Webmaster Pete has asked that this notice be posted on all Trip Planning boards.
Potential Airline Strike Info
Delta and the Pilot's Union (ALPA) have reopened negotiations under the direction of the National Mediation Board.
American Airlines won a temporary restraining order against the Transport Workers Union, in district court. This will prevent the union
from taking anymore negative impact actions towards the carrier. There has not been any further updates concerning the flight attendants union.
United Airlines: There has not been any additional information on the flight attendants' union.
Northwest Airlines: Recommendations by the Presidential Emergency Board are still pending.
Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
Potential Airline Strike Info
Delta and the Pilot's Union (ALPA) have reopened negotiations under the direction of the National Mediation Board.
American Airlines won a temporary restraining order against the Transport Workers Union, in district court. This will prevent the union
from taking anymore negative impact actions towards the carrier. There has not been any further updates concerning the flight attendants union.
United Airlines: There has not been any additional information on the flight attendants' union.
Northwest Airlines: Recommendations by the Presidential Emergency Board are still pending.
Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board