OKW Building Configuration Summary


DIS Legend
Aug 14, 1998
I spent a couple of hours last week doing a survey of the buildings at OKW. There are seven different configurations. I have assigned a letter designation to each type described below (these are my own observations and are NOT official.) All room rooms are numbered from right to left as you look at the building from the parking area. Each floor will be numbered by building number, floor and room. The studio on the lower right first floor of building 16 is #1610. The 1BR next door is #1611.

GV's are found in Buildings 15,16,19,22,25,29,43,48,49,51,53 and 63.
Buildings 62, 63 and 64 all have elevators but no other Buildings are accessible above the ground floor.
As of June 1, 2007 - all WDW resorts are smoke-free with no smoking allowed in rooms, balconies, and patios as well all public areas. There are designated smoking areas available outdoors. In Buildings 11-29, the 1BR and 2BR villas have one entrance to the master bathroom - thru the master bedroom. In Buildings 30-64, there is an additional access to the master bath thru the laundry room. The jacuzzi area is separate from the master bath which has the toilet, shower and sink.

Handicap Accessible Access (HCA) villas are located in Buildings 13, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 34, 42, 48, 50 and 63. HCA GVs are found only in Buildings 48 (ground level access to the first floor of the villa) and 63 (elevator access to the first floor of the GV). No OKW GVs have elevator access to the second floor of the villa.

The "near" Hospitality House booking category includes Buildings 11-14 and 23-26 and may be reserved as a guaranteed location if available. All other locations, floors and views cannot be guaranteed, but requests may be made. Charcoal grills are availabe near each of the neighborhood pools (Miller's Road, Old Turtle Pond and South Point). There are no gas grills at the resort.

OKW has no Dedicated Studios or Dedicated 1Bedroom villas. There are 274 Dedicated 2Bedroom villas and 230 Lockoff 2Bedrooms (comprised of a Studio and connecting 1BR) and 27 3 bedroom Grand Villas for a total of 531 Units / 761 Max. Available Rooms.

All of the following building descriptions are listed from right to left, as you face the building from the parking area.

Type A buildings are all 3 stories.
1st Floor- S,1,2,2,2,1,S
2nd Floor- S,1,2,2,2,1,S
3rd Floor- 2,2,2
Buildings 13,20,21,23,26,27,28,32,33,34,36,37,39,41,42,45,46,47,50,52,54,56 and 62 are all Type A.

Type B buildings are all 2 stories.
1st Floor- S,1,2,1,S
2nd Floor- S,1,2,1,S
Buildings 11,17,24,30,31,40,44 and 55 are all Type B.

Type C buildings are all 3 stories.
1st Floor- S,1,2,2,1,S
2nd Floor- S,1,GV,GV,1,S (#6322 and #6323 are both HCA GVs)
3rd Floor- GV, GV (upper floors)
Buildings 15,16 19,22,25,29,43,49,51,53 and 63 are all Type C.

Type D buildings are all 3 stories.
1st Floor- 2,1,S,S,1,1,S,S,1,2
2nd Floor- 2,1,S,S,1 1 S,S,1,2
3rd Floor- 1,S,S,1 1 S,S,1
Buildings 14,18,35 and 38 are all Type D.

Type E- #48 is a 3 story building.
1st Floor- S,1,2,2,2,GV (#4815 is a HCA GV)
2nd Floor- S,1,GV,GV,GV,GV(upper Floor)
3rd Floor- GV,GV,GV (upper floor of all)

Type E- #49 is a 3 story building.
1st Floor- S,1,2,2,2,1,S
2nd Floor- S,1,GV,GV,GV,1,S
3rd Floor- GV,GV,GV (upper floor of all)

Building 48 and 49 are the only Type E buildings and each has a variant configuration.

TypeF is a 3 story building.
1st Floor- S,1,2,2,1,S,1,S
2nd Floor- S,1,2,2,1,S,1,S
3rd Floor- S,1,2,2
Building 64 is the only Type F.

TypeG is a 2 story building.
1st Floor- S,1,2,2,2
2nd Floor- S,1,2,2,2
Building 12 is the only Type G.

Gary (GDUL) has prepared a coded map of OKW with GVs and HC accessible buildings noted along with the designated smoking areas for the resort.

GDUL OKW Map.jpg


BCV Resort Configuration

HH Resort Configuration

SSR Configuration
thanks Doc I am printing it now
Thanks, Doc. I am taking this with me so I can explor a little next week too! We leave for WDW in just 23 hours!:bounce: Staying at AKL for a night first, but then I am going to go and finally see which buildings all have GVs. Our next GV stay I want to be closer to the bus stop than we were last time.
Thanks Doc! I printed it and also copied & pasted into a word document.
Thanks for reposting, Doc. It's just as good the second time!;)
Thanks again, Doc. It's even more welcome when it was lost and then returned! :wave: Hope you're having a great trip. :cool:
Thanks Doc, we have always wanted something like this to look at when trying to figure out which buildings we would like to request. You did great!!!!
That is the most informative piece of information to date!!
Now we can plan on which building to request for a certain size vacation home. You are the greatest!
Ok, I am confused, I am looking at my OKW resort map and Building 55 looks as large as building 56 on the map, yet building 55 is a type B and 56 is a Type A

Building 54 looks much smaller on the map than 55, yet 54 is listed as a type A. From the map 54 and 44 appear the same size but one is a Type A and one is a Type B.

Are the numbers on my map incorrect?
The numbers are correct on the OKW map, but the building footprints are not drawn to scale.

On the map, the South Point pool appears to be located behind building 56. In reality it is between 55 and 56. The number of stories in each building is also not evident on the map. The map does provide a great general reference to find the general location of all the buildings, but does not provide any information about the room layout- which is why I surveyed the entire resort on foot.

I won't accept any responsibility for the map! :D
Thanks Doc, You did great!!!!

Just what I need to complete my OKW fact folder. A great tool for trip planning.
I had printed out and was referring to your post of January 12 which begins "After walking the entire resort this afternoon with pencil and paper"... It goes on to list TYPE A thru TYPE G. Bldg 38 is listed as a TYPE D and refers only to a first and second floor. Your link to your Jan 18 post lists it correctly as a 3 floor bldg. I've destroyed the old post and printed off the new post. Thanks. Your research is much appreciated.
I had printed out and was referring to your post of January 12...

The original post did have that typo and was lost when we changed servers in Jan. I was able to correct the error when the original was lost and the entire thing had to be reposted.

Thanks for explaining!
I've just found a little error I'd like to pass along. Building 28 according to your report is listed as a GV non-smoking building. (Although it is also listed as a Type A building which does not show any GVs.) I called to request this building and it does not have a GV.

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