Something About Nothing............ #14

Love your memes - they always make me laugh. Well it looks like we all survived Easter dinner!
How far away do you have to travel to visit your Mom? I don't know why I thought it was a quick, close trip???!!! Hope you have a nice visit, and Iwill get back to you as soon as I can when I return from the land of no internet!

Thanks Ruth, I thought you would!!! :rotfl:

It’s a drive and a half, takes most of a day and we were lucky with light traffic yesterday as we left very early, got there mid to late afternoon.

The Hotel has very good internet thankfully.

I‘m sure I’ll pop off a quick email before you leave, but if I don’t get the chance, have a wonderful trip and enjoy that sunshine and heat as well as family time!!

Well I’ve had a depressing morning. I decided to try on my shorts to see what I will be taking on our trip. I have a pile of fits, a little snug but might fit if I drop a few pounds, and there is no way these will fit by June. Guess which pile is the largest. I need to find some time to exercise.

Today is another quiet day. Dh is out with a friend, so it’s just me and Caspian at home.

Charade, that’s never a good feeling and we’ve all been there. I have clothes that won’t be travelling to Orlando with me this time around… happens. Don’t let it get you too down, it’s not always easy to exercise.

only took 5 hours to clear the desk today. Bleary eyed & too many numbers running thru my head. all I need to do is write Uncle Sam a check :rolleyes2, the first time ever. Everyone who has retired warned me it tends to happen that first year, glad i took heed. The Mr asked how much…I said it was a trip lol. Happy to put that to bed For another year!

who among us doesn’t have a fat wardrobe? ;) I found a skort style I really like at Sams, nice length and stretchy sort. A size bigger than the Lee brand ones I bought last year (they now dwell in the skinny Rubbermaid bin). They must have new buyers, I also grabbed several GAP tshirts at hefty discount & a cute style with ruffle sleeves. summer wardrobe shopping is done, well, for now :)

heading out to supervise the mr‘s placement of some new landscaping lights in the front yard.

carole - happy trails to you! Give your mom a gentle squeeze.

lynne - not sure I’d want to start the week to the sound of garbage trucks.

Thanks Janet, she got the biggest gentlest hug yesterday, felt so good.

Yes, my closets do have a “don’t even think about it” section :laughing:…… I don’t……….glad you got sorted with some clothes, always nice to pick up some new clothes!

Glad the tax stuff is sorted, we don’t do have to do that here generally. Have a great week ahead!

Starting my week off right on the waterfront here :tongue:…….so listening to the waves rolling back and forward and seeing the lighthouse flashing opposite, very beautiful and very gentle way to start the day. Back home we are an 5-10 minute walk to the beach, so this feels ultra close which is so lovely. Our room is right at the front of the hotel…..or the back depending on your view point…’s a perfect way to start the day. Heading for breakfast soon, they offer huge pots of tea here which go down well with the local bacon and potato scones which are a very Scottish item! Tom always adds in the eggs, sausages and haggis slices too, toast works well for me!

Weather warning for us in the UK next few days, glad we have no real plans today except so see folks. Travelling home might be fun tomorrow. But good weather is on the horizon for us next week.

Ah Taco Tuesday today. Yep, the day Mac can enjoy a Taco Bell meal.

And warmer day, yay. It’s a still clear sky, but phone says cloudy conditions starting at 9 am. On well. Will be enjoying a clear sky at sunrise. So there’s that. But even with cloud cover, still will be sporting my shades, with shorts on.

Have a most Terrific Taco Tuesday, and enjoy a taco or two, as a happy hand held meal.
Good Tuesday evening everyone :wave:



Our view this morning......
Beautiful view to look at.

I'm making a list for our trip to Tennessee. We are leaving this Wednesday for a week or 10 days. This time of year is so gorgeous down there with flowers, green grass and trees, and the warmth! I wont' be online til I get back though so don't think I've left the country:)
Safe travels to you on your journey to Tennessee. Should be much warmer for you.

