Something About Nothing............ #14

I forgot to mention the weird thing from work yesterday. Just before I finished for the day I was talking to one of the therapists about a situation with one of her clients. It reminded me of a similar situation we had a few years ago with the client of a different therapist. I could not remember the client’s name. I finally remembered her name after I got home. Later I checked my work email to find that I had voice mail messages from 2 people. One has the same last name as the client I was trying to remember (not an unusual name, but also not super common) and the other has the same last name as that client’s former partner who was also being seen by another of our therapists. What are the odds of that happening?

I don’t think I will do a DL trip report (just Universal), but I will keep this group updated.

I showed it to dh and he said book it. I have to wait a few more days since reservations aren’t open yet.

Congratulations Kyle!!

It’s nap time now.

Thank you....we are incredibly proud of him.

I had a 2 hour nap today too.....

my hairs are blonder, only took 1-1/2 hrs vs the usual 3 in the past. I hope she doesn’t chase after the BF who moved to another state as she mentioned.

five stores between me & the mr and finally found the strawberries for the pie I’m making for easter. since I don’t trust the oven, will be heading up to my son’s house to bake the pumpkin pies today. Tomorrow, the 3 turkey breasts. Thankfully, my electric roaster Will handle the big ham on sunday.

starting to get to point I feel like I’m camping In my defense, it’s a bit of a quest. Need to get it together and decide what flooring is going down in kitchen, have the mr disassemble the island he built, he will put down the floor, then coordinate the order the stove. I hate going without the stovetop for even a week.

Haha for me it’s not the price. The main building‘s atrium is just too busy with sight-seeing for my liking. We didn’t even stop there to see their Xmas tree/Gingerbread house last year as could see a line of people at monorail stop waiting to enter!

Since the Contemporary tower rooms are so noisy, chef mickey’s breakfast sounds waft up loudly in the early AM, assume the GF is the same. DVC rooms used to all be so far flung. May try the newer ones they just put in for a night or two At some point.

Haha I wonder if TSA gave them a 2nd thot. Imagine the goodies they’ve seen

Hopefully, didn’t carry him out feet first

Tom, dick and hairy ;)

the locals line up so early for parades & shows out there, it’s almost a must do unless you want to stake out a clear spot. If not, it’s the standing in one place for hour or so that kills my legs

Happy new hair do......

Love me some Scottish strawberries.....glad you got some though, your food sounds lovely, and won`t be too long till your kitchen is sorted.

Yes, I often wonder what they think of us Brits and what we bring back......

Yesterday we had the ac on
Today, it’s the heat that is on..cold (57) and misty outside

I am sitting in our living room looking at our fireplace thinking is it time to use it….nah

You know when we were looking at homes to buy in the South, every house we looked at had a fireplace.
Thought that was weird….
With more warm weather than cold here, what use is a fireplace anyway?

Never have used the fire place but have cat memorabilia on the mantel.

I do love some mist.

We have a couple of fireplaces in our home, one is marble and has an electric fire in it, but not much beats a real fire! I`d never expect to see them as common place generally where you live, but they are nice. It`s misty here too tonight.

Yes, I napped for two hours this afternoon, it was glorious. I did go through to the cosy room as it`s well away from the rest of the house, so Tom could wander around without disturbing me and one of his friends was in for a coffee, so they chatted without disturbing me.

Think they ate a lot of the snacks too! But still plenty for dinner tonight for us......I do love buffet style food.

I think I`ll still be in bed quite early tonight despite the nap........
Walked all the way down to Washington Square. Now back at 22 bd for some comfort chicken meal. And resting those feet for a few minutes. Then ready to head beck to train. And sit and relax before boarding. We have had a great time. Weather felt almost too cool then way to hot. Not much light enough for sunglasses, but at least dry. Crowds here and there. So holiday season starting.
Never have used the fire place but have cat memorabilia on the mantel.
In theory I love a roaring fire. Like you, the mantle gets the most use here at this point

Not a fan of cleaning ashes. Since our thermostat is no more than 15 feet from the hearth ??? Having it lit would make the rest of our house decidedly chilly.

The middle DS has substantial asthma. Poor kid, the fumes/smoke would set him off so

Went with a set of rather realistic electric heating logs. If u squint looks like embers in there. Can’t remember last time we bothered with it.

