Magic Double-dip "SCOOP AWAY THE POUNDS"

I for one have been AWFUL at writing things down for the past few weeks. I lost 2 pounds, then "that week" hit me with cravings for salty comfort foods (yes, I know, even wheat thins are bad for you if you eat too many) :goodvibes Starting tomorrow I will write it all down again (even if I go over in points).

I did go to Kickboxing this past Thursday night, and feel very good about that. I love doing it, it's just hard to be gone one more evening. Thursdays are normally the "Friday" of my work week, and I need to remember that Kickboxing is fun.

As for food, we've eaten dinner out too many times this week. I do much better if I cook my own food. I went to Costco today and bought enough food to not have "there's nothing in the house to cook" as my excuse this next week.

I am also committing to not eating any of my children's valentine candy from their school parties (those little conversation hearts and nerds are my weakness this time of year).

Well, enough sitting at the computer. Time to go get active! :cheer2:
Tracy, get that family heathy! You've got a big trip comming up ::yes:: and you're staying at my two favorite areas of WDW....greater Boardwalk area (ANY of those resorts make me happy) and ALK :thumbsup2

I'm STILL having trouble getting going on this food improvement/reduction deal.


OK, here's my commitment for next week:

Breakfast EVERY DAY
Pack lunch at least 3 DAYS
30 Minutes strolling the neighborhood at least 3X

.....OK, I'll stop there...don't want to get too carried away ;)

Anyone else?
Maybe that's the key, make weekly goals. Ok, feeling crappy like I do right now...was it the dessert after the movie this afternoon? No, actually I think I'm fighting something "tummy" related. Anyway, I will WRITE DOWN ALL I EAT... I will drink at least 80 oz. of water EACH DAY. I will MOVE 3x this week. With this stupid knee, I'm not sure how or what...but I will do SOMETHING. Maybe yoga, do what I can.

That's it for me. Baby steps right?:wizard:
ibouncetoo said:
Tracy, get that family heathy! You've got a big trip comming up ::yes:: and you're staying at my two favorite areas of WDW....greater Boardwalk area (ANY of those resorts make me happy) and ALK :thumbsup2
Thanks! We're back from the trip was last month and we did have a great time! Fortunately the rest of the family is now feeling fine, although DD still has a runny nose. Unfortunately, I'm still feeling terrible. :sad2: Oh well, at least I'm not overeating, LOL. :rolleyes:
OH! 21 days SINCE your trip......sorry, didn't notice that little detail. Did you have a savanah view at AKL? Did you see any animals from your room? Did you already tell us and I just forgot?

Well, it's a lovely day here. Peg and I went to an early movie and had lunch on the PATIO at The Yard House :sunny: (I only ate SOME of the french fries and half of the bun on my burger.) Soon I have to head out and do my grocery shopping....must have supplies for lunch packing and breakfast making ::yes::
Hello all
I would like to join.
My name is Michelle and I am an eataholic... I was always one of the lucky people who could eat all they want and then all of a sudden....50+pounds came on board and I don't know how they got there... I think STRESS really messes up your system and lord knows I have enough stress to share. That being said my goal is 40 pounds. I actually have made many changes over the last few months. I quit diet soda after my surgry in Nov. We have started a completely organic diet in our house. In the last 3 weeks it has made a wonderful difference in my kids. My DS lost a good 5 lb and my DD is made major improvements in her abilty to focus and stay stll( Huge for her) It has made minor improvement for me so far. I am slepping better and have a little more energy.
My biggest goal is to increase my energy and to feel healthier, lossing weight will be a bonus.
My big goal this week GET MOVING!!!!!
We were at the parks this weekend so we moved quit a bit. But I need to set sometime to exercise at least 30 min 3x a week.
Sending pixie dust that all stay on track this week .
ibouncetoo said:
OH! 21 days SINCE your trip......sorry, didn't notice that little detail. Did you have a savanah view at AKL? Did you see any animals from your room? Did you already tell us and I just forgot?
LOL, no I don't think I told you, so you didn't forget. :teeth: We had great views all around...Boardwalk view and could see Wishes and Illuminations from our BWV balcony, and Savanna view at AKL. No crowds in the parks until the Everest preview weekend and by then we had already done all we wanted and were ready to relax anyway, so we hit Blizzard Beach...twice! I can't believe we were so recently floating around the lazy river and now I'm looking outside seeing 6" of snow and recovering from the flu. :confused3



As for the flu, well, I'm feeling halfway human today. Good thing because we have nothing to eat and I'm going to have to venture out to the grocery store. I'm going to try making a list so I buy 'good' things instead of junk food. It should help that I have no appetite and everything tastes like cardboard. That box of Suzy Q's might 'look' good, but I know they'll taste like cardboard so I won't buy them, LOL. We'll see. :rolleyes1 Heck, I could save the Suzy Q's for later and just eat the box now. I doubt I could tell the difference.