So fun to see two of my three brothers, sister and their others, niece and her DH, with my youngest niece and one of my two great nephews, and two of my four great nieces. Dinner coming up soon, as was so nice out, everyone was outside for awhile. We have appetizers out, so all snacking before the big meal.
So good to see family. Glad to hear you were able to enjoy some time with your family.

Just had our family dinner of roast pork, saurkraut, mashed potatoes, homemade bread, and pumpkin pies with whipped cream. I am now beat! Been working on it all morning, so I'm resting now and watching the Masters Golf Tournament final round.
Tomorrow I start on all the pre trip prep work which I have to get done in 2 days!!!! What was I thinking
Sounds like a nice dinner.

point…’s a perfect way to start the day. Heading for breakfast soon, they offer huge pots of tea here which go down well with the local bacon and potato scones which are a very Scottish item! Tom always adds in the eggs, sausages and haggis slices too, toast works well for me!
Have a save trip and enjoy your time with hour mom and family. Sound like a very nice resort to stay at on the water. I bet you enjoy being back in Scotland for a visit.

Breakfast sounds good too.

Happy belated Easter to everyone. Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time with family.

Our son, daughter in law, granddaughter and her hubby and grandson came over for Easter. We had a nice meal and they surprised me with beautiful strawberry cake and some birthday gifts. They wanted to celebrate my birthday with me as I was in Florida during my birthday. It was very sweet. It is always so good to see our family.

I saw little J Saturday. He did see the Easter Bunny at the Mall. He was a little scared of the bunny, but did give the Bunny Five.

I had seen on the news feed yesterday on my IPAD that there had been a shooting at a bank in Louisville. When I see things like that I pray for the those who are killed and injured and their families.

I found out later in the day that one of those people who were killed was a friend of my daughter in law. Needless to say my daughter in law is devastated. J and my daughter in law worked together at the local bank here and her friend moved to Louisville to be close to her family about a month ago.

Please keep her friend’s family and all the victims and their families in your prayers.

Her friend was a wonderful mom and and friend to everyone.

I remember a few years ago I went to Hot Yoga with my daughter in law and her two friends from work. J was one of them. She was the nicest happiest person. A beautiful light has gone from this earth for sure.

Going to go and watch little J this morning. Will think of something to do. Weather is nice so maybe a park day.

Have a wonderful day everyone doing whatever make you happy.
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Ah so nice to hear from you, Robo. Nice to be enjoying the day with little J. And so hard and sad to hear of any loss of life from gun violence. Very sad, one was a friend, from that bank shooting that is in the news. I hope you are doing well, and good to hear had been relaxing in that FLA heat. We get to 73 today, so warmer days for us this week.

Well the clouds my phone says I’m having are not blocking the sun. It’s so bright out and gorgeous sunlight pouring through some of our windows. One next to my desk. Love seeing the sunshine.
Travelling home might be fun tomorrow
Safe trip! At first glance that beautiful pic reminded me of what we saw from ship in a distance on Alaskan voyage. Hope you are enjoying the visit.

Ruth - enjoy spending time with the family!

robbie - J’s in good company, I’ve never see a life size easter bunny that wasn’t rather creepy...I’ll go as far as majority were insidious. Believe it’s the head proportions:scratchin I stand by my thot they’d be great in a HHNmaze.

Lynne - enjoy that weather. Next week going to slump into the mid 50’s as a high here For a few days. My neighbor opened his pool…um, too soon…heater full blast or not.

back from GD’s track meet. Beautiful day for it, even tho our allergy count is off the charts This week. I’ll take the trade off for much welcomed weather. She’s improving her times every event & having fun (most importantly in my book).

