Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good Friday morning.

Haven't been posting for a while. I've been pretty sick since the weekend before Easter. I had to work from home all that week and then I had to call off sick the Saturday before Easter for my weekend job. First time calling in sick in 8 years. I had quite a few coworkers texting me to see if I was okay. I finally went into the office this past Wednesday. I started off with a sinus infection, went into an upper respiratory infection which went into bronchitis. I was down and out! Still a little wheezing but my cough isn't so hard and painful.

I need to go to a layout tonight before work. Friends of mine son was hit by a car one night back in November. He passed away the day before Easter, he was 23. Evan went to school with his older brother and Jacob played basketball against him during grade school. Every time I think about him I start crying. He just got out of the Army over the summer, scheduled to take the police test back in December and all this happens in November. It's going to be a rough night.

Haven't been really keeping up much on this thread. Hope everyone is doing well and are enjoying any vacation that you've been on or are enjoying now.

Easter was okay. I did manage to go to dinner with most of the kids that day (I was over being contagious).

Weather has been beautiful the past couple of weeks here in Cinti. I'm actually going to attempt to cut the front yard later this morning. Mitchell came over and cut the yard last weekend for me and I don't want to ask anyone to come over again. Hopefully I'll be okay. I'll do the backyard Monday night since it's supposed to rain Sunday and I work this weekend.

Off to pick up a grocery order. Have a great day.
Noooo! Don’t cut the front yard, you need to REST! And all that guck won’t be good for your lungs!! Please either let it go or let someone do it for you. Just the effort alone will knock you on your a$$ for the weekend! Lung issues can take weeks to recover from. You’re not even out of the woods yet.

I’m sorry to hear all this has been going on with you. And I’m so sorry about the young man who lost his life. That really makes me sad! 😭 Sending prayers for his family and friends. 🙏🏻 🤧
Good morning, another summer day ahead. We hit 89 yesterday and may get higher. I agree with you @Pea-n-Me , I'm trying to hold off on the ac just yet, but I came close to being @PollyannaMom yesterday and turning it on. I settled for sitting outside in the shade for awhile after getting some things crossed off my summer to do list. I had left the blinds closed and the ceiling fans on during the day so it stayed fairly cool in the house. Of course now that it's 90 degrees outside, Don says it feels 'comfortable' in the house. I slept with both bedroom windows open overnight, temp went down to 50 and it was so nice to sleep in.

@footballmouse Sorry to hear about your being sick. I agree with Pea, do not mow the lawn today with all the pollen and junk in the air. That won't help you fully recover

@Pea-n-Me Sure, I'll do side jobs. Just send me a plane ticket and find me a place to stay. I could use the vacation, lol

@bobbiwoz :( to your getting sick on your trip. Feel better!

Yesterday I got out the birdbaths and fountains. Set them all up. Put out all of my wind chimes and solar decorations. I took the blankets off the porch chairs that I put there for the outdoor cats, and took their winter box off the porch and put it away till November. It was 4 loads of laundry to wash all the blankets and hang them on the line, and I did regular laundry too. I think I went up and down the stairs about 20 times yesterday.

I should mow again today, but I have to wait for the little bit of dew on the grass to dry out. Calling for rain tomorrow, but nice on Sunday, so I may wait until then. I just did it on Sunday, hard to believe it's gotten that tall again. I was talking to my neighbor last night and he said 'didn't we just mow, I swear we did." I know we did because we were both out there doing it at the same time, lol. Their older son (7) had just come back from being with his bio Dad in NY, and came running over to tell me about his trip. Said he saw the Empire State Bldg and Time's Square. He's going to spend the summer with his Dad and he told me there was only 45 more caterpillar pieces until school break. I had no idea what he meant until he explained that they made a caterpillar on the wall in school, and each day was 1 piece. They tear off one piece every day, lol

Off to find something to do. It's not going to be as much as yesterday, lol!

Have a great day

Good morning everyone. Decided to pop on here since I had a free second.

