Nifty Fifty: The Great return of the Sauciers! - April 2022 TR

Travel Day: Wrapping up the Day

I left us off, waiting for the bus to head back to the resort. While we were waiting, I got the Room Ready text! We were staying in the Gran Destino Tower for this trip and I had requested a high floor. We got Room 803. (which of course, I had no idea what that meant) But we were glad that we were going to be able to go straight to our room once we got back!

If I remember correctly we did have to wait a little while. Nothing too crazy, but it was hot and we were tired. I do have that we were on a 2:26 on bus and a good old floor phoot to time stamp that we made it to the hotel at 2:38.

We went straight to our room, navigating the VERY strange elevator in Gran Destino. If you have never used it, you use a touch screen on the outside to say what floor you are going to. And then it tells you which elevator to go to. When you get into the elevator itself... there are no buttons. It is a very strange feeling to be in a box with what feels like no way to get out! Anyway, we figured the elevator out.

And when we got out of the elevator I got a call from Garden Grocer that our groceries were delivered!

Our room was all the way on one end of the hallway, and we were able to get in just using the app on the phone! (Cause I didn't take our magic bands out of the bags before we gave them to bell services, it's like I have never been to Disney before!)

We were welcomed in the room with this message!
Which was a nice touch!

We booked a Standard View Room but I think we got “upgraded” to a Water View.
We could see Everest and the Tree of Life from our room. Which was cool. But I was slightly bummed as I was hoping we could see the Harmonious Fireworks from the room.

Room itself was very nice, although we could have used more drawers, we are unpackers in a hotel. And use the suitcases with dirty clothes. Shower in the bathroom was really nice as well, but it was all glass, so if someone showered the whole bathroom was occupied. So, not great for families. Overall I would say it was DEF designed for convention goers and not families.

We called for our bags & Groceries to be brought up and rested for a bit.

I have been using Garden Grocer to order groceries. I am old and stuck in my ways.... But we usually order bottles of sodas, seltzer water, Iced Coffee and skim milk (for coffee), goldfish and pringles for the girls to have as emergency snacks.

We finally decided to go down to the pool for a little bit. Andy and the girls headed down, and I stayed behind to set out the Tinkerbell Gift for the day! If you are new to my trip report, Tinkerbell gifts is something we also started a long time ago. It was also to help curb the request for every 65 dollar princess dress. I had stock piled Target versions on sale and would leave those out on trips. And it just stuck as a little extra magic to the girls trips.


The first day is always Pjs! The Star Wars pjs were for Morgan and Tiana pjs for Gwen. I also made check lists for finding all of the golden statues. And magic bands of course!! I had actually gotten a 2nd set when I saw that they had a birthday one. Which I got for Andy. But of course, I was saving that for his Birthday... And you know what he says when they see the gifts... "How come I didn't get one?" I wanted to scream, I am trying to keep it a surprise, here!!!

Anyway, I laid out the items and ran to catch up with Andy and the girls. It was about 4:00 by now and the pool was closed. No one really said why, but I think someone poo’d in it?
Coronado is a beautiful resort! And I do think gets a little bit of a bad rep.


We sat and waited a bit for the pool to reopen but it was really hot and finally decided to just go to a quiet pool once we realized it wasn't closed for lightening. Which ended up being a good call, as there only a few folks in the pool and it was so refreshing after sitting in the sun for 15 minutes waiting for the big pool to reopen.


The quiet pool was a lightly salt water. Which was intresting, as later on we did make it to the big pool and I don't think that one was salted. We swam for probably an hour before heading back to the room. 5:00.

I saw on social about kid who climbed up pyramid that day. So, a rough day for the life guards! Between some kid climbing the pyramid and another pooping in the pool. They were probably all like, I don't get paid enough for this job.

We went back to the room, changed and rest a bit. I had hoped to go to Three Bridges for dinner, but no one had any interest in sitting in a restaurant. So, we decided to go down to the quick service to bring back to the room.

