If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead

When I had looked over the course when they released it I knew the hardest part was going to be between MK and AK. It just seemed like a long stretch of nothing. Thankfully it ended up not being as bad as I thought. There was a DJ between miles 6 and 7. I loved how encouraging he was. He let us know that the lead female was at mile 19 and the balloon ladies were 45 minutes behind us. After him they had speakers out playing music. I was baffled that they chose to play Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer. The line came on that goes "we're halfway there" and at that point we were nowhere near halfway so it made no sense and there was a collective groan/laugh. I guess it was just a good song to sing along to :confused3

We passed by the great cheering section outside of the Grand Floridian and the Mary Poppins penguins. I really wished I would have stopped for them but I would have had to cut off a bunch of people so I kept it moving. They also had vacation Genie and the Mickey golf cart out by the golf course. Mile 8 was now behind me. I stopped at the next water station and then pulled out my bingo card. I checked off 50 marathon shirts, I had made a silly face at a photopass photographer in MK so that was crossed off, I saw an American flag at TTC and ran through the castle so I checked those off too. I went from thinking I would get some to thinking I can complete this!

About that time I heard the word Nautilus and it caught my attention. DS10 is a big fan of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. So I look over and there it was, the submarine from the old attraction along with various other vehicles from rides long gone. There was no line so I stopped for a picture.
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After that stop there was one for Wreck Ralph and the Big Bad Wolf. They were awesome but I didn't want to wait in the lines. I know I passed by a lot of character stops and I just have to say that I was not disappointed to keep going. I really like to just see the characters. If I wanted to stop I would have had plenty of time to do so. I don't want anyone to think that I was rushed or unable to stop. Ok back to the race, after the BB Wolf there was some Hippies on the side of the ride and they were talking about their van breaking down. I'm not sure where they were from? Then we came up on the waste water treatment plant (I think or maybe it's where the garbage goes?) They had signs out and as you can tell I read them carefully. At mile 10 they had a Doctor Strange bus and I was excited that they had Dr. Strange on the course (DS6 is a huge fan) but sadly it was just the bus.

After that the course went into an out and back. I personally didn't mind it. They had a DJ at the end and I thought that kept things pretty upbeat. Mile 11 was right before the U turn of the out and back. I was just chugging along at that point, I passed up the bananas at mile 12. I didn't want to try anything new on race day. It was then I realized we were going into the back of AK. I texted DH I was there just like we had planned. He was then going to head over to the Mcdonald's on course so he could walk up to the road to meet me. He said he was on his way and I told him give me an extra 15 minutes because I was thinking of going for Everest. He texted back Go for it!

In the backstage area of Ak they brought out some animals. They were so cute, I saw goats, some kind of big black bird, and I think a donkey. I was starting to get nervous. My watch read 9:15 and I had made a fastpass for EE starting at 9:25. A couple days before I thought I should go ahead and make a fastpass just incase. I really didn't think I would stop, I wanted to but I was worried about finishing. So I am debating it in my mind, should I or shouldn't I. I stopped for a bathroom break and then crossed the half mat. I looked over at Everest. The return time was 9:21 and the standby line said a 25 minute wait. I said to myself you have to do it. So I went for it. I tried my band a couple minutes early and it lit up green. The cast members laughed at me as I ran passed. There was no one in the line and I was able to run all the way up to the merge point. The cast member there waved me on and I got in line behind a family that thought it was great. They asked me all kinds of questions. Within 2 minutes I was on the ride. They paired me with another runner from the single rider line that told me she had waited 15 minutes. I snapped a quick selfie.
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And we were on our way into Himalayas. I was so excited to be doing it that I forgot all about my watch. I meant to turn off the auto pause before the race but didn't. That didn't end up being the problem. The problem was as soon as the train started moving the auto pause turned off and it was now tracking me on the coaster. All of my data just flew out the window.
Here is what I got from my Garmin when I uploaded it later.

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It was pretty funny when I realized I had that image after I got home.