Hope everyone is doing well. I went back and re-read the last page & a half or so to catch up - sorry if I missed anything/anyone!

laying like its her bed and her spot... :laughing:
I like how she's got a expression on her face as if to say "hey! You are keeping me from sleeping!"
One of these days Snowy, I pray that you will be sitting out on your patio with a good cup of coffee, watching the birds and listening to their songs and have it hit you how much you have accomplished since Chris passed away. All the new things that you've learned, things that you never thought you would have to do but conquered them. I pray that this new home you will move into soon will be a balm to your soul, that you will make new friends to pass the time with, to laugh and cry with and feel a sense of belonging. Your grandchildren will love having you close by.
This 100%! Well said Kirby.
My friend who was diagnosed with early breast cancer had very successful surgery yesterday, a lumpectomy, and no lymph node involvement. She is home and resting.
So glad to read this. I have a family member who recently went thru a similar situation, it was a relief when she came out the other side even though we knew she would.
Then we launched into some cleaning.
That's what I'm doing this weekend. I need to mow this evening directly after work (my husband is out of town this weekend so I'll be doing all of it). I've got about a hour & a half on the zero turn and then about the same amount of time on the big tractor. But I want to try to get that taken care of since we are expecting weather this weekend. I've got all the beds around the house weeded and had 60 bags of mulch delivered yesterday, so I'll be able to put that down even if it's raining or whatever. It always looks so much nicer & fresher after I mulch. I'll need to get more mulch for other areas & trees, but this will get me started around the house at least. I usually get it delivered by dump truck, but for around the house the bags are convenient. In between all that I need to go big grocery shopping and Saturday AM I'm going to a 4H auction, but that should only be a hour or two. Last night I got a lot of the weed killer sprayed around the house, so that chore is done. The couple lbs of wildflower seeds I ordered arrived, so if my husband gets home in time on Sunday I'll have him help me put the discs on the tractor - I haven't managed how to do that yet! And then I'll get the area prepped and seeded. It's going to be bordering the small field we plan on using for parking for the wedding later this summer. I hope it turns out.
Not sure what happened to my quotes! Anyway - Footballmouse, I hope you are feeling better. That stuff seems to take forever to fully bounce back from.

Honestly, everyday life is full and busy and I've just not got the time to contribute to this thread like I did when we were at the beginning of the pandemic. I had more free time then because we were stuck at home staring at the walls. We always continued to work, I do feel like life has returned much to normal for many and, as they say - life goes on. Everyone is out and about, movies, theatres, travel, restaurants, shopping....it's nice to be able to have the hustle and bustle of everyday life resume as it once was, at least for us. But you know what? That's good.

So as I mentioned above, I'm off to a 4H auction tomorrow morning. I've never gone before but the large shrub auction I attend each year (fundraiser for a local VFD that was very well attended. They opted for a gun bash this year...yawn, there is one of those on every corner around here) isn't being held this year. To say I'm disappointed is a understatement! But my SIL told me they sometimes have some trees/shrubs at this 4H function - so I'll go with her and see what they've got. We already have 24 willows we have to plant later this season, but we won't bother with those until the fall. Still trying to decide where to put them!

I'm off to Florida on Tuesday afternoon for about a week. I'm ready for a bit of heat & humidity, and plan on taking a turn around the Barnes & Nobel down there, maybe getting a book or three read while sitting around the pool!
He's going to spend the summer with his Dad and he told me there was only 45 more caterpillar pieces until school break. I had no idea what he meant until he explained that they made a caterpillar on the wall in school, and each day was 1 piece. They tear off one piece every day, lol
Oh my gosh, I remember those!

I did this one with DS for a Disney trip when he was five:
Stopped at our Costco for a little gas today and it was $3.45! Yikes (just a little bit as I only needed 5 gallons to fill my hybrid)!

Checked other areas online and found that Danvers, Ma has Costco gas for $3.09 and Dedham, Ma has it for $3.13.

Then I jumped across to Seattle, Washington and saw $4.04.