Around 6:15, we headed down to El Mercado de Coronado (counter service restaurant for Coronado) for dinner. It was all premade food that you just grab and go which I didn’t realize at the time. I was debating on ordering something from 3 Bridges to go but Andy said he wasn’t hungry and the food looked like more what the girls would want there.

BIG MISTAKE!!!!! Spoiler Alert, this was by far the most disgusting food I have even had in Disney!!! It was terrible! And I don't understand why such a large resort is STILL serving food this way.

Morgan grabbed the Philly Cheese Steak
Tender sliced Rib-eye with Onions and melted Cheese on a Hoagie roll. Served with Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Fries and Pickle Spear
She liked it but I didn’t try it. I think it was fine but it was $17!!!! And came with no sides!

Gwen decided on the kids Macaroni & Cheese
Served with Seasoned Fries, Yogurt Smoothie, Apple Slices and choice of Small Lowfat Milk or Small DASANI® Bottled Water
It was fine basic mac and cheese. But the fries were under cooked and the mac and cheese was cold.

I decided on the Crispy Santa Fe Chicken Sandwich
Crispy Chicken Breast tossed in Hot Sauce, Pepper Jack Cheese and Cool Herb Aioli. Served with Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Fries and Pickle Spear
It was so gross! The chicken was NOT crispy.... and I am not sure what the cool herb aioli was but it was nasty and the hot sauce was sweet not hot. I have never had something so terrible in Disney before. My fries were also under cooked, like raw in the middle! If we weren't so tired, I would have gone down and complained. And my sandwich was $16, at least mine came with Fries.

We also grabbed 2 refillable mugs. Filled one with soda and one with hot chocolate. The refill machines were no touch points, which was interesting. You just kind of stuck your finger in between the sensors and that made it work. Very odd. And they only place I saw that the whole trip.

We did take everything back to the room to eat which I am sure contributed to Gwen's mac and cheese being cold. But the whole meal was very underwhelming.

But we were tired....
This was Morgan at 8:15! And both girls asleep by 8:30!

Andy and I followed shortly after, around 9. Which was fine, as we had a busy day ahead!

Tomorrow was Easter!
50 Rides for turning 50

So, one of the things I set up for celebrating Andy turning 50 on this trip, was make a simple sheet for us to keep track of the 50 rides and/or attractions we did on the trip. And the goal was to hit 50 of them for him turning 50. So, I will keep a running tab of the # of rides and miles walked! (because we ended up walking ALOT)

# of Rides: 0 of 50
Miles Walked: 6.25 Miles
Total Rides: 0
You're moving right along on this report.

Loved your appy lunch at Jock's. We did this for dinner on our December trip. I don't remember seeing the deviled eggs but they sure look good.

I'm so jealous you got into Gideon's. I keep getting there too late. Maybe next month when we move Danielle's stuff down.

Sorry Morgan had such a disappointing day at DS. I hope things get better for her.

You CS dinner at the resort sounds like most of our attempts to get food at night.