lo & behold, two more tax returns handed off to me this am. simple, can knock them out in the morning. Did have one reject electronically today, person used wrong pin to submit. Acted like my fault. Not cool to bite the hand of the volunteer preparer. all I needed to submit my ’retirement’. time for new blood to pick up the torch ;)

thrilled the dentist is able to slip me in tomorrow evening to get that cap reinserted. Always a bit worrisome the post might break off in the interim. once that happens, Might as well make appt with the oral surgeon to yank it.
So what do we do on a Tuesday? Kids wanted Chinese type food. And so, dinner was my chicken fried rice, though no egg as little one doesn’t like it, as well as no peas, as no from her for those too, I do add these vegetables: carrots, green peppers, and water chestnuts, veggie pot stickers (Trader Joe’s —- which really like theirs) and chicken with micro streamed broccoli in a light chicken broth. Easy enough meal. Nothing left. We all like rice with vegetables and chicken.

Ack to dentist need, but glad you got an appointment tomorrow, Keisha. Yeah, we go back to that not so warm high degree Tuesday and Wednesday of next week as 55 and 57 the predicted highs then. So not that Summer all the time temps yet. But hey, I’ll take Friday’s. 83 the high. I hope even hotter than that 83 predicted. And funny, all the young kids wanted to swim in my sister’s pool. Um, she doesn’t open hers until end of May. Even then, she does have a heater that makes the pool feel like a warm bath, if her sun cover doesn’t heat up enough that cold well water.

Safe travels to Schumi tomorrow. Hope the drive is uneventful. Beautiful pictures from your trip.

Ooh AC on, and now house feeling a bit cool. Time for the last of my tea. Screens for all. And shorts tomorrow. Lucky camel, warm day for our Wednesday. 79 the high tomorrow. Woot!

Hello homies :flower1:

Mixed up my days and fixed a pork steak dinner.
Mr Mac said it was great but will hit Taco Bell tomorrow.

He really wanted red meat tonight …he kept telling me today was Monday…..

Ruth safe travels for you on your trip tomorrow.!
Schumi also good travels for you returning back home.

Robbie, hope you are feeling better real soon!

Shout to all that you are fine.

Typing with the two thumbs so taking a short cut in good wishes for all.

We have not lost any electricity but lost our TV connections at 3 today.
I never realized until this evening how much I enjoy tv.
Keep getting the scrolling message, service will be back soon.

Annoyed can’t watch the sports games

Check in here when you can.
Safe trip! At first glance that beautiful pic reminded me of what we saw from ship in a distance on Alaskan voyage. Hope you are enjoying the visit.

Ruth - enjoy spending time with the family!

robbie - J’s in good company, I’ve never see a life size easter bunny that wasn’t rather creepy...I’ll go as far as majority were insidious. Believe it’s the head proportions:scratchin I stand by my thot they’d be great in a HHNmaze.

Lynne - enjoy that weather. Next week going to slump into the mid 50’s as a high here For a few days. My neighbor opened his pool…um, too soon…heater full blast or not.

back from GD’s track meet. Beautiful day for it, even tho our allergy count is off the charts This week. I’ll take the trade off for much welcomed weather. She’s improving her times every event & having fun (most importantly in my book).

lo & behold, two more tax returns handed off to me this am. simple, can knock them out in the morning. Did have one reject electronically today, person used wrong pin to submit. Acted like my fault. Not cool to bite the hand of the volunteer preparer. all I needed to submit my ’retirement’. time for new blood to pick up the torch ;)

thrilled the dentist is able to slip me in tomorrow evening to get that cap reinserted. Always a bit worrisome the post might break off in the interim. once that happens, Might as well make appt with the oral surgeon to yank it.
Thanks, Keisha: I am really looking forward to it and to the warm Spring weather:)
Good Tuesday evening everyone :wave:

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Beautiful view to look at.

Safe travels to you on your journey to Tennessee. Should be much warmer for you.

So good to see family. Glad to hear you were able to enjoy some time with your family.

Sounds like a nice dinner.

Have a save trip and enjoy your time with hour mom and family. Sound like a very nice resort to stay at on the water. I bet you enjoy being back in Scotland for a visit.

