Something About Nothing............ #14



It`s not quite the beautiful sunny Easter Sunday we expected, but it`s calm and a little later we`ll get out a walk I think down beside the beach. Sea looks incredibly still right now.

Slept very late this morning and loved it!!! Didn`t even waken up till 8am which is unheard of for us, but I`m not bragging it`s not a competition after all.......:rolleyes:

Having bacon and avocado on toast for breakfast, light lunch of shrimp salad and then our lovely turkey dinner tonight. I think we may have a couple of waifs and strays appear, I`m glad we bought the bigger turkey, but we do sometimes get last minute drop ins.

So, not much going on today, but we get a lovely dinner and I`m sure there will be Easter Eggs along the way. 🐣




Have a lovely Easter Sunday 🌸
Freeze waning still. And makes sense, as we went down to 31 degrees in the very wee hours, and 35 degrees out now. But even with this early morning for me, that siren bird is in the tree next to my window again. He is loud, and has been singing for some time. But I love having that sound of birds in this predawn time. Other than a train whistle, and a little traffic, it’s usually the most quiet time of day.

Tea and some cookies. Baked them to take with me. Will be nice to have family get together, and watch the youngest of us, hunt for filled plastic eggs.

Ooh sunny day for our Easter. And at least almost 10 degrees warmer than yesterday.

Have a most happy Easter Sunday all.
The sun did come out and it is beautiful again....and warm!!!

We did go down to the beach with our friends with the three dogs, they are Jewish so don`t celebrate Easter so it`s just a Sunday to them......had a lovely walk in the sunshine. Stopped off in one of the cafe`s along the way and had a lovely hot chocolate for a change.

We watched the lifeboat crew do their usual Sunday morning exercises which again is always interesting to see them work their magic, incredible people as they are all volunteers.



I`m glad they weren`t coming back to our house with the dogs as they were completely soaked from the sea but we did have the nicest walk with them.

Time for lunch a shrimp cocktail, but with our cocktail sauce and some salad.

And tea, lots of tea today as usual. :sunny:
For some reason quote feature not working for me? Earlier, seems fine now.

ham in oven. Figured it can take variations in temps that it now produces and still be decent, since just needs a warming. I put a rub of mostly brown sugar & baste every 15 min with Coca Cola. Not gourmet but, everyone Seems to enjoy. My boys all learned how to make it and it’s usually their contribution to pot lucks Lol.

Have green
beans with bacon/ham in one crock pot. augratin taters in another (fingers crossed that one comes out). finished deviled eggs & cheese plate. Asparagus is cleaned & in steamer. It will get cooked last minute along with sides of broccoli & corn. Gravy up next & the mr will make his mashed taters that are generally better than mine

everytime i open the fridge the strawberry pie winks at me.

Mac - a blank mind is a good thing, ready to fill ‘er up every day with interesting new things.

Thank you....we are incredibly proud of him.
Yes, he is quite the shining star
Yes, our heater use is still in April.
Same, since it’s a turn down thermostat but not turn it off completely until we open the pool mid may. beautiful week ahead forecast here, mid 80’s end of week, hope they are teasing us
I still want to stay at one of the Animal Kingdom resorts.
They are both lovely, I give a definite nod to AKJ as to the pool, awesome lobby (although i think WL a bit more interesting architecturally as to vantage points up high), the safari areas and boma
Like leafy greens?
I guess. it’s not really a common term here As to salads...just leaf lettuce Or micro greens, etc.

Our view this morning......
That strikes me as a staycation of a view
If he needs to use a computer, he treks on over to the library and uses their free service. Oh well, he IS older than me
We have unlimited data, can generally use that on our phones. In the south, I’ve found our carrier ATT can be spotty in rural areas Though. I’m always surprised the places that do have free public Wi-Fi. Just hate to use it as it’s public. Even though we have security protection on our devices, makes me just a bit nervous.
Happy Easter!
A quiet day here for us. Church, lunch with friends, and now we are home doing nothing. I might work ahead on school, or may take a nap. I could do both. Hope everyone is having a nice afternoon.

