In and Out in a Day

Happy Mother's Day!!! It's been a wonderful day here! My family spoiled me rotten!!!

Please keep us in your prayers, this week. Alan's work has told him that they will have more information for him on his future this week. We're crossing fingers.
Good Morning! Its a dreary Monday here so I am going to work on laundry until the rain stops. I bought new sheets and a new comforter for Kadys bed. So I need to wash all of it and get it on her bed before she gets home. I have to get all the laundry washed dried and put away today no matter what because I have lots going on this week.

I cant figure out what to make for dinner tonight :headache: I'm tired of pasta dishes, chicken, casseroles.... I am going to head to the store and find out what else I can make...

Have a great day!!!
Ellen – You must be so proud of Matthew! Keeping my fingers crossed the job works out for him!

Aimee – I hope your house hunting weekend went well.

Janice – Your boy definitely sounds gifted, he will do well no matter what he chooses to do in life. You should be very proud of him.

Jen – Sorry y’all missed the fresh oysters. My guys took me to a restaurant I’ve been wanting to try for so long and I had “smoked” grilled oysters that were amazing.

JimShockz – Thanks for the restaurant info!

Glynis – Prayers continue!

Out for now.....
Glynis-Praying for your family with this job and maybe moving situation.

Aimee- Hope you found a house this weekend.

Ellen- Hoping Matthew gets the job.

Janice- Praying he does well on test.

I'm On the way to Dr for check up so fun fun. Hope everyone has a great day.

I hope all the wonderful ladies on here have a great Mother's Day!!!

I am having a quiet day so far. Jeff works Sundays so he is sleeping and Kady is still sleeping. So just me, coffee and the computer:surfweb:

We are going to Nans later today and hanging out. So I have to get in the shower soon.

Ellen: I am sending all my thoughts and prayers. I will get the books for you and put them in the kindle format. I have to send them to Aimee also so can you send me your email address in a personal message on facebook? I have another book called beyond justice. Its a mix between John Grisham and James Patterson. It turned out to be a spiritual book and I loved it!!!

I will be back on later! Have a great day!!!

Thanks so much. I will head to FB as soon as I get finished here. I really appreciate it.

Happy Mother's Day!!! It's been a wonderful day here! My family spoiled me rotten!!!

Please keep us in your prayers, this week. Alan's work has told him that they will have more information for him on his future this week. We're crossing fingers.

:hug: and prayers my friend. I am sure you are ready to know which way your life is heading. Crossing everything I can.

Nan ~ I hear ya on staying out to late. By 10:00 I am ready for my jammies and a book.

Kat ~ thanks so much. I hope he hears something this week. I'll let you know.

Aimee ~ Any houses that tripped the trigger? I sure though of you all weekend.

Janice ~ I am sure your boy will do just fine - afterall he has you as a Momma.

Vicki ~ Congratulations to the Boy. WooHoo way to go!!!:woohoo:

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all. I had a wonderful day from start to finish.

It's Monday!! We had a great weekend and I had a Physical this morning. So I am just now getting to work.

The sun is shining and there is not a cloud in the sky - It is a good day.

I am finally cleared to go back to zumba tonight and I can't wait. I have really missed it.

Make it a great day!!
Glynis-Praying for your family with this job and maybe moving situation.

Aimee- Hope you found a house this weekend.

Ellen- Hoping Matthew gets the job.

Janice- Praying he does well on test.

I'm On the way to Dr for check up so fun fun. Hope everyone has a great day.

We were posting at the same time.......I just got back from the Dr. so I know how you feel. Have a great day.
Good Morning!

What a yucky morning! It has stopped raining (I was about to get the ark) but the fog is so heavy. I am looking forward to seeing the sun later today though.

Ellen, sending good thoughts to the kids.

Glynis, good thoughts to all of you as well!

Lauri, Hope you got a good report at the dr.

Aimee, Any success?

Tommy's calling me...gotta run. BBL!
Good morning friends,

Lauren ~ I so wish you could send some of your rain to us, we are so dry. This time last year we were flooding. Feast to famine. We are never happy.

It is election day here in NE. I am having a really hard time with elections this year. I don't really like either one.

NO word on the Job front yet for Matthew. But Jay and Elizabeth have one more showing next Monday and they will make the decision. It is so funny though....Elizabeth said that on Sunday they drove by 4 times. She wanted to go out and just say, "Come on in." :rotfl2:

I have a really neat recipe I want to share with all of you. (I don't know if we are suppose to here or not.) But it is a good one. You just gotta try them.

