Hula's Magic Pin Switch Trick 1/14 MERGED

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I wasnt able to be home for the event, but if i had, I would have looked at this as something fun and a change from the normal stuff. I read about the host room and it sounded like fun, and Im sure the hosts dont have to do any of it, but they do.

I agree, nobody is making anybody get in line for a host room. Leave the queue open for those who just want to have fun and not complain about what the HOSTS do for us.

Thank you HULA for your event and for all you do, I hope I can try to make it in next time. :)

And in my mommys's words that she always tried to teach me growing up: If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all. :flower3:
But I believe people have the right to complain if they want to, and the people that are complaining about complaints, hmm, isn't that just another form of complaints. lol
I agree that people have the right to complain but the problem is the same people keep complaining. If people don't like the way the host events are run then they shouldn't go into them and leave them to those of us that do enjoy them.

Well after reading some of these posts all I can say is OUCH!! Words do hurt.

:hug::hug: :hug: Many hugs to you Hula :hug: :hug: :hug:

Ditto. BIG Hugs to Hula! TY for the Pin Switching you did today. Sounds like there were some great pins given out. :)

I went and shovelled myself out of the snow @_@

I came back and wow.

I won't defend Hula's actions because they dont need defending.

If you don't enjoy host events, don't get in line.

I dont mind constructive complaints, as I am sure neither would Hula. There were a couple of personal attacks in here I didnt care for.

The hosts are the best at what they do, and that is hosting us. They do it with a smile (at least a virtual one) and always above and beyond what is expected.

I know easy for me to say, I got in. If you look back to December with Host_Phinny you will see I kept the same attitude when I couldnt get in.

next Monday... Game on!

I am just glad to see the hosts back.

I agree with EVERYTHING Aengus has said. I wasn't expecting my thread to have been combined with another and then have all these attacks on it.

I'm with Aengus, next Monday, the Game is on!!

On another note, someone said that there was a Treasure Detector Magic that Hula was wearing and tried out. Hope those come out! That would be so GREAT! :)

Oh and Aengus, Since you are snowed in you can practice on the RockBand thing ;)
Constructive Criticism Bring it! I don't see anything the least bit wrong with pointing out the problems with today's host event. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the hosts Disney employees? They are not doing this stuff out of the kindness of their big beautiful hearts. They get paid to do it. It's not unreasonable to expect that events will be well planned and on time regardless of whether or not the host is a really really nice person.

Host Love I know that hosts read these boards but COME ON! Some of you need to check your magic mirrors. I believe you will find that some wiping in the general are of your nose is needed.

Who Got Served? I would like to point out that the room holds 15 people. Those people weren't in the line count so add that to your calculation of the number of people who got pins today.

Whiners You know who you are. You're always complaining about something. Please spare us all and just open the guest room list and search for "day care." You will quickly find someone willing to attend to your every virtual want and need.

I love the DIS VMK board. We're all so passionate about our cartoon people in their little cartoon theme park. :thumbsup2
This was the first time I ever made it into one of these events so I was so excited! Plus - I was in great company... LOL Phinny stopped in real quick too.

Personally - when I get anything for free - I never complain... Here is the pic I took.

I traded a 2nd birthday pin for one of the hotel pins - I was so excited I forgot which on! LOL
Constructive Criticism Bring it! I don't see anything the least bit wrong with pointing the problems with today's host event. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the hosts Disney employees? They are not doing this stuff out of the kindness of their big beautiful hearts. They get paid to do it. It's not unreasonable to expect that events will be well planned and on time regardless of whether or not the host is a really really nice person.

I didnt see much if anything constructive.

Host Love I know that hosts read these boards but COME ON! Some of you need to check your magic mirrors. I believe you will find that some wiping in the general of your nose is needed.

Dreams month is to fresh in my memory. They read these forums and some of the other forums and worked past their shifts to try and get everyone they could ears. I can't imagine people getting angry because one of them did treasure finding magic during pin trading time.

I also remember an incident on the boards where one time someone complained that a vmk employee played a game of pirates while they felt they should be doing something else. That employee was so upset they told another member what really happened from their point of view. They cant defend themselves on this forum. So we should not attack them.

I do agree with you its also their job, but we are lucky there are not forums where we are judged daily while doing our job.

Who Got Served? I would like to point out that the room holds 15 people. Those people weren't in the line count so add that to your calculation of the number of people who got pins today.
she actually changed the room limit to lower than the original 15 (host Phinny does this to) If anyone is wondering that is why the queue didnt move for a while in the beginning.