You too Charade, have fun whatever you do.

For some reason quote feature not working for me? Earlier, seems fine now.

ham in oven. Figured it can take variations in temps that it now produces and still be decent, since just needs a warming. I put a rub of mostly brown sugar & baste every 15 min with Coca Cola. Not gourmet but, everyone Seems to enjoy. My boys all learned how to make it and it’s usually their contribution to pot lucks Lol.

Have green
beans with bacon/ham in one crock pot. augratin taters in another (fingers crossed that one comes out). finished deviled eggs & cheese plate. Asparagus is cleaned & in steamer. It will get cooked last minute along with sides of broccoli & corn. Gravy up next & the mr will make his mashed taters that are generally better than mine

everytime i open the fridge the strawberry pie winks at me.

Mac - a blank mind is a good thing, ready to fill ‘er up every day with interesting new things.

Yes, he is quite the shining star

Same, since it’s a turn down thermostat but not turn it off completely until we open the pool mid may. beautiful week ahead forecast here, mid 80’s end of week, hope they are teasing us

They are both lovely, I give a definite nod to AKJ as to the pool, awesome lobby (although i think WL a bit more interesting architecturally as to vantage points up high), the safari areas and boma

I guess. it’s not really a common term here As to salads...just leaf lettuce Or micro greens, etc.

That strikes me as a staycation of a view

We have unlimited data, can generally use that on our phones. In the south, I’ve found our carrier ATT can be spotty in rural areas Though. I’m always surprised the places that do have free public Wi-Fi. Just hate to use it as it’s public. Even though we have security protection on our devices, makes me just a bit nervous.

I love ham cooked in coca to be full fat though, none of that diet nonsense, works well with pork and chicken pieces in a kind of casserole, to some it sounds not quite right, but it works well. Love au gratin potatoes too.......and mash......mmmmmm!!!

Thank you, we think he is too!!

We are very lucky with our views, not sure where we`ll move to next as it`s hard to beat, but we will move from here, this is not our forever home.

Have the best day with your family, food sounds gorgeous as always!

Best laid plans........

We didn`t exactly have a full house, but we had more friends drop in that expected, always nice though to see everyone. We ended up with another 4 for dinner and a few just for drinks and nibbles earlier in the afternoon. Thank goodness the turkey was large!!!

No green beans had roast carrots, parsnips and potatoes, steamed cauliflower and did some peas for those that like them.....also made some mashed potatoes that I always put through the ricer....never a lump to be found in them. Turkey gravy and cranberry sauce were in there too and the turkey was moist and juicy as I`d hoped. So we are very full. I hadn`t gone fussy on desserts as everyone had easter eggs, but did offer caramel ice cream, no one had room!!

I did make some shortbread so we did have some with some very nice pots of tea.

Everyone`s gone now so it`s just us slothing along the sofas feeling like beached whales!!

Planning on heading up to Scotland tomorrow for a very short visit, hope the Bank Holiday traffic isn`t too bad.

I need more tea........

Hope everyone`s having a lovely Easter Sunday :)
From little one, Washington Square in NYC:

And train station, Penn Station:

So fun to see two of my three brothers, sister and their others, niece and her DH, with my youngest niece and one of my two great nephews, and two of my four great nieces. Dinner coming up soon, as was so nice out, everyone was outside for awhile. We have appetizers out, so all snacking before the big meal.

Hope all are enjoying this holiday Sunday.
Happy Easter Everyone!

Just had our family dinner of roast pork, saurkraut, mashed potatoes, homemade bread, and pumpkin pies with whipped cream. I am now beat! Been working on it all morning, so I'm resting now and watching the Masters Golf Tournament final round.
Tomorrow I start on all the pre trip prep work which I have to get done in 2 days!!!! What was I thinking?
I know what I was thinking, I need to get out of this cold and snow now!! LOL
It is 62 degrees now and makes me want to get the lawn chair out and sit in the snow and soak up the sun8-)

Have a wonderful day!
Happy Easter Everyone!

