Something About Nothing............ #14

Good morning. No sunrise pictures from me. It’s very rare that I get up before the sun.

I actually had a decent nights sleep for a change. Caspian didn’t wake me up demanding food at 4:00. He didn’t get up until I did.

Lynne - It seems like you have been having trouble with that laptop for some time. I hope you can get a new one.

I’m off to work to see what fun awaits me.

I think I`ve always been an early bod, from being very young, thankfully Tom and Kyle are exactly the same, but I do enjoy burning the candle at both ends some late nights too!

Had a lovely walk this morning, weather was beautiful and a little breezy which helped with the sunshine blazing on us.

Then lunch with some other friends, won`t need dinner tonight for sure! We all had steaks that were rather larger than we ordered, but very tasty and well cooked. A nice way to celebrate our friend taking early retirement at 52. They`re off to Spain and Italy for 6 weeks.

I think Tom is making us some tea in the kitchen, and we brought some dessert home, huge slices of her celebration cake. Can`t go wrong with tea and cake!
Good Morning! Another hot day here. Yesterday my patio thermometer read low 90’s in the shade!
My friend picked me up and we headed to Pandora at local mall to shop for a friends birthday present. Then stopped for coffee. We poked into a few stores and saw a shirt I liked but not up to trying on things yet.
surgical site is getting better day by day but still sore. Have my post op appt on 21st. Still no word on oncologist appt.

Last night I went over to the brother in laws house, only 3 blocks but I drove, it’s a big hill! Out of town friends were here. Always fun seeing them.

Today I have my appt with my RMT then meeting a friend for coffee. Going to be another hot one.

@schumigirl welcome back! The sunrise is beautiful. I love a good sunrise or sunset.

@Charade67 glad you got a good sleep! I always feel good when I do. I woke up at 2:30am and was afraid I would be up half the night but managed to get back to sleep.

I just got the Email about Passholder night 8/26! I’m so excited I’ll be there. Does anyone know what they do? I’ve been during passholder appreciation days but not a specific night.
Sue, we have done the night a couple of times. The first one we went to was the best to us though. Walk on most of the rides, and they have special characters out and photo oops. Like this one:
I just had a minor panic attack. I had emailed guest services at Universal a question about my upcoming trip. I just got a response back saying that all reservations under my name and email are showing canceled. Um…no. I have been making payments on this trip and still have a small balance due. I called and thankfully my trip has not been canceled. This was not what I needed after a long day at work. (I left 2.5 hiurs later than I usually do.)

I just got the Email about Passholder night 8/26!

Walk on most of the rides, and they have special characters out and photo oops.

I’m sorry I’m going to miss that, but It’s too late to change plans now.
Last edited:
Charade…That is good you did get correct info and all is well for you.

Your trip has been confirmed 100%.
@Charade67 id call that a major panic attack!
Actually when my TA went to cancel my RPH res because I rebooked it at a lower rate and she was unavailable so told be to go ahead and book then in the morning she‘d cancel hers, BUT when she called they said they had canceled it in April because there was some unknown problem with my credit card and they had her email wrong. Ugh. Good thing or I would have showed up without a reservation!

@Lynne G what a cute photo! It looks like I’ll be solo on passholder night, my daughter doesn’t have an AP. She only goes once a year so I get her the 2 week international 3 park pass.
I’ve been to Passholder Days but not the night!
Ack, that’s crazy. Charade. Glad they confirmed your reservation.

Sue, was talking with little one, we may change our dates to cover the Passholder night. Cheaper airfare and got the same rate for RPR for that Saturday to Saturday. Wee, come home in beginning of September, then two weeks later, back for two more weeks at RPR. Oh my. And I’m pretty sure little one’s pass expires in August. But can’t remember date. Have to give a call. Hoping that 3 month bonus for AP is still available the 30 days before her pass expires. Mine renewed in April. So no issue with mine expiring this year.

Oh and very interesting, the years we went to the passholder night, all was only in the Studios. This year, in IOA. I guess because AP lounge in IOA now? Also the last year they had it , 2019, we had to go over during the morning and get a wristband. Now you have to make a reservation. I hope I get a good head’s up when they open for reservations. I know where my pass is, told little one, she better find hers in the next couple of days. Pretty sure it’s still in her luggage. We shall see.
Ack, that’s crazy. Charade. Glad they confirmed your reservation.