Breakfast sounds good too.

Happy belated Easter to everyone. Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time with family.

Our son, daughter in law, granddaughter and her hubby and grandson came over for Easter. We had a nice meal and they surprised me with beautiful strawberry cake and some birthday gifts. They wanted to celebrate my birthday with me as I was in Florida during my birthday. It was very sweet. It is always so good to see our family.

I saw little J Saturday. He did see the Easter Bunny at the Mall. He was a little scared of the bunny, but did give the Bunny Five.

I had seen on the news feed yesterday on my IPAD that there had been a shooting at a bank in Louisville. When I see things like that I pray for the those who are killed and injured and their families.

I found out later in the day that one of those people who were killed was a friend of my daughter in law. Needless to say my daughter in law is devastated. J and my daughter in law worked together at the local bank here and her friend moved to Louisville to be close to her family about a month ago.

Please keep her friend’s family and all the victims and their families in your prayers.

Her friend was a wonderful mom and and friend to everyone.

I remember a few years ago I went to Hot Yoga with my daughter in law and her two friends from work. J was one of them. She was the nicest happiest person. A beautiful light has gone from this earth for sure.

Going to go and watch little J this morning. Will think of something to do. Weather is nice so maybe a park day.

Have a wonderful day everyone doing whatever make you happy.

What a dreadful thing to happen and for one to be a friend of your daughter in law, it just makes it seem worse somehow when it’s someone known to you or your family. Heartbreaking.

J did well, some Easter Bunnies are quite terrifying!

Glad you had a lovely Easter with some nice family time too.

Thank you, it has been a quick visit, but a very good one and yes, it is a beautiful area with some gorgeous views.

Safe trip! At first glance that beautiful pic reminded me of what we saw from ship in a distance on Alaskan voyage. Hope you are enjoying the visit.

Ruth - enjoy spending time with the family!

robbie - J’s in good company, I’ve never see a life size easter bunny that wasn’t rather creepy...I’ll go as far as majority were insidious. Believe it’s the head proportions:scratchin I stand by my thot they’d be great in a HHNmaze.

Lynne - enjoy that weather. Next week going to slump into the mid 50’s as a high here For a few days. My neighbor opened his pool…um, too soon…heater full blast or not.

back from GD’s track meet. Beautiful day for it, even tho our allergy count is off the charts This week. I’ll take the trade off for much welcomed weather. She’s improving her times every event & having fun (most importantly in my book).

lo & behold, two more tax returns handed off to me this am. simple, can knock them out in the morning. Did have one reject electronically today, person used wrong pin to submit. Acted like my fault. Not cool to bite the hand of the volunteer preparer. all I needed to submit my ’retirement’. time for new blood to pick up the torch ;)

thrilled the dentist is able to slip me in tomorrow evening to get that cap reinserted. Always a bit worrisome the post might break off in the interim. once that happens, Might as well make appt with the oral surgeon to yank it.

It is stunning. Some winters when the island is a very vibrant blue, you almost feel as if you can reach out and touch it, it looks huge, but that was my view from my bedroom window as a child up till I was around 18. Had a lovely trip Thanks.

Glad you had fun watching GD! Yes, having fun is the most important thing. We all know those competitive folks who take the fun out of everything for their kids with their attitude. When Kyle gave up Karate I remember one parent “whisper” to her son, oh you’ll be top of the group now…..yesssssss!!! I simply said congratulations, your son (who was lovely) must be so proud of you!

Good luck with the tax thingy this morning, and yes, I’d have been annoyed too at that person……don't bite the hand that feeds you!!

Hello homies :flower1:

Mixed up my days and fixed a pork steak dinner.
Mr Mac said it was great but will hit Taco Bell tomorrow.

He really wanted red meat tonight …he kept telling me today was Monday…..

Ruth safe travels for you on your trip tomorrow.!
Schumi also good travels for you returning back home.

Robbie, hope you are feeling better real soon!

