I was told this by a CM about MVMCP.


DIS Veteran
Nov 17, 2001
I was checking into CP when talking to the CM and he said they are listing only 2 shows during MVMCP!!:eek: To me the shows are the best part.. I know we will have a great time, but I do enjoy going from show to show then watch the fireworks and watch the strollers leave then watch the last parade.

there are only 2 CP - Christmas Parades - but the last time and since 92 there have been alots of shows at different places - there is a scan copy of the MCVMP schedule somewhere on the net - go look what the dis (wdwinfo.com - the home site for this board) has to say.
"CP" stands for a number of things: Crystal Palace; Candlelight Processional (I think this is what Dave was referring to); and now Christmas Parade.


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