Occupancy Thread

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We are also a family of five and we purchased DVC knowing that it would be difficult to stay in regular hotels rooms the rest of our lives because of the "extra" kid! Sometimes I wish we didn't have to use the points for a 2BR, but now we can bring along an extra person or two and all fit just fine. Although our parents can't travel with us, for many people that is a nice option. Get the 2BR invite the grandparents and you'll have help with the kids so you and hubby can have a nice dinner out alone one night. We have several friends and family members that are families of three and we can invite them along and provide lodging for them at no additional "cost" to us.
Keep in mind you could also get 2 connected studios or a 1 BR and Studio (I am not sure if this saves you points)
Hi Victoria, this subject has been visited MANY times and usually ends up causing (quite vicious) arguments. People who "bend" the rules on one side (certain that their transgression doesn't hurt anyone else) and those that feel "the rules are the rules" and should never be broken. Personally I tend to fall into the second catagory, those rules are there for a reason, we all knew the rules when buying into the "club" and therefore we should stick to them.

I do understand the temptation for families with 3 kids, a little pushed for points who want to give their family the best vacation possible. It's very frustrating when you have to book a whole extra room when you have three young kids who are quite contented to make do with the sofabed and maybe an airbed and a sleeping bag. I also understand the frustration of those who abide by the rules, only to see others flaunt it in their faces.

IMHO the best policy for people who fall to the temptation of not getting the correct sized room for their party is BE QUIET ABOUT IT, and don't wind people up. . There are quite a few people who do have more than 4 people in a unit designated as 4 maximum. It only becomes an issue when someone says " I know the rules, and I don't care about them or what anyone else thinks, I'm going to do what I want", that tends to rub a few people up the wrong way.
With your family group, as has been pointed out, by the time the "legality" of this situation gets to effect you, your DD is going to be 9 coming up 10. Very soon she is going to get to the age where she may not be happy sharing a bed with her younger brother(s), you ALL may be very grateful that she has a bathroom to take her time in to get ready to go out and EVERYONE appreciates the extra space of a larger unit. If the two boys shared a bed, having the living room for you and DH to enjoy a glass of wine, relax and chat before bedtime might also raise the quality of the experience for the two of you ( as opposed to having to lurk in your bedroom or creep about the living room if you need a drink or somethng from the kitchen)

As AZKathy points out with some careful points management, it's possible to make the most of the points you do have, even if that means cutting a day off your vacation, or spending $$ on a room to avoid using points at the weekends. IMHO a 5 star stay for 5 nights is better than a 3 star stay for 6.

Don't forget a DVC purchase is for MANY years and while you may face a time ( 8 or 9 yrs) between youngest DS making 4 years of age and DD hitting an age where she doesn't want to come on vaca with the family you will have a MUCH longer time where your points need would not be as high as they were when taking all 3 kids with you. In your situation, if I bought, I would try to manage the points so that I was borrowing points from the next years for the time you need a two bedroom (increasing slightly each year the amount of points borrowed) until DD hits an age where she may not feel like coming, and you could then start "repaying" those borrowed points (building them up for the time you become grandparents and want to take kids and grandkids away).
Originally posted by princess&tig
Keep in mind you could also get 2 connected studios or a 1 BR and Studio (I am not sure if this saves you points)

While that's a nice idea, booking a 1 bedroom and a studio actually costs more points than booking a 2 bedroom unit.

There are no connecting studios at any of the DVC resorts.

Best wishes -
Respectfully, your children won't remain small and wanting to sleep together for long. :)

I really have a soft spot for families with 5 or 6 members because I know there really isn't a good DVC "fit" for them. There have been a lot of debates regarding different room configurations and why they probably will never happen. I won't go into details here.

In fact, this post will probably get moved to the Occupancy Thread before I finish. :)

I don't want to get too philosophical, but vacationing in a DVC Two Bedroom is an experience you really can't describe. Try to imagine laying your children down for their nap in a private bedroom...lounging in your in-room whirlpool tub after a long day at the parks...not having to pack everything you own because you can do a few loads of laundry during your stay...think of the dollars you can save just by eating a few meals (breakfast is very easy) in your room instead of paying Disney buffet prices for your entire stay.