Looking forward to the first park day.
The joy of getting into a cool pool on a hot Florida day is something that never ceases to amaze me. Every trip (there's usually a year between them though it will be at least 4 next time), on our first full day, there is that moment of sheer bliss when I sink into cool clear water and relish the break from heat and humidity. Love it!
That Tinkerbell is one smart pixie leaving pjs as her first gift of the trip. I like the check lists for the statues too. Did you make them yourself or were they online somewhere?
We used to have awful luck on our first night dinners as we were always knackered from travelling and we usually arrive around 8pm which is actually 1am our time so staying awake is an issue. I have had more than one family member fall asleep between ordering food and it arriving at the table. We are also unpackers so now I order room service as soon as we get our room and the start unpacking so that I'm killing 2 birds with 1 stone. It has worked a treat up to now although I'm not sure if room service has returned yet but hopefully it will have by our next trip. Your food descriptions sound good but that's not much use when they taste awful. Wonder why they aren't made to order? You'd imagine that would deliver better results and cause a lot less waste which is always good for both the environment and profits.
Looking forward to hearing all about Easter Sunday and any special things you'd lined up. Did your hotel do anything special to celebrate?
I ordered the Cool-headed Monkey
Starr African Rum, Van Der Hum Tangerine Liqueur, fresh Lime Juice, Watermelon, and Pineapple Juice
Yum! I need to try that drink this summer. :)
Gwen ordered the Chicken on the Egg
Fried Chicken, Deviled Eggs, and Hot Honey Sauce
Those look great!
Morgan ordered Air Pirate's Cargo Loaded Pretzel
Prosciutto, Sliced Brats, Artisan Pepperoni, Smoked Cheddar, Black Diamond Cheddar, Caraway Pickles, Spicy Mustard, and Beer Cheese Fondue
I would love this!
These were the star of the show for us. They were really good! The lemon ricotta added a bit of richness to them but they were still not too heavy.
Those look fantastic!
How amazing is she!!! He look of disgust and holding the coffee cup. I think she might be my spirit plush! Ha!
So perfect!
The "one thing" is a rule was created a long time ago to help curb the can I haves…. Most of the time, if they ask for something, the answer is yes but it’s your one thing for the day. It really has made them think about whether they REALLY want the item or not. Granted most of our trips aren’t this long! And there are sub rules, like how many plush Gwen can get in one trip and obviously how $$$ something is. I highly suggest it! I have recommended variations to friends, one thing in each park or just a defined # of items. Whatever works for your family.
I love that rule!
When we were checking out, we asked if the portrait (right below) was Gideon, and the cashier explained that Gideon used to live there but disappeared. All the books in the store are/were his. And they just took over the space to sell cookies. A little strange of a story but whatever!...
I still need to check this place out. And try the peanut butter coffee!
I left us off, waiting for the bus to head back to the resort. While we were waiting, I got the Room Ready text! We were staying in the Gran Destino Tower for this trip and I had requested a high floor. We got Room 803. (which of course, I had no idea what that meant) But we were glad that we were going to be able to go straight to our room once we got back!
And when we got out of the elevator I got a call from Garden Grocer that our groceries were delivered!
Perfect timing!
The first day is always Pjs! The Star Wars pjs were for Morgan and Tiana pjs for Gwen. I also made check lists for finding all of the golden statues. And magic bands of course!! I had actually gotten a 2nd set when I saw that they had a birthday one. Which I got for Andy. But of course, I was saving that for his Birthday... And you know what he says when they see the gifts... "How come I didn't get one?" I wanted to scream, I am trying to keep it a surprise, here!!!
I love your Tinkerbell gifts...such a great idea!
BIG MISTAKE!!!!! Spoiler Alert, this was by far the most disgusting food I have even had in Disney!!! It was terrible! And I don't understand why such a large resort is STILL serving food this way.
So, one of the things I set up for celebrating Andy turning 50 on this trip, was make a simple sheet for us to keep track of the 50 rides and/or attractions we did on the trip. And the goal was to hit 50 of them for him turning 50. So, I will keep a running tab of the # of rides and miles walked! (because we ended up walking ALOT)
Love this! I should do that for the twin's 21st birthday trip next summer!
If you have never used it, you use a touch screen on the outside to say what floor you are going to. And then it tells you which elevator to go to. When you get into the elevator itself... there are no buttons. It is a very strange feeling to be in a box with what feels like no way to get out!

This sounds too complicated for me. :rotfl: I think I'd prefer the tacticle push of an actual button. (I still have an iphone 8 and appreciate it's home button.)

Which ended up being a good call, as there only a few folks in the pool and it was so refreshing after sitting in the sun for 15 minutes waiting for the big pool to reopen.

There's nothing like a pool on a hot day. And interesting fact about it being salted. I had no idea!

BIG MISTAKE!!!!! Spoiler Alert, this was by far the most disgusting food I have even had in Disney!!! It was terrible!

Aw, man. That's a bummer. First dinner of a trip and it's a letdown. I guess the silver lining is that you all were probably so tired by this point that the goal was to get food in your bellies so you could crash. (Versus a restaurant you were really looking forward to.)

So, I will keep a running tab of the # of rides and miles walked!

I love this! Can't wait to see what the final numbers are.
You're moving right along on this report.
Don't worry, I will slow down now that I am getting to the meat of the trip. I always feel like I need to get to the good stuff! And want to, as well!