Why is it that sinus meds can make me able to breathe through my nose again but yet I still can't SMELL anything? :rolleyes:
Wow, finally some action. I had stopped checking in because it had gotten so quiet here.

For those who are under the weather, hope you are feeling better soon.

For those of us who have lost some of our motivation here is a little pixie dust pixiedust:

This weekend went okay, I too do better when I cook. What I did do was order a burger with no bun. I felt that was a lot better. I have been working real hard on increasing the water too.

Please pass along any new receipes or meal ideas.
Tracy now that's what I call a room with a view! ::yes::

Well, I did hit the grocery store last night. Picked up a roasted chicken, a quiche, some homemade lasagna and a turkey cranberry wrap (which I just had for lunch....the WRAP, people, not EVERYTHING). So I have some good things made by the wonderful people at Sunflower that are ready to go. I had some of the chicken last night and will make chicken salad with all the white meat, so will have lunch covered for several more days. The small quiche will be my dinner tonight and the lasgana tomorrow.....all modest sized portions, so no temptation to eat too much. Got some greens for salad to go with my dinner and there's baby green beans in the freezer......NO EXCUSES.....there's something tasty at hand. Actually ate breakfast this morning (slice of cheese and a hard-boiled egg) and have some grape tomatoes here at the office if I need a little something later this afternoon.

Now is I can just squeeze in a 30 min walk I'll be GOLDEN ...... at least for one day anyway!

Let the MELTING begin!
Way to go Jackie!!!!:goodvibes THANK YOU Fairygodmother - that pixie dust worked! I was in a terrible state at lunch time as Jackie will attest, I called her to vent. This new "job" (no offer yet, still temping) is a MESS!!!! ARRGHHH - but... the good news, I managed my emotions at lunch and instead of eating COMFORT food which is what I wanted, I had SOUP and hot tea! Yep, no over eating, and I went back to work and talked to the HR guy (he's the corp attorney) as well, and he said "we'll get thru this together!" I feel so much better. And, to think I was going to punish myself with food (call it comfort - but really - who's it hurting afterwards?)

I came home to two HUGE balloons that "sing" VDay - and a "tree" (he's so smart) instead of flowers, I get both. A flowering plant for my newly re-done yard to add to ! MY DH is the SMARTEST MAN! Ok, now I have to go give him kisses, I just got off the phone with my other DSIS - Chicago and she congratulated me on managing my feelings and the "talks" I've had for this new job. She's sure I'll get an offer! WHEW!

Thanks to everyone for their support - and WELCOME MICHELLE!!!! We can do this!

Jackie, call me when you get home and we can walk together!

Good for you Peggy Jo. I had my weekly cooking group and the host made ww oven fried chicken with balsalmic carrots. WOW. The chicken really tated fried and it was only 5 pts. (probably less cause she used breasts instead of thighs). I made brown rice with sauteed onions, celery and roated garlic it was very good as well.

Okay guys you are making me beg. Please share some meals or receipes. It is my turn to host next week.

Another good day for me, no diet soda. I actually have increased my h2o, now all I need to do is walk more.
Planning ahead it the way to go...
Peggy Jo
Great control. I like what you said "call it comfort-but really-who's it hurting afterwards?" That is so true.
I will try and think of a WW receipe. I am not doing WW now but after my childern were born I was a life time member. I love to cook and totally agree with cooking your meals makes all the difference.When I was "skinny" we really never ate out.
I really need a plan of what to do on stressful days. When my DD is sick(which is more often then not) I tend to have a really stressed out day. So when DH calls on his way home from work and asks the millon dollar question "Whats for dinner?", I get overwhelmed and blurt out "Pick-up something, I don't care what just something." It wouldn't be bad if it was once and a while but it happens quit often. We really do not have and quick pick-up HEALTHY type of places on his way home. But I am sure this is what is really messing me up. Any ideas?
Dee, sorry can't help much on the receipes, that's something I need to work on too ::yes::

Michelle, do you guys have Boston Market out there? I've convienced myself that it's a least slightly more wholesome than a burger joint. We also have Polo Loco, where you can get a big old hunk of grilled chicken. Just have to use some caution/restraint on ordering the 'sides'.

Here's how my night went. Worked a little late....very hungry on the drive home. Got home and popped the quiche in the toaster oven. DISed while it was cooking and tummy was rumbling. When it was done, had a big old bite....HATED it. Took about two more bites and gave it to the cat. SHE loved it! Put the lasagna in the oven and had that instead. Dinner ended up being kind of late, but at least I didn't resort to "snacking" while dinner was cooking, LOL.

Well, I'm off to pack my lunch. I'll have to shop for more dinner stuff on the way home.