Sue, was talking with little one, we may change our dates to cover the Passholder night. Cheaper airfare and got the same rate for RPR for that Saturday to Saturday. Wee, come home in beginning of September, then two weeks later, back for two more weeks at RPR. Oh my. And I’m pretty sure little one’s pass expires in August. But can’t remember date. Have to give a call. Hoping that 3 month bonus for AP is still available the 30 days before her pass expires. Mine renewed in April. So no issue with mine expiring this year.

Oh and very interesting, the years we went to the passholder night, all was only in the Studios. This year, in IOA. I guess because AP lounge in IOA now? Also the last year they had it , 2019, we had to go over during the morning and get a wristband. Now you have to make a reservation. I hope I get a good head’s up when they open for reservations. I know where my pass is, told little one, she better find hers in the next couple of days. Pretty sure it’s still in her luggage. We shall see.
Yay! yes I hope we get to reserve in time too. Although it will be just me, daughter doesn’t have AP
Good Morning! Another hot day here. Yesterday my patio thermometer read low 90’s in the shade!
My friend picked me up and we headed to Pandora at local mall to shop for a friends birthday present. Then stopped for coffee. We poked into a few stores and saw a shirt I liked but not up to trying on things yet.
surgical site is getting better day by day but still sore. Have my post op appt on 21st. Still no word on oncologist appt.

Last night I went over to the brother in laws house, only 3 blocks but I drove, it’s a big hill! Out of town friends were here. Always fun seeing them.

Today I have my appt with my RMT then meeting a friend for coffee. Going to be another hot one.

@schumigirl welcome back! The sunrise is beautiful. I love a good sunrise or sunset.

@Charade67 glad you got a good sleep! I always feel good when I do. I woke up at 2:30am and was afraid I would be up half the night but managed to get back to sleep.

I just got the Email about Passholder night 8/26! I’m so excited I’ll be there. Does anyone know what they do? I’ve been during passholder appreciation days but not a specific night.

Thank you Sue.

I just had a minor panic attack. I had emailed guest services at Universal a question about my upcoming trip. I just got a response back saying that all reservations under my name and email are showing canceled. Um…no. I have been making payments on this trip and still have a small balance due. I called and thankfully my trip has not been canceled. This was not what I needed after a long day at work. (I left 2.5 hiurs later than I usually do.)

I’m sorry I’m going to miss that, but It’s too late to change plans now. I’m

Glad it was all sorted for you Charade, must have given you quite a shock though to see the email.

Another beautiful and sunny day and hot too!! For us being in the 70`s at 7am is very unusual, but very welcome. Walked for 5 miles along the promenade and it was lovely as the tide was in, being breezy it was quite something to see the waves pounding on the sea wall further along.

Just the two of us this morning so we didn`t stop at the cafe, they do amazing scones, came home showered and now about to leave for a dental appointment in an hour or so. I hate when the appointments are through lunchtime, so I`ll be starving when I get home, might stop off for lunch somewhere.

Might sit in the garden this afternoon, waiting for a parcel to arrive today, I ordered and beautiful tea service, lovely silver teapot that will need some cleaning to keep it shiny!!! It`s supposed to arrive today, just spoke to mum and she mentioned last thing I need is another teapot!! She`s probably right.

@keishashadow enjoy that cruise and hope Millers was good last night!!!!


This is the only camping I`d do....I`m sure you`d come along with this



Have a wonderful Friday!!!!!!​
Thanks Mac. That would be great, as I know her pass expires near the end of August as I’m pretty sure when we were in Universal last August, I remember walking into the Studios with her some day before we left, and the team member said to little one, you know it’s your last day on your pass. Ooh, gave a call and renewed her pass that afternoon, when we came back to relax and pool time.

Sue I hope we both get the reservations. Should be a fun night. If you’d like, we can meet up sometime during the night. I bought her an AP the year before, as we went several times that year. Last year, we went January, August, September and December. Then January this year, May this year and now August and September. So made sense to get her a pass these last couple of years. She hasn’t had one as long as mine though. I buy it when I know she will be there more than a week during the year it’s good. And even nicer, she is Seasonal, and when we went in December, that December they allowed Seasonal, usually blocked, to be in the Studios during a concert. I always wanted to see the concert, and was perfect we both could see it together. This year, she was blocked out for Mardi Gras, but that started on our last day, so we just went into IOA together. I did bop into the Studios to get that discount food gift card, so was a yay for me. Done switching weeks. RPR booked at same AP rate we had for the other week. And now have that crack of dawn flight down. Yay! And have even more SW credit to use on another flight. Maybe December or January next year. Time now to cancel the other hotel reservations, and start the rinse and repeat for rental, as now looks higher for that week then what I have for when we were going to be.

