Magic Double-dip "SCOOP AWAY THE POUNDS"

Oh, Island's fries ::yes:: very tempting.....and they REFUSE to do half orders, so you must share, indulge or toss.

Well, it appears I actually did lose one pound this week (and I do console myself that I had lost 5 before we started here). Still not fully 'in the flow' yet, but I guess every time I pass on dessert, go for grilled instead of fried and WALK AWAY FROM THE FRENCH FRIES is a help.

Well, I have to get cleaned up soon, meeting the girls at the movies to see Nanny McP with the lovely Colin Firth :love: There will be NO popcorn or chocolate at the movies, but there may be a Starbuck's decaf latte with 2% and sugar free hazelnut for a post movie treat.

Janice & Dee I may be interested in some receipe swapping....if I ever start cooking!!!
I'm so proud of my sister! (Ibouncetoo) we didn't have any popcorn, and we went for soup and salad after the movie. Yipee for us. Ok, we did have a little of that banana nut bread (but it was in lue of actual dessert). Better than that chocolate cake we usually fold for! We'll be happier cruising and moving better won't we? I wonder if my sister - booked our room... I'll call her. pirate:

I'm going to try that salmon recipe. I love SALMON! Thanks you guys. I hope you are all choosing wisely over the weekend! I just dusted my pot shelves and could use a starbucks... but I won't. :blush:
It was a fairly good weekend. I am not getting in my water, and I do not know why. I used to be a water aholic. Right now I go for the diet soda. Bad thing there is the sodium. Boy do I swell.

Well I tried another rceipe. This time it was egg rolls. 1pt each. They were actually very tasty. I unfortunately had too many wrappers together and did not realize it, so some were a little to doughy tasting. The filing was great.

My DIL's mother bought me a WW cook book and WOW are there some yummy receipes in there. I am gonna try to pick at least one new one a week to spoil my self with.

My DH and son said they would love my cooking if I would stop adding stuff like the pecans to the Salmon. They are crazy. I loved that salmon. I guess I will make it next time with just the jelly, marinade and add mustard.

Jackie...You could have taken your own popcorn in your purse. I just found Orville Redenbachers mini bags that were butter flavored. Only 100 calories. I have had his kettle corn and love it, but am looking forward to the butter for a change.

Well congrats on your will power or should I say wont power :thumbsup2

Have a great week.
Okay you guys I am feeling lonley here.

I have been into the diet sodas again beause I am to lazy to fill up my water jug at work. I am gonna really try hard tomorrow.

I just tried the South Beach diet wheat crackers (individually wrapped) Yummy.
I'm still dragging (yeah, feet) to the grocery store and into the kitchen to cook. I had a perfectly respectable soup and sandwich for dinner last night...HOWEVER...the sandwich was huge and half was set aside for lunch today. Somehow :confused3 the whole thing got eaten before the night was over. Granted it wasn't chocolate or potato chips, but still TOO MUCH FOOD!

At least in chat tonight I won't be able to stuff my face while typing :surfweb:
I'll weigh in tomorrow and see what the damage from vacation is... :scared:

Hopefully the extra walking countered the extra food. I ate more food than I normally do, I think, but I also ate less junk, so that was good...we were too busy to snack I think, LOL. :teeth:
Well at least we are thinking about how we eat and what we eat and that is half the problem or half of the solution.

Keep up the good work everyone.

faireygod mother said:
Well at least we are thinking about how we eat and what we eat

Yeah, I was thinking about that snack size bag of BUGLES about an hour ago (as I was eating it)!

Tracy I usually loose weight on vacation.....more balanced meals at regular times as opposed to the eat and dash of work-day life. Even on my 4 day cruise I lost....and trust me, there wasn't much walking....lots of relaxing.