Shout to all that you are fine.

Typing with the two thumbs so taking a short cut in good wishes for all.

We have not lost any electricity but lost our TV connections at 3 today.
I never realized until this evening how much I enjoy tv.
Keep getting the scrolling message, service will be back soon.

Annoyed can’t watch the sports games

Check in here when you can.

Our days have been mixed up with the Easter weekend…….I thought Friday was Saturday and yesterday was Monday!

Thanks Mac………hope you got your tv back!!

Thanks, Keisha: I am really looking forward to it and to the warm Spring weather:)

I already wished you safe travels, but hope you have a wonderful trip once again……..:)

Well, that was one wild night! 60mph winds all night which were quite something to listen to….I did fall asleep through it though. We caught a lovely sunset picture last night before the storm hit bad which is always nice to see.

This morning the wind isn’t as bad, but rain has stopped which will be ideal for travelling in today.

Another early breakfast, then we’ll set off…..roads look good so we should make good time.
Safe raid trip home to Schumi, and safe travels to Ruth, as so nice to enjoy warmer weather.

Ah yes, our more like Summer, without the humidity days. While still some clouds around this morning, the clouds will depart and give us a gloriously sun filled afternoon. 81 and most pleasant with low humidity, but enough wind, 10 mph, so feeling a bit cooler than the 60 degrees it’s is in this early hour. Being told from my cardinal he’s shooting those lasers to tell all it’s his area. Love hearing that bird in the predawn hours. Spring is starting here. Birds are back from their Southern wintering, joining those fewer that stay year round. Though our Northern cardinals are year round. Love the most beautiful deep, but bright red the males are.

And so, who do I see?

Yay, camel is right. Smile today. As all know that this mid week hump of a day feeling, means a week day ending Friday is here. Yeah and the end of our Summer like temps, and dry days. Yes, another weekend with rainy Saturday. And that rain brings our temps through the next week, at least 10 degrees cooler. Eh, our April still feels more like late Fall, which means 50’a and low 60’s next week.

Wonderful Wednesday to all.

Yep, tea and teleworking, listening to the song of a cardinal outside my window. What a perfect start to today. Warm. Shorts on. Why yes they are. Even with older one turning on the AC when he went to bed. Just a little cool inside, but with my tea, I’m fine.

Woot! Wednesday today homies.
We caught a lovely sunset picture last night before the storm hit bad which is always nice to see.
And ;) , come on share:sunny:

ruth should be well on her way By now.

forgot to mention there was an eagle soaring over the track yesterday. Loved how most spectators stopped dead in their ‘tracks’ to watch that rare site here. it was several miles from the nearest river, although a small lake nearby that was just stocked with trout. Assume that’s what drew him in for a visit.

oh, so many parents re-living their failed sports dreams thru their kids, it’s down-right disturbing. So many in this generation will chat in the stands as to their dreams for their kids…used to be scholarship goals, now it’s to trend on instagram. :crazy: It passes for normal.

IMO totally opposite situation when parents coach or encourage their kids to apply themselves. one of the big benefits of kids playing sports is to instill the idea of teamwork, discipline & skills to apply to life in general. Things that appear to be sorely missing in many homes. that said she did win three out of four of her events lol:laughing: Doesn’t really matter in the scoring system as it’s on cumulative points, often consistency is what counts there.

trying to motivate myself to get productive, on 2nd cuppa coffee and still sluggish, attribute that mostly to the allergy count here that is just exploding.

Yeah, older one has been medicating for weeks now, Keisha. I feel ya. He’s miserable when pollen is in the air. On a beautiful day, no need to move fast. Hope your dental visit goes well. Sending good thoughts your way. And a big WOOT for gd doing so well. Yeah, over the years that both my kids played sports, bad parent and adult behavior was witnessed. These are kids. Sigh. Why can’t all be simply spectators, just happy to watch? At least I think both my kids had fun doing sports as they grew up. Hope your gd still enjoying competing in her sports .