Whiners You know who you are. You're always complaining about something. Please spare us all and just open the guest room list and search for "day care." You will quickly find someone willing to attend to your every virtual want and need.
no comment ROFL

I love the DIS VMK board. We're all so passionate about our cartoon people in their little cartoon theme park
. :thumbsup2

I agree that people have the right to complain but the problem is the same people keep complaining. If people don't like the way the host events are run then they shouldn't go into them and leave them to those of us that do enjoy them.


Thats all fine and dandy, except that they often have exclusive items. If they make them available somewhere else, then thats fine, we can skip host games, but that is more often than not, the only way to get that item
Thats all fine and dandy, except that they often have exclusive items. If they make them available somewhere else, then thats fine, we can skip host games, but that is more often than not, the only way to get that item
You can trade for it :) and leave the room to people that enjoy the host events.
I didnt see much if anything constructive.

If it's true that Hula is consistently late in opening her events then I think it's helpful to point it out. If the event was set up in such a away that only allowed her to interact with fewer than 100 people in the time the event was open then perhaps that is something that needs to be pointed out as well. Furthermore, some ideas (well at least one) have been offered that might improve these types of events in the future. Discussing those ideas are helpful as well. Are you and I reading the same thread?

Dreams month is to fresh in my memory. They read these forums and some of the other forums and worked past their shifts to try and get everyone they could ears. I can't imagine people getting angry because one of them did treasure finding magic during pin trading time.

I also remember an incident on the boards where one time someone complained that a vmk employee played a game of pirates while they felt they should be doing something else. That employee was so upset they told another member what really happened from their point of view. They cant defend themselves on this forum. So we should not attack them.

I do agree with you its also their job, but we are lucky there are not forums where we are judged daily while doing our job.

If we were talking about you or one of the other board moderators here then I would understand all the gushing. You are volunteers so any appreciation that you get for a job well done is pretty much all the reward you get. As far as I know, the hosts get to cash a check. I admit that I don't know much about their work environment but I would assume it's not a 2-hour a day job. So working past a scheduled event time may not actually fall into the area of sacrificing personal time. Even if it did fall outside of their regular work schedule they may have gotten overtime pay for it. How do we know?

Is Hula a really really really nice person? Sure! I love her! She's been nothing but nice to me. But that doesn't mean we can't point out that maybe there were some problems today. She's an adult, I think she can take it. We're probably not telling her anything that she doesn't already know anyway.

And, were are all at risk of being judged daily and publically for our job performance. Even the cashier at McD's risks becoming material for some irate blogger if she doesn't get the right sauce for his McNuggets in the bag. This particular forum and others like it are just happen to be the hazards of the job for VMK Hosts.

she actually changed the room limit to lower than the original 15 (host Phinny does this to) If anyone is wondering that is why the queue didnt move for a while in the beginning.

I actually think trying to figure out the exact number of people Hula traded with is a pointless exercise. Please file my original comment under "mockery".

If you want my real opinion on this situation, it's not really about Hula at all. It's about this board and the "crazy gushing host love" set trying to counterbalance the "crazy ranting I didn't get my pretend pin" set. And, at least half of your are adults. It's all so very entertaining to watch! :3dglasses
of course any opinion is valid. I just dont see things in quite the same manner.

I have never gone home from work and read about my day from the point of view of other people pointing out what I could have done better, at least in their opinion. In the event that someday that happens, I hope I am in a position to be able to respond and defend myself.
First off, let me say...Aloha & Mahalo Hula! Thank you for doing this trade event, you rock girl!!!

Now for my two cents:

1) Has anyone thought that maybe Hula was looking at your inventory to see if she could give you a pin that completes your set? If so, this may take some time. Typically, you trade your pin, ask for a pin they are wearing, but my understanding is that this event was not done this way.

2) How is complaining about Hula taking a break to use a Treasure Detector pin constructive criticism? Jones & I sit for long periods of time giving away pirate hats for free. Let me tell you, it gets frustrating. Sometimes, I need a break from the monotonous routine...big deal, she performed treasure detector magic. She needed a break perhaps!

3) You do not know what discussions people were trying to have in chat. As host, part of her job is to answer questions/help players understand what to do. It seems to me that several people got into this event for the first time. I remember my first time, it was important for me to thank Fin and let her know how I had never gotten into an event before. I probably took up an extra 30 seconds, & that is with being a fast typer. Imagine the questions asked about how to do the trade, what pins they are allowed to trade, etc. that the hosts need to answer?