Lemon Bars

1 box Angel Food cake
1 can lemon pie filling

Empty pie filling in a bowl. Fold in dry cake mix. Pour in a 9 x 13 pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Dust with powdered sugar.

Make it a great day everyone!!
Glynis - I hope Alan gets the news youse want soon.

Aimee - How is the house huntin goin ?

This is a very quick " in ", Im on my way to the boys school football match...against C's school !!!
I have never wanted a draw in a match more in my life. :laughing:

Actually, does it make me a bad mammy if I would not be displeased if C's school won ?
He has had such a hard time recently and it would mean the world to him.

I will be back " in " later but for now Im " out "
A quick in

Tomorrow is the test to see if Mr A can get college credit for the English Lit class. If any of you can spare a prayer or twelve I and my checkbook would really appreciate it.

We received his ACT's back. I don't think he did too bad considering he would not listen to my advice and take some of the pretests. But what do I know :confused3:rolleyes1

Out for now.
A quick in

Tomorrow is the test to see if Mr A can get college credit for the English Lit class. If any of you can spare a prayer or twelve I and my checkbook would really appreciate it.

We received his ACT's back. I don't think he did too bad considering he would not listen to my advice and take some of the pretests. But what do I know :confused3:rolleyes1

Out for now.

Of course you can - 12+ prayers are on the way. Way to go on the ACT's Mr. A.

Vic ~ ok inquiring minds need to know - Who won the game yesterday?

I just got a text from Matthew - He has an interview at 11:30 tomorrow morning for the position that he had applied for. Please, please keep him in your prayers. This would be such a great thing. And it is exactly what he wants and it is right where he wants to be. Thanks so much!!

Kind of a quiet day here today. Thank Goodness! Now that all activities are finished for the summer things will really slow down. Now I can get the things done that I have put off.

Both of the boys are sick - Doug too. We don't know if it is a cold, sinus or just allergies. Elizabeth is taking Liam to the Dr. today though as he is really congested. Babies just can't blow their noses like us big kids. Poor baby can't even drink his bottle, his nose is so full.

Make it a great day!!
Lauri – How did your Dr. visit go?

Lauren – When is your vacation?

Ellen – That lemon bar recipe sounds good and EASY!! Hoping everyone feels better soon. Prayers for Matthew on the way.

Vickie – You couldn’t be a bad Mommy if you tried. So, who won?????

Janice – Sorry I’m late but prayers for A coming anyway.

It’s been a rough couple of days. I pulled my back out once again and a friend of Kyle’s was involved in an accident that killed two people. Not sure of all the details but my heart is breaking for him and his family not to mention those who were killed and their families.:sad1:

Spaghetti & meat sauce on the menu tonight. Out for now…..
I'm On the way to Dr for check up so fun fun. Hope everyone has a great day.

How did you make out at the Dr and how are you feeling lately?

This is a very quick " in ", Im on my way to the boys school football match...against C's school !!!
I have never wanted a draw in a match more in my life. :laughing:

Actually, does it make me a bad mammy if I would not be displeased if C's school won ?

You are a wonderful Mammy! Winning is not all about who is first so it seems to me that both teams will have a big win if C's team gets the better score! :cheer2::cheer2:

A quick in

Tomorrow is the test to see if Mr A can get college credit for the English Lit class. If any of you can spare a prayer or twelve I and my checkbook would really appreciate it.

We received his ACT's back. I don't think he did too bad considering he would not listen to my advice and take some of the pretests. But what do I know :confused3:rolleyes1

Out for now.

:lmao: Janice- I would love to know as much as I knew when I was a teen! A is so bright so I know he will do well no matter what!

It’s been a rough couple of days. I pulled my back out once again and a friend of Kyle’s was involved in an accident that killed two people. Not sure of all the details but my heart is breaking for him and his family not to mention those who were killed and their families.:sad1:

:sad1: How horrible! Kat- your friends are in my prayers.

I hope that your back is better today. Marisa pulls out her back and she is in agony when that happens.

Tonight is Kady's Science Fair and book fair. I have a lot of chicken left so we are having a dinner salad with chicken. Buddy will probably turn his into a sandwich but I am going to try not to stray ;)

Have a wonderful day all! It is a Beauty here in CT!
Morning Everyone!!!

Ellen: Prayers said!!

Vicki: Who won?

Janice: Prayers said for your purse:goodvibes

Kat: I am so sorry for the family and all involved in the crash :sad1: What a tragedy.... I hope your back feels better:hug:

The sun is finally out and its supposed to stay for a few days!:cool1:

Yoda is home from surgery. He did really well and he seems to be ok at home. Kaia is not being nice to him though. She hisses at him so I need to keep an eye on them.

