens. My brother has started getting a lot of charity mailings and he just turned 65 back in April.
I love the south! Stay put where you are....WI is overrated, especially in the winter, bleh!!

:wave2: Making a quick evening stop in!!!

Just waiting for the boys to get back from the big city. I am catching up on some tv I had missed and enjoying the portable air conditioner that we finally set back up again for this heat wave. It is HOT...and supposed to stay like this for a few days yet. We are breaking an over 60 yr old record for number of consecutive days over 90F +. I enjoy it...others not so much. We really don't get this hot for this long. We will spike up to this hot...but only for a day or two...then it's gone.

Came home, deep cleaned the bathroom (it was really needing a good cleaning again) and puttered and cleaned a few other areas. I tossed some chicken breasts into the airfryer, to cook them quick...then whipped up a chicken ceasar salad wrap! It was exactly what I was needing. I just wanted something light with the heat...and this was perfect!!! Still have some chicken to have another one or 2 for the next day or two.

Think I finally found a pattern for a new quilt I want to make for my sister. Now to find some fabric she would like. Get it here, so when we have some rain or some downtime, then I can get started on it.

She sounds like she's a spitfire and doesn't give up easily. She sounds like she would have a few interesting stories to share.

I am glad her shoulder is on the mend. I hope you get a little reprieve from all the rain soon. YOu might start to grow pin feathers

Have a wonderful time in Scotland!!!! I can't wait to hear your tales when you return.

Well, I should go and give my flowers outside another drink of water. I moved them into some shade...but they are drinking up lots of water in this heat.
Have a great night everyone!!!!!View attachment 584989View attachment 584989
Stay cool Pumpkin!!
And that chicken caesar wrap sounds yum...may have to run that past DH and DD for this week!

Thanks mac.....I`m sure we`ll catch up plenty before I leave....... 😉 So much to chat about!!!

Thanks Pumpkin......hope you have a great week ahead......and yes, we have heatwaves like we too absolutely make the most of them when we get them......

We need Charade back so you can see in the dark.......💡

Well, weird morning....sunny and foggy at the same time, but going to be nice.

Need to pop out for a few bits this morning and then the Grand Prix, will see how much of that we watch depending on what happens. Then dinner will be a bbq tonight, Kyle`s friends will arrive later, so won`t be feeding them which is a shame, I like them a lot. They`re staying till Saturday or maybe Sunday when their home will be, or should be finished.

Won`t take me long to pack later, then head off early tomorrow. Having trouble fitting everyone in we want to see, so I guess we`ll upset someone, but we have our main family and our oldest friends covered.

Think more fog is rolling in now off the sea. It`s gone a bit dull.

Bacon and poached eggs this morning.......




Have a wonderful Sunday :flower3:
Almost Scotland time!!!! Have a super, terrific, wonderful, awesome visit!!!!!
I know you'll have so many fun stories to tell....cannot wait to hear about your adventures!
Bon voyage:car:

A wonderful Sunday indeed.

Safe travels Schumi. Hope the family visit is perfect. And nice to have the couple staying in your home while you are away. Hope tea is being enjoyed as it’s your afternoon now.

Eh, for me, nice to have a lazy Sunday. And a warm one like Pumpkin. 90 degrees for us, and a partly sunny day, with a heat advisory issued. Already 75 out, and oh so muggy. But awww, have heard a dove cooing yesterday morning and today too.

So a typical Sunday. By nightfall, trash will leave the house and be filled in cans lined up along the curb, ready to be dumped into a trash truck early Monday morning. And by nightfall, any kitchen stocking up needed will be done, and alarm already set. And early bedtime, as back to routine tomorrow, too.

But as this coming weekend is a holiday one, I decided I needed an even longer one. Yay to an XXL weekend, with taking off Friday and be off the holiday Monday. Woot!!! Short weeks? Yay! ::yes::

Well I think little one will be okay. She jumped when I touched where she said was sore, so I think it’s still a bit sore. Gave her a heat pad to put on it, and said to take more pain medicine. If it’s still sore a few more days, I’ll recommend she talk with the doctor. She will surely be sweating tomorrow and Tuesday. Excessive heat advisory issued for Monday and Tuesday, as those muggy, full sunny days will have fell like temps of 100 degrees.

Summer? Oh yes it is. And why we don’t mind the heat in Florida. We have muggy heat and thunderstorms all Summer. So we are used to it. And my favorite is shorts, and hat, hair tied up, with shades. No need to pack any warmer clothes. Though I always toss in a pair of pants, as sometimes the evenings are cool enough that more comfortable to be in long pants.

Ahhh, still the weekend. And morning for us. The AC is cranking, and it’s otherwise quiet, with besides hearing the AC, the washer and dryers are running, and the teapot has been on the stove, being heated until it whistled, and almost empty now. Remote has been in hand, and watching cooking and cocktails shows. Eh, not much on in the early mornings and later evenings. How shows are from 2012 still on? Oh well, old food and cocktails recipes are always of some interest.