Had toyed with getting another gas line run to it. Found out it’s not very energy efficient & we’d need a new liner& special chimney cap to meet code o_O

Rarely use our fire pit either, which seemed like an amazing idea. I hate getting bit up by the bugs it attracts at night. Make sure I sit by it and smile periodically so I don’t hear I told you so :blush:

Pickled beets & HB are eggs marinating. Love them in a green salads afterwards.

Pies made, later than I hoped. Forgot to take the house key up with us today. DH and I both thot the other had grabbed it. Do over time lol

Just my kids again for Easter this year. Will send plates for my ex MiL and the ex’s wife. As my Mom would say “play nice”. Lol I try to take the high road as they are part of my two older DS’s lives.

Any plans?
Good Friday everyone :wave:


There’s nothing quite like a walk in the sunshine beside the sea…….
The photos of the beach are beautiful. Glad to hear the weather is cooperating for you all to walk and enjoy the weather.

Then we did go shopping for new trainers and managed to get a pair each, I picked up a pair of sandals with a wedge I liked, so they’ll be ideal.
Nice to hear shoe shopping was a success. I have a hard time finding shoes and sandals.


Robo, glad to see your post. Sounds like a warm day for you, and bet the house will be smelling good with the ribs cooking away. Hope you find that birthday gift, and always good to see family visiting.
I made the ribs in the crockpot. Made a lot more than we needed plus mash potatoes and veggies. I made up a large meal for an older couple down the street and the elderly lady across the street.

We are, once again, expecting 12 to 18 inches of snow Wednesday! It's April!! time for this to stop.
Wow…..that is a lot of snow. Hope the weather warms up for you soon.

Thanks Robo, for asking about my grandson. He is still sick but getting better. It seems he catches everything that comes around!
Glad to hear your grandson is doing some better.

Thanks Robbie......yes, we are looking forward to getting back to some real heat, you`re very lucky to live in such a beautiful place and with the weather too....
I know how you enjoy the warm weather. You all will have a nice time when you get back to Florida for some warm weather and the glorious sun.

We love ribs and yes, cooked properly they are perfection and so tasty!! I don`t make them often enough.
I don‘t make them very often if it is just hubby and me. We do enjoy them too.

Further on in our walk they had more or less disappeared but when we got back to our village we counted 11 vapour trails from planes, quite something to see again. We missed the fishermen coming back in today, always good to see their catch.
It is interesting to see those jets in the sky.

Then last night had a super weird incident happen, just as I was thinking about heading to bed. Had some young girl who was running for her boyfriend knock on our door. Which resulted in dh and I driving her to the women's shelter to seek protection. I spoke with her, and hope she will take the words to heart that I spoke. She was hurt, frightened and many other feelings.
So kind of you and your hubby to take that young girl in and help her. More often than not they will protect their attacker. Which is exactly what she did. The fact that she did not want to call the Police was not good.

Hopefully your talk and some good help from the women’s shelter will help give her some insight into breaking away from this monster.

As a Nurse I was witness to many women who would not press charges against their attacker. One of the lady’s admitted to our hospital ended up on the unit I worked on. Her attacker was her boyfriend. He knocked her teeth out, broke her arm, fractured her ribs which caused her lung to collapse. Social Services and myself and the Critical Care doctor talked to her. Our hospital arranged for her to go to a protective women’s shelter and we heard she went back to her boyfriend a couple months later. So terribly sad.

I didn't sleep much knowing that we seen her boyfriend's truck out scoping the neighbourhood and driving past the house MULTIPLE times.
You did the right thing. I hope everything goes ok.

My recently passed away cousin was an ER nurse at the local, very large trauma hospital. She worked the night shift. The stories she told of patients that came in, she had such a good sense of humor, and a good story teller like most of my dad’s family, including my dad. She hated working on full moon nights, as said made the people even more crazy. With all people she encountered in her 25 years working that night shift, a book could have been written of all the patients she encountered. It got to her, so she took a job as a nurse at retirement place, before retiring after 20 years. Then she did medical transcription for years until her health started to fail. I miss her. But a full moon always gets me to laugh a little, as those full moon night stories my cousin told me over the years. Oh my is all I can say.
Sorry your cousin passed Lynne. The above is true. All the Nurses and Docs knew on the nights of the full moon Psych patients tended to have more issues and there are more babies born on the full moon. Our Maternity ward was always over staffed on full moons.

