My Journal to Me - Comments welcome!

Last two days have been a whirlwind. Friday was generally ok until dinner and the 2 margaritas. Cinco de Mayo! I did get a walk in!

Saturday was DD's 12th birthday party: "Girls day out" for 5 11-12 year olds! DD's 3 friends arrived at 10am. I had bought an assortment of flipflops so everyone picked out a pair from the basket. Then I took them plus my 2 DD's to the nail salon for pedicures/manicures. The gal at the salon talked me into getting a pedicure also. I love pedicures, but not when I am trying to keep track of 5 kids! This was the most "unrelaxing" pedicure ever. I want a do-over! I had forgotten the camera at home so DH loaded DD2 into his car and brought it over to us. :love: After the pedicure, it was off to Islands for lunch. Can I just say it was a little frightening how well some of these girls knew their way around the menu "We'd like to split the Grande Nachos with chicken and Guacamole, but no jalepenos or sour cream." When the Kona Pie arrived after lunch, they all claimed to be too full yet somehow the entire giant slice was completely gone shortly thereafter! DH and DD2 had joined us for lunch so that was nice. The movie started later than I had planned so after opening presents at the restaurant I took the girls to a park for about 15 minutes. They really had a good time running around being "kids", but the sand did do some damage to a couple of pedicures - oh well! At the movie theater I asked if anyone wanted popcorn, etc. "I'm full" became $30 worth of movie candy/popcorn. :rotfl2: We saw "Hoot" it was cute. After the movie, the girls all played in the backyard while waiting for their parents. DH tried to get them to do some games until I called him off. We have entered a new phase now. Parents are for transportation, not entertainment. I figured this out during our day out. After everyone had left, DH fixed leftovers, etc for dinner and we watched "Narnia" (one of DD's birthday presents). It was really good. Of course, in my highly weakened state, the cookie dough made its appearance! Baked some duirng the movie and then ate some more dough after the kids went to bed! DH is leaving this morning on another business trip, so I can't send cookies to work. I am thinking I will bake the rest of the cookies today and freeze them for the kids lunches otherwise, I'm going to eat the rest of the tube now that it is open.

Friday:b- GoLean Cereal & 24 oz skim milk
s - 1 pc beef jerky
l - 6 oz FF yogurt
s - 1/2c FF cottage cheese & olive spread
d - homemade burrito, 2 margaritas

Water: 88 oz

Exercise: 60 minute walk w/ jogger stroller

Saturday:9:30a: 6 oz FF yogurt
12:00p: 1/2 Maui Burger, some cheddar fries w/ Ranch dip, mulitple glasses of Sprite
2:00p: movie popcorn
5:30p: 1/2 ham sandwich, 15 oz skim milk
6:30p: 2 chocolate chip cookies, 12 oz skim milk, chunk of cookie dough
8:30p: 12 oz skim milk, more cookie dough :sad2:

Water: 32 oz :sad2:

Exercise: none

LOL about the Cinnabon. I split my roll with DD2 otherwise I would have eaten a whole one all by myself!
Heck, who can blame you for the cookie dough!! Wow, what a day!!
Can I send my dd to your place for her party?! :teeth:
You're doing great Anna, don't let a few cookies get you off track!
Have a great Sunday and RELAX!!

Today was a lowkey, do nothing (except eat!) day for me. I have been in kind of a sluggy, funky mood all day. I think I really just needed to decompress after yesterday and the last week. I have gotten off track completely eating & exercise, but hopefully, I can get back on track on Monday. The good news is the cookie dough is gone, the bad news is, you guessed it, I ate most of it! There wasn't even enough left for kid lunches tomorrow. DH left this morning on another business trip. He is at a conference at the Contemporary at WDW of all places! So wanted to go with him, but state testing starts tomorrow at school so we have to stay home. :sad2:

8:00a: 3 pancakes w/ peach sauce
12:30p: 1/2 ham sandwich on whole wheat w/ mayo and mustard, 5 cherry tomatoes, handful of "veggie booty" (even tasted "green" - blah!)
1:30-3p: 2 cookies, the rest of the cookie dough :sad2:
6:30p: 2 scrambled eggs, 1.5 pcs whole wheat toast w/ blueberry jam
Cal: 1900, Fat: 69 g (most of this was the cookie dough!), Carbs: 245g, Fiber: 10g, Protein: 77g

Water: 96 oz

Exercise: none :sad2:
Hi Anna,

Wow what a weekend!!! Happy belated Birthday to your DD!!! Sounds like you and the girls had a great time!!!

Don't be too hard on yourself for the least they are gone and that is good!!! Today is a new day and you can move on!!!