Back to your question--remember that DVC is an investment that's going to last most (if not all) of your lifetime. If you decide to buy points today at Saratoga Springs, your 7 year old will be near retirement age when the contract ends.

You may not think you need a 2B today. But if you can afford enough points for a 2B at today's prices, you'll be so grateful you made the decision as your family's trips begin to change:
- Your children enter the teen years and you need the extra beds and bathrooms.
- Boyfriends / girlfriends / fiancees / spouses start coming along on trips.
- Grandchildren start joining you at Disney.

My wife and I are both in our mid-30s with children 3 and 16 mos. This December we are treating my parents to a week in a Two Bedroom at Saratoga Springs. Can't think of any better way to spend our time, and DVC helped make the trip a reality.
We are a family of five. While our youngest is only 3 months old, we purchased enough points to cover our needs in the future. I assumed that with two boys and a girl they likely will not want to share a room, let alone share beds as they get older. I also assumed that as they get older we will need to vacation during school breaks which usually requires more points.

So we figured out how many points it would take to stay in a two bedroom for a week in Premiere season and bought accordingly. For now we can get by with a one bedroom so we can use the extra points to extend the length of our stay, go more often, or invite guests. When we need the space of the 2BR, we'll be set.
How many you put in a room is between you and DVC. None of us have any authority to say otherwise. I'd suggest asking your guide about it.
We are a family of 5. I don't have enough points right now (but plan on having them within 5 years!) to vacation for a full week in a 2 bedroom every year. So instead, we stay as many nights in a 2 bedroom as our points allow and then we move to a different hotel for the weekend on a cash reservation. It's not "ideal", but I like to see different hotels anyway. Due to banked points, in August of 2005, we are staying in a 2 BR at Saratoga Springs for 5 nights, a hotel room at Boardwalk Inn for 3 nights over the weekend, then 3 nights in a 2 BR at Boardwalk Villas to finish up the vacation. We'll still have 47 points left over to save for an adult weekend away in a studio at OKW or SSR later on in the year or early next year.

If you can swing the points for a 2 BR now...do it!
I have heard that DVC "allows" guests to register 5 people in a one bedroom, but does not provide extra linens or "cots". I KNOW that is not in the rules....and, yes...people do get VERY upset about this issue. I would suggest asking MS when you call to make the reservation.

I also agree that "crowding" people into a very small space is NO vacation for anyone...I can't imagine sleeping on the floor for my "vacation"...but, then again...maybe that is because I am old!!!!;)

If you want to put 5 in a room, and MS allows it (which they seem to be doing)...then who should tell you no. If that is how you choose to vacation...then, go for it!!!

But, if you do decide to go for the 2 bedroom...remember OKW is cheaper than the other resorts, and if you purchase at BWV, and can book at the 11 mo. window...you can get the standard view which also will save you some points (appx 30%). Also, paying cash for weekends (when it is available) might be a good option...but, that can get scary if you are trying to go at a popular DVC time.

Good luck with whatever you decide!!


We are a family of eight! Thank goodness for DVC resales. We purchased a resale three years ago with banked points. We then purchased a small add-on. We stay every year and, because of the banked points, continue to bank points each year for the following year. We also take advantage of the the annual pass discounts to minimize wasting points for weekends. Our preference is the third floor two bedroom unit.
We are a family of five. Our children are 16,13, &4. Our first trip home we did a studio. We fit fine but the kids started to get on each others nerves. Now we are going to try a 1BR. If it works for us than fine. If we feel that we need a 2BR than we will do that. I own the points so I feel that I should be able to use them the way that I want to. Don't worry what others think.
We had been wanting to buy a DVC membership ever since we started going to Disney on a regular basis (1999) But looking at points calculators and how many people fit into a studio and one bedroom, we didn't think it would work for our family of 5.

But in January, we decided to go ahead and take the tour. Our guide said there was no problem putting 5 in a one bedroom or studio. It was that statement from him that pushed us over the edge and we bought in.

