Something About Nothing............ #14

Robo, glad your DH’s doctor is a good one, Hope the tests he has to do, will help with even better care for him. Sending more good thoughts his way. How nice to have meal with family yesterday. And hope you have a very happy 4th of July today.

Saving money on my trips is always what I like to do. Rental prices both down. August one should get even lower. Got a 10 dollar drop for August, and a 20 dollar one from what I thought was a very good rate for my two weeks in September, that was from almost a 100 dollar drop weeks ago. I will keep checking. Nice about rental reservations, can cancel and rebook. Haven’t seen any lower than AP rates for my August stay, and not even close to the save more rate I got. on a long ago made reservation I have for this September. Higher rate for my September flights, but at least we got a little drop for our August flights. Still time to hope for more reductions. Hehe, as little one said, the savings as will cover some meals. Indeed.

Kids doing errands for me and letting the dog out. Hehe, now thinking of that song re: letting dogs out.

Ooh I think DH lowered the sound of his class. To be fair, week day shows are mostly crappy and mostly reruns.

A day of celebration for sure!!! I hope you all enjoy all the festivities that the holiday will bring!

We had a busy weekend! DD's neighborhood association had a great Canada Day party in the park. There were food trucks, lots of bouncy houses, face painting, balloon tying, there were even a couple of Disney princesses and clowns entertaining everyone! Despite that the weather wasn't the greatest - it was a great turnout. We all had fun. Dh and I took turns waiting in the face painting line. DD and SIL were volunteering so it was DH and I taking GD around to everything. She had a ball!

We also went to the zoo on Sunday. Sadly, the city where they live doesn't have a great zoo, but we had fun! Gd was happy to see some animals - and even get a ride on the train.

All in all, it was a busy, good weekend. The weather wasn't the best, windy with periods of rain - but we made the most of it.

I'm sad to be back at work. I'll maybe talk to our acting manager about maybe taking a week or even just add a couple of extra days of holidays here later in the month. I've got 5 weeks that are just sitting there and keeps growing. I sure could use a couple of extra days at home. I always think about it, but never actually do it. Or do I just keep them for the trips we have planned for later this year :scratchin
I’m still creeped out by the MRI scene in the insidious trailer
me too. But then again, I'm a chicken and don't like any movies like that.
I'm chilling at home. Yesterday spent afternoon on patio watching Queen Charlotte on Netflix in between icing. Trying to get thru the pain. Only have Tylenol. DH made me bacon & eggs this morning.
Beautiful day here. Nice breeze going thru but supposed to heat up mid week. I think another patio day on lounger.
I hope your recovery is going well. It's good to hear that others are taking care of you!
I got my new wand display stand yesterday.
That is AWESOME!!!!! I love that!
Hubby has his appt with specialist this afternoon. So hopefully we will have some more answers.

Dad was admitted to hospital on Thursday. He had bronchitis and some of the meds he was taking caused him to go into Atrial Fib. They were able to get him to go back into Normal Sinus Rhythm with meds finally
Sending you more healing mummy dust.
were you near the latest tornado? Stay safe.
We were. That is near Calgary - it hit actually quite close to where dd used to live :scared1: Dd now lives in Edmonton. But Edmonton has seen enough of their weird fatal tornados as well. It was just cool, windy with some rainy periods. But when the sun did pop out - it was HOT. That perfect weather for powerful storms for sure.
hy, yes, I did inadvertently catch a hidden Mickey!
:lovestruc what a fantastic picture. I hope you have a fantastic time there!

Well, I should shuffle more papers. I have a few to do with it being month end today.

Have a great day everyone!
Happy July 4th!

@keishashadow fab 4th fireworks! Love the hidden Mickey! You saw Canadian flags at wdw? Wow who knew! 103 good grief. But yes I’ve been in August when it hit triple digit temps. id go for early morning, then in hotel pool by 1:00! With a nice umbrella drink! Back to park after dinner. It’s too early for those temps. I wonder if it’s supposed to be an active hurricane season. For Aug trips I get the insurance.

Yeah, I fired my husband when he was taking 3 days to do the lawn! Front one day, then side, then backyard. It was getting too hard on his back, took me 3 yrs to convince him to get a gardener. But once I found one he loved it.
I am a moth to a flame lol. So true.

@Lynne G we love going late Nov right after the American Thanksgiving - early Dec. all the Christmas decorations are up and it’s so pretty. Right after Thanksgiving and before Christmas crowds descend is the sweet spot.
Congrats on rental savings. Our Aug hotels haven’t gone down in awhile. Since last AP drop. But I keep checking! Still time to drop some more ::yes::
@Robo56 lol! I think you found all the 4th mem es! Hope you’re enjoying the holiday! Good news about husbands Dr!
Thank you for your kind thoughts, I’m now starting to feel better day by day. Looks like the daughter will be vacuuming for the next 6 weeks!
@Pumpkin1172 Glad to hear you had a good Canada Day! Sounds like a fun day!
Nothing like walking almost 2 miles and finding the Starbucks open. Ah I’m sitting in AC while little one waits for our drinks. I asked for a cup of water too. Oh so muggy out.