Sigh. In training and it’s not that most interesting. Have a lunchtime meeting, so will be walking much later in the lunchtime. At least it makes the day go by faster.
Finally getting a chance to stop in!!!

Happy belated Easter to everyone! It sounds like everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. We did go to see dd and her little family for the weekend. I picked up a shift on Friday ($$$) money stat day to boot. Then we left right after my shift. It was a short weekend spent there. We also brought ds's as well - more like Mom made them come ::yes:: :blush: to spend the holiday together. We don't know how many more holidays we will get to spend all together as the boys now have gf's and all that jazz.

NO typical easter food for us. The weather was sooooooooooo beautiful, warm and wonderful it was grilled steaks, baked potatoes, salad and garlic bread 🥲

I was hoping to hit the gym the last 2 nights - but I have zero energy left! Hopefully once these next 2 week happen ( I have lots of shifts at both jobs with one gal on vacation) and I go back to my regular assigned shifts instead of picking up so many. Once I hear if I get moved into a new line with more hours or stay where I am - I think I might be taking a couple of vacation days tacked onto a weekend - just so I can have a little bit of down time. I am needing some.

I just submitted my last discussion board post. All I need to do now id respond to 2 of my classmates posts and I never have to do another one of these stupid discussion boards again. I don't know anyone who thinks they are useful.
Yay!!!!!!!!!! I remember that feeling as well. I HATED the discussion boards. And the fact that we had to post on there to to receive full marks.
she got the biggest gentlest hug yesterday, felt so good.
Those hugs are the best ones ;) Enjoy your little getaway to see family!
Please keep her friend’s family and all the victims and their families in your prayers.
I will! It is stories like that, where I am extremely grateful I live where I do.
lo & behold, two more tax returns handed off to me this am. simple, can knock them out in the morning. Did have one reject electronically today, person used wrong pin to submit. Acted like my fault. Not cool to bite the hand of the volunteer preparer. all I needed to submit my ’retirement’. time for new blood to pick up the torch ;)
We still have to do ours as well. Dh will be hitting up his sister to help us with ours. It is nice having family members who are willing to help us out to complete ours. And guess who calls dh when she needs something fixed in her house ::yes:: He will gladly go help out where he can to help her.
Mixed up my days and fixed a pork steak dinner.
Mr Mac said it was great but will hit Taco Bell tomorrow.
That sounds delicious! I hope you get your services restored soon.
Yep, tea and teleworking, listening to the song of a cardinal outside my window. What a perfect start to today. Warm. Shorts on. Why yes they are. Even with older one turning on the AC when he went to bed. Just a little cool inside, but with my tea, I’m fin
Enjoy that tea on hump day! I think I would enjoy teleworking. I get so much more done when the office is quiet vs when it's bustling with people.

Well, I should start the paper shuffle for today.

Have a great day everyone!
And ;) , come on share:sunny:

ruth should be well on her way By now.

forgot to mention there was an eagle soaring over the track yesterday. Loved how most spectators stopped dead in their ‘tracks’ to watch that rare site here. it was several miles from the nearest river, although a small lake nearby that was just stocked with trout. Assume that’s what drew him in for a visit.

oh, so many parents re-living their failed sports dreams thru their kids, it’s down-right disturbing. So many in this generation will chat in the stands as to their dreams for their kids…used to be scholarship goals, now it’s to trend on instagram. :crazy: It passes for normal.

IMO totally opposite situation when parents coach or encourage their kids to apply themselves. one of the big benefits of kids playing sports is to instill the idea of teamwork, discipline & skills to apply to life in general. Things that appear to be sorely missing in many homes. that said she did win three out of four of her events lol:laughing: Doesn’t really matter in the scoring system as it’s on cumulative points, often consistency is what counts there.

trying to motivate myself to get productive, on 2nd cuppa coffee and still sluggish, attribute that mostly to the allergy count here that is just exploding.

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Like the meme!!!