Keep up the good work!!!

Have a great Monday :)
Anna - wow what a Saturday!!! No wonder you needed to decompress on Sunday...but I bet the kids had a blast and that's what it's all about. Today starts a new week and I know you'll get back on track (at least the cookie dough is gone now ;) )
Hi Anna~

Saturday sounds like it was a fun day for your DD and her friends! What wonderful memories for her! :goodvibes

Today is clean slate day! I KNOW you CAN do it! :cheer2: I hope it's a great day for you! :sunny:
Wow, what a great mom you are for making DD's b-day so special! I thought I was going to go insane for DS10's b-day. He had 5 boys over and in a short 2 hours, they kicked a soccer ball into a neighbors backyard, crunched several ping pong balls and someone took a ping pong ball to the eye... Ya, be glad you have girls!

You probably feel crappy because of all the junk you ate this weekend. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! After a couple days of eating healthy you will be back to your chipper self. As for the cookie dough, I would have done the EXACT same thing. Scary, isn't it? I don't understand how an opened tub of cookie dough can completely take over rational thought...

You will get back on track!! :cool1:
You had a great birthday party for your daughter. I bet its one she'll always remember. You must've been worn out the next day - no wonder the cookie dough looked so tempting.
I was dreading WI this morning, but it was ok - 177. So no loss this past week, but also no gain either. :) Today I definitely have gotten back on track too. I didn't get my walk in earlier in the day, but I didn't want to miss today. So at 5:30 I went out and walked for 70 minutes. :cool1:

8:15a: 1c GoLean Crunch cereal, 24 oz skim milk
10:45a: 1 pc beef jerky
1:15p: 1/2 ham sandwich w/ mayo & mustard on whole wheat, 3 cherry tomatoes
4:30p: granola bar
7:00p: 1c chunky tomato soup (yum!)
8:00p: 12 oz skim milk w/ Ovaltine
Cal: 1099, Fat: 27g, Carbs: 160g, Fiber: 18g, Protein: 66g

Water: 104 oz

Exercise: walked for 70 minutes :yay:

Thank you everyone for your kind words. DD did have a fantastic time at her party so the day (and the cookie dough later!) were worth it! :goodvibes
Now that the birthday festivities are done, I should be able to stay reasonably on track. Wednesday will be another crazy day, but the rest of the week looks good.

LOL. Boys are definitely a different breed! My brother has 3 year old twin boys and just an hour with them exhausts me! Yes, I am glad I have girls. Though, I hope I still feel the same way in a few years when the "teenage years" hit in full force! DD10.5 will undoubtably give me more than a few gray hairs I'm afraid! :rotfl2:
Hi Anna,

Your food looks great!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

You are doing a great job!! Good news that there was not a gain this week....

Have a great day :)
Great job getting that walk in! :cool1:

I think it all evens out between boys and girls when they are teenagers. Girls will have the catty attitudes and boys will eat you out of house and home plus cost you and arm and leg in car insurance... :confused3 Ahh, the joys of parenthood! :goodvibes

Your food looks great! I'm glad you didn't gain anything. You'll see a loss next week, I'm sure! :)
Thanks for stopping by my journal. I put in a lot of nitty gritty stuff for myself, but I really appreciate everyone's encouragement. It is so motivating for me! :grouphug:

Good day today. DD2 fell asleep in the jogger stroller while I was walking. I knew I wouldn't be successful if I tried to transfer her to her bed and I also knew that she REALLY needed that nap. So, I dropped the older two girls off at home with their piano teacher and just kept walking. Did a total of 1:45! and almost 6 miles! Boiled a dozen eggs yesterday for snacks. Of course, the kids like them, so I had to boil more today. Egg whites are ok, but the deviled eggs for the kids were so much more yummy! I need to go to the store and get more fruits & veggies too. The only thing that I was not great with was my water intake. I just was not thirsty today even on my walk. I usually drink close to 2 - 24oz bottles on a 1 hr walk. Today, I didn't even finish 1.

Tomorrow will be very crazy. I am going on my first school field trip in nearly 3 years (since DD2 was born). The honor choir at school was one of 4 in the state chosen to sing at the state PTA convention and I decided I just couldn't miss it. Both DD's are a part of the group. A neighbor is watching DD2 for an hour until DH's gets home from his business trip. The kids will be dismissed from class at 12:30 to change and get ready. We will leave for Anaheim at 1. They actually perform from 4-4:30 and then the whole group is going to Goofy's Kitchen for dinner. :banana: then back home to get a "good night's rest". Can I just say, don't ya think the STATE PTA could have done a little better planning and not had the convention the same week that every school in the state is doing State TESTING? :confused3 Anyway, it should be a lot of fun and a really neat experience for the kids (and mommy too!)