Thus, the Sunday for this house. Will be sweating like Pumpkin, enjoying those 90’s, and starting our heat wave too.
View attachment 585025 ::yes::

:wave2: Super Duper Sunday homies.
Yes to XXL weekends!!
DD and I are trying to convince DH to take an extra day too. We are hoping the weather will be good for a cookout and boating!!

Since the weather is not good for boating today, I think we will go shopping.
DH needs some new golf socks.
And DD needs 2 new pair of dress shoes.
One pair to go with the dress she found for her white coat ceremony, and the other pair to wear with the professional outfits worn during her orientation days. A real departure from the usual college uniform of yoga pants and a tshirt, lol!!

DD asked to have breakfast for supper tonight. Anyone here ever do that??
I think we will have home made waffles, sausage and fruit tonight. Which means this morning we will keep it simple with cereal and yogurt. Maybe we will eat lunch out while shopping...easy, peasy meal day!

Happy sunday all!

Has been a wildly over-scheduled week here between PT appoints & GD schedule to keep. Today having family over for a cookout, doing grilled hawaiian chicken to avoid heating up the kitchen in this heat wave. Next week’s calendar looking rather busy too, wheeeeee

Lori your mr had to pull strings for that blazer! Haven’t even seen them on the road here. Most dealers have such slim pickings Bring on those computer chips!

Robbie - hoping the big day went as planned & that you’ll have some pics to share of the blushing bride :)

Carole - happy (long) over-due trails to you!

Mac - going to look for a large roll of bubble wrap for you, precious cargo. Take it easy & heal.

Andy - congrats to you & the mr!

Charade. Sorry you’ve had such a challenging week, know how frustrating it can be in that situation.

Apologies for being SOOOO absent! I've missed you silly lot! :crazy:
My Dear Bride and I did finally manage to squeeze in a DVC stay in late May at Copper Creek and Saratoga Springs...even had two of daughters join us for a few days. The trip definitely wasn't without incident but we "soldier'd on"...

Been busy with family stuff, work stuff and-MOST IMPORTANTLY-Trip bookin' stuff!!! :banana:

Hope everybody is doing ok! :cool1:


Nice! We are heading back Friday for our 2nd stay this year @ CCV, then onto PBH. WL is one of our home resorts, really love it there.
Oh had pool view booked for my SF stay, changed to lagoon for same price. Yay, I think. No movement on my RPR Save More price as booked almost a year ago. AP rate not even close to it. That’s just a standard room, but fine with me.

Yea you! Other than seeing initial AP drop, My rates booked all year have just risen
LG……thanks, we are super excited to be travelling up there tomorrow. Enjoy that weather.

Lori…….have a look for Korma style curry or butter chicken curry, both are very mild and quite tasty and no spice. Kyle doesn’t like spice and will eat butter chicken curry.

I don’t know if I’m the odd one or not, but we NEVER eat breakfast for dinner…….never felt right at all the one time someone made it for me and, no……but hope you enjoy it!

And thanks……think this one won‘t have many tales as we’ll be visiting everyone mostly. Might get one day out and about…….have fun shopping, hope you get lots of stuff.

Keisha…… sounds so good as always! And yes, enjoy that heatwave you’re experiencing…… do have a busy week ahead of you…….doing something nice on Friday I think ::yes::

You’ll have a blast I’m sure.

Still a little weird weather wise today…….looks cool but feels warm and sun has gone behind the fog like mist.

Been preparing food for the bbq while the race was on, not a bad result but not the best race ever. Funny day today.

Hope everyone’s having a lovely Sunday
Paris, we do breakfast food items for dinner many times. Scrambled eggs and home fries, toast, pancakes or waffles. I know, kinda strange, but we rarely do a cooked breakfast on week days, so that’s why breakfast food dinners are what is asked for.

Yay, Schumi doing a bbq dinner. Pictures, yes, would be lovely to see some from your visits.

Keisha, wow, was a busy week for you. More mummy dust healing of your foot. Yep, no need to want to heat up the kitchen when it’s so hot out. Pool time, I hope you get, today. Yep, when I saw that slight increase for lagoon view, why not? Same with the 20 dollar a night difference, yes to a HRH stay instead. But yep, my RPR rate booked many moons ago, is still the lowest I have seen. Was going to do the Mouse, but since I guess all want to be there on the 50th, hotel rates are ridiculously high, so SF it is. And I like that hotel, and good AP rate, I think.

Ack, both kids think online game playing is more fun than shopping with mom. So, off I am. Will be nice, and maybe stop for coffee for little one. Yesterday, we got a milk and green tea drink at Mr. Wish for older one to drink. It’s in the refrigerator, so will remind him to drink it. TTFN.


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