One thing my DH said when I married him was he never wanted see whatyou described…they called it Ho-cakes. His family ate often when the larder got bare before payday it seems.
We might be talking about different things. I think you might be talking about what we call Johnnycakes or Hoecakes. They are made with corn meal and flour. They are more crispy then regular pancakes.




My beautiful niece J is "21 again" today.....and I wanted to wish her the best birthday ever!!!
Happy Birthday to your Niece.

I purchased our Universal Hollywood tickets this morning. Should I do a trip report?
Yes do a trip report. I would read it for sure.

Magical morning homies. Hope all have a most wonderful weekend, holiday one for many.
Have a wonderful Passover Lynne.

And celebrating too as our son got a promotion at work yesterday, we are over the moon for him and he is really happy too. He hasn`t been there a year yet, so we`ll toast him tonight although he is out next two nights celebrating too!
Congratulations to Kyle.

five stores between me & the mr and finally found the strawberries for the pie I’m making for easter. since I don’t trust the oven, will be heading up to my son’s house to bake the pumpkin pies today. Tomorrow, the 3 turkey breasts. Thankfully, my electric roaster Will handle the big ham on sunday.
Wow….you are making another Keisha feast for Easter. Everything sounds good.

NYC Potter store
Nice pictures. Sounds like you and your daughter had a wonderful time.

Yes, I napped for two hours this afternoon, it was glorious.
Naps are awesome.

Been busy today. Lots going on. Trying to get caught up.

Traveled back to our other home in southern Indiana Wednesday. Long trip. We saw the aftermath of 6 serious accidents. Folks just seem to be driving faster and weaving in and out of all lanes of traffic. Also dangerously cutting other drivers off.

Was very thankful to get back safely.

Now to be lazy the rest of the eveing.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone.
Long trip. We saw the aftermath of 6 serious accidents. Folks just seem to be driving faster and weaving in and out of all lanes of traffic. Also dangerously cutting other drivers off.
Yes, that is it re the Ho-cakes!

I was thinkiNg the other day how my dad liked farina, cream of wheat. Hadn’t seen it for sale in ages. There it was in the cereal
Aisle of store when I searching for the right cereal to make my version of Chex mix.

Funny how certain foods can trigger your memory
Back after missing our one local train we thought we be on. But train was late getting into NYC, so only a matter of time, was 10 minutes late arriving at my City. But luckily, there’s a local train that was just less than 12 minutes later. We hauled butt and got there a few minutes before it came. Then 40 minutes later, dash to our car. And just put on the teapot, as need some hot tea. Freeze Watch issued, and sure felt colder to us when we got off the train.

My feet are tired for sure. I think we walked way too many miles. But we had a blast shopping, enjoying some food, and sight seeing.

Lazy enough day scheduled for tomorrow, though movie to watch Mario at a late lunchtime. I’m sure we’ll eat when we get out of the movie. Like those kid movies, this movie run time is a few minutes past an hour and a half.

Think I’m going to be like DH, after I take a long hot bath, watching the screen with my eyes closed. Think I’m going to go out like a light. Though with toned calves now. LoL
In theory I love a roaring fire. Like you, the mantle gets the most use here at this point

Not a fan of cleaning ashes. Since our thermostat is no more than 15 feet from the hearth ??? Having it lit would make the rest of our house decidedly chilly.

The middle DS has substantial asthma. Poor kid, the fumes/smoke would set him off so

Went with a set of rather realistic electric heating logs. If u squint looks like embers in there. Can’t remember last time we bothered with it.

Had toyed with getting another gas line run to it. Found out it’s not very energy efficient & we’d need a new liner& special chimney cap to meet code o_O

Rarely use our fire pit either, which seemed like an amazing idea. I hate getting bit up by the bugs it attracts at night. Make sure I sit by it and smile periodically so I don’t hear I told you so :blush:

Pickled beets & HB are eggs marinating. Love them in a green salads afterwards.

Pies made, later than I hoped. Forgot to take the house key up with us today. DH and I both thot the other had grabbed it. Do over time lol

Just my kids again for Easter this year. Will send plates for my ex MiL and the ex’s wife. As my Mom would say “play nice”. Lol I try to take the high road as they are part of my two older DS’s lives.

Any plans?