Hope your dental visit goes well, Schumi, and a nice lunch after.

A woot to Keisha, have an awesome cruise.

Oooh it is a Friday. And still summer weather here. Feel like temp this afternoon will be 95 degrees. Actual temp? 89 degrees. And so humid, yep, will fire up isolated thunderstorms in my area, starting around 1 pm. Hope that means I’ll get my longer lunch, and lunchtime walk in just cloudy skies.

Ah yes. A Friday and still have that so happy one, given the very short week day routine week, and my shortest week day routine day. Woot!

So up in that still predawn hour. Was awake just before alarm went off. Hot shower, and should be a quiet day. Thankfully.

Have a most fabulous Friday all.
:wave2: I blinked and it was Friday!!!!

Worked at homecare/healthcare job the last 2 days. So there is NOT much free time. I seen someone called in sick today. I'm waiting for paperwork to hit my desk here - then pick up the remainder of that shift. $$$ for trips!!!!!

Weather has been warm - ish. Not scorching hot, but pleasantly warm - and has been quite cool in the evenings - which is really weird for summer. But this weather is also creating lots of thunderstorm warnings too...and the headaches that come with the barometric changes :rolleyes2 I'll take this warm weather over our winter days - hands down.

Not sure what is planned for the weekend. We are supposed to have fantastic weather. The boys want to go fishing all weekend. One day - we all will head out to one lake - then the other day they will head out to do some fly fishing, and I'll keep myself busy at home! There is always a little putzing and tidying for me to do.

I started looking ahead to my Universal trip and wondered what plans I should start making, but realized I really don’t need to make any plans. I’m going alone again so I can do whatever I want.
Fun....but I'm sure you had a mild heart attack when you got the notification for cancelling. It's amazing that you go on y our own. I hope you have a fantastic time!
Going to take my niece and little J out for breakfast this morning. Then I have to drop off my orthotic mold to have new shoe inserts made for my left foot. The one I had broke.
I hope you enjoyed your time with your niece and little J. They are a hoot and a half. It's only been a few days, and I'm already missing our gd. I'm counting down to when we see them next.
Good to be back!
:hug: It's great your back! A break away from the norm is always good. That picture of the sunrise :lovestruc WOW....that was beautiful!

Well, I should go hunt down some papers...and let the front sales team know I have a half day of work at the other job.

Have a great day everyone!
@schumigirl I stole your monkey meme and sent to daughter lol. Couldn’t resist. Enjoy the new tea set.

@Lynne. We can absolutely meet up on AP night. Wish we had a date for signup. Daughter only goes once a year as we aren’t very close and 6hr flight. The international ticket is 2 weeks/3 park no blackouts and cheaper than a seasonal so works for Us. Even a crack of dawn flight for us doesn’t get us into MCO till 5 or 6:00. She’ll have to skip the AP night. I’m sure she’ll live!

@Pumpkin1172 its been scorching here all week. Today it’s cooled off some, a big relief. Yes, I always looked at extra hours as more vacay cash too!

Nothing much to tell, I’m enjoying a day at home!
Happy Friday. Dh has a bit of a cold, so I decided it would be a good idea to spend some time away from home. B received a surprise monetary gift from her great aunt yesterday, so our first stop was the bank. Next was lunch then Barnes and Noble so B could spend some of the gift cards she got for graduation. Next was a trip to Sam’s Club - mostly for toilet paper, but I also ended up getting some pyjamas and a shirt. We ended the day at Crumble Cookies. We had a coupon for a free cookie. Now I’m trying to shake a headache.