4) Some of us were not able to get into the event at all, because we were at school/work. Congrats to those of you who were able to get in & received a pin! = )

5) Aengus just brought up Dreams month, and I had planned on writing this when I got home from work. The hosts spent MANY EXTRA hours past the scheduled times running around our little virtual world trying to grant dream wishes. It seems like there is ALWAYS a complaint. Let's not go here further...sore subject for me!

6) So, the room opened a little late & even if it closed at the scheduled time, so what! There have been times when I've sat in a room waiting for 2-3 hours to get into a host room, so I didn't dc. My player got all the way to 3rd in line when the room was closed. Was I frustrated? Sure, but it happens. There have been many other times when I got a great place in line & then dc from VMK. Again, it happens!

Let me sum up by thanking the Hosts/Staff for the time/effort they put in to trying to make the players happy!!!
of course any opinion is valid. I just dont see things in quite the same manner.

I have never gone home from work and read about my day from the point of view of other people pointing out what I could have done better, at least in their opinion. In the event that someday that happens, I hope I am in a position to be able to respond and defend myself.

I have, and no, I am not able to respond. Sometimes, what I could have done better is hamstrung by management and no matter what I do to point it out to them, it falls on deaf ears. And that is exactly what happens with VMK, they rarely, if ever, listen to their customer complaints. YES, we ARE customers. I do not care if the game is free or not, we are STILL customers and we have a right to complain when things like this happen.

I personally think that VMK is trying very hard to replicate the Disney experience. When you go to Disney, you often have to wait hours in line to participate in an event/ride - so, typically, you can spend 12 hours at Disney, with only about 4 hours of your time spent doing something other than standing in line. Disney, on the other hand, DOES try to do something about that. VMK does not.
Well said. :thumbsup2
If it's true that Hula is consistently late in opening her events then I think it's helpful to point it out. If the event was set up in such a away that only allowed her to interact with fewer than 100 people in the time the event was open then perhaps that is something that needs to be pointed out as well. Furthermore, some ideas (well at least one) have been offered that might improve these types of events in the future. Discussing those ideas are helpful as well. Are you and I reading the same thread?

If we were talking about you or one of the other board moderators here then I would understand all the gushing. You are volunteers so any appreciation that you get for a job well done is pretty much all the reward you get. As far as I know, the hosts get to cash a check. I admit that I don't know much about their work environment but I would assume it's not a 2-hour a day job. So working past a scheduled event time may not actually fall into the area of sacrificing personal time. Even if it did fall outside of their regular work schedule they may have gotten overtime pay for it. How do we know?

Is Hula a really really really nice person? Sure! I love her! She's been nothing but nice to me. But that doesn't mean we can't point out that maybe there were some problems today. She's an adult, I think she can take it. We're probably not telling her anything that she doesn't already know anyway.

And, were are all at risk of being judged daily and publically for our job performance. Even the cashier at McD's risks becoming material for some irate blogger if she doesn't get the right sauce for his McNuggets in the bag. This particular forum and others like it are just happen to be the hazards of the job for VMK Hosts.

I actually think trying to figure out the exact number of people Hula traded with is a pointless exercise. Please file my original comment under "mockery".

If you want my real opinion on this situation, it's not really about Hula at all. It's about this board and the "crazy gushing host love" set trying to counterbalance the "crazy ranting I didn't get my pretend pin" set. And, at least half of your are adults. It's all so very entertaining to watch! :3dglasses
I have, and no, I am not able to respond. Sometimes, what I could have done better is hamstrung by management and no matter what I do to point it out to them, it falls on deaf ears. And that is exactly what happens with VMK, they rarely, if ever, listen to their customer complaints. YES, we ARE customers. I do not care if the game is free or not, we are STILL customers and we have a right to complain when things like this happen.

I agree to a point, but I disagree when its not VMK that is drawing the complaints. A particular employee who did not break any rule of employment or do any individual a disservice took some extremely unnecessary heat.

We also have the right to not play the game, I think some also forget that.

There is still a major difference for them, because of the VMK values, they cant communicate outside of the game. This is not something any of us typically have to deal with.

I personally think that VMK is trying very hard to replicate the Disney experience. When you go to Disney, you often have to wait hours in line to participate in an event/ride - so, typically, you can spend 12 hours at Disney, with only about 4 hours of your time spent doing something other than standing in line. Disney, on the other hand, DOES try to do something about that. VMK does not

I agree with alot of this. VMK pass was an attempt at improving that, personally I am not a big fan of it.

