Hula's Magic Pin Switch Trick 1/14 MERGED

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Why the sad face? A zebra pin is a very nice upgrade from a 500 credit buyable pin. Congratulations on your nice trade! You won't find that exchange in any trade room or here on the DIS trade boards, that's for sure.

- Dreams

I am really not complaining. It is just that of all the pins she was giving, I got the one I really didn't want. I know beggars can't be choosers and I will keep my pin until something better comes along. :thumbsup2
As an event coordinator, I will happily answer your question. Yes, I would thank the person in charge for a job well done if I believed that every attempt was made to get as many of the 1,000 ppl in line their free toaster, especially if I witnessed the ppl in line not responding at the counter, not handing over their "free toaster coupon" and other customer delays that the staff handled as politely as possible.

I certainly would not walk away complaining about the color, style, make, or model of the free toaster that I was lucky enough to walk away with.

If i DID have a complaint, I would address it directly with store, not rent a billboard and post it.

Perfect analogy. Thank you for providing it. :)

Your welcome, I thought it was a good one. But then again. I would definately complain, and most people would, if the hyper-advertised toaster give away started 25 minutes late and the person giving the toaster away stopped to chit chat with everyone they knew in line, took 3 bathroom breaks and took a few minutes to show everyone how to juggle toasters. and then, after exactly 2 hours, cut the line off after only giving away a handful of toasters. I would also criticize the store for setting up an event which the person had to not only fill out a coupon, but had to fill out the coupon when they got to the table to get thier toaster.

In this case, the person hosting the event has the slowest internet access and most unreliable one at that. This is akin to, in the toaster give away, putting the slowest checkout checker you have outside to handle this event. Would you, as an event coordinator, pick the most unreliable, slowest person to be in charge of an event like this?

I am not, specifically, criticizing Hula, she is what she is, she has a slow PC and she is uber-friendly and likes to make chit chat. That is great, and exactly what I like to see from VMK staff. But when you have something like this which is already the slowest form of host giveaway, she should not even be on the radar to run an event like this.
I wish they would just make this pin trade event available to more people. They could set up that pay gate and let you pick a teleporter in the room and each one give out a different pin. The line would move much faster and more people could get in and out.

Again you people miss the point of criticism. With criticism comes change and improvement.

I totally agree delicious. But the problem with criticisim, is alot of people provide their opinion on something that is bad but never offer a possible solution. Like with your brother (sorry if I am wrong) gshawen, I see he was upset, received a nice pin in the trade, but he also provided an example of a way to make it better. That is what I like, offer an opinion to correct something to make it better for all.

Let me add that this is a valuable lesson in life, complaining without a solution will only give you frown lines on your face. :) Trust me, I see alot of them on the faces of individuals at work.
Gosh! Can people look at the positives with this event? It was the first time with this event, since when do firsts ever happen perfectly? You do your best and perfect it as it goes on. The real truth is you know an event like this is not an easy one. If it is going to frustrate you, dont bother trying to get in.

This is not an easy event for the Staff to do. Staff works extremely hard to make everyone happy, please try to consider that fact before you complain.

  • Just think, now we have two hosts who will do pin trading in the future.
  • Daytime trading event to accomodate others who cant attend the other trade events
  • the surprise of not knowing what your pin is - come on we all know you love surprises

I was at work, so I missed the event, life goes on. I am not complaining.
Try to be positive, that is what makes the DIS VMK Community Special.:thumbsup2

I didn't get in, and if that is the worst thing that happens to me today...then I am doing more than okay. :thumbsup2

While waiting on VMK pass, I watched my friend list and smiled each time I saw a friend in the event. :)
I got in line at 90 and room closed when I was 10 in line, my computer was behaving strangely the whole time. I just want to say even though I didn't get a pin this time I will still look forward to the next pin trade. I have played enough times to know that it's the luck of the draw. I have walked away more times with nothing but sometimes I have been very very lucky and it's those pins that I cherish. Thank you Hosts Hula, Phinny, Lilly and all the other staff that do their best to make us happy. They should post this statement on VMK homepage: You can please all of the people some of the time, but y:surfweb: ou can't please all of the people all of the time!
Yes I got a nice pin and I thanked Hula for it. I never said I hated Hula. I just hate the way some of these host events are handled. If Hula has the worst connection and computer, maybe they(VMK) should upgrade it for her.

This event is mostly to give out older pins alot of people don't have and need, so why make it the hardest event to win something? This event should be more for getting pictures with the host or something like that. If you want to give out old pins and let everyone have 1, open a room like I suggested before with multiple teleporters and prizes.
I'm sure this has already been said, but I didn't read all of the 11+ pages of host flaming stinks.

She was late.. Yes
But if you notice, she ran the even 2hr as planned. She got online at 51 after the hour and she ended it at 51 after the hour +2hour. I believe that was very very nice of Hula.

We all know she has the worst connection and dc's all the time. My trade too exactly 1 minute. I timed it. She was slow responding to my greetings and I know that she dc'ed at least 1 time during the event.