This is the only camping I`d do..
Same here. I am not a fan of the great outdoors.
Weather has been warm - ish. Not scorching hot, but pleasantly warm - and has been quite cool in the evenings
Sounds like my kind of weather. It is too hot and humid here.
It's amazing that you go on y our own. I
This will only be my second solo trip. I love vacations with my family, but I have to admit it was nice being able to do my own thing and not having to hold everyone else’s stuff.
Happy Friday. Dh has a bit of a cold, so I decided it would be a good idea to spend some time away from home. B received a surprise monetary gift from her great aunt yesterday, so our first stop was the bank. Next was lunch then Barnes and Noble so B could spend some of the gift cards she got for graduation. Next was a trip to Sam’s Club - mostly for toilet paper, but I also ended up getting some pyjamas and a shirt. We ended the day at Crumble Cookies. We had a coupon for a free cookie. Now I’m trying to shake a headache.

Same here. I am not a fan of the great outdoors.

Sounds like my kind of weather. It is too hot and humid here.

This will only be my second solo trip. I love vacations with my family, but I have to admit it was nice being able to do my own thing and not having to hold everyone else’s stuff.
Hope the headache doesn't mean you’re getting the cold!
Sue, I guess because it’s still over a month away. Still haven’t seen the rush of fear tickets yet, but think end of July was when I bought it last year.

Charade, sounds like a fun day with B, but ack to headache. Drugs and a good night sleep I hope will make it go away. Sending well wishes mummy dust to your DH.

Only camping I would do is in a fancy cabin. After watching the RV tv shows, decided I would never buy one or use one. I like a hotel room with a nice bathroom. But obviously there is those that like that RV lifestyle.

Fading fast. Little one asked what we are doing tomorrow. Um, relaxing. We did get gas in the car, was no line. Figured rather than doing it in the weekend. Oh I do need to do a pick up tomorrow though. Guess I will spring that on her tomorrow.
Guess I’ll leave the night light on for ya’ll! Only 7:45pm here, getting ready to take dogs for a walk.

Lynne was Passholder night a paid event?
:wave2: I blinked and it was Friday!!!!

Worked at homecare/healthcare job the last 2 days. So there is NOT much free time. I seen someone called in sick today. I'm waiting for paperwork to hit my desk here - then pick up the remainder of that shift. $$$ for trips!!!!!

Weather has been warm - ish. Not scorching hot, but pleasantly warm - and has been quite cool in the evenings - which is really weird for summer. But this weather is also creating lots of thunderstorm warnings too...and the headaches that come with the barometric changes :rolleyes2 I'll take this warm weather over our winter days - hands down.

Not sure what is planned for the weekend. We are supposed to have fantastic weather. The boys want to go fishing all weekend. One day - we all will head out to one lake - then the other day they will head out to do some fly fishing, and I'll keep myself busy at home! There is always a little putzing and tidying for me to do.

Fun....but I'm sure you had a mild heart attack when you got the notification for cancelling. It's amazing that you go on y our own. I hope you have a fantastic time!

I hope you enjoyed your time with your niece and little J. They are a hoot and a half. It's only been a few days, and I'm already missing our gd. I'm counting down to when we see them next.

:hug: It's great your back! A break away from the norm is always good. That picture of the sunrise :lovestruc WOW....that was beautiful!

Well, I should go hunt down some papers...and let the front sales team know I have a half day of work at the other job.

Have a great day everyone!

Thanks is nice to be posting again!

Hope the weekend is a good one for you and you can realx after a busy week.

@schumigirl I stole your monkey meme and sent to daughter lol. Couldn’t resist. Enjoy the new tea set.

@Lynne. We can absolutely meet up on AP night. Wish we had a date for signup. Daughter only goes once a year as we aren’t very close and 6hr flight. The international ticket is 2 weeks/3 park no blackouts and cheaper than a seasonal so works for Us. Even a crack of dawn flight for us doesn’t get us into MCO till 5 or 6:00. She’ll have to skip the AP night. I’m sure she’ll live!

@Pumpkin1172 its been scorching here all week. Today it’s cooled off some, a big relief. Yes, I always looked at extra hours as more vacay cash too!

Nothing much to tell, I’m enjoying a day at home!

It seemed appropriate as I seem to roll my eyes more and more some days! Tea set is beautiful thanks, we do enjoy doing it properly when we have tea, we`re British, it`s what we do.

Happy Friday. Dh has a bit of a cold, so I decided it would be a good idea to spend some time away from home. B received a surprise monetary gift from her great aunt yesterday, so our first stop was the bank. Next was lunch then Barnes and Noble so B could spend some of the gift cards she got for graduation. Next was a trip to Sam’s Club - mostly for toilet paper, but I also ended up getting some pyjamas and a shirt. We ended the day at Crumble Cookies. We had a coupon for a free cookie. Now I’m trying to shake a headache.

