~How TWO trips became...who knows? ~ It's a TRIP! and an upgrade.... 4/22




I knew you could do it!!!!!!

Thank you! And thank you so much for all of the hints and support over the past months!!

:woohoo::woohoo:Woo-Hoo!! :cheer2::cheer2:
I TOLD you you'd do it! :goodvibes

Congratulations! Have fun tonight and celebrate your great achievement! You deserve it!

No go and sign up for the January 1/2! ;)

Well....we will see! :)

You were right! Thank you for all of the hints and support over the past months, too!! :)
Okay a few questions for you.

1 - How are the feet?

2 - How are the blisters?

The only thing really wrong with my feet at this point is the blisters. I still had them as I started, so I wore my crocs all the way to the corral. Then I put my running shoes on right before we were off!

I will do a full race report soon. :)

3 - and Lisa made it with you?

YES! She made it! She finished in 2:54, which was an awesome time for her! She was surprised she finished under three! (And, she ran into an old classmate...and beat her, too.) :goodvibes

4 - Didn't you just :love: it?


I don't know.

I don't think I loved it.

Jury is still out. :)

I have an announcement!!

One of my goals this trip was to show Lisa some of what they missed on Lauren's Wish Trip. They had not been to AK or Epcot - so I showed her a few things and she is definitely on board.........


THEY ARE GOING TO DISNEY!!!! :dance3: :yay::cheer2: :woohoo: :cool1: :yay: :cheer2:

The room is BOOKED! :thumbsup2

November 20 - 28th! Thanksgiving Week!

I am so excited!!!
Woo-hoo! Another convert to our cult! ;) Now you just need to get her to DIS!

Now the bigger question - are you going along???
Woo-hoo! Another convert to our cult! ;) Now you just need to get her to DIS!

Now the bigger question - are you going along???


She is already a "DIS-er"...but never posts. She doesn't even lurk.

Honestly, Lisa doesn't have time to do much of anything except take care of her family and work. Really. She is one of the busiest people that I know.

And...am I going...

To quote Lisa - "There is NO way I am EVER going to Disney without YOU!"

So...of course!

September...October??....November...December (that trip is now up in the air???...)...January??.........

Why not?

I am going to do a very quick, mini TR from my trip this last weekend!

I have a few pics to share and want to share my race report, too! :thumbsup2

The flight was uneventful. My plan was to rent a car so that we would have some flexibility in our touring and we could just drive to pick up our race packet and then head straight to check in at the Poly.

It took FOREVER to wind our way through the airport to pick up our luggage and then get the car. The line at Alamo was huge - so I did the check in kiosk - which was a good move, probably saved us some time.

Our plane landed at 2:15, but it was 3:30 before we were even leaving the airport. I knew we were supposed to go to the Wide World of Sports to pick up our race packet - but in my mind I thought the WWoS was connected in some way to the All Star Sports resort - like they were all part of the same complex? The Braves were playing at the Wide World of Sports and the traffic was crazy. I asked a CM where we would pick up our packets and long story short - he sent us to the All Star Sports Resort. We were hungry and decided to go inside the All Star Resort and get a snack to tide us over before our dinner at Le Cellier. We grabbed a quick bite and figured out where we were supposed to go get our race packet. Back to the Wide World of Sports.

I was supposed to be staying off my feet and taking it easy on the walking and so far I was doing the exact opposite! :eek:

We got back in the traffic headed to the Wide World of Sports and were sent to "overflow" parking, which is quite far away from where we were supposed to be! A long walk, picked up our bibs, shopped around a bit and long walk back to our car - and it was 5:45 before we were on the road again to check into the Poly.

I have to show you guys this...I ordered a shirt that was supposed to be a size larger than I normally wear because it was a ladies cut shirt.....

And THIS is what I got...


The blue shirt is my half marathon shirt and the white one is a shirt I bought at the Expo that is supposed to be the SAME size. :sad2: If anyone significantly smaller than me wants a free shirt....:rolleyes1

For this trip, Lisa was looking to relax. And I really needed to stay off my feet. And neither of us were hungry. So...we opted to cancel our Le Cellier ressie. I just did not think we could make it without rushing around.

We checked in just in time to see the Torch Lighting Ceremony at the Poly - this was cool - and my camera was in the car. :headache:

I requested Rapi Nai building at the Poly because of its proximity to the Epcot monorail. My idea was that we would be able to take the monorail on the morning of the race (at least on the way back!). We could walk to the TTC in about 5 minutes and grab the monorail! It was a great location for this trip!

Lisa and I decided to still go to Epcot and try to ride Soarin' and grab something to eat.

