I got a very sweet thank you note


But I LIKE boring!
Mar 24, 2000
from John and Judy Buckler today. Judy said that John is improving every day. What great news!
And I was just thrilled to hear John is doing better. Gods best to them both.

I did too! I am so relieved to hear that he is doing so much better!

John, looking forward to meeting you at WDW real soon!:D

And they even used notecards with my guy Mickey on the front. How cute.

Can't wait to see them in the parks.
I recieved one today and it was a Pooh card. Just perfect for this Pooh fan.
I received a thank you card as well. I think that is just wonderfully sweet of Mrs Buckler to take the time to do this. It was so not necessary but really thoughtful.

I am happy to hear Mr Buckler is doing better as well.

dawn g
I too recieved a Mickey thank you card! It was a nice way to end a day. Glad to hear theat he is doing better and I too hope to meet them in WDW someday.
I got mine too......what a nice note........glad he is doing better.
How sweet was that ??!!! I'm sure she already has her hands full and she takes the time to write personal thank you notes-- that was COOL! :)

She even said that John is now interested in the DS state pins-- oops sorry Judy-- we didn't meant to start anything-- really ;) ;)

Great news about John-- hope to meet them both soon!

I got a very nice note also... that was so nice knowing how much they are going through.

Glad to hear he is doing better :)

I was so surprised to receive such a wonderful note also.

How nice of her to take the time to write a very personal note to each of us.

Now we know why Scoop wanted to do this for these wonderdul people - I can not wait to meet them and see John feeling all better.

I also got a very sweet note from Judy and John. What a special couple they are. I agree with the rest of you -- I can't wait to meet them one day soon!
I got a sweet Pooh card. It was really nice to get an update on John, though I agree that the Thank you wasn't necessary.



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