Same here. I am not a fan of the great outdoors.

Sounds like my kind of weather. It is too hot and humid here.

This will only be my second solo trip. I love vacations with my family, but I have to admit it was nice being able to do my own thing and not having to hold everyone else’s stuff.

Hope you can avoid the cold, summer colds can be worse than winter ones at times.

We love our vacations where it has been the three of us, but once Kyle wasn`t coming with us anymore we embraced that "couple" time and love when it`s just the two of us again. It`s a different type of vacation but equally enjoyable whether it`s a family trip or a couple trip.

I do love the outdoors, just no desire to slum it in a tent. I know many that love camping but not for us, I believe that old saying where the only stars I`ll sleep under are 5 stars! Yep, hotel for us.

Had a lovely evening last night. Went to the town along the coast from us with some friends for drinks and one of them sent me this during the night, so this is not my picture....hers was better than the ones we took, but this was our sunset last night.

It was so hot too! The beach pubs and cafe`s were all so busy, it was lovely seeing everyone out enjoying the heat and still busy at 10/10.30 last night. How the other half live, we very rarely pop down into the towns along from us at night, well not that late usually. We all felt as though we were joining the night people for a change!


All the windows were wide open through the night, but it was still hot, although I did sleep really well, till around 4.30.....well, 4 hours sleep is enough for anyone! Didn`t want to disturb sleeping beauty so I got up hung out the white load of washing I popped on last night before we went to bed and have a load of darks on right now, they`ll be out before 6.30 and they`ll all be dry in no time as it`s breezy but so warm.

I love this weather, suits the lizard within!!!

Made a cuppa, but will do breakfast later with my new tea service......will go nice with bacon and poached eggs on toast! The farmer dropped us off 30 on Thursday, so fancied a poached one this morning, but again, once Tom is up and we`re both showered and dressed. The rest of the day we don`t have any plans, one of the couples from last night might pop over this afternoon for a cocktail, but tonight we plan to watch two Insidious movies as we`re going to the cinema on Tuesday afternoon to see the final movie from them.

Thai takeaway tonight, we did think of barbecuing, but forecast is thunder and lightning, so no point in planning that! Then some cooler weather for us again for a time.

And it`s Saturday but this lady of leisure still loves the weekend despite every day being like a weekend.... ::yes::



Have a lovely weekend :sunny:
Guess I’ll leave the night light on for ya’ll! Only 7:45pm here, getting ready to take dogs for a walk.

Lynne was Passholder night a paid event?
No, no cost other than having a valid pass, and never had included no food. Only thing you had to do was register, but in the past had always been to pick up a wristband that morning, to show when you entered. I don’t think it was on a Saturday before. As in past, heard some locals complain hard to get to park in morning to get the band. So this way, I presume online registration this year, so those that are not staying or around in park earlier that day, all passholders, no matter where are, can reserve this year. And probably can show on phone.

Ah the birds are chirping and we did get some rain yesterday, but not much, and like many summer rains, the sun came out after the rain, and the streets dried up fast. And weather guy said chances of rain the next three days. Then a dry day, before a rainy Wednesday, then the rest of next week with no rain predicted. Well that’s our 10 day forecast. Lowest high temp in our 10 days is Sunday, with 83 degrees the high. All other days are in the mid 80’s and low 90’s. Yay, summer came in July. That hazy, hot and humid, the three H’s, of our summer. Yay! Good thing where I live, we have a heater and a AC. Complain about the cold then the heat. But I’m the kind that rather be warm than cold.

It’s the weekend! Woot! Yes, I’m up early. Takes awhile for me to sleep later when not on that week day routine. And so, with a DH that is also an early bird, nice to spend time with him in the quiet of the early morning. And breakfast for two. As kids both sleep much later. And hehe, don’t mind two breakfasts if the kids want breakfast when they get up. But I don’t think they will be up earlier to want breakfast. Brunch maybe. More like lunch, by the time they get moving, and older one is not working today. So he’s going to sleep later for sure. His schedule is not every week day, and it changes different days off week to week. But nice to have all here today. And all in that weekend lazy mode. Yay!

So from an early morning homie, wishing all a wonderful weekend, and a super happy Saturday today.

Tea for me, and the remote. It is a great morning so far. Even if it’s an overcast sky.

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