I remember my mum cleaning out our fires in the mornings, all those ashes and kindling!!! Nope, not for me. Our local village pubs usually have real fires and the staff hate them because of the cleaning, but customers love them. We do tease one woman all the time as to when she`s lighting the fire.......she may make a rude gesture or two to us when we

Now a fire pit is something we`ve never considered, but they are lovely to really do need to consider offering B&B Janet......we`d be your best customers!!!

It is very good of you to send food to the two ladies Janet, not everyone would do that.

I know you`re going to have a lovely weekend.

Good Friday everyone :wave:

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The photos of the beach are beautiful. Glad to hear the weather is cooperating for you all to walk and enjoy the weather.

Nice to hear shoe shopping was a success. I have a hard time finding shoes and sandals.

I made the ribs in the crockpot. Made a lot more than we needed plus mash potatoes and veggies. I made up a large meal for an older couple down the street and the elderly lady across the street.

Wow…..that is a lot of snow. Hope the weather warms up for you soon.

Glad to hear your grandson is doing some better.

I know how you enjoy the warm weather. You all will have a nice time when you get back to Florida for some warm weather and the glorious sun.

I don‘t make them very often if it is just hubby and me. We do enjoy them too.

It is interesting to see those jets in the sky.

So kind of you and your hubby to take that young girl in and help her. More often than not they will protect their attacker. Which is exactly what she did. The fact that she did not want to call the Police was not good.

Hopefully your talk and some good help from the women’s shelter will help give her some insight into breaking away from this monster.

As a Nurse I was witness to many women who would not press charges against their attacker. One of the lady’s admitted to our hospital ended up on the unit I worked on. Her attacker was her boyfriend. He knocked her teeth out, broke her arm, fractured her ribs which caused her lung to collapse. Social Services and myself and the Critical Care doctor talked to her. Our hospital arranged for her to go to a protective women’s shelter and we heard she went back to her boyfriend a couple months later. So terribly sad.

You did the right thing. I hope everything goes ok.

Sorry your cousin passed Lynne. The above is true. All the Nurses and Docs knew on the nights of the full moon Psych patients tended to have more issues and there are more babies born on the full moon. Our Maternity ward was always over staffed on full moons.

Happy Birthday to your Niece.
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Yes do a trip report. I would read it for sure.

Congratulations to Kyle.

Wow….you are making another Keisha feast for Easter. Everything sounds good.

Nice pictures. Sounds like you and your daughter had a wonderful time.

Naps are awesome.

Been busy today. Lots going on. Trying to get caught up.

Traveled back to our other home in southern Indiana Wednesday. Long trip. We saw the aftermath of 6 serious accidents. Folks just seem to be driving faster and weaving in and out of all lanes of traffic. Also dangerously cutting other drivers off.

Was very thankful to get back safely.

Now to be lazy the rest of the eveing.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone.

Thank you for the kind wishes for my niece and Kyle too......double celebration for sure!

Yes, our weather has been so mixed, we have a gorgeous 2 days ahead, then.....more rain!! We are looking forward to some guaranteed sunshine and heat soon!!

Glad to hear you`re back home with family for Easter, you`ll have a lovely time I`m sure. And yes, glad you made it home safely, it`s horrible to see accidents of any kind.

Up and early again this morning as it is so gorgeous, little chilly but sun is bursting through so our walk will be lovely. Heading to the woods this morning for a change, hope it`s not too muddy.

Not much planned except as I said last night, might be a lazyish day, have some more snack foods for lunch and making a lasagne for dinner, might make 2 individual ones instead of a large one, and will make a seperate large one for the farm, that`s their Easter dinner for tomorrow......will pop a bottle of wine in too, they always claim to be teetotal, but I know they enjoy a glass or two on occasions!!

Catching up with friends and relatives and will call one of my cousins in Long Island too, always have lovely chats with her.

Large pot of tea has just been emptied, had some toast with marmalade and a fruit plate, that`ll do till lunchtime.




Have a wonderful Saturday folks :sunny:
Cloudy and 36 degrees out. Yes, our heater use is still in April.

Did sleep like a rock, and a little sore from all that walking. Stretched and enjoyed a hot shower, and know the soreness will go away with some time.

And then very full teapot, as was thirsty this morning. Oatmeal for an early breakfast, as wanted something easy to make, and warm.

And yeah, I know, I’m up in that early hour anyway, even if a lazy day for me. See I go to bed generally earlier, if I had a long day, and there’s nothing of interest on the screen. Though last night, DH came up to bed around 11 and asked if I was tired. Um, I was fast asleep not much before that. Thankful after being waken from sleep, I can usually go back to sleep quickly after an interruption.