On that point, I can tell you I am not the type of person to really complain at a restaurant if my food isnt quite the way I expected. I am the type of person who won't go back again.
I went and shovelled myself out of the snow @_@
I came back and wow.
Teach you not to shovel snow! :goodvibes

On another note, someone said that there was a Treasure Detector Magic that Hula was wearing and tried out. Hope those come out! That would be so GREAT! :)
Hula gave some 1x use treasure finder magics out today during the event during some trades. Maybe it's a sign of full magic coming, who knows, but some 1x use pins were given today.

Thanks again Hula for our first ever Magic Pin Switch!
If you want my real opinion on this situation, it's not really about Hula at all. It's about this board and the "crazy gushing host love" set trying to counterbalance the "crazy ranting I didn't get my pretend pin" set.

Why are people showing "crazy gushing host love" by simply thanking them for what they do? Most people don't appreciate hearing complaints all of the time. Why is being positive a problem?

I don't have any issue with people sharing their feelings. Each person is entitled to his/her own view on the situation. It would be nice to see more suggested solutions to problems, then just complaints, however.
All I can say is oh my. Big hugs to you Hula.

I could not do this event because I was at work. But was happy about others like in the UK that could at least have a chance. But all I read was the majority of players complaining not fair. So So sad.:headache:

Then I read these posts and so much negativity. How Hula has the slowest computer why don`t you just scream just a little bit louder and say she should not be a host because of terrible connection.

That sure came out loud and clear to me.

Hula is one of the most caring host in the game she tries so hard to help and encourage others.

She has gone beyond the call of duty many many times. If I was her I would be so crushed right now.

Why anyone would want to share Disney`s pixie dust and get this response is beyond me.

So you did not get in. As an orginal member I remember days and days of never getting into host games and never remember this much complaining.
It was more of a celebration when one of us did.

I can understand kids struggling with this but adults come on.

I am so embarrassed by all this.
When i dont get into a HOST room or if i am next in line to get in and the rooms closes i simply go on with my day in VMK, I just think to myself that the next event gives me something to look forward too. I really dont have anything against any staff member since i know they are trying the best they can. The only thing i suggest for this type of event is maybe there should be more then 1 HOST or Moderator helping Hula in the room to help speed things up, while talking and chatting with the players.

Patience is a Virtue
Hey, I have a novel idea. Why don't we all step back from this for a second and remember the reason why we started playing VMK?

Aren't we all ultimately going there to have fun, and hang with our friends? Aren't the friends we've made in the game worth a lot more than some silly pin?

Life is too short to stress over a game. If you don't like the way the hosts games are run, then don't play them. Catch some ghosts. Shoot off some fireworks. Hang with your friends.

As Krazy Pete said, most of us here are adults. Why are we stressing and complaining so much over a game that was originally made for kids?

I do think that the hosts overall do a great job trying to make VMK fun and safe for us. Are they perfect? No. Do some of their games flop? Yes. Do they try to keep things fresh and exciting for us? Absolutely. Do they deserve the abuse they take on these and other boards? Most of the time they do not. They deal with people who are only want more and more from them. They have people who flood the events with mules, taking spots and prizes from other players, and making it more difficult to make sure everyone gets a prize. But they try, and they seem to get less and less thanks for all they do for us.
Constructive Criticism Bring it! I don't see anything the least bit wrong with pointing out the problems with today's host event. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the hosts Disney employees? They are not doing this stuff out of the kindness of their big beautiful hearts. They get paid to do it. It's not unreasonable to expect that events will be well planned and on time regardless of whether or not the host is a really really nice person.

Host Love I know that hosts read these boards but COME ON! Some of you need to check your magic mirrors. I believe you will find that some wiping in the general of your nose is needed.

Who Got Served? I would like to point out that the room holds 15 people. Those people weren't in the line count so add that to your calculation of the number of people who got pins today.

Whiners You know who you are. You're always complaining about something. Please spare us all and just open the guest room list and search for "day care." You will quickly find someone willing to attend to your every virtual want and need.

I love the DIS VMK board. We're all so passionate about our cartoon people in their little cartoon theme park. :thumbsup2

Ooooh, my friend... tell it like it really is.... popcorn::

Glad you brought some level-headedness to this thread... now come play flag!

I didn't make it into the host room today, but I have nothing to complain about..... I tried, but that's life... I usually don't make it into host events. Guess I"m just not coordinated enough to do all that fast clicking necessary to get in.... :rolleyes:

I DO have a problem with the whining (come on, you all know how I can't stand whining..sigh...), but I also have a problem with those on the other end of the spectrum...

Really makes me wonder if we didn't know that hosts read this board, how very different certain posts would be.... :rolleyes1
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