I'm so jealous you got into Gideon's. I keep getting there too late. Maybe next month when we move Danielle's stuff down.
We went again during the weekday and didn't even have to put our name on the list. If you can try a middle of the week afternoon.

That Tinkerbell is one smart pixie leaving pjs as her first gift of the trip. I like the check lists for the statues too. Did you make them yourself or were they online somewhere?
I made them. I used disneyfoodblog's maps and made a check list. Honestly it wasn't anything complicated. I

It has worked a treat up to now although I'm not sure if room service has returned yet but hopefully it will have by our next trip.
I think some places have it but def not all places yet. But alot of places have mobile order, like sit downs. So, that might be an option instead.

our food descriptions sound good but that's not much use when they taste awful. Wonder why they aren't made to order? You'd imagine that would deliver better results and cause a lot less waste which is always good for both the environment and profits.
Right the Chicken Sandwich sounded good.... It just wasn't

Did your hotel do anything special to celebrate?
They did, we just didn't see what they were and we were gone all day.


I would love this!
The soft pretzel was huge! It would be an filling snack from 2 people!

I still need to check this place out. And try the peanut butter coffee!
I am glad I can't get that PB Coffee here. It probably has a million calories. But that is what makes it so good.

Perfect timing!
Right! When I called down to Bell Services they sounded almost excitied that they were going to be able to bring it all up at once. he

Love this! I should do that for the twin's 21st birthday trip next summer!
Def!!!! You can even just keep track on your phone. Something fun to do but not a huge deal. You could shoot for 42, 21 for each twin.

This sounds too complicated for me. :rotfl: I think I'd prefer the tacticle push of an actual button. (I still have an iphone 8 and appreciate it's home button.)
It was for us as well! It's just weird.... And didn't really make anything better, you know.

Aw, man. That's a bummer. First dinner of a trip and it's a letdown. I guess the silver lining is that you all were probably so tired by this point that the goal was to get food in your bellies so you could crash. (Versus a restaurant you were really looking forward to.)
We really were so tired, I didn't care too much. I was a little annoyed that I didn't mobile order from 3 Bridges but really we just needed food. It didn't need to be amazing.

I love this! Can't wait to see what the final numbers are.
I should have asked everyone to guess if we were able to do it or not.
We love staying at the Towers and now when we are at another resort we forget to push the button in the elevator.
I found the little sports bar restaurant had good take out food, I agree the food court was way below standards!
I heard about the kid climbing the pyramid yikes!
50 rides for 50 years is a great idea!
I look forward to hearing more.
First I just want to say, how happy I am to see everyone here and following along. It seems like such a silly thing but it feels like so normal. Does that make sense? I love sharing our trip and hearing about your trips! So, please share all your thoughts!!!
I love this because we share the exact same sentiment. I have been a long time lurker after a failed PTR in 2018, but I have definitely decided to be more active. Everyone is so kind, and it really is an escape from all the negativity in the world.

I left us off, waiting for the bus to head back to the resort. While we were waiting, I got the Room Ready text! We were staying in the Gran Destino Tower for this trip and I had requested a high floor. We got Room 803. (which of course, I had no idea what that meant) But we were glad that we were going to be able to go straight to our room once we got back!
I am so interested to hear how your stay was! I have heard mixed reviews

It is a very strange feeling to be in a box with what feels like no way to get out! Anyway, we figured the elevator out.
I would be confused to! This resort is definitely more technologically advanced than most.

And when we got out of the elevator I got a call from Garden Grocer that our groceries were delivered!
How is this service? We are thinking about using for alcohol and snacks. Do you think it is worth it?

Which was a nice touch!
I think Gran Destino is the only place that does this which makes it so special.

Room itself was very nice, although we could have used more drawers, we are unpackers in a hotel. And use the suitcases with dirty clothes. Shower in the bathroom was really nice as well, but it was all glass, so if someone showered the whole bathroom was occupied. So, not great for families. Overall I would say it was DEF designed for convention goers and not families.
I worked as concierge at DW, and were taught in training that this resort was specifically designed for conventions which is why it has a more mature environment. Their amenities are also geared toward convention goers rather than families.