And so, a day of rest, and movie fun. Plus, the remote for our biggest tv has me switching channels until I find something of interest. Sometimes hard to do in the wee hours of the day.

When I was a kid, we had a real fireplace. Was nice to feel the heat from it. And yes, even us kids all knew how to take care of it, opening the flue, starting and keeping the fire going, then shoveling the ash, and cleaning the box. I don’t have one in my current home. Guess when built in 1952, the expense of putting one in, was not. And so far, I’m the third owner, and the owner before us was a fireman, and when the expanded the home, they did not put a fireplace in. He said he hated fireplaces. When we bought the house, we thought about doing a fireplace or a fake one, but after learning of the cost of both then, was a no. It’s been over 30 years, and no fireplace in our home. We decided not a priority, and DH never grew up in a home with a fireplace. My sister’s place has one, so we have enjoyed hers when we visit her in the cold months.

Super happy Saturday homies. Holiday times to start April. So hope all enjoy some time with family and friends this weekend.
Up too early again. We decided not to make any reservations today. Today correlates with Wednesday, June 7 of our trip. We decided to make Wednesday our rest day, so we are just going to wing it that day.
No plans for today other than submit my last assignment for the week. I finally got professor feedback yesterday.

Since the Contemporary tower rooms are so noisy, chef mickey’s breakfast sounds waft up loudly in the early AM, assume the GF is the same.
This is good to know in case we should ever want to stay at something other than budget. I still want to stay at one of the Animal Kingdom resorts.

the locals line up so early for parades & shows out there, it’s almost a must do unless you want to stake out a clear spot. If not, it’s the standing in one place for hour or so that kills my legs
This is why I am spending extra for the dining packages. I want to be able to sit comfortably and watch the shows. We are also supposed to have a preferred viewing area for the parade when we book the park tour.

Wanted to mention. Anyone still doing wordle. Yesterdays had me down to the wire. Didn’t want to break my streak. Since when is “leafy” a word?
Like leafy greens? I’m still playing on occasion, but agree that sometimes the words can be frustrating.

I am sitting in our living room looking at our fireplace thinking is it time to use it….nah
We have a propane fireplace. We’ve only used it a couple of times

NYC Potter store:

Yes, our heater use is still in April.
Same here. We are in the heat in the morning, air in the afternoon phase of the year. I think it’s supposed to start warming up again tomorrow.

I think I will try to get back to sleep.
Last edited:
it took me a long time to register to be on the dis today
would have been here much earlier

but here i am now and have a blank mind

You`re in good company then!!!!! :rotfl:

As for the Dis, they`ve certainly had a few issues last few weeks, not least being spammed with dodgy posts alone!!! At least you`re here......:)

Our view this morning......


Headed up into the woods, it wasn`t too muddy at all, but trail shoes still needed a good scrubbing when we got home, we went in through the utility room, ideal for cleaning the shoes off.


And this afternoon, it`s far too nice to be sitting in watching tv. Usually a Saturday is a movie afternoon with my husband traditionally as I mention often on here, but when the weather gets nicer, we love sitting outside, or partly outside......half in the house half`s beautiful in the sunshine, but cool in the shade.

Had some snacks for lunch, nibbly picnic food and some salad.


Tonight we’ll probably snuggle up and watch a movie, haven’t decided which one yet, but we have plenty to choose from. I did make my lasagne and we handed the big one into the farm for them to enjoy and they didn’t refuse the wine either…….lol………lovely couple. You never leave there empty handed, we came out with a dozen eggs and a sweet, spicy apple and plum chutney.

But for now, my lovely husband has brought me a glass of bubbly and moved the snack plate from the far side of the kitchen to the table between us……too close really, but so nice! Haven’t seen a deer today but we had an owl or two pass us 5 minutes ago, beautiful creatures and I thought I saw a hare earlier.

Sunglasses on……. 🥰
You`re in good company then!!!!! :rotfl:

As for the Dis, they`ve certainly had a few issues last few weeks, not least being spammed with dodgy posts alone!!! At least you`re here......:)

Our view this morning......


Headed up into the woods, it wasn`t too muddy at all, but trail shoes still needed a good scrubbing when we got home, we went in through the utility room, ideal for cleaning the shoes off.