Ask and ye shall receive....... 😁 Although I can`t find the one I was talking about.....I hate technology at times! If I find it I`ll send it to you.

This one was just before a storm hit, nasty, but it is stunning.


This is one of the most impressive pics I have of the Island, I had this one enlarged and have it on one of our walls at home....I love it, not my picture I will hasten to add, being honest I thought Tom took it a couple of years ago, but he says no, so I have no clue how I got it in my pictures.


That`s home to me.

I agree with the sports issue....difference between parents who genuinely want to instill a value in their children over "winning" at all costs. I think your little GD has a wonderful attitude towards her sports and she certainly has an amazing ability...she`ll be a star if she pursues anything to professional levels.

Some parents seem to proud of the oddest things though. It`s a worrying trend with the Instagram generation.

How lovely to see an eagle!! Yes, they`re quite something to see.

Enjoy that coffee!!!

Finally getting a chance to stop in!!!

Happy belated Easter to everyone! It sounds like everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. We did go to see dd and her little family for the weekend. I picked up a shift on Friday ($$$) money stat day to boot. Then we left right after my shift. It was a short weekend spent there. We also brought ds's as well - more like Mom made them come ::yes:: :blush: to spend the holiday together. We don't know how many more holidays we will get to spend all together as the boys now have gf's and all that jazz.

NO typical easter food for us. The weather was sooooooooooo beautiful, warm and wonderful it was grilled steaks, baked potatoes, salad and garlic bread 🥲

I was hoping to hit the gym the last 2 nights - but I have zero energy left! Hopefully once these next 2 week happen ( I have lots of shifts at both jobs with one gal on vacation) and I go back to my regular assigned shifts instead of picking up so many. Once I hear if I get moved into a new line with more hours or stay where I am - I think I might be taking a couple of vacation days tacked onto a weekend - just so I can have a little bit of down time. I am needing some.

Yay!!!!!!!!!! I remember that feeling as well. I HATED the discussion boards. And the fact that we had to post on there to to receive full marks.

Those hugs are the best ones ;) Enjoy your little getaway to see family!

I will! It is stories like that, where I am extremely grateful I live where I do.

We still have to do ours as well. Dh will be hitting up his sister to help us with ours. It is nice having family members who are willing to help us out to complete ours. And guess who calls dh when she needs something fixed in her house ::yes:: He will gladly go help out where he can to help her.

That sounds delicious! I hope you get your services restored soon.

Enjoy that tea on hump day! I think I would enjoy teleworking. I get so much more done when the office is quiet vs when it's bustling with people.

Well, I should start the paper shuffle for today.

Have a great day everyone!

Glad you had a nice Easter Weekend and hope your DD is fully or almost fully recovered now. Family time is the best healer, and yes, GF`s do change the family dynamic, but usually for the better.....:)

And yes, sounds like you could be doing with a few extra days off.

Made it back in record timetoday, roads were surprisingly quiet for the schools still being off for Easter. Weather was not too bad, incredibly windy in some areas but better than last night.

So, we had a wonderful little visit and now back home to more high winds and rain. It always seems to be raining right now. It`s so cold!!!

Popped into our local deli before we came home and picked up some charcuterie items, olives and some of their chive bread, that`s going to be dinner tonight, can`t be bothered cooking after travelling.

Definitely time for more tea.....
I have to laugh at my fellow Canadians. Only true canadians will break out the flip flops and shorts at the first hint of any warm weather.

We have a gloriously beautiful day - bright blue skies, is shining bright and the day is warming up nicely....and everywhere you look - there are people is flip flops, shorts, tank tops, sun dresses etc etc etc. We are definitely a hardy bunch of people :rotfl:

Our skies remind me of those glorious bright blue Florida skies! This morning there was frost on my car windows and now you can walk outside in just a t-shirt.