Having a real hard time making a new routine. I still seem to be consuming one big meal (usually lunch, sometimes dinner) and a smaller meal the other time. I know I should be spreading it out over the day...which is better for my metabolism. ::yes:: I'll keep working on it though......never say die, sez I.
:goodvibes I'm sending you all good vibes for this weekend! WATER... MOVE... ENJOY!

I apologize for jumping in here and there and not really being grounded and making proper introductions! I've had a couple of weeks of pure adrenalin. I got a call from a friend who wanted me to "help" (temp work) the CEO of their company. They plan an annual celebration every year, and his admin assnt. is having neurological problems (brain surgery this Friday). It's some sort of laser thing and she'll be "out patient"... hmmm??? Anyway, I went in, and did the job. But really had no life. However, the company did decide to make some changes for the good of all, and Jeannie (admin) will be moving down to receptionist after her surgery. Less stress... she's happy she didn't loose her job - and can keep benefits... the position opened up and he was interviewing this week. YES - I did interview as well. Keep all your fingers and toes crossed for me. It's 2.3 miles from my house, and its finally a "real" job and "real" opportunity for me.

I'm sorry, see I'm still not grounded... it's 5:30 a.m. and I've been up since 4 - it's SATURDAY!!!! I have to run into the office I woke up with this "dread" feeling and I have a sneaking feeling the updated agenda didn't get out (email) and computer issues at work. So I'm going to CYA and send it to the hotel in St. Croix so my liason can print it up and hand out tomorrow at the Meet and Greet.

Ok, HELLO EVERYONE!:wave2: I am Peggy and I'm Jackie's sister! (Ibouncetoo).

I too, am in process of "melting" the pounds. I don't say lose because you often "FIND" what you lose. I too, am going on this wonderful cruise! Now I can really start getting excited about it. Now that the party is over and I can relax a little.

I am making the official statement and goal (JR add me to the list)... of

(I want to say 50 but my heart says - don't over commit...say 30).

50 pounds!!!! I did it.... I comitted!
Ok, I can DO this!

We are all together on this right? I'm not alone right? :Pinkbounc I feel better now. One thing I have been doing is taking the stairs at work, I'm on the second floor and the mail room, reception, etc is on the first so lots and lots of up and down those stairs. It's working, I know that my pants were tighter when I was "working" in them before the Holidays.

Unfortunately, my "eating" habits havent' really been all that great. I start out every day really GOOD. Yogurt, 1/4 blueberries, then a jello with fruit cup - all stretched over the morning to keep that fuel burner fired up. THEN lunch... I usally wait too late, am TOO hungry and grab something BAD!

I get home, and think ok, no big worry, I'll eat something light. Then by 8 I'm STARVING and have a sandwich or soup in addition to whatever I ate at 6...

ARGHHHHHHHH this isn't working!!!! I know I'm not gaining, because of all the activity I've been doing these last few weeks, but once I'm IN that office doing the job (notice that I'm planting the fact that I've GOT it?) it will start to creep on if I keep this up.

Bagels this week... not 1/2 like I SHOULD do if I were to have some. WAIT... Yesterday, I actually only ate 1/2... I made a whole one, but got interrupted... and threw the other half away...

OK - rule #1... WRITE IT DOWN - this is HUGE in LA WEIGHT LOSS plan and WW!!! We all know it's important for us to "know" what we are doing... because other wise things sneak in right????

EVEN YOUR WATER. If you have to write it down, you realize when you aren't doing it, and your "tough" times of the day. Let's face it LADIES - WE KNOW what to do... not one of us doesnt'. We've done this before, some of us over and over again.

So what is the issue? EMOTIONAL EATING? For me, yes, very much. And being BORED!!!! I sit, relax and watch TV and before I even am "AWARE" I'm in eating a few cookies, a few this a few that...and my NIGHT IS SHOT TO....

Whew. Glad I got all that out of my system.

Today is day I will ENJOY what I eat, EAT LESS OF IT and not beat myself up!

That's how the French do it. DO NOT eat MINDLESSLY! BE AWARE.