Tinkerbell gifts is something we also started a long time ago.
This is such a great idea, and I think I will use this for when I have children (which is very far off, but I will keep this in mind)

Coronado is a beautiful resort! And I do think gets a little bit of a bad rep.
I agree!

They were probably all like, I don't get paid enough for this job.
My former roommate was a life guard, and I can guarantee this what they were thinking.
BIG MISTAKE!!!!! Spoiler Alert, this was by far the most disgusting food I have even had in Disney!!! It was terrible! And I don't understand why such a large resort is STILL serving food this way.
Yikes! You would think they would have at least started a more traditional quick service! I know a lot of the CSR restaurants are third-party, so maybe that's why.
I love this because we share the exact same sentiment. I have been a long time lurker after a failed PTR in 2018, but I have definitely decided to be more active. Everyone is so kind, and it really is an escape from all the negativity in the world.
WELCOME!!!!! I remember when I decided to come out of lurkdom, it felt strange! But The trip report folks are all very nice and welcoming! I am so glad you are commenting.

I am so interested to hear how your stay was! I have heard mixed reviews
I feel like it was mixed. We have stayed here before but in the regular rooms. Andy LOVES it here. I personally perfer Caribean Beach. That being said, it was nice. The room itself felt Deluxe but resort itself def still feels like a moderate. Which is fine, as long as that is your expectation.

I think Gran Destino is the only place that does this which makes it so special.
So, they actually did it at Yacht Club later in the trip when we switched hotels! Probably as the hotels upgrade there tvs. But Yacht Club is also a big convention hotel as well. Maybe that is the connection.

I worked as concierge at DW, and were taught in training that this resort was specifically designed for conventions which is why it has a more mature environment. Their amenities are also geared toward convention goers rather than families.
How did you like working concierge?

Yikes! You would think they would have at least started a more traditional quick service! I know a lot of the CSR restaurants are third-party, so maybe that's why.
I know! And as we were leaving a group of kids was showing up. I orginally thought they were cheerleaders, but I think it might have been a marching band. But either way, a large group going into that food court the way it was set up, would be a problem! Luckily we didn't need to eat there again.
How did you like working concierge?
I absolutely loved it! I was in a role where I could create incredible magical moments for guests. I would have stayed there, but my fiancé and I decided we wanted to start a life together. We felt like we couldn't do that in Orlando, so we moved to a smaller area and plan on settling down here. My favorite moment was that I got to personally coordinate with Mickey to set up a special meet and greet for a MAW family. My sister had a MAW trip (that's how I first discovered the dis). My mom was on here all the time.
Happy Saturday Everyone!!!

It is going to be a HOT one here for us in Jersey! 95! Which is crazy for this time of year. Last night a storm came through and dropped golf ball sized hail just 2 blocks from us. We didn't get any but we did have a lightening bolt strike what had to be right over our house. It was a crazy storm!

Anyway, we got an above ground pool last year, so we will be getting that fully open today for sure. We ordered new furniture for the deck we have around the pool and I can't wait for that to show up!

In other non-trip report news... I took Gwen to the doctor yesterday for a check up on her schelosis. (she was diagnosis with a very mild case back in November). And good news it hasn't changed any. So, we are still in just monitor phase for that! AND she grew 2" since November! Which is why she is so tall in all of these Disney photos! She really has just grown like a weed since Covid hit! She is now 1/2" shorter than Morgan and an 1" shorter than me. Gwen is def going to end up taller than me.

Enough real life stuff, back to the trip report!!!

Day One: Easter!!!!

Today was Easter! Today was the day we have been dreaming about finally happening! Finally being back in Disney. Since we had gone to bed early and we were so excitied, it wasn't hard for us to get up and get going today.

We all woke up around 6:30.

Tinkerbell Gifts_Gwen
Tinkerbell's gifts for today was Easter themed shirts of course. I had a hard time finding ones that I liked, so we ended up going mostly star wars themed. Gwen said she like Morgan's better. Sigh... But wore her shirt anyway. And they faught over the hair tie bunny ears.