8:15a: GoLean Crunch Cereal, 24 oz milk
12:00p: 1/2 ham sandwich w/ mayo & mustard on whole wheat, 5 red bellpepper strips
4:00p: 1 egg white, 1 deviled egg
5:45p: 5 potstickers w/ soy sauce, 12 oz skim milk
Cal: 1080, Fat: 31g, Carbs: 133g, Fiber: 15 g, Protein: 80g

Water: 88 oz

Exercise: 1hr, 45 minutes walk w/ Jogger Stroller! :yay:
Hi Anna, Wow! What a great job on the walk. :banana: I didn't realize you are just down south from me. You are so lucky to be so close to my favorite place. I hope you have a wonderful time on the field trip and let us know how it went.

Happy Wednesday!
Hi Anna!

You did a great job with your walk yesterday! :yay: Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

I hope you have a great time on your field trip today! :sunny:
Anna - have fun on the field trip today!! What an AWESOME job on the last two walks!!! 70 minutes and then 1:45 with a stroller....WAY TO GO!! You've definitely started the week off with a bang!
Hi Anna,

Great job on your walk!!! You are doing a great job! Keep up the wonderful work!!!

Have a fantastic time on your field trip :)
Way to go with the walk! :cheer2: Those exercise minutes are growing fast!
Have fun on the field trip. You must be very proud of your daughters!
Hi Anna, I hope the field trip was alot of fun. Have a great Thursday!

What a day we had Wednesday!! It was absolutely awesome!! The kids honor choir did a 30 minute performance at the Anaheim Convention Center Arena at the beginning of the State PTA Convention General Meeting (2000-4000) people. They were on stage with mic's and lights and they were also projected onto two big screens with pans and close ups! This was a totally new experience for all of them. They sounded great! They looked great! It was really incredible. We got a new music teacher at school last year. She started the honor choir for 5th and 6th graders this year. She is really awesome and has done amazing things with the kids.

Then it was off to Goofy's Kitchen as the perfect ending to a fantastic day! There were lots of "kid tables" (33 kids) and a 3 "grown up tables" . I'm still getting used to this kids separating from the grown folk thing. The kids loved all the characters and the characters loved them. At one point Belle and Chip and Dale wanted the kids to sing something. So that one table started to sing. Immediately, all the other kids at the other tables started to sing!!! This was completely spontaneous and not directed by their teacher or anything. Kodak moment with tears at all the "mommy" tables.

OK, enough braggin' on my kids! :love:

I was running around Wednesday morning and never got breakfast. When I ran out of the house at 12:30 for the field trip, I grabbed a couple of granola bars thinking I would eat one for lunch and another for snack. Never got to the lunch one. Finally had one around 3p after the kids were taken "backstage" and the grown ups were getting ready to be seated. At Goofy's Kitchen, I had a plate of salads and various roasted veggies that were really, really good! Should have stopped there. Then I had some entries, but didn't eat much since they were only ok. I wanted a chicken something, but mostly there was fish, pasta, and roast beef & pork loin. I don't like fish and I skipped the pastas. Then on to desserts! I only ate 1-2 bites of each dessert -- but I tried 6-7 different ones! Oh, well. I knew that would happen before I got there. I had hoped to get in a walk in the morning, but knew that was going to be a long shot so wasn't too surprised that it didn't happen.

Today (Thursday) I got back on track though. Ate reasonably well (still can't get the fat grams down - I LIKE foods with fat in them!), got a good walk in and drank enough water. This week I have really had to think about drinking water again. I'm not sure why. :confused3

3p: granola bar
5:30p: Goofy's Kitchen buffet, 1/2 DC

Water: 50 oz

Exercise: none.

7:15a: whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter & blueberry jam
10:30a: Toddler class: 1.5 mini pumpkin muffin, snack size unsweetened applesauce
12:45p: 1 egg white, 2 deviled eggs, 1 apple
5p: 1 little bonnibel cheese
6:15p: 8 oz skim milk, whole wheat pasta w/ marinara sauce, little parmesan, asparagus, green salad w/ feta & olive oil & vinegar, 1 big glass of wine
Cal: 1272, Fat: 49g, Carbs: 134g, Fiber: 20g, Protein: 56g

Water: 100 oz

Exercise: 60 minutes w/ jogger stroller - walked to Toddler class, 30 minutes each way.
Need to get DD2 ready for bed now. DH didn't give her a bath last night, so she needs a good scrub tonight! I'll try and get back to journals later tonight. :wave2:


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