Here is my Flower and Garden pic....


Lisa LOVED Soarin'! :yay: And we decided that we definitely think Lauren could ride it with an adult on either side of her! We also grabbed a bite to eat at Sunshine Seasons. Then on to Test Track - which went down while we were in line, so we headed back towards the room. We rode Spaceship Earth on the way out, which was a walk on! I thought the lines for EMH were very manageable!

We unpacked and I was asleep by 11:00.

We decided to hit AK and Epcot on Saturday - Lisa wanted to ride Soarin' again (which was great with me!) and Test Track and I really wanted to check out the butterfly garden. And at AK I wanted to do the Safari and watch the Nemo show and Lion King.

My original plan was to hit AK first and then do Epcot, but as we were getting ready I checked my "Lines" application and discovered that we would wait longer by doing Soarin' and Test Track in the afternoon - we were better off doing Epcot first and then going to AK.

We arrived at Epcot at 9:30 and rode Soarin' and Test Track by 10:30. I was walking toward the Butterfly Garden when I heard someone call my name. I looked up and it was Deb Wills from www.allears.net. I was shocked she recognized little old me! :confused3 I have only met her once. We talked to her a few minutes and found out she had done the 5K and would be watching the half on Sunday!

Then we headed to the Butterfly Garden. This was quite a letdown for me - I LOVE butterflies and was really looking forward to "700" butterflies flying around all the flowers. The cold weather has messed that up - they were all still in their larva stage ... I think there may have been 20 butterflies? :rotfl: But this would probably be really cool later in the Festival when it warms up a bit!

We hopped on the bus to the Animal Kingdom and grabbed lunch at Rainforest Cafe. Headed to the Safari - which was so cool - wait! I have pictures of that!






Then we headed to Finding Nemo - which we barely got into and had horrible seats! Lisa liked it - but not nearly as much as the Lion King, which we saw next. And I have to agree with her - where you sit at Nemo has such an effect on the experience! I think if we had decent seats that she would have gotten a lot more out of the Nemo show.

It was nearly 4:00 when we left AK. We went back to the room. My feet were hurting - and since I was doing a half marathon the next day....I decided to get off of them for a bit.

We ate at Kona Cafe for supper. It was SOOOOO good. Their bread - yummy! And my Ginger Crusted Steak was so good, too! I can't wait to eat here again!

Then we headed to bed after making sure all of our stuff was laid out for the marathon!

3AM came very quickly!!

I dressed in lots of layers for the big event! We were allowed to toss our clothes to the side of the road to be donated to charity as we walked - so we could dress warmly for the start (it was close to 40 degrees!) and then shed the layers as we warmed up walking/running.

I had learned so much from the DIS about the process on race day and was prepared for the long walk from the bus through bag check and to the corrals. I wish I had my Garmin turned on, because I think it was probably at least a mile of walking.

The Porto Potty lines were hilarious! Never have I waited in a line that long for a PortaJohn! By the time I got there they had no toilet paper - eew! Thankfully I brought a bit with me (not for this purpose, but I had some kleenex in my pocket!)

I wore my Crocs during the morning until I got to the corrals. I had brought a towel so that I could sit down and stretch and put on my shoes (again, thank you Sandy!). And I was ready. My feet were in good shape, despite the walking I had done the past two days! I had high confidence that I could finish the 13.1 miles...if I could avoid the sweepers!!

I had hydrated well the day before - drinking only water all day Saturday - but I did not drink a lot the morning of the race. I had a bagel with "to go" peanut butter while I was waiting in the corral and was feeling good when the fireworks went off for our start!

My feet started to hurt at Mile 2. :rolleyes1 I could feel a blister already. I stopped to tighten my shoes up - hoping to prevent them from moving around so much - and that seemed to help!

I really thought I would be delighted to go "backstage" and walk through the MK - and it was fun - but I didn't feel what I expected? The backstage areas were bland - and unmagical (not sure what I expected) - and even walking down Main Street was just not as much fun in that much pain.

Mile 6, 7, 8, 9...Were all uneventful. My pace was starting to approach 17 minute miles and mile 9 was above 17 minute miles....so I was starting to look around for the sweepers. And I had yet to need a restroom.

Then I saw the Mile 10 sign. I knew to expect a "big sweep" at Mile 10 - but there were a BUNCH of people behind me. And I really needed to stop for a restroom break.

Next up was the big loop to get on the overpass. I sort of dreaded this - but it was not too bad - honestly the angle of the road (it was sort of side ways) was harder than the incline. By Mile 10 my feet were really, really hurting and the angle didn't really help.