Down the coast to Alhambra, Ca where I immediately felt more fortunate after seeing that they are paying $4.35.

Midwest - Chicago - near city $4.23, $3.86 south in the state, $4.09 north in the state.

And south to Ridgeland, Mississippi where they pay $2.99, which I haven't seen in quite a while.

I know a lot depends on state taxes, and other factors.
@Judique Gas prices seem to be getting a bit higher everywhere but it does depend alot on where you live. I paid 3.39 today in the Boston area. In Kenny's area in Central Ma it is higher, around 3.45 and a couple of places have it for 3.59.

@Pea-n-Me It is interesting how the bakery business goes. I figured bakers knew each other and their businesses. I have made a couple of mac and cheeses for the grandkids including one I made for my kids growing up. They like the boxed better. Go figure. Thank you for the kind words. I am open to some day finding a companion to spend time with, to help ease some of the loneliness of life. Online sites are not for me. I am too quiet and tentative. Chris always said he did not want me to be alone if he passed first and I felt the same way for him. You never know where life is going to take you.

@footballmouse Hope you feel better soon. Please rest before tackling any work outside.

It is so warm here today. Kenny did put on the AC yesterday. I cannot stand to be warm. Pizza and salad are on my list for supper. Kenny works late and then is with friends. Tomorrow I want to look for some basic house stuff for Kenny like a casserole dish, cake pans, and baking pans. Soon to be ex took most of the stuff. I will hit Target and look for some stuff.

Have a good evening.
@Pea-n-Me , you have such good advice and kind words.

Our friends have left, they live in Tarpon Springs. We have enjoyed spending this 44 year anniversary celebration with them. We missed their wedding ceremony because of a flat tire. I remember where we were, and my Tom, always the funny one, said when he was finished, well we missed the ceremony, we can go home now. No way!

Today, after Remy’s Adventure
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@Pea-n-Me , you have such good advice and kind words.

Our friends have left, they live in Tarpon Springs. We have enjoyed spending this 44 year anniversary celebration with them. We missed their wedding ceremony because of a flat tire. I remember where we were, and my Tom, always the funny one, said when he was finished, well we missed the ceremony, we can go home now. No way!

Today, after Remy’s Adventure
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I have that same Pooh and "Tigger" graphic on a coffee cup!

Glad you had more luck with their anniversary than with their wedding :goodvibes
Good Afternoon🐥:grouphug:

I say this often because my heartfelt thanks to each of you only grows. How truly blessed I am that God connected us to begin with and has grown our bond closer over the last three years. :thanks:all for being a Quacker. I did read all ofyour kind and caring posts from today and as always was touched by the sincerity and support of them all.

I was so blessed this morning to have been able to speak with my dentist, Dr. E. I felt badly about calling because I'm not someone who likes to impose especially on someone perhaps still on vacation. Dr. E was back in the office and was kind to reassure me that patient care is what he's there for.

During the night, I definitely experienced more twinges. Thank God, none truly lasting or consistent just further indication that there is definitely 🦷trouble going on. I am also thankful that so far this is not impacting eating or drinking. I will be seeing him Tuesday morning most likely to have the filling. At this point, that takes priority over the cleaning which will now be the week after. I would appreciate extra prayers from all of you Tuesday morning and thank you for them. I will update afterwards :)

Thank you Pea and Snowysom:hug: for your concern for my dad. I am extra appreciative of safe outing prayers for him always. Dad won't be returning to that Skechers. He mostly goes to routine places right in our neighborhood. Costco on Monday, about 45 minutes away in Burbank (thriving and good area) will be an exception.

Pea, 🙏for eye healing. Sight is such a precious blessing. Irritation is so....irrirating :P Dad has gotten shoes online over the last three years from Amazon and most recently Old Navy. I'm so glad you were able to get some new 👟safely from home, too. Grandma often said to, "let your fingers do the walking." Wise words all the more so today! Off Broadway is now out of business, the only shoe store is a DSW in busier Hollywood where the couple times we went to never had anything. I miss real shoe stores! Blue stitching on your shoes sounds very cheerful. Wear them in all good health, my friend. May they provide your feet especially in all the kind care to patients they allow you to deliver, much comfort. Extra hug and thank you for your beautiful and trusting in us all share. God's ways are indeed not of our human understanding. However in all, His love and mercy, very Presence is with us. He is forever on time in a perfect way. One thing for sure is your family are very blessed to have you in it!