Anyone going to be at chat tonight???????
Wendy's and Taco bell have some healthy choices. 3 soft tacos are 12pts for example.

I am making ww corn muffins tonight for dinner and I am excited because I found sugar free rasberry and strawberry jam that are 0pts. The corn muffins are 1 pt each. Life is not going to get any better than this.

Talk to you all tonight.

Happy Valentines my loser buddys.

Wow what a change in perspective can do for your morale. I never thought I would be so proud or want to so badly be a big loser. :rotfl2:
Michelle9343, I try not to give advice without knowing the whole situation. What is your typical day like? Maybe we can help you from there.
My typical day. Thats a tuff one. It all dependes on my daughter. Angelina is an almost 8 yr old little girl who is disabled. She has a rare genetic disorder called ringed 22nd chromosome. So rare infact it has never been studied and there are less than 50 people in the US have it. She is non-verbal , not toilet trained. She can walk some but very unsteady and whenever we leave the house she uses her wheelchair. She is cronicly sick and see lots of different Drs. She had a kidney removed at 7 months old itwas non-functioning, multycyctic and has had 7 sets of ear tubes.She is suffering from an ear infection that will not go away(about 6 months) It gets a little better and then comes back. She also has seizures and acid reflux. I told you all of this so you would have a little understanding why days can get a little stressed. When she goes to school, I run around like a maniac trying to catch-up on house work and such. But she generally goes to school very little. From Oct-Nov she did not go at all. She went a few days in Dec and Jan. This month not so good. Last night the ear got really bad again and has a terrible ordor. Usually a sign that it is again a problem she has with a bacteria called MRSA(SP?)I know that today I will have a day from He.. She has also started to be very sensitive to her own mucus. So its like she gets an infection on her face when her nose runs.That being said I am sure all of this daily stress has caused my weight gain. I try really hard to not let it get to me but somedays :sad2: .I also have a 10yr old son and a husband that need me too :) .
If any of you guys have any ideas please let me know.
On a side note Sunday is Angelina's 8th Birthday. We are suppose to be eating dinner at the Garden Grill at EPCOT. So hopefully she will be up to it.
I hope everyone stayed in control for Valentines Day. Sad to say I did not do so great. But I also could have done a lot worse>
Michelle, sorry it has taken me so long to answer this. I have been busy at work today.

MRSA is correct and I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will find the right antibiodic and cure it once and for all.

I can not imagine what your day consists of with a sick baby all the time. I can only suggest a couple things.

1. meal planning. When I first started I planned out meal for the week and bought groceries accordingly.

2. Crock pot cooking. That way in the morning you could throw everythin in a crock pot and not worry about it for the rest of the day. I actuall saw some WW crock pot receipes, but you could do any low fat/carb (whatever your choice).

I found that when I stopped eating out I also stopped gaining so much and thatI had more money and less debt.

We can email or pm if you want.

Hope your daughter feels better soon and your stress level comes down a notch.
I lost 2 lbs :cool1: I am very excited. Just wanted to share.

Have a great week and good eats to all my fellow losers. :goodvibes
Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about the difficulties you and your daughter face. I'm sure advice is the last thing you need from people that don't understand your situation, but here's my 2 cents for what it's worth.
If she has a stubborn infection, try giving her a daily dose of vitamins A, C and zinc. There is a wonderful supplement by BIOTICS Research that includes all three, plus a bunch of other immune builders. I give it to my 4 year old. I break open the capsule and put it in his apple sauce. Also, If she has been on lots of antibiotics, give her PROBIOTICS everyday. It's okay to take them the same day as you are taking antibiotics, but you have to space them out at different times of the day. This will help replace the "friendly" bacteria and hopefully make her less likely to pick up other infections immediately afterwards.
I hope this helps.
My neighbor lives a similar life and her daughter has a very rare chromosome disorder as well. Lots of PIXIE DUST your way.
I hope you don't mind nutrition advice, it's my life because my son has health problems and he's allergic to almost everything!
I think swapping recipies is a great idea.

Okay, you have to trust me on this one b/c it sounds gross.
Slice up a nice big bowl of strawberris, and add blackberries or raspberries. You can sprinkle a TBS of sugar or Splenda (I always use Agave Nectar, it has a low glycemic index and it's all natural.) Anyway, sweeten as you like but then add a generous teaspoon of balsamic vinegar. I know, sounds gross. You'll never taste the vinegar and brings out the SWEET in the berries.

For a GREAT GREAT GREAT low cal dessert:
Put eggbeaters in a bowl and add a tsp of vanilla extract, ground cinnamon and a little splenda. Dip thin bread or WW bread into the mixter. Coat a frying pan with PAM to make french toast. When it's done, top with Strawberry mixture and fat free cool whip. If you really want to die, add a dollap of sugar free pancake syrup. The whole thing is under 200 calories!


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