Mods can close, pin traded.


Wants his own scouting report
Jul 11, 2007
Starting bid: 4K
Auto: 15K (which is leading offer, but if you want to offer more you can)

Threeboysmom is in the lead with 15K, but i am leaving this open to see if anyone else wants to offer more than 15K.
Edited: Just noticed you said 15K for automatic win. I offer you that right now.
Ok. I will trade the next time you are on. PM me when you are available. If anyone is willing to give more than 15K, please let me know.
It's through my quest kiosk, but I'm not sure how to handle this since I don't really know you. I usually prefer the item first, then I'll turn on my quest machine to give the credits. If you're not comfortable with that, we'll have to get Aengus or Disvaclub to help out.
if you could get either that would be nice. I will be busy almost all tomorrow and Monday, ill PM you if i see we are both on.
Hi there. I can be around this afternoon from 2-5 EST, or I can be on pretty much anytime tomorrow or Tuesday. You tell me what's best for you. Once we have a day/time, I'll get a hold of either Aengus or Disvaclub to meet up with us to help in the trade.

I might be here today at around 2.

Will be around tomorrow evening or Tuesday afternoon or evening.
Ill post or PM to see when i will be here.
OK, let's tentatively plan for 2 today. I'll try and hunt down Aengus to see if he's available at that time.
im not sure if i can be there at 2, and i will post.

Reason: I have to go somewhere at 4:00 and i dont know what time i have to leave (its about 1 hour away but we might have to make extra stops)
thanks for the offer, but i forgot to tell eveyone that i promised threeboysmom the pin.
llamaboy, I have to say you have impressed me! When I read that last offer yesterday, I thought for sure you would back out on your word and let "greed" get the best of you. Guess I've become cynical lately because of some bad trade ethics that have gone on here in the past... I'm sorry that I thought that of you.

Anyways, I just want to thank you. Even though this is all "virtual," your true character and integrity are shining through. :)


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