Sue, yeah haven’t seen better rates for my August stay either. At least grabbed AP rates. And sending you more gentle hugs, and hope you get stronger every day, with less and less pain. Hehe, DH still mows our lawn, we don’t have a big plot of land.

Ah iced coffee and ice water. Yay!

Well maybe not the walk back. Just getting ready for our NYC visit at the end of the month. Note to self, don’t wear the black shirt I have on today.
So nice to see a lot of homies posting and sharing their day with us.

Sounds like all have been enjoying the holiday and waiting for a fire works evening.

In the south, fireworks started yesterday

Know more will be out for more boom booms when the sun sets
Last year felt did not stop until 2 am
A fairly uneventful day here today. Dh went to his office to work on his book. B and I went to lunch and afterwards I finished up my laundry. I also did some work on a cross stitch project I have been working on since before I decided to go back to school. I was hoping to get a lot done but I ran out of the color of thread I needed. I’ll get more tomorrow.

Why, yes, I did inadvertently catch a hidden Mickey!
Great picture!

Husbands doc appt went well. The doc spent almost an hour with him and was very kind and professional and answered all our questions. Pretty unheard of in this day and age. The doc ordered some more tests. We were very impressed.
Great news. Hope everything continues to go well.

We had a busy weekend! DD's neighborhood association had a great Canada Day party in the park. There were food trucks, lots of bouncy houses, face painting, balloon tying, there were even a couple of Disney princesses and clowns entertaining everyone!
How cool!

Yeah, I fired my husband when he was taking 3 days to do the lawn! Front one day, then side, then backyard. It was getting too hard on his back, took me 3 yrs to convince him to get a gardener. But once I found one he loved it.
I am a moth to a flame lol. So true.
Mine is under doctor’s orders not to mow the lawn or shovel snow. We will happily pay someone else to do that.

Back to work tomorrow so I should try to get some sleep. Good night all.
Ah nothing like back to that week day routine. Happy commuting is tomorrow, and not today or Friday.

Ooh and who do we see?


Ah yes, if ever a week to start that week day routine, it’s on a Wednesday. Yay, camel here to remind all that this hump of a day feeling makes you think the week day ending Friday is now just 2 days away.

So, hope Keisha still keeping cool in that second day of heat advisory for the Orlando area. We start our heat wave today, and very muggy out agsin. Hence rain chances again.

At least the fireworks stopped around 10:30 last night. Some nice big ones I saw. Was still warm and muggy, and rain held off for both parade and fireworks.

Charade, hope a quiet day for you.

All the emails reviewed, updated and had to reboot, but quiet enough. Still a day where many are out, as holiday week gives bonus day for whole week time off. But that’s not me. And so, tea and back to that screen.

A most wonderful Wednesday to all.
Good morning. I’m up a little early today so I have some time to kill before going to work. I would love to take the rest of the week off.

I started looking ahead to my Universal trip and wondered what plans I should start making, but realized I really don’t need to make any plans. I’m going alone again so I can do whatever I want.

Charade, hope a quiet day for you.
Thanks Lynne. I expect to be fairly busy, but hopefully it won’t be too bad. I just hope we don’t get any cancellations. They are a pain to fill last minute.
Good Wednesday morning everyone :wave:




Robo, glad your DH’s doctor is a good one, Hope the tests he has to do, will help with even better care for him. Sending more good thoughts his way. How nice to have meal with family yesterday. And hope you have a very happy 4th of July today.
Thank you Lynne. We had a nice 4th. Hope you and your family enjoyed a nice one too.

Sending you more healing mummy dust.
Thank you Pumpkin.

We also went to the zoo on Sunday. Sadly, the city where they live doesn't have a great zoo, but we had fun! Gd was happy to see some animals - and even get a ride on the train.
Sounds like a nice day with your family. The sweet little ones don‘t mind if it rains as long as they are having fun.

Thank you for your kind thoughts, I’m now starting to feel better day by day. Looks like the daughter will be vacuuming for the next 6 weeks!
Good to hear you are feeling some better. Let the family take good care of you. Sounds like they are doing a good job of it.

lol! I think you found all the 4th mem es! Hope you’re enjoying the holiday! Good news about husbands Dr!
We had a nice lazy day yesterday. We are plugging along with the hubby‘s doctor appointments. All is going well so far.

At least the fireworks stopped around 10:30 last night. Some nice big ones I saw. Was still warm and muggy, and rain held off for both parade and fireworks.
The fireworks continued here on the surrounding streets until well after midnight. They were the big ones. I‘am going to guess that those massive displays are quite expensive. We enjoyed looking at them.

I started looking ahead to my Universal trip and wondered what plans I should start making, but realized I really don’t need to make any plans. I’m going alone again so I can do whatever I want.