Here is the official attraction picture. I apparently was in the perfect spot for it.
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When our train stopped I was the first one off and I bolted backed to the course. I don't remember much about the rest of AK I was on an adrenaline rush from EE. But I guess I took this picture and was very happy about it.
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Then we were into the backstage of AK. I told myself this part was going to be a piece of cake, I mean I had already ran it before at Darkside. I passed by the water stop in the backstage area and kept on truckin'. Then the course followed the sidewalk you take when you walk into AK. I was not such a fan of that part. It was very narrow. Once we out to where the tram stop is it was much better. I love all the people cheering there. For some reason I feel like that was my favorite cheering section of the whole day. I saw mile 14, high fived some kids and passed the marching band that was out there. I got a boost knowing I was close to where DH would be standing. I picked up my pace ran past the grave diggers. There wasn't much to look at at this point so I thought it would be a good time to count cones. Counting 100 cones was pretty easy and next time I should probably come up with a much higher number. Mile 15 was in the bag. I called DH to make sure I wouldn't miss him. He told me exactly where he was and I was able to find him no problem. When I approached him he held out a great big sweet tea, my favorite drink! I stopped for a second to have a couple drinks and gave him a hug. I yelled I'll see you at WWoS as I dashed away.

Continued next post​
LOVE!!!! also, Go home, Garmin watch, you're drunk!
We were entering another long stretch of nothingness so I pulled out my bingo card again. This time I checked off character stop (I'm counting my ride vehicles), count 100 cones, high five a kid, ride Everest, see Mike on course and I forgot I met Ryan in the starting area so I got to check off meet another Dis'er. 14 down 11 more to go.

The area before the turn to WWoS was under construction so they had set up a crate with a T Rex skull on it. Next to that they had a guy with a microphone who was a paleontologist and another guy with a shovel pretending to dig. They had a whole bit going on and were pretty funny. They told anyone that stopped for a picture that they needed to start digging. I didn't want to dig so I moved on. Then it was mile 16 with a another water stop. Ok 10 miles left and still feeling good. I started to think I could go a little faster. So I pushed a little harder. As I approached mile 17 I could hear the Green army men telling people less than 5 miles to go. I looked back and could see the people turning towards HS and I knew that would soon be me!

I made the turn towards WWoS and noticed a girl in front of me wearing some awesome Alice in Wonderland tights. I started to run by her and I turned to compliment her tights. I noticed she looked like she was struggling. So I started talking to her. It turns out she was running her first marathon too. She was not feel so great so I decided to run with her for a while. We turn onto the path that leads to the fields and that's when it flew out of my mouth. I couldn't stop it. I said "we're almost there" I had just uttered the phrase I hate the most in a race! I quickly apologized to her.

At the next water stop I decided to take powerade. Then we passed a stop for Minnie and Mickey and were onto the track. I thought this time flew by because I had made a new friend. We talked about everything and anything. She told me she use to work for Disney and did dining reservations and things like that. So of course I had a million questions for her. She would take walk breaks here and there and I would slow my running down to stay beside her but never walked. I had my reasons (mainly so I could tell my dad I ran the whole thing) but I let her know that so she didn't think I was trying to rush her. We passed mile 19, these miles were getting faster as they went! We headed into the baseball stadium and got our picture taken.
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That's Deborah next to me partially cut off.

We were out of the stadium in a flash. There was a big turn right around mile 20 that Mike and I had picked out as our next meeting spot. He was right there on schedule. It was a great spot. No one else was really around. He was waiting there with a candy bar in hand! He is so thoughtful! I broke a big piece off and offered the rest to Deborah. I gave him a big hug and said I would see him at the finish! Only a 10k left!

We made our way out of WWoS and back towards the main road. Passing mile 21 as we went. We noticed the sweeper vans were heading into WWoS at that time. I think we had a good 3 miles on them, I wasn't concerned. The next water stopped I grabbed a cup of water, at that point I could safely check off get a drink at 9 water stops. A group of women were talking about what they were going to eat after finishing and the encouraged everyone around them to play along. All I could think was CHEESEBURGER! We got to the bottom of the overpass that would take us back onto world drive and there were the green army men. I had found them! I proceeded to run up the overpass, enabling me to check that box off. I showed the card to Deborah and explained to her what I was doing. She liked the idea and I expressed my concern about finding a "worst parade ever sign." I mean at every other race I had been too there was at least one at this one it was not to be found.