Dear Snowysmom, just :grouphug: along with extra love. ITA with what others have already shared. I especially like the idea of a gratitude/affirmation journal or daily trying to meditate on one. Are you a scrapbook fan? I am, like you, a sentimental lady who appreciates being able to physically look back on positive memories and cards. I pray the spdcial stuffed animals a quilt, I believe, give you an extra, more tangible hug from Chris and always from God. What about writing down or printing out/pasting into a scrapbook a daily gratitude and or affirmation plus a photo or memory that it brings to mind of a happy experience with Chris? I remember at one preschool I worked at, each child had a family book which was a 2 inch binder with maybe 10 pages front and back in sheet protectors that showed their family and memories of happy times. The kids loved sharing these books and when feeling homesick or just in need of extra comfort would quietly look at their book. I am thinking this could be an extra visual way of healing to complement the letters you write to Chris. Truly and always my prayer for you is a time to soon come of a lighter heart all-around, peace, and JOY. Chris will forever be with dear you and so is God! We love you, too.

As two extra additions having just read your latest post, I also loved the box mac and cheese most all my life. Simple and comforting. I was so upset when Kraft ruined the cheese as did Signature Select, Pavilions store brand. To me, there is more often than not much truth in leaving what is well and long enjoyed by millions, alone! Extra hug and prayers that should you feel God's call and connection that one day you will enjoy the extra companionship of a new friend who might be a man. Enjoy your pizza!

God Bless you, PollyannaMom, what a thoughtfully kind person you are which, of course, I knew already! Thank you for making such a caring difference to the young lady who was a helper to you. Love your mac and cheese share, too. Truly is small every day acts of kindness that can make a life changing and often saving in some ways difference. Plus, your son although very young at the time had the blessing of spending time with his young baby-sitter while still having the loving security of you, his mom, present. Definitely a beautiful and kind way to raise a child.

Bobbiwoz and Footballmouse, much 🙏that you both are feeling better!

Bobbiwoz, I'm so sorry you were ill in general, of course, and especially while at WDW::MickeyMoI do hope overall you and Tom had a wonderful time. As I've said before, I wish Disneyland had a Flower and Garden Festival. I would love to be able to go if they did. Enjoy the beautiful 🌸and topiaries and for me. Safe travel prayers home. Adding what a happy and beautiful group picture. I'm so grateful you and your friends were able to celebrate their Anniversary together, what a special gift extra to them and you and Tom, too!

Footballmouse:hug:, take care of yourself! Yardwork can wait, being kind to yourself and healing to feel better can't! How tragic :( Prayers indeed for your son, you of course, too, and the family of his friend most of all.

:cheer2:for you finally getting extra 🛌Lynn! Definitely please send me some of your heat:sunny:I hope like dad at the laundromat this morning, all of your laundry and yours as well PollyannaMom went smoothly. May this message find you and Don enjoying a relaxing evening.

Easyas, :sunny:🏊‍♀️📚cheer big time! I'm so thankful you will soon get to enjoy downtime in Florida. You know whenever you are able to post means a lot to us all but what matters, my friend, is that you are happy, safe, and well. It is so reassuring for me to hear about and also truly believe that this pandemic really has turned a positive corner By the Grace of God. Lynn and B&B should go into house cleaning business together as a side job, you both of them, and all in our Quacker family with yards, ought to go into the gardening/landscaping business together! 🌼🌳

Judique, ⛽prices sure have gone back and forth here. Dad pays $4 something at the cheapest station near us. At one time it was uowards near $6. Another sad and wrong example of pandemic pricing. I do hope you were able to fill up🚗and that your car in general is still running smoothly.