Cut her some slack. And as someone did is all virtual.
[most of Disney Dreams' quote has been taken out to save money and space]...Sigh. I guess I just dont understand all the complaints. First, we're not happy at the lack of host events, then when we get them, what do the hosts see here? Nothing but complaints.

Thanks Hula for a nice event. All that you did to get pins to as many as possible is greatly appreciated.

- Dreams

Okay, stay out of my head, and if I could copy and paste all that you said without directly plagiarizing you, I would!

Thank you, VMK Team, for starting up the Host Events again.

Thank you, Hula (and all other hosts), for doing a great job day-in, day-out, rain or shine, even on Holidays and Birthdays.

Thanks for a pin trading event, period! We all know that there will be limited numbers of our virtual people that get through a pin trade, but thanks for doing them, anyway!

And lastly, thanks for the pin! It's free, as is the one I gave you, and I appreciate your time and effort for this event.

On the bright side - if a VMK Event is the worst part of some of your days (which seems to be the case with some of the complaining), then be grateful that life is so difficult. ;) Have a wonderful day, all!
This event is mostly to give out older pins alot of people don't have and need, so why make it the hardest event to win something? This event should be more for getting pictures with the host or something like that. If you want to give out old pins and let everyone have 1, open a room like I suggested before with multiple teleporters and prizes.

Trade events are simply slow to begin with. Not many people (in comparison to the amount of people online) make it in the room. I think VMK has made it clear that they as a game do not want everyone to have 1 of whatever rare item it is, so I doubt they ever start doling out one rare pin to everyone. I wish they would though; that would be very nice.

Unrelated to gshawen's comment, but I agree with dis's post. There is a difference between criticism and constructive criticism. The difference lies in providing concrete, possible solutions to the person, company, etc. rather than just the criticism.
I'm the one who came up with the teleporter idea before. I do think it's a great idea and the best way to accomodate the most people in this day and age of the VMK Pass. Within the thread another member didn't like the idea because he didn't want too many of the older pins released into the game, deminishing their perceived value. He had a valid point, but I definitely think VMK should reconsider how this particular event is conducted, as it definitely creates more frustration than Disney magic.
i appreciate the hosts and all they do for us vmk'ers but I do have one complaint.
Host Hula has been 15 - 30 min. late opening her events for many months now, yet she closes on time.
What kind of watch does she use??? lol
lol she was 25 minutes late opening! and she just closed so that means the event was cheated 5 minutes lol
Hula opened the room at 9:51 Pacific time and closed the room at 11:51 Pacific time, so unless my math is off that is exactly 2 hours. That is the amount of time that the event was supposed to be open. Why not cut her some slack and stop complaining?
as to someone's previous question about if we think this will move faster then Phinnys room since you have no choice in what you get, the answer is NO!!
Phinny can get at least 200 through her three hour pin trading event.
With Hula being late and taking time to play with magic, she will be lucky to get 60 through (amount getting through judged on me getting in line at 106 and at present time I am 58, meaning that 48 have gotten in the room at this time with 12 minutes left to go)
Why is she taking a break so early and wasting time doing treasure detector magic with so many people wanting to get in?
I would be willing to bet Hula wasn't playing with the magic but she was showing someone that received a one time use how to use it and what they are supposed to do.
Looks like another wasted host room event! :mad:
Why do you still go to the host events if you think they are a waste?
I wish they would just make this pin trade event available to more people. They could set up that pay gate and let you pick a teleporter in the room and each one give out a different pin. The line would move much faster and more people could get in and out.
I think this is a good idea, but if they did this then they would devalue any pin they had in there and you would never be able to trade it again. From someone who enjoys trading that would stink.

I think that Hula is trying very hard with her host room and doesn't need the criticism happening here. We don't know what circumstances she is dealing with in terms of opening late or getting disconnected in the middle. A lot of patience goes a long way - especially with events like this.

Thanks Hula for all you do - you are one of the sweetest people on VMK and I really appreciate your efforts. I am looking forward to showing my son his new pin we traded.
Very well said, couldn't have said it better myself.
I agree, Hula is the nicest host. These "trading" events are absolutely awful, and to have Hula host one? Yikes! It is common knowledge that Hula has a horrible connection and a slow PC and DCs more often than even a regular player. Of all the hosts, Hula is the LAST one that should be a hosting an event like this.
I think it was probably Hula's choice to do this event because she thought it would be fun. But after reading this thread and seeing all the whining and complaints from some people I bet she won't do it again. I hope she still has next weeks event and doesn't cancel it because if I were her I don't know if I would go through all this again next week.

Thank you Hula(and all the other Hosts) for all your hard work to make the Host events happen. Most of us truly do appreciate them because we know you don't have to do them. Also wanted to say thank you Hula for my ATIS Molecules pin and my 1x use treasure detector magic. I used it and found a 1* Buried in Treasure Magic.

I went and shovelled myself out of the snow @_@

I came back and wow.

I won't defend Hula's actions because they dont need defending.

If you don't enjoy host events, don't get in line.

I dont mind constructive complaints, as I am sure neither would Hula. There were a couple of personal attacks in here I didnt care for.