I got up on the overpass and looked over to the road below - where I expected to see lots of people still coming down the road toward us - and there was NO ONE...everyone on the road below had been swept. :scared1: That was close. Way. Too. Close.

Mile 11 and 12 are sort of a blur. I did talk to some Team in Training folks. And I honestly thought that I would be safe walking with them - they make SURE their folks are on pace - so that would be good for me! Because I was sure slowing down.

Mile 13 was in Epcot. I enjoyed walking in Epcot because there were lots of people there - even "regular" people - and by this point I KNEW that I could do it! I would finish!!

Now, all along this course there were characters...I can't remember them all - but Capt Jack Sparrow (yep, TK, you wanna walk next year??), The Beast (Ellie would have loved that), ALL of the Fairies in one place (Lauren would love that!), Peter Pan, the Army Men, Chip and Dale, the Princesses, Mickey, Minnie - they were all there. But I did not have time to stop for any of them.

And I was in pain.

I thought I would cross that finish line and burst into happy tears - but I was so tired that I hardly did anything at all - just kept walking to get my bag. I knew if I stopped that I would be in trouble!

I found Lisa - and did actually get excited when I saw her and I had finished! She had been finished almost an hour, though, bless her heart!

We got our bags (there weren't many left) :laughing: and headed to the buses to get back to the resort. The line for the All Stars bus.......it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long. Really - there had to be 1000 people in that line. It went across the parking lot. But the line for the Poly had about 8 people standing in it. The bus pulled right up and I hopped on and knew that the extra I had paid to stay in the Poly was worth it - just in that one moment in time! :cloud9:

Back to the Poly! A hot bath, ice on my feet, lots of bandaids, some Tylenol and Advil and I was ready to GO!!

We went to Beaches and Cream for lunch. It tasted so good. I am not sure if that is just the best hamburger on property or if I was just so hungry that it would have tasted good anyway, but it was good.

Up next was DHS. We planned this park for several reasons - we knew we did not want to walk much - and we had some DIS meets planned! Lisa wanted to catch some streetmosphere.

My original plan was to meet up with Tim (that's nice) and Piper and Amanda.

But in the last week before my trip - something very special happened. Long story short - some very special ladies sent a very special girl back to Disney. Mya had already had her official wish trip - but the news her Mom got in the last two weeks was not good at all - her prognosis is extremely poor and all Mya was talking about was wanting to go back to Disney - so some very generous DISers made that happen for Mya! And Mya was able to get to DHS on Sunday, too!

And I was able to meet one of the very special ladies - livndisney - who was in Disney to meet up with Mya and make sure they got checked in ok.

I will let Mya's Mom tell her whole story when they get back - but Disney did not disappoint in the magic department on Sunday!

So, I will share some pics with you guys!

Lisa and I with our medals!


Here is Piper! She is so sweet! She was tickling me the whole time we were taking pics - it was so funny!


And then Tim (that's nice), Mel (Tim's DW) and Juliana came over and joined our group! livndisney is in this pic, too!! :hug:


It was so much fun meeting all of these folks!

We watched some streetmosphere and continued to hang out together. I relaxed on a bench and watched people.

Then Mya and her Mom came. It was so nice to see the JOY on their faces - they were back in Disney - a place that holds so many great memories for them - and they are there right now, still celebrating LIFE - for the time that Mya has left on this side of heaven.

Shardai - it was an honor to meet such a strong woman - you are an inspiration to us - and in the weeks and months to come - we will be here for you!

Here is my favorite picture of Mya!


And with that...I will close this mini trip recap...

It was an honor to meet so many wonderful people - and I can honestly say that meeting those people was more rewarding to me than finishing the half.

I don't know if I will attempt another half - maybe at some point - if I do, I will be in much better shape before I go for it - and be ready to really "experience" it - I think I just survived it this time, barely.

But I also accomplished something that I was not sure I could do - and I did it!
Congrats on finishing!!!!!!!!

I can't believe how many trips you have lined up!

Great DISmeet! some of my favorite folks!

I'm definitely shedding a few tears for Mya and family....so great that they got to spend some time at WDW....:hug:

Life is fragile......
Congrats on finishing!!!!!!!!

I can't believe how many trips you have lined up!

Great DISmeet! some of my favorite folks!

I'm definitely shedding a few tears for Mya and family....so great that they got to spend some time at WDW....:hug:

Life is fragile......

Yes it is. :sad1:

She is beautiful and full of life.

Life is fragile and sometimes just not fair. But the joy on her face - and the strength her Mom is showing - it is amazing, really - just amazing.
Yes it is. :sad1:

She is beautiful and full of life.