Before this grows longer I will post.

🐣💛 to all.
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Good rainy Saturday. I'm glad it's raining, I need the rest. I mowed the lawn again yesterday, couldn't believe how tall it got since Sunday. Then I got the whole deck, ramp, rails, and caps all water sealed, just in time apparently, lol. Calling for rain and thunderstorms all day. Temp is 74, right where it stayed all night. I have a feeling my sore knees and feet are a combination of the weather and overdoing it. But at least I got a lot of my list crossed off

Gas here was $$3.29 for the last 2 weeks, jumped to $3.39 this week. At least it hasn't gone higher

Off to strip and remake the bed and figure out meals for the week.

Have a nice Saturday

Good morning. It is sunny here, around 55 right now going to around 70. I see rain listed for this afternoon but I hope not. Monday will be our rainy day as PollyAnnaMom noted.

I have been up and out doing some errands. I went to Hannafords to get birdseed and salad mix that was one sale. Then off to Target to replenish Kenny's kitchen stock. I got the needed pans, salad tongs, and a nice bowl. Sometimes I just want to put salad in a bowl and there is nothing around. Now there is a bowl for a large salad. I was walking to the kitchen dept at Target when I noticed a lovely sundress in the girls dept. It just stopped me in my tracks and I thought how lovely it would look on Ellie. I felt so drawn to it so I bought it. She has a birthday in June so it will be one of the clothes gifts. It is blue and pink tie dye in a really nice pattern. It has spaghetti straps and a crisscross back strap. It is so her, not too girly. I feel like I had some guidance in finding this dress. I have bought all her clothes gifts so I will just add this one to the mix. It was one of those must buys.

Now I am off to the Paper store to look for a couple of birthday gifts for Ellie. I have a coupon and some things in their mailer looked interesting. Something to keep me busy. Even though I am staying with Kenny I am alone most of the time so I need to keep busy. Tomorrow Jeff is finishing the wall at the condo and I will be going to see his kids afterwards. Sam took his first steps the other day. He is so proud of himself. Jeff did a video of a few steps Sam took last night. Sam is laughing as he steps towards Mama.

Have a good Saturday.
Happy Saturday:grouphug:

Dad is home from Pavilions🛒along with a few other morning errands. I'm so grateful he'll be staying home tomorrow. He changed his Costco appointment to next week to be pick up and be fitted with his new hearing aids to make my Tuesday morning dentist appointment work better for us. I am so thankful to God to not be in any 🦷discomfort right now and to have enjoyed the blessing of good's sleep as well. It's also a relief to know that in a few days this will be taken care. I'll definitely feel a whole lot better once this is behind me. I thank you all for your continued extra love and prayers dentist wise and of course in all to me and my dad. I appreciate so very much each of you.
Bobbiwoz, thank you for thepooh::tigger:Saturday cheer! I'm so grateful you and Tom had an overall wonderful time at WDW. 🙏 for safe travels home and a happy Gus:dogdance:to greet you.

Lynn, praise extra to God that it is 🌧️out there! I'm truly thankful to read you're relaxing today. May you still be doing so as I type this. I also love your rainy day ::MickeyMo::MinnieMo picture. God willing, I really do look forward to dad and I being able to get our picture taken with our two favorite mice one day.

PollyannaMom, :sunny:cheers! I hope your DH enjoys his lodge meeting tonight while you and your son enjoy a tasty treat together for dinner.

Baby Sam:lovestrucSnowymsom! God Bless him indeed. Ellie's new dress sounds pretty. what a kind grandma she has in you!

Did any of you watch The Blessing Bracelet? I have it recorded waiting to be watched📺

Have a dry and happy rest of the day, friends.
Good Morning. Rainy here for now and then it is supposed to just be cloudy.

Bobbiwoz I hope you had safe travels home.

@flyingdumbo127 It sounds like you have a good plan for the dentist.