At mile 22 they had speakers blaring music along the side of the road. The song playing sounded so familiar. Then I realized it was Sweet Caroline! I laughed out loud and immediately thought of @Mickey Momma. That was one of her ideas for bingo! I told Deborah and then started singing. It had come time to head up the ramp to turn on to Buena Vista Dr. and then shortly after go into HS. Deborah stopped to walk the hill and I turned back but she told me to keep on going. I thanked her for keeping me company and putting up with my chattiness. She thanked me for helping her get through those 5 miles and I turned and took off running. I was sad to leave her behind I felt like we had a good bond.

We turned into the backstage area of Hollywood Studios and past mile 23. I told myself only a 5k left. Still feeling surprisingly good I pushed myself even faster. I ran tore up the hill near Fantasmic and grabbed some candy from the candy stop. I ate the dove bar and pocketed the M&Ms just incase. Running past ToT it hit me that the parks were indeed open and I got the full effect of running the WDW marathon. People on their vacations were cheering us on as they were going about their day. It was so much fun to see that. People that didn't even have people running were stopping to cheer us on.
Here I am in HS still as happy as can be
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After leaving HS I spotted it, I spotted the "worst parade ever sign"! I was going to get bingo!! All that was left was picture at mile marker 26, finish thanking all the volunteers I could, eat something from a stranger, finish with a smile and Dopey! All very much doable at this point!​
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Ok I know it was an accident, but that Garmin track of you on Everest is EVERYTHING!!!!
YES!! I was disappointed because I knew that I wasn't going to be able to look back at the data and get an accurate picture of what happened that day but after seeing that picture it was worth it!

Love the Nautilus & other old ride vehicle picture, very jealous of that stop. My half outfit in 2016 was a skyway bucket.
That sounds like an awesome outfit, I love the ones that are out of the "box." I wish I was creative enough to think of something like that!

LOVE!!!! also, Go home, Garmin watch, you're drunk!
So drunk, it told me my fastest pace was like 9 mph. I think after that it realized I was no longer running hahaha.

I love your GPS track. My one from Rock n Roller Coaster looks very similar.
Did you have Strava going too? Mine had an EE segment and it gave me a trophy for the 5th fastest time on it. Probably the only time I will ever place in a race :cool1:
Thank you for all of this - it never fails to get dusty every time I read about someone's marathon experience. To me the 5K from WWOS to DHS is the hardest stretch of the race, and you nailed it like a champ! The reward of course is the final 5K, which to me is one wonderful Disney parade starring each and every one of us, stretching from DHS to Epcot and the finish, with countless spectators cheering us on.
You are crushing this race. Not to mention your BINGO game. It's so great that you found someone to talk with and help out along the way. The shot of you in HS is fantastic. You look so happy!!
The home stretch!!! I was on the path from HS to the boardwalk. Feeling great! I passed by mile 24. Then it was onto the boardwalk. My legs were starting to get tired. I pleaded with them just two more miles we can't walk now!! I found someone handing out twizzlers so I grabbed one and took a bite. Crossing eat something from a stranger off. We went into the last real backstage area of Epcot and past the final water stop, popping out in England to a huge cheering crowd. I sprinted up the bridge into France. My legs were feeling heavier. Mile 25 came and went. I could see other runners in the crowds already wearing their medals, that gave me an extra push and even though I felt tired I looked at my watch and I was running the fastest pace I had run all day.
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You can tell in Norway I was starting to struggle. At one point a cast member looked at me and said right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. It gave me a chuckle. This was the only picture of me not smiling all day. Ok out of World Showcase and into Future World. Almost done! More finished runners cheering us on! MILE 26!!!! I loved that they had a cast member at that mile marker to take pictures.

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and it was very fitting it was the Incredibles!

The praise choir was a welcomed sound too at that point. Mike texted me that him and our three oldest were waiting at the finish line. I passed one more Photopass person and made a crazy face.

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I saw Donald at the finish and made a beeline to give him a high five before crossing the line with the biggest smile ever.
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I got my medal, thanked the volunteers and headed for the challenge medals. At the tent they checked my bib and then I went down the line as the volunteers places each medal around my neck. When I got to Dopey I almost lost it. The guy looked at me like please don't cry I don't know what to do. So I held it back and walked over to have my picture taken.