I shampooed the carpets in the basement yesterday and kept busy so today I want to run some errands and get outside. I hope everyone has a great day!!!!
Good afternoon all,

Marisa ~ My thoughts and prayers have sure been with Yoda. I am SO glad to hear he is home and all is well. Thank the Lord!!

Kat ~ Oh you poor thing - I hope your back feels better fast.
What a tragedy. My prayers are with all involved.

Nan ~ Enjoy the Science Fair and that beautiful weather.

Well Matthew called after the interview and he thinks it went really well. There is only one other person (a woman) who interviewed for the position. It was posted only internally. The other one has WAY MORE experience, but they interviewed Matthew first and then her. But the real kicker in all of this is Matthew would really like to have the job she has now. So in the long run it might just work out that she get this job and Matthew can have hers. They are letting them know next week, so we shall have to wait and see. The people who he interviewed with started out by saying that they have heard nothing but good things about him. So that was reassuring. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers. I will let you know, when I know.

Make it a great day my friends.
Vic ~ ok inquiring minds need to know - Who won the game yesterday?

Vickie – You couldn’t be a bad Mommy if you tried. So, who won?????


You are a wonderful Mammy! Winning is not all about who is first so it seems to me that both teams will have a big win if C's team gets the better score! :cheer2::cheer2:

C's team won, and he scored !!!!

The boy was disappointed to lose but the first thing he said to me after the game ,with tears in his eyes, was " did you see C's face when he scored, he was so happy "

So yes Nan, everyone was a winner.
C was very tired after and missed school the next day but he will be livin off that high for weeks.

. But the real kicker in all of this is Matthew would really like to have the job she has now. So in the long run it might just work out that she get this job and Matthew can have hers.

Sounds like it is meant to be, fingers crossed he gets/doesnt get the job !! :rotfl:

Kat - that is awful for Kyle's friend,prayers for everyone effected.
Hows your back ?

The boys show is on Saturday, to say I am excited is an understatement.
The boy on the other hand is his usual laid back self.

I have had terrible head aches this week, I hope they pass and Im ok for Saturday....I will be there anyways but Hip Hop and migraines is not a gid mix.


Have a good night lassies....and out.
Quick in...

Hi everybody! We have a busy baseball week. A's team is not doing so well and he is in a funk. He is playing first for the first time in years and I must say he is doing pretty well.

Tom was off today and I worked him like a dog! We bought some patio stuff so he had to pick it up and assemble.

I went to an orthopedic doctor today. I have had severe pain in my foot and have not been able to run or workout lately. Good news is it is plantar faciitis and should be good to get back on track in about 3 weeks. I have to wear a brace at night and get some orthodics. I can still do the marathon!!!

Kat, I hope you're feeling better. So sad about the accident. I am going away in the summer. I will PM the dates. I hate to give TMI on the internet since there are some sickos out there.

Marisa, I hope Yoda is feeling 100% soon.

Ellen, Good news for Matthew!

Vickie, So happy for C!!! I see the Boy has an exciting weekend coming up. I wish I was there to see him in person but I do hope you take some video for us to see.

Janice, What an exciting time for A! I pray he gets through all these tests with flying colors so that will be another thing not to worry about. My mind is going...does he graduate this year or next?

I know I missed a lot. I will try to catch up tomorrow...gotta go and try and figure out how to put this stupid brace on. they showed me how to do it but there is a part where I have to strap it on my toe and velco it to the top of my foot and its a bit confusing. I hope it helps since first thing in the AM is when I have the most pain. Its hard to even walk down the stairs (plus I have to carry Riley at the same time since he can go upstairs but not chubby little furbaby!).

OK done babbling!

Vickie- I am so proud of your Boy!!!!!!!!!!!! He is really a wonderful kid. I got the chills just thinking about C and how happy he was to be part of that win!!!!!!!!

I saw that this weekend is the big one for the Boy and cannot wait for pics!

Lauren- plantar faciitis is painful so please take it easy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kady's fair was so much fun! We did not eat until 8:30 but I would not have missed it!
Thanks all for the well wishes for Mr A. He will be a senior next yr. Time has flown I can remember his first day of school like it was yesterday. Wasn't it:sad:

This has been such a busy week. The village is redoing our sidewalks and aprons to the driveways. My side of the street starts on Monday. So we have been doing everything that requires the driveway. I think we are set on food for the animals, soda and groceries. Tomorrow I will run to the nursery and start on the garden.

Tonight is pizza I wanted something easy. Boy I am exhausted.

Next week I hope to get caught up

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