Morgan, Gwen and I headed down to see what the breakfast options were and for me to get coffee in one of the refillable cups.
Gran Destino Hallway
The hallways really are beautiful, so bright and colorful!

We checked out Barcelona Lounge first as it was right there when you get off the elevator.
Barcelona Lounge
It was only 6:39 AM, and while we were checking out the menu the CM let us know that El Mercano and Rixs didn’t open till 7. So, this was it this morning!

Both girls got Ham, Egg, and Cheese Croissant. (They looked like what you would get at a Starbucks, but did the trick for the girls, they were happy.

They did have coffee to fill up my cup thankfully. And they had real milk which was nice. I did want to try on of the fancy drinks one morning but today, we weren't going to be in the room for long, so I went with standard "free" coffee.

Andy had his iced coffee in the room. And Morgan asked for a Hot Chocolate. So, I ordered than as well, and we headed back to the room.

I also, woke up to an alert from Touring Plans for a later time for our dinner. I had only been able to get a 3:15 reservation. But this gave me one for 5:05. Was able to change our reservation!

Speaking of plans, here was our loose plans for the day.
Sunday Plan

Magic Kingdom opened at 9 this morning, so we were able to get in at 8:30 for Early Entry. And we had decided to take advantage of that today. So, we all got ready and made a mad dash out to get Uber in time.

We were outside for an uber at 7:38 AM.
Magic Bands
We got our traditional magic band shot finally! We would usually get it when we got to Magical Express but.... rip Magical Express....

Andy had ordered us an uber to the Contemporary. We arrived at 7:50. I was worried if they were going to let our uber in, but we had no problems this morning. It seemed like there was a lot of folks going for an Easter Breakfast. And the guard wasn’t really caring this am.


From the Contemporary, we salked over to Magic Kingdom. Saw our first Disney Bunny on the walk over. Gwen was super excited about it, as it was also an Easter Bunny.
Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny
Gwen took 10 photos of this bunny! Ha!

While walking over I realized that I had totally forgotten to make a LL at 7am!!!! I was so focused on getting us out the door and not trained to make that reservation that I hadn’t made one. So, I made one on the walk over, which was about 7:50. I was so mad at myself.

So, tip #1 for Genie+ always make a reservation right at 7:00 AM!!!

I ended up grabbing a Haunted Mansion for 10:45. Big Thunder Mountain was already later in the day than we wanted. And we decided to wait till later in the trip for Jungle Cruise. But we were happy with Haunted Mansion. I did feel a little silly that I had totally forgotten about it. I brushed off my stupid feeling because we were at Magic Kingdom!!!!

50th Anniversay Topiaries

Crowd to get in by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
We scanned into the turnstiles at 8:03! And the line weren't too bad, which was nice.

Easter Train Photo
We grabbed our first Photopass Photo in front of the train station. As there was only one family waiting.
Easter Train Photo_Peter Pan by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr

Easter Train Photo_Magic Shot gone Wrong by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
And we got our first magic shot. The CM told us to pretend we were blowing out a candle.... ummmm...

We headed into the park and tried to enjoy Main Street but also keep moving.
Gwen Main Street

Our goal was to try and rope drop Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and take advantage of the Early Entry for On-Site Guests.

Main Street Clock

Castle as we scan in for EE
We were all so excitied to be back! But I think nervous at the same time. I can't exactly explain it. But it felt familiar yet new to us for some reason. it was a weird feeling.

We got in que for Fantasyland around 8:10, and they started to walk people in around 8:26. We were probably squarely in the middle of the crowd, not the front but still lots of folks behind us.

We walked all the way to side of 7 dwarfs by Dumbo.
7DMT Que_Gwen

CM said it would be a 75 minute wait. We said we would stick it out, we didn't want to buy Fancy Ride for this, and we also thought, this way we had already done this one and wouldn't need to worry about trying to ride again. We ended up waiting 45 minutes, so not terrible.