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From there I met up with DH and the kids. He brought me my other 2 medals and I put them all on and he took a picture.

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The kids gave me a rose and my oldest DS asked me if I thought we could run a marathon together when he grew up and I said of course!

We walked back to the car that was of course of the other side of the parking lot. The pain really started to hit me then. My Garmin step counter had me at 30 miles when I finally got to the car. A mile of that was Everest but that was still an impressive amount! When I got in the car I pulled out my bingo card one last time and checked off the rest of the boxes. It was a bingo blackout and the BEST. RACE. EVER.

Back at the room I laid down and DH brought me the best bacon cheeseburger ever. We hung out there until 6 and then headed back to Jacksonville so the kids could go to school in the morning.

My official splits were
5 mile- 1:13:14
10 mile- 2:25:19
Half- 3:12:08
20 mile- 4:58:56
Finish- 6:28:36

I may not be fast but I can go the distance! And I was pretty consistent too my very first split had me finishing at 12:33, my actual finish time was at 12:37. With my rides and stops I am very happy with that.​
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To me the 5K from WWOS to DHS is the hardest stretch of the race, and you nailed it like a champ! The reward of course is the final 5K, which to me is one wonderful Disney parade starring each and every one of us, stretching from DHS to Epcot and the finish, with countless spectators cheering us on.
That is the truth WWoS to DHS is hard, I am grateful I had someone to talk to. And the last 5k is the absolute best and my fastest 5k of the race!

You look so happy!!
I am trying to remember if I was laughing in that picture because it looks like I was. I guess I was just at that point of OMG I'm going to finish this!

Great planning with that FP+!
Honestly it just all fell together perfectly, it was the only time open for EE so I grabbed it just incase. I thought I was going to be through there sooner so if I would have had to pick a time I would have been wrong.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You had a fantastic race weekend. I love your pictures and you did an amazing job!!!
Thanks so much! and Thanks for reading along!
Congratulations! It sounds like you had an amazing race! Are you thinking about doing it again?

I am so glad you rode EE. I skipped it the first time I ran the marathon and wasn't sure I would do it the second time until I was literally sitting down in the seat of the coaster. I also have that crazy Garmin track, but my fastest speed was 25.7 mph. :cool1:

For both of my marathons they were playing "Sweet Caroline," but it was on that segment where they were playing Bon Jovi for you.
SO amazing. This makes me feel like I ran with you. So, now, I don't have to! HA!

We turn onto the path that leads to the fields and that's when it flew out of my mouth. I couldn't stop it. I said "we're almost there"
THIS. i was seriously cracking up!!!

I SO hope we see Best Race Ever at SWDS, then you can correct him. :rotfl:
Congratulations! It sounds like you had an amazing race! Are you thinking about doing it again?
Thanks! I'm pretty sure I'm going to do at least the marathon next year. I just signed up for the DLP half in September so I don't think I can commit to Dopey right now but if it is still open after that all bets are off :)

Congrats on a great race weekend! I'm glad you had such a good time at all four races!
I knew it was going to be a good time but I had no idea just how much fun it could be! Thanks for the congrats!

SO amazing. This makes me feel like I ran with you. So, now, I don't have to! HA!
ChEAR Squad 2018!!!
The home stretch!!! I was on the path from HS to the boardwalk. Feeling great! I passed by mile 24. Then it was onto the boardwalk. My legs were starting to get tired. I pleaded with them just two more miles we can't walk now!! I found someone handing out twizzlers so I grabbed one and took a bite. Crossing eat something from a stranger off. We went into the last real backstage area of Epcot and past the final water stop, popping out in England to a huge cheering crowd. I sprinted up the bridge into France. My legs were feeling heavier. Mile 25 came and went. I could see other runners in the crowds already wearing their medals, that gave me an extra push and even though I felt tired I looked at my watch and I was running the fastest pace I had run all day.
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You can tell in Norway I was starting to struggle. At one point a cast member looked at me and said right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. It gave me a chuckle. This was the only picture of me not smiling all day. Ok out of World Showcase and into Future World. Almost done! More finished runners cheering us on! MILE 26!!!! I loved that they had a cast member at that mile marker to take pictures.

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and it was very fitting it was the Incredibles!