Ok, that's my kickoff for y'all this weekend. JUST THINK:

We'll be walking around that ship, so much happier - more chiper and healthier because of what we DO TODAY!


:dancer: Good wishes to all of you! GOD BLESS your hearts and little faces.

P.S. I don't want my dolphin experience to be ruined because they couldn't lift my butt out of the water!!!!
Morning All! Good morning little sister....I see you were up at the crack of dawn!

Well, not much success for me this past least on the scale. I did find myself 'saying no' quite a few times this week. You know, to the chocolate mousse birthday cake at the office, that dangerous spot in the drive between my house and my sisters (Dairy Queen), salad and soup instead of burger and fries. But there were still several 'less wholesome' meals, not enought water and NO EXERCISE. I seem to recall a bag of Orville and two chocolate chip cookies in there somewhere :rolleyes1

Yes, I think a food journal is what I need. One I can carry in my purse and put on the table at a restaurant BEFORE I order or can set on the dining table BEFORE I cook. Hmmmm, this is a good excuse to go to the book store and look at always makes me happy. ::yes::

Well, I wonder if TiggersPal is ready to cook me some breakfast? :scratchin Time to give her a call.

Well, we are off to a good start. Jackie and I met for breakfast, I gave her a notepad to start her journal, I started mine. We did "REAL" good at breakfast, talked about our trip, our budget for the trip, possible "pick-up" and "drop-off" points... clothing, how great we will feel WHEN we "melt" away.... and then I ran off to SUNFLOWER got some wholesome bread, juice, etc. Then to COSTCO to buy my much needed and required for dieting, SCALE. Yep, folks I did it. I got it out - jumped on it, then TOOK OFF my clothes, jumped back on... the good news. I haven't gained an ounce - from my LA WEIGHT LOSS days... the bad news... I haven't lost an ounce either !!!!! ARRRRGHHHHH:confused3

What is UP with that? Well, lack of moving, and I remind myself ^ read the above post... "bad choices" at lunch. That would do it.

I did purchase these "balls" at costco for working out - not the HUGE one, that you lay on, but these smaller ones to put under your back (I have hip issues that "go out" ) and then my knee hurts sometimes so bad I can barely walk. So if I actually USE them...and start working out, things WILL CHANGE!

Hope all you fellow SUPER DOOPER Scoopers - are doing well this Saturday!:wizard: here's a little spell for all of us to do well!
Hi everyone :wave:

I started back on South Beach on Monday and so far, so good.
As to how much I want to lose: In October we went on the Magic and I had lost 50 lbs in about a yrs time (South Beach then too) but after the Magic I was up 10 lbs then the holidays came and after that I had a week at Disney (Jan 15-21) so now I am up 15 lbs I had originally lost :confused3

So, I want to lose that 15 lbs plus 15 (maybe even 20) more to hit my goal wt. Right before we left on the cruise a very large beautiful wardrobe I have was starting to fit again :banana: so I am not sure how far below that I will want to go because I just love thouse clothes! :love:

Not sure what if anything I will be doing at first as far as exercise. With it being winter, it is hard to walk outside. I do not own any exercise equipment, but do have some tapes I could try. Maybe I will make it the Feb goal just to do a 30-45 min tape once or twice a week and see how I do. I hate exercising so we will see! Also, I work 6 days every week (have a Sat job at a different hospital), so that tends to keep me busy.

Have a great weekend everyone!
SCDizneyDawn - way to go 50lbs!!!! That's great. I like tapes - saves time - and you can wear what you want! I'll be coming to you for encouragement...since you rock! Is that ok? I know I'll feel so much better. Hey, where is everyone today?:magnify:
Peggy Jo, I just wish I had come back from the cruise and gotten back into Diet mode, instead I have been eating cake with lunch almost every day since! :sad2: :blush: Well, that is until a week ago :thumbsup2

I always love to encourage people in thier weight loss challanges. YOU GO!! :banana:

I never managed to put in that tape, maybe one night this week.