Then I start spending more time on the DIS boards and see all the controversy on this subject. We just got back from 5 nights at OKW in a studio, and since we're used to getting single hotel rooms for the 5 of us, we had plenty of space and the fridge and microwave was wonderful. My daughter sleeps on a ready bed that's really comfortable. The kids sleep on the floor alot at home anyway.

We do look forward to some 1 bedroom stays in the future. I can see where the kitchen will be really nice. I'm not a huge fan of Disney food, and think you can really save money fixing your own meals.

I guess I don't feel quilty about 5 in a studio, because our guide said it was fine. If he'd said no way....we wouldn't have bought in at this time.

For us its about how the kids like to sleep (or how they do sleep...)

When we were a family of 4 we'd often all sleep in one bed...the king in the 1br. Now that our oldest is bigger and we have a baby we use the second bed as well. We definitely plan to use a 1br as long as our baby is under 3....and then we'll re-evaluate the situation. If the second bedroom would just sit empty other than the occasional toilet use, we'll probably stick with a 1br. If, as I suspect, our then 12yo, 7yo and 3yo need more room we'll go ahead and get the 2br. We'll work out our points to do what we need to do.

We bought assuming we'd be a family of 4 for the duration....then got a big, wonderful surprise....

I do believe the canned response on families of 5 is that DVC will allow it, but will not provide extra bedding. With small kids, extra bedding is unnecessary....with bigger kids, the extra bedding and bathroom is probably needed.
We are a family of five and stay in both 1 and 2-BR units. It really depends on your vacation style and point planning. For us, if we are in the room a lot, like at HH or VB, we tend to go for the larger unit. At WDW we may not be in the room as much, so a 1-BR w/aerobed works fine. We find the studio not as pleasant, mostly because there is only one TV, no whirlpool and no kitchen. We vacation in the style that works best for my family. We were also told that 5 was OK when we bought. People that get bent about it 5 in a 1-BR are probably the same people who don't shower before entering the pool (which is also in the "rule book").;)

Good luck with your decision.
I know a studio would be too small for us, and I like to cook- I was thinking of the one bedroom. I did not realize there were so many opinions on this:confused: Maybe we just need to rethink our situation. As it is, we cannot keep our boys in their own bed at home, they prefer ours! :mad: We have been working on that! In a strange place, our youngest usually sleeps with us, as he has a bad tendency to get up in the middle of the night and wander around- not very safe in unknown surroundings!! Maybe we will just have to wait until the kids get older and decide then.
Originally posted by lenshanem
pplasky, you can thank Dean. Maybe he can lend you a few more points?

(Sorry Dean, all in good fun - I just had to say it!) ;)
Thanks I guess. Glad to see they are enforcing the rules. Something DVC has bee lax about over the years. But this isn't the first time they've enforced this, there have been other reports over the years.
Just thought some of you might want to know that I did try to make a ressie for 2 adults and 3 children in a studio and was told by MS that it was a violation of the fire code. Fire codes go by square footage, they did let me make the ressie for a 1B. This does shed a different light on most of what you read on this thread.
This makes the most sense to me. 4 max in a studio, but allow 5 in a one bedroom. 6 to 8 would then require a 2 bedroom.
Well, I have a family of six, and we travel all over the country so lodging is a continual problem. The value resorts put 4 people in 260 Sq ft. (65 sqft per person). The studios are roughly 100 sq ft more.

We will be having our first DVC experience for a couple of days prior to our group trip in June. Our oldest can't join us for a while, so it will be just 5. If MS will allow us we will use a studio, otherwise, we may have to use a 1 bdrm.

Looking forward to it!!!!
Originally posted by pplasky
Just thought some of you might want to know that I did try to make a ressie for 2 adults and 3 children in a studio and was told by MS that it was a violation of the fire code. Fire codes go by square footage, they did let me make the ressie for a 1B. This does shed a different light on most of what you read on this thread.
I agree with this as well. There is enough square footage in a one bedroom for a family of two adults and five children. This is probably too crowded for a studio, but a one bedroom seems reasonable.

I'm for the guidelines of 4 max in a studio, 5 max in a one bedroom and 8 in a two bedroom.

But, that's between me and MS, right? Funny how people with smaller families take it upon themselves to be so smug on this issue.
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