The praise choir was a welcomed sound too at that point. Mike texted me that him and our three oldest were waiting at the finish line. I passed one more Photopass person and made a crazy face.

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I saw Donald at the finish and made a beeline to give him a high five before crossing the line with the biggest smile ever.
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I got my medal, thanked the volunteers and headed for the challenge medals. At the tent they checked my bib and then I went down the line as the volunteers places each medal around my neck. When I got to Dopey I almost lost it. The guy looked at me like please don't cry I don't know what to do. So I held it back and walked over to have my picture taken.

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From there I met up with DH and the kids. He brought me my other 2 medals and I put them all on and he took a picture.

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The kids gave me a rose and my oldest DS asked me if I thought we could run a marathon together when he grew up and I said of course!

We walked back to the car that was of course of the other side of the parking lot. The pain really started to hit me then. My Garmin step counter had me at 30 miles when I finally got to the car. A mile of that was Everest but that was still an impressive amount! When I got in the car I pulled out my bingo card one last time and checked off the rest of the boxes. It was a bingo blackout and the BEST. RACE. EVER.

Back at the room I laid down and DH brought me the best bacon cheeseburger ever. We hung out there until 6 and then headed back to Jacksonville so the kids could go to school in the morning.

My official splits were
5 mile- 1:13:14
10 mile- 2:25:19
Half- 3:12:08
20 mile- 4:58:56
Finish- 6:28:36

I may not be fast but I can go the distance! And I was pretty consistent too my very first split had me finishing at 12:33, my actual finish time was at 12:37. With my rides and stops I am very happy with that.​

Congratulations! I've said it many times, I'll say it again, I'm very proud of you. You went in with a race strategy for all 4 races and absolutely nailed it! Kudos on your marathon performance as well. Having such an even split across the entire race goes to show a race strategy executed to perfection! Well done! And bonus kudos for getting that whole bingo board crossed off. I didn't think "worst parade ever" would be that hard, but this might be my first marathon where I didn't see it.
This was amazing and so inspiring! I'm also really impressed that you have 5 kids, lol! Does your DH watch them while you train? That's really my only hurdle when I think about running another marathon--felt like I was putting a lot on DH with my long runs on the weekends. And we have one!
Congratulations! I've said it many times, I'll say it again, I'm very proud of you. You went in with a race strategy for all 4 races and absolutely nailed it! Kudos on your marathon performance as well. Having such an even split across the entire race goes to show a race strategy executed to perfection! Well done!
Thanks! I couldn't have done it without all your help :)

And bonus kudos for getting that whole bingo board crossed off. I didn't think "worst parade ever" would be that hard, but this might be my first marathon where I didn't see it.
Right!? I was surprised I only saw one.

Congratulations!! Hope you sent that picture of you crossing the finish line to your dad!! ;)
I sent him the one of me with all the medals. He called me a couple hours later to hear all the details and sounded shocked that I finished. Then he started asking me where I finished in my age group and if I was going to try to get faster. In that moment I realized I will never win with him and that it is time to focus less on proving him wrong and more on what I can do. But hey it got me through my first marathon!

This was amazing and so inspiring! I'm also really impressed that you have 5 kids, lol! Does your DH watch them while you train? That's really my only hurdle when I think about running another marathon--felt like I was putting a lot on DH with my long runs on the weekends. And we have one!
Thanks! DH did watch them a lot. On the weekends I would try to go out early so I was back before they were up. But he also enjoyed it because he doesn't get to see them as much as I do. He is a runner too so sometimes we would go out on date runs and my in-laws watch would them. I have learned over the years it is better for everyone when I have "me" time so I feel less and less guilty as time goes on.
I sent him the one of me with all the medals. He called me a couple hours later to hear all the details and sounded shocked that I finished. Then he started asking me where I finished in my age group and if I was going to try to get faster. In that moment I realized I will never win with him and that it is time to focus less on proving him wrong and more on what I can do. But hey it got me through my first marathon!
Good. It's unfortunate because I think on some level we still want to please our parents, even as adults (I do, at least). But I'm glad you had that realization and didn't let it get to you.

I'm so impressed that you did this while managing a household with 5 kids! I had enough of a hard time training and I don't have any kids...:eek:


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