Hope everybody enjoys the game and try to choose healthier snacks this Superbowl Sunday.
Wow, some activity here. I was starting to think I was going it alone. I did not even bother to check over the weekend as there tend to be no new posts. Imagine my surprise today :)

Well I amde myself a promise that there would be no diet sodas starting today and so far so good. I have had 2 cups of hot green tea chai. It is so yummy.

I also made WW chili last night and wow it was good. I used ground turkey instead of chicken. I even splurged with a dab of FF sour cream and nachos, it put it over the top.

Well I wish everyone well today and this week. I am planning on going to the gym tomorrow morning and walking on the tread mill. Thought that might give me a boost. We had been walking at night, but Friday night I about froze to death and the temp as drastically dropped here. Yes, I know it is an excuse. That is why I am going at 430 a.m. so I can tell myself that I am worth it and committed to it (I would rather sleep).

Peggy Jo...I love the idea of melting off the weight instead of losing. Although I lost my wedding band and have not found it. :rotfl:

Turn up that metabolism ladies and burn burn burn. :banana:
Fairygod Mother, I believe it was your recipe I took off the site and am going to try. The enchiladas... I have always wanted to make them and never had a good recipe. Well, the weekend was good, but I had a BAD day today! ARRRGH

I wasn't feeling myself to begin with, and I believe I am hormonal... so the combination wasn't good. But hey, I'm NOT going to beat myself up, I'm going to do better tomorrow. I did buy the "balls", and have used them. A woman, named Elaine Petrone developed them (she was a dancer) and had an injury and the doctors told her she "might" walk again, but with a limp. Anyway, you place them under your back, hips, arms, all over and just BREATHE. It helps if you carry stress in your body (who doesn't)... and so far it really helps! I usually see the chiro a couple times a month, when I'm good and find when I dont' go, then my hips slips "out" and my knee really suffers. So this will help me, when I'm too busy to do. If my knee starts to bother me, I can barely do any walking, let alone gym it...

So, good news and bad news. My eating wasn't anything to rave about, but I am taking care of myself by using the balls. Onward and upward everyone! Let's get so fit we can do that ruin walk! Jackie wants to do the 3.5 hour hike and I'm WITH HER! We ROCK!:cheer2: We can do it, YES we can, we can do it...I know we can.

Jackie how was your day?
Slice of cheese for breakfast, Asian chicken salad for lunch (dressing on the side) with one small piece of dark bread. Starting out pretty OK, huh? Oh, dinner, hamburger at Chili's, 1/2 order of fries. Not quite so good, eh? But nothing will pass these lips for the rest of the sireeeeeee!
You guys crack me up. :rotfl2:

I tried yet another receipe. It was chicken stuffed with brown rice, tarragon and rasins cooked in orange juice, cooking sherry and raosted garlic. Can I say yummy. I also made rasted green beans with sea salt. My partner made a sweet potatoe casserole and it was out of this world. Then we had strawberrys cut and sprinkled with splenda. I was in heaven.

I love to cook and trying these new receipes is really making a differance for me. I feel pamapered. It make me want to keep going.

have a great day all.
HEY PEOPLE.... have we all lost our "motivation?" Ok, I'll be the first to say it...

YES!!!!:furious: I haven't been so good this week. Crazy week at work and I was a little down. I'm heading out to meet Jackie at Chilis...hopefully I'll make better choices this weekend!!! I have been moving around though, just no "exercise"... I so want to do THIS!!!! WHY is it so hard?
We've been passing around a cold AND the flu...ugh! I remember the days when I'd get the flu, take some Nyquil, and sleep sleep sleep it away. Those days are long gone for sure. Nothing like having the flu and having to take care of sick kids at the same time huh? :crazy:

Of course, all I ate yesterday was about 50 calories worth of Jello. :rolleyes:


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