Well, off to shuffle more papers
Oh I guess I live North enough, been see those wearing flip flops even when weather not that nice, though with socks on, Lol, Yeah, I see shorts on lots of people once the high temp gets to 50 degrees. Yay for your weather to be so beautiful, Summer type clothing see, Pumpkin.
I have to laugh at my fellow Canadians. Only true canadians will break out the flip flops and shorts at the first hint of any warm weather.

We have a gloriously beautiful day - bright blue skies, is shining bright and the day is warming up nicely....and everywhere you look - there are people is flip flops, shorts, tank tops, sun dresses etc etc etc. We are definitely a hardy bunch of people :rotfl:

Our skies remind me of those glorious bright blue Florida skies! This morning there was frost on my car windows and now you can walk outside in just a t-shirt.

Well, off to shuffle more papers

lol.....I don`t think it`s just a Canadian thing, we see folks here in shorts no matter how cold it is.....they look ridiculous to be honest here, but because it`s a seaside`s just what some do. It`s usually a certain type of person though here.

Glad you had some lovely weather though, about time!! You and Ruth certainly earn your summer sunshine!!

Nothing like sleeping in your own bed!

I think I lasted till 10.30 last night before conking out like I hadn`t slept for a month! Thankfully the wind has died down, that was dreadful. Not the nicest day outside today, threats of rain all day so I doubt we`ll walk....but next week........they are promising us lots of sunshine!

Shopping this morning, dull as ever doing that job, then popping in to see a friend for a chat and that`s about our day today.

I have to find some places for the things I`ve brought back from mum. What is it about mum`s that are always giving you things.....I have 5 yankee candles as she "can`t be bothered with candles" 2 oven dishes as she doesn`t bake with them as much as she used to and unopened clinique products someone got her that she doesn`t use......and several other things I haven`t opened yet!! It`s like Christmas morning again.

Honey, mustard, balsamic chicken for dinner tonight with a load of roast veg. But, breakfast avocado this morning so toast with marmalade along with my extra large pot of tea, brought some tea back from mum too funnily enough, I think an unwanted Christmas gift as it`s "too fancy" for her, she only really drinks Earl Grey or breakfast tea.

And an umbrella will be essential today.

Thirsty Thursday ahead......




Have a lovely Thursday​
Ah yes, that thirsty Thursday feeling. Yay for enjoying this more warm weather today. Glad to hear Pumpkin and Ruth are getting some of that warmer weather too. Hope Ruth got to her more Southern place now, without any issues.

Ah yes, the day of the week I commute. Never an issue with only traffic I see is to get into the place. Many of us are early entering. Not so much in my office, but in others, many more. But as my building gets a smaller amount of early enters, I get my choice of close parking. And take a bit to back in just right. Then I can go by just pulling out. And the only one doing so. Though my car beeps at the passing cars in the back of me, in the road. Um, they are not that close, car.

And ooh, first time I caught deer walking across the road in front of me, as I was speeding, as hoping to catch the green light. Ooh, good thing I have very good headlights, and braked quick enough. Gave them a distance to pass, even if I got the red light after they were out of sight. First time I have ever seen deer there. Though my township park’s end was in the several blocks before I saw them. Guess they liked strolling the neighborhood this early morning.

And so, tea water from a bottle. Thankful as have to say, bottle does have hot enough water to steep just right. And so, a predawn start, no matter where I am. If can’t have a lazy Friday, at least it’s a teleworking one this week, and a little shorter day too. Not today though. And since local schools are in session, the 8 miles or so I am from office, will take me more than double time to get home. Yep, 40 or so minutes to travel that short distance. Including catching school zones working at 4 pm. Um. I would think by then, kids are gone. Never see a guard when I slow past that blinking lights. But I still slow down.

And so, have to enjoy being in my office today, and keeping thirsty, as just almost cool inside. I knew was going to be warm today, so wore my lightest weighted blouse. Eh, if it stays cool, I always have that lightweight open front sweater jacket to wear.

Thus, hope all have a most Terrific Thirsty Thursday.


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