Sketching in Line
The girls brought sketch books with them, and they did some drawing in line.
7DMT Gwen's Sketch
Gwen drew Doopey

7DMT Morgan's Sketch
Morgan drew Doc.

7DMT Que
It was nice to see the que, we almost always only did Fastpass.

7DMT Que_Gems
Took about half an hour to get into the que where the gems are.
7DMT Que_Key

And then only another 15 to get to the front.

7DMT Small Door by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
Gwen was obsessed with small doors this trip. And made me snap a photo of this one as we were getting assigned a row.

7DMT Que_Ready to Ride
We were ready for our first RIDE!!!!

7DMT Que_Family Selfie

Seven Dwarfs is always fun but the ride is too short.
7DMT Selfie

7DMT Que_Photopass Ride Photo

7DMT Que_Photopass Ride Photo
7DMT was a good first ride back!

7DMT Dopey Dancing

7DMT Witch

After our our first Fancy Ride down, we took a look at the wait times and well.... things were pretty busy! Pirates was only posted 20 which was sadly low, so we headed there next.

Water Mickey
As we walked over we saw a Mickey with water that the Janitors make. Love them!
Walked into the que at 9:28.
Pirates Que

Pirates Cannon shooting AT guests
So, we were sent to the far side to load onto a boat. And we saw these. And Morgan and Gwen pointed out that the cannon is pointing at the guests!!!! That's not very magical!

Pirates_Que Scene
Anyone notice this before? I hadn't but maybe because we usually load on the other side?

It was a posted 20 waited On the ride at 9:35, so not even 10 minutes.
Pirates_Ready to Ride

Pirates Ship

Pirates Fire Scene

Pirates Auction Scene

Pirates Dog Scene
Being on Pirates was like visiting an old family member. We love Pirates!

We used the Bathrooms after. And decided what to do next.
Pirates Bathroom

Splash Mountain was 35 minute wait, so we went ahead and decided to do that!

Splash Que_Gwen
We got in line for Splash Mountain at 9:55.

Splash Que Birdhouse
I can't even tell you the last time we waited in the stand by line. And as we passed a birdhouse, I heard some little birds singing. It was so cute.

Splash Wanted Sign

Splash Que
The wait wasn't too bad, and we were still just happy to be there.

Splash Que_Ready to Ride
We were on the ride at 10:25. So, exactly the posted time.

Splash Selfie

I love Splash Montain! I am also excited to see what the new version will be like.
Splash Eliquor
This part always just gets me. It's the anticipation of the ride starting and the view you get. I weridly love it.

Splash Slip'n Falls
And I think we all love Slip'n falls the most.

Splash Slip'n Falls

Splash Brier Bear and Fox

Splash Drop

It was hot today, so getting wet didn't seem so bad. And we got wet!
Splash Post Drop


Splash Photopass Photo

Splash WaterFall
This is ligit Morgan's favorite part of the ride. The waterfall that gets you wet at the end.

Splash Zip a Dee Lady

At this point it was after 10:30 and we needed something to eat!

Up next Snack Disasters?!?!
You are off to a great start regardless of forgetting to book that first ll ride and you all look so, so happy to be there! Love the smiling faces and sure they wouldn’t be normal sisters if Gwen and Morgan didn’t quibble over the hair scrunchies and shirts 🤣
Love that the girls bring sketch pads to pass the time in line. They are both good artists. Funny that Gwen was into tiny doors - I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that wee door but I’ll be sure to try and find it next time I’m there. I love that there’s always something new to see at wdw.
Delighted for you that Gwen’s doing well on the health front too.😊
sure they wouldn’t be normal sisters if Gwen and Morgan didn’t quibble over the hair scrunchies and shirts 🤣
I know. I always have to remind myself that, that is just what sisters do.

Funny that Gwen was into tiny doors - I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that wee door but I’ll be sure to try and find it next time I’m there. I love that there’s always something new to see at wdw.
We have a few more for you to find!
What a great start to your trip. I'm looking forward to following along. I love all the extras you do for the trip - your "cheat sheets," the Tinkerbell gifts, the 50 in 50 tracking -- SO fun.


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