Just had our family dinner of roast pork, saurkraut, mashed potatoes, homemade bread, and pumpkin pies with whipped cream. I am now beat! Been working on it all morning, so I'm resting now and watching the Masters Golf Tournament final round.
Tomorrow I start on all the pre trip prep work which I have to get done in 2 days!!!! What was I thinking?
I know what I was thinking, I need to get out of this cold and snow now!! LOL
It is 62 degrees now and makes me want to get the lawn chair out and sit in the snow and soak up the sun8-)

Have a wonderful day!

Sounds lovely Ruth........I do love home made bread....although trying not to eat too much of it is so hard!!!

You`ll get organised, I`m sure you`ll be ready to head off on Wednesday and yes out of that cold and snow and into the you we managed to get some outdoor time today in the sunshine. There was a cool breeze, but we are so sheltered by the trees none of us noticed. It does make a difference having some sunshine.

Bedtime here......early night time!
Everyone`s gone now so it`s just us slothing along the sofas feeling like beached whales!!
personally, I’m going with feeling like a sloth. All came out well, was really holding breath re the crockpot augratins. Did wind up putting them in the oven for 5 min to get a cheesy crust on them. a big hit, very little left of it.

for some reason the asparagus just wouldn’t steam properly today. Thinking perhaps I had too much in it. :scratchinWound up giving them a dunk directly in the boiling water for a few minutes and day was saved.

Ruth - snow is a powerful motivator indeed. I have a feeling you are quite organized

Me, no so much lately. I have 8 tax returns to polish off this week. :faint: should’ve known I couldn’t stick to my guns and say nope. My brain will get a workout at least.
personally, I’m going with feeling like a sloth. All came out well, was really holding breath re the crockpot augratins. Did wind up putting them in the oven for 5 min to get a cheesy crust on them. a big hit, very little left of it.

for some reason the asparagus just wouldn’t steam properly today. Thinking perhaps I had too much in it. :scratchinWound up giving them a dunk directly in the boiling water for a few minutes and day was saved.

Ruth - snow is a powerful motivator indeed. I have a feeling you are quite organized

Me, no so much lately. I have 8 tax returns to polish off this week. :faint: should’ve known I couldn’t stick to my guns and say nope. My brain will get a workout at least.

Sloths unite!! lol......

I`ve never cooked potatoes in the slow cooker like that before, good to know they turn out ok albeit a quick blast in the oven to finish them off. Glad it all turned out wll though, I`m sure you all had a blast together.

Your brain will certainly get a work out for sure!!!

I slept like a rock last night again, but then I usually do sleep well.

Up early as always to get sorted out for our travel today, going to try and do it all in one go only stopping for bathroom breaks, it might work it might not.....I do get hungry! Hopefully we`ll miss the worst of the Bank Holiday traffic, but who knows.

It is a very quick visit though, we won`t be doing any sightseeing this trip and we`ll be back in a blink. Weather looks not too bad for travelling, dull and grey although I`m not sure what`s it going to be like up there.

So, larger than normal breakfast to keep us going......and tea of course!!





Have a wonderful Monday :-)
Safe travels Schumi. Hope the traffic is less, given your holiday today. Enjoy your time with your mom and family and friends there.

And it’s a Monday. Cool start with a clear sky and lots of sunshine today, as a pair of sixes is our high. But think older one turned on our AC, when he went to bed, as went to bed almost warm, but woke up almost cool. And a freeze warning today, again, as we are four degrees above freezing right now. Overnight clear skies will do that more chilly overnights and very early mornings, this time of year. Though so happy to have this stretch of dry and sunny weather. With it getting warmer every day, until, next week, with 10 day forecast saying the start of next week, back to seasonal 50’s high temps. So a woot, for this week starting with a beautiful sunny and warmer holiday Sunday, then being 83 degrees by Friday, and yes, another predicted rainy Saturday. But at least still in the 70’s with that rain. So almost dry and warm week. Woot!