Jeff told me Sam is running a slight fever so they are calling the doctor. Since Luke has strep they are wondering if Sam does too. Sam is doing OK so that is good. Once I hear back we will decide when to go to the condo. I just hope and pray that the wall can get done today and it will be one less thing to stress about. I so want to hand over the keys next weekend and just walk away.

Have a good Sunday.
Good morning. I don't know where the weathermen are that gave our forecast today. They claim it will be raining all day with thunderstorms into tonight. The sky is blue and the sun is out. The temp is 60 and heading for upper 70's.

@Snowysmom I found it hard to believe it when I read that baby Sam is walking already, time flies! Sorry to hear he and Luke aren't feeling well. It's hard when they are that young to watch them feel ill. I hope they both getter better quickly.

I'm glad I did the mowing Friday. Now I'm looking at a nice neat lawn, and seeing all the other neighbors grass (and dandelions) even taller than they were the other day, lol. I'm sure I'll hear mowers going all around me shortly.

I puttered around the house yesterday, cleared off the kitchen counters and wiped everything down. Chopped up some of the Easter ham in the food processor with bread and butter pickles and made ham salad. We had that on grinder rolls for dinner along with cantaloupe.

I think I might empty the cabinets today and put fresh shelf liner down and reorganize them a little since I don't have to do anything outside. I sat out on the deck after dinner when it had stopped raining, but I still can't get Don to go out there and enjoy it, even though he's the one who wanted to have it done. It was nice to see the water beading up on the boards, so I know the water seal is working already.

I'm putting 2 good size bone in chicken breasts in the crockpot with McCormick's Baja Citrus marinade for dinner , to have with baby yellow potatoes. I'm going to cook them most of the way, then smash them slightly and put olive oil and garlic seasoning on them and throw them in the oven to go with it. That and a salad will enough, and will give me enough left over chicken to make chicken salad tomorrow.

Have a lovely Sunday

Happy Sunday🌸

It's chilly here right now but :cheer2:when I saw weather.com shows 84 for Friday! What an extra blessing that :sunny:will be. I'm so grateful. I look forward, as always, to watching online worship in a little while. Dad and I will check out The Blessing Bracelet as well. Have any of you watched it or last night's new movie? I don't remember its name. I always appreciate and enjoy reading each of your movie and book, TV, too, reviews.

🙏for Sam and Luke, Snowysmom indeed. I'm not a parent but even as a teacher or caregiver in some way, it was always so hard to know a child of any age was ill. Many prayers both boys recover easily and quickly. Thank you so much on the dentist. 🦷is being a little temperamental this early morning. It will definitely be a relief and blessing to have whatever is going on taken care of on Tuesday. :grouphug:You know how happy for you I will be when you are able to hand over your current condo 🔑s and truly start moving better forward into a future of greater JOY!

PollyannaMom, I hope you and your son had fun last night along with a tasty dinner while your DH had a good time at his Lodge's dinner. The younger the child 🧒in a similar way to a much loved furry :dog:🐈companion, the more their being sick really does weigh on your heart!

Lynn, it doesn't sound as though you did relax yesterday :( Please do more today! Watch something fun on 📺 🙏for Don and, of course, always for you.

Have a great day, everyone, I will check back later.
Just picked up Gus! The kennel had these dogs painted recently and one has fish painted on it. Missing my fish, but we’ll be home in 30 minutes!
Passing a gas station $3.37 here near Rio Grande NJ.

This didn’t go out yesterday! We are home and happy!
:hug:and welcome home, Bobbiwoz!! Gus must have been such a happy:dogdance:to see you and Tom. Get some rest, all of you, this afternoon and enjoy being back home. I'm so thankful to God you had such a special trip::MickeyMo

Quiet afternoon here. I just watched online worship which as always, I enjoyed. I was also blessed to receive an email reply from a friend who was at one time the choir director of the church I was so active in pre pandemic. He and his family moved back East in 2018. Those years were truly a blessing as we did become a small choir family connected by Christ. Miss those days but will always be so thankful to God, of course, for them. It was wonderful to hear from Josh.

Wishing each of you a peaceful rest of Sunday.


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