And this afternoon, it`s far too nice to be sitting in watching tv. Usually a Saturday is a movie afternoon with my husband traditionally as I mention often on here, but when the weather gets nicer, we love sitting outside, or partly outside......half in the house half`s beautiful in the sunshine, but cool in the shade.

Had some snacks for lunch, nibbly picnic food and some salad.

View attachment 751882

Tonight we’ll probably snuggle up and watch a movie, haven’t decided which one yet, but we have plenty to choose from. I did make my lasagne and we handed the big one into the farm for them to enjoy and they didn’t refuse the wine either…….lol………lovely couple. You never leave there empty handed, we came out with a dozen eggs and a sweet, spicy apple and plum chutney.

But for now, my lovely husband has brought me a glass of bubbly and moved the snack plate from the far side of the kitchen to the table between us……too close really, but so nice! Haven’t seen a deer today but we had an owl or two pass us 5 minutes ago, beautiful creatures and I thought I saw a hare earlier.

Sunglasses on……. 🥰
Your walk through that gorgeous landscape looks wonderful! What a beautiful place!
I am excited over 38 degrees today and sunshine, LOL! But we are heading for upper 60's this week, so there's hope for this to end soon.

I'm making a list for our trip to Tennessee. We are leaving this Wednesday for a week or 10 days. This time of year is so gorgeous down there with flowers, green grass and trees, and the warmth! I wont' be online til I get back though so don't think I've left the country:)
gorgeous pictures!

Thanks mac.....I love where we live, we are surrounded by some lovely places.

Your walk through that gorgeous landscape looks wonderful! What a beautiful place!
I am excited over 38 degrees today and sunshine, LOL! But we are heading for upper 60's this week, so there's hope for this to end soon.

I'm making a list for our trip to Tennessee. We are leaving this Wednesday for a week or 10 days. This time of year is so gorgeous down there with flowers, green grass and trees, and the warmth! I wont' be online til I get back though so don't think I've left the country:)

It is lovely.

Yay.....good weather and a confirmed trip to Tennessee.....I`m so happy you are going and you`ll see such lovely things and family too of course.....I won`t think you`ve deserted us......but hope you have the best time......

Just about to sit down to our lasagne and The Greatest Showman that DVD.......

Red wine opened......can`t get much better.......:)
Thanks mac.....I love where we live, we are surrounded by some lovely places.

It is lovely.

Yay.....good weather and a confirmed trip to Tennessee.....I`m so happy you are going and you`ll see such lovely things and family too of course.....I won`t think you`ve deserted us......but hope you have the best time......

Just about to sit down to our lasagne and The Greatest Showman that DVD.......

Red wine opened......can`t get much better.......:)
Thanks, Carole:

I don't understand why my brother won't get internet service! He has a computer which is not hooked up:crazy:
If he needs to use a computer, he treks on over to the library and uses their free service. Oh well, he IS older than me:)
Thanks, Carole:

I don't understand why my brother won't get internet service! He has a computer which is not hooked up:crazy:
If he needs to use a computer, he treks on over to the library and uses their free service. Oh well, he IS older than me:)

lol.....we are all trying to get my mum to get internet.....she is sooooo not interested!!! We did think we had convinced her

She thinks she is worldly as she has a mobile (cell) phone but it`s an older one....flip internet, is just a step too far for her! Maybe your brother will catch up eventually...... 😁
Bedtime here in the UK…….we win that one!!!

Easter Sunday tomorrow, not much going on except a turkey Easter dinner and a day of family, doesn’t get much better. Have some friends coming around who are just like family to us for drinks and nibbles. And an Easter Egg or two……

Ready for bed soon for us, we’ve had a lovely Saturday evening…….watched The Greatest Showman which is a fabulous movie, both of us singing along to every song, and neither of us can carry a tune in a bucket!!!

Hope your Saturday has been lovely…..
Your walk through that gorgeous landscape looks wonderful! What a beautiful place!
I am excited over 38 degrees today and sunshine, LOL! But we are heading for upper 60's this week, so there's hope for this to end soon.

I'm making a list for our trip to Tennessee. We are leaving this Wednesday for a week or 10 days. This time of year is so gorgeous down there with flowers, green grass and trees, and the warmth! I wont' be online til I get back though so don't think I've left the country:)
You should have great weather for your trip.
Don’t forget the sunscreen!


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