Ugh back to routine I go, as trash trucks to hear and tea and screen viewing for me.

Hope all have a Marvelous Monday.
I hate waking up early on a day I don't have to work, but on the plus side I got our final dinner reservation made and booked the DL tour. I think I have done as much planning as I can do right now.

I have no idea what I will do today. I could work a little ahead in class and take a quiz and start looking for sources for my research project. I am so ready for this class to be over.
Yay for getting all the planning for your CA trip, Charade. Yeah, when I get up early on a lazy day, I just enjoy the quiet and relaxing. And making a bigger or that having to do more prep to make breakfast.

It’s so beautiful and bright out. Will be rocking those shades at lunchtime.
Sloths unite!! lol......

I`ve never cooked potatoes in the slow cooker like that before, good to know they turn out ok albeit a quick blast in the oven to finish them off. Glad it all turned out wll though, I`m sure you all had a blast together.

Your brain will certainly get a work out for sure!!!

I slept like a rock last night again, but then I usually do sleep well.

Up early as always to get sorted out for our travel today, going to try and do it all in one go only stopping for bathroom breaks, it might work it might not.....I do get hungry! Hopefully we`ll miss the worst of the Bank Holiday traffic, but who knows.

It is a very quick visit though, we won`t be doing any sightseeing this trip and we`ll be back in a blink. Weather looks not too bad for travelling, dull and grey although I`m not sure what`s it going to be like up there.

So, larger than normal breakfast to keep us going......and tea of course!!





Have a wonderful Monday :-)
Love your memes - they always make me laugh. Well it looks like we all survived Easter dinner!
How far away do you have to travel to visit your Mom? I don't know why I thought it was a quick, close trip???!!! Hope you have a nice visit, and Iwill get back to you as soon as I can when I return from the land of no internet!
Well I’ve had a depressing morning. I decided to try on my shorts to see what I will be taking on our trip. I have a pile of fits, a little snug but might fit if I drop a few pounds, and there is no way these will fit by June. Guess which pile is the largest. I need to find some time to exercise.

Today is another quiet day. Dh is out with a friend, so it’s just me and Caspian at home.
Oh I hear ya Charade. Give away those that don’t fit, and treat yourself to sone new ones. I like the Target ones that have nice waistbands. Nows the time to look, as seen many Summer type clothing coming into the stores now.

Was a beautiful day when I walked for lunch. Wish I didn’t have to get back inside.

Have some errands to run and gas to get for the car. Will wait until after rush hour.
only took 5 hours to clear the desk today. Bleary eyed & too many numbers running thru my head. all I need to do is write Uncle Sam a check :rolleyes2, the first time ever. Everyone who has retired warned me it tends to happen that first year, glad i took heed. The Mr asked how much…I said it was a trip lol. Happy to put that to bed For another year!

who among us doesn’t have a fat wardrobe? ;) I found a skort style I really like at Sams, nice length and stretchy sort. A size bigger than the Lee brand ones I bought last year (they now dwell in the skinny Rubbermaid bin). They must have new buyers, I also grabbed several GAP tshirts at hefty discount & a cute style with ruffle sleeves. summer wardrobe shopping is done, well, for now :)

heading out to supervise the mr‘s placement of some new landscaping lights in the front yard.

carole - happy trails to you! Give your mom a gentle squeeze.

lynne - not sure I’d want to start the week to the sound of garbage trucks.
Oh I like trash pick up on Mondays,Keisha. Means we can load them up over the weekend.

Beautiful night. Clear and so pretty. Still warm, as 56 degrees out. No freeze warnings tonight. Lowest we will be in the overnight is 41, as when I awake, should be 42, then dip a degree within the hour, and stay that temp until just a half hour after sunrise, when the temp starts to rises fast, with another dry day, though partly sunny one. And woot, 72 degrees the high, will be so nice and warm around late afternoon tomorrow. Break out the shorts.


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