Life is fragile and sometimes just not fair. But the joy on her face - and the strength her Mom is showing - it is amazing, really - just amazing.

are you seriously trying to make me cry more...;)

You are a light in so many lives....Thanks for knowing your giftings and using them well.....good and faithful servant FA SHO!
oh my goodness piper and mya and finishing the half all in one update, it is so wonderful. i love that you got to meet those beautiful girls and their wonderfully strong mommies. and i am really impressed although i dont quite get the concept of the sweepers, gotta search some marathon threads and learn more
oh my goodness piper and mya and finishing the half all in one update, it is so wonderful. i love that you got to meet those beautiful girls and their wonderfully strong mommies. and i am really impressed although i dont quite get the concept of the sweepers, gotta search some marathon threads and learn more

I was just thinking the same thing about what a sweeper is. I am going to take a guess that it is a group of people that if you are behind a certain time frame for finishing then they clear you off the course if you can't keep up? Ok I am going to go look now and see if I am correct!

That picture of Mya is just beautiful! And Piper's smile is beyond contagious! What a great weekend you had!!
I thought it was pretty funny that I called you just going into mile #11!! :lmao::lmao: You were "doing great"! I quoeth!

What a special DISMeet you had!!! So fun to meet all those wonderful, wonderful people! Prayers for little Mya and her mom!
oh my goodness piper and mya and finishing the half all in one update, it is so wonderful. i love that you got to meet those beautiful girls and their wonderfully strong mommies. and i am really impressed although i dont quite get the concept of the sweepers, gotta search some marathon threads and learn more

It was truly an honor!

The sweepers are a group of Disney CM's or Race Officials that "sweep" anyone that is not keeping a quick enough pace. They set a pace of 16 min miles and if you get slower (or go over the limit because you have to stop for a break) then you can be swept. They draw a line and everyone behind it is taken by a bus to the finish.

I was just thinking the same thing about what a sweeper is. I am going to take a guess that it is a group of people that if you are behind a certain time frame for finishing then they clear you off the course if you can't keep up? Ok I am going to go look now and see if I am correct!

That picture of Mya is just beautiful! And Piper's smile is beyond contagious! What a great weekend you had!!

You are right!

It was a GREAT weekend!

I thought it was pretty funny that I called you just going into mile #11!! :lmao::lmao: You were "doing great"! I quoeth!

What a special DISMeet you had!!! So fun to meet all those wonderful, wonderful people! Prayers for little Mya and her mom!

Thanks for those prayers!

Yeah...you are the only person I would have answered the phone for...I can't not answer when you are calling from half way around the world! :rotfl:

What wonderful pictures!!

The one of Mya and livndisney is so precious!

Piper is such a cutie! It makes my day that she's wearing one of my embroidery designs on her shirt in this picture!

You've made me want to check into this whole half marathon thing. I've never read anything about them before, and I've never had any desire to do one until reading this!
What wonderful pictures!!

The one of Mya and livndisney is so precious!

Piper is such a cutie! It makes my day that she's wearing one of my embroidery designs on her shirt in this picture!

You've made me want to check into this whole half marathon thing. I've never read anything about them before, and I've never had any desire to do one until reading this!

Aw! You made Piper's shirt! It was so cute! :)

and I also love the pic of Mya and livndisney.

I am shocked my review would make you WANT to do it. :rotfl2: Figured it seemed a bit negative after I read it myself. :(

But...it really was a good experience overall! And was great motivation to get out there and get some exercise!
Aw! You made Piper's shirt! It was so cute! :)

and I also love the pic of Mya and livndisney.

I am shocked my review would make you WANT to do it. :rotfl2: Figured it seemed a bit negative after I read it myself. :(

But...it really was a good experience overall! And was great motivation to get out there and get some exercise!

Oh no, I didn't make the shirt! billwendy made it! I just digitized the embroidery design!

I was also surprised that your review made me WANT to do a half marathon! But, I knew nothing about it before! LOL!
Oh no, I didn't make the shirt! billwendy made it! I just digitized the embroidery design!

I was also surprised that your review made me WANT to do a half marathon! But, I knew nothing about it before! LOL!

Oh! Well, awesome job, Wendy!

You should totally do it!!!!!

If I can do it, you can do it! :)
your review made me want to do it too. although i would definitely be caught by those sweepers. i have been reading up on the c25k (couch to 5 k program) and i am gonna give it a try, i downloaded the podcast with the cues of when to walk and when to run. now i just have to get off the couch:lmao:


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