That is the best thing about Universal isn’t it. Not much planning or none at all.

I love the part about just doing whatever you want when you want. It is nice to have a laid back vacation.

Going to take my niece and little J out for breakfast this morning. Then I have to drop off my orthotic mold to have new shoe inserts made for my left foot. The one I had broke.

Then a store stop then home.

Need to get scootin.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
Enjoy your breakfast and time with little J, Robo.

It’s warm out. And mostly sunny today. When I get off, need to do two pickups. One is a drive up, the other can be. May change it to that. AC in car works great.

Hmm, maybe dumplings for lunch. Dollar ones today only. Will see what little one is interested in.
Good to be back!

Thanks to you lovely ladies......mac, Janet, Robbie and Pumpkin for the lovely comments and pm`s.....I missed you too! It`s always nice to know who your friends are. Definitely had enough of all crap.

Had a little break, time for a change in many ways and yep, all good, back with a vengeance......😈

Been a busy but fun time last couple of weeks.....seen some amazing sunsets and sunrises including seeing both rise and set on the longest day from our beach, absolutely stunning!

And this morning`s sunrise....beautiful!!!!


Off to pour my wonderful husband a nice glass of wine as we chill together.....perfect!!!!!

Love the lizard comments too.....I certainly am the original!!!
think sunglasses are needed when you see that morning sun

Welcome back Schumi

Thank you my`s good to be back ☺️

That sunrise was incredible, I wish we had taken video as it was stunning, but we were just enjoying the moment and it was sooooooooo early....... ::yes::
Good to be back!

Thanks to you lovely ladies......mac, Janet, Robbie and Pumpkin for the lovely comments and pm`s.....I missed you too! It`s always nice to know who your friends are. Definitely had enough of all crap.
So good to have you back. You were surely missed. Not the Sans without you here.

Had a little break, time for a change in many ways and yep, all good, back with a vengeance......😈
Yes, a break sometimes is good to regroup and come back stronger then ever.

And this morning`s sunrise....beautiful!!!!
Wow…..that sunrise is awesome.

Love the lizard comments too.....I certainly am the original!!!
The original Sans lizard has returned…🦎……welcome back.
Love seeing a sunrise picture, welcome back Schumi.

Bedtime getting close for me. Hope all have a good night sleep.

Night light on, so no stubbed toes in our clear sky night:
Gorgeous sunrise!

Welcome back.

I am at work, slowly losing my mind.

Thanks Charade…..

So good to have you back. You were surely missed. Not the Sans without you here.

Yes, a break sometimes is good to regroup and come back stronger then ever.

Wow…..that sunrise is awesome.

The original Sans lizard has returned…🦎……welcome back.

Thank you Robbie……I did miss most folks here, but I agree, a break sometimes does you good from things.

We are so lucky living next to a lovely beach…….and yes, I like being an original…..and I like others who are original and don't try to copy other peoples personalities, traits and habits.

Quick dash this morning as we are heading to meet some friends for an early morning walk, not as early as we planned as they txt to say they’d be late…..then meeting some friends for lunch, one of those lovely days.

But will be back later……..I do need a catch up!

Hope your walk was nice, and have a lovely lunch with your friends, Schumi.

Ah, you know when summer has come, when I woke up about an hour before my alarm went off, to hear my AC almost sounding angrily, as it was pushing cold air into our home. Then it stopped about 20 or 15 minutes later. But by then, I was wide awake, so long hot shower. Don’t take that long when I commute, but since was earlier than I usually get up, decided why not. And you know it’s summer weather when the overnight did not go lower then 70. 73 out right now and already muggy feeling.

Sunrise in the city:

And the birds are back. Well, had clearer windows, but soon enough, white bird poop will appear. Oh well. Quite a few bird types are city dwellers.

And so, a quick enough commute. And will be quick out the door, when I leave for the day, as have to take little one for her eye exam. And the office is about 20 or so minutes past our house, so I’m going to ask her to be out the door by the time I drive up.

Had been telling my IT people that my laptop is not working right all the time. Since I’m in, and more than a few get in early like me, Soon I’ll be waking over to where they work, almost a mile from my office. Hope they can fix it, or give me a new laptop.

And so, with our mostly sunny and high of 92, muggy summer day, already sipping my tea, as it’s Thirsty Thursday today. If ever this kind of summer weather to keep hydrated, it’s today’s weather. But any kind of weather, good to enjoy a drink. Tea for example. Hehe.

Good morning and hope all have a terrific Thirsty Thursday.
Good morning. No sunrise pictures from me. It’s very rare that I get up before the sun.

I actually had a decent nights sleep for a change. Caspian didn’t wake me up demanding food at 4:00. He didn’t get up until I did.

Lynne - It seems like you have been having trouble with that laptop for some time. I hope you can get a new one.

I’m off to work to see what fun awaits me.


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