The hosts are the best at what they do, and that is hosting us. They do it with a smile (at least a virtual one) and always above and beyond what is expected.

I know easy for me to say, I got in. If you look back to December with Host_Phinny you will see I kept the same attitude when I couldnt get in.

next Monday... Game on!

I am just glad to see the hosts back.

If you were sitting in the room while Hula did Treasure magic you would have thought it was awesome...but because you are in the Q still you are upset she is wasting time.
Don't forget VMK is FREE you pay nothing to play...there do not HAVE to be host events but there are you should be THANKFUL for the times you DO get in an event.
If everyone could get in the host events ALL the time it would not be as fun.
So chill out and cut them some slack.
Poor Hula is probably stressing out like crazy!
And also dont forget Phinny's pin trading events are usually 3 hours long
Hulas was only 2 and she is still in there trying to make people happy 20 min after event was supposed to end, even though you complain about her.
And just an FYI ALL the Hosts read these forums.
Thank you Hula(and all the other Hosts) for all your hard work to make the Host events happen. Most of us truly do appreciate them because we know you don't have to do them.

I would like to also say thank you to the hosts for all that they do. Also for being patient with us, especially during events like pin trades which I can only imagine what the hosts have to be going through during them.

I won't defend Hula's actions because they dont need defending.

If you don't enjoy host events, don't get in line.

I dont mind constructive complaints, as I am sure neither would Hula. There were a couple of personal attacks in here I didnt care for.

The hosts are the best at what they do, and that is hosting us. They do it with a smile (at least a virtual one) and always above and beyond what is expected.

I know easy for me to say, I got in. If you look back to December with Host_Phinny you will see I kept the same attitude when I couldnt get in.

next Monday... Game on!

I am just glad to see the hosts back.

I also absolutely agree with what Aengus has said, especially the part in bold.
I didn't get in...heh, I clicked for twenty minutes and then when the room opened I guess I was too surprised and clicked cancel after I got in! :crazy:

All I have to say is, oh well... I tried! I'm not going to blame anyone, even if I didn't click cancel. Hosts do what they do, and they do it well considering all the flak they get. It would have been great to see you earlier Hula...but I guess I'll just save my hello for the next time! Thanks for all you do. :) Woot! Big hugs! :hug:
I was at work for this event, so I wasn't able to try to get in the room at all. No biggy. I'm not going to stress over it. Congrats to all of you who got in and got pins!

I am disappointed to see so many sour grapes,though. It seems like in some people's eyes, the hosts can do nothing right these days. We all know going in to a line, that there is a set time for the events, and the rooms close at a certain time even if we are already in line. Some events run better than others, but I think we'll all agree that pin trading events run really slow. We aren't going to see 500 people go through a pin trading event. It takes time to open the trades, look for the pins, and just loading the pins takes time. A chose a teleporter game is going to go a lot quicker, and a quest in the Q button is going to give us all equal opportunity.

If Hula got somewhere between 75 and 90 people in for this event, I'd say she did an excellent job for a 2 hour event. That is around a person every minute and a half or so. Not bad for a trade.

And this was the first host event in a long time, so I'm sure that Hula was a bit rusty. I'm sure that things will go a lot smoother from week to week.

I'm looking forward to the quests coming back this week, and hoping that they have some great prizes in it so that we can all benefit from them.

So, thanks Hula for jumping back in and hosting another fun event for us to have a chance at getting in!
Just to clarify my only complaint was early on in the thread when I stated for many months Hula has been late to her events, and closes on time.
Today, however she did stay open beyond the regular closing time. And I made the complaint after saying I appreciated the hosts and all they do.
Then I answered a question reguarding rather we thought this event would move faster then Phinnys event, which the answer was no.
But I believe people have the right to complain if they want to, and the people that are complaining about complaints, hmm, isn't that just another form of complaints. lol
But I believe people have the right to complain if they want to, and the people that are complaining about complaints, hmm, isn't that just another form of complaints. lol

From my perspective, this is why I think some of us are sad about some of the posts here (and I'm not even thinking about any post in particular): I think the complaints you see are reflections of the fact that some of us are very cognizant of the fact that the real person behind that pink haired avatar is one who has gone above and beyond for so many VMKers so many times. We don't want to see her feelings hurt, or those of any Hosts for that matter. I'm a sensitive person myself, so naturally I want to look out for others' feelings.

As for events starting late and before today usually ending on time, the end time was something Yavn put in a newsletter after VMK Pass came out. He said that from then on, anyone still in line when the event's posted end time rolled around would not get in the room. So, that seems like that is game policy, not a Host policy. When there are exceptions to it, we are very, very lucky. I can't even remember the last exception to it that wasn't a ride-a-thon event. I feel for Hula; we know she has connection/computer issues and I know what that's like. It's irritating, frustrating, and can mess up your whole schedule. That's why I said a long time ago she was like my kindred spirit in VMK. :laughing:

We :lovestruc you, Hula, and Fin, and Lily, and all the Hosts. You have a job I know I could never handle, and I admire the grace with which you all handle yourselves. And on that note, I shall shut my beak and resume figuring out some ADR changes I need to make. ;)
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