Hillary Supporters unite....no bashing please! only smiles

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Gee, the other day when someone tried to clarify facts, they got their heads handed to them here. I just figured it wasn't necessary to research facts, because they really don't matter anyway. ;)

I have been thinking about what you could be referring to here and I think I have finally figured it out. It was about the following fact post, correct?

I don't think so:


So far, not a helluva lot is sticking. Pat Buchanan probably had the right idea: Obama has pretty much weathered every storm including the "kitchen sink" which has acted like a boomerang. What that means is, if Obama is the nominee, the Republicans will have to figure out a new way of campaigning beyond the "slime machine". If negative campaigning hasn't worked for Hillary, it won't work for McCain either.

McCain is a Democratic dream candidate:

1) He still supports a war that is going even further south than before

2) He hasn't got the foggiest idea of what to do with the economy except continue the Bush policies that have gotten us nowhere except deeper in the hole

3) He's got too many lobbyists on his campaign staff.

4) That's just for openers

This is a dream scenario.

Please let me be clear that my comments and in fact my issue with these facts had nothing to do with the content but everything to do with their presence on the Hillary thread. My point was exactly what I said - this is the Hillary Support thread not the "defend Obama from every possible comment made about him" thread. I am not sure how it was seen otherwise. :confused3

That's not what some of you are saying. Some of you had said the SC is a non-issue. I agree if someone thinks that HIllary or Obama is the anti-christ they should not vote for them. But to say the SC does not matter is to be disengenious about what a Republican win can mean.

Not some - just little old me. And the SC does matter - what I said was that I believe that Roe v. Wade is a liberal red herring in the same way that gay marriage is for the conservatives. The SC hardly likes to overturn decisions coming up from lower courts - they especially do not like doing it to themselves/predecessors. It is bad form.

Besides - I really do think we have it in us - that should it ever be overturned - that we could pull it together and get legislation in place. Everyone likes to talk about making abortions illegal - but the minute you start talking about the realities of women dying in back allies or even what kind of criminal penalty women and dr's should get - the perspective changes. Besides - if we had legislation instead of a SC ruling it would kill one of the main arguements against Roe v.Wade now wouldn't it?

I feel like it is a moot point anyway - they won't overturn it. They make far more political hay with the idea of overturning it than they ever would the actuality.

Wow, so the make up of the Supreme court is no longer important to Democrats?

Nobody said that. I think you really look for things to be offended by here. I just believe that because someone does not agree with me that doesn't automatically make them bad or out to get me or my ideas.

Oh, and if any of you really think McCain is this great uniter who will work both sides, will take no actions that will not be for the good of all of us regardless of which party we are on, and will only appoint moderate federal judges, then why the heck are you not just supporting him now?

Again - I do not see where anyone said he was some kind of great uniter. I said that he has demonstrated a willingness to work across the aisle in the past and see no reason why he would not do so in the future.

Yes - I will admit that I do not like Obama. But I will take it one step further and say that while there are policy issues that I do not agree with (health care is the big one) I will admit it is the OS that have completely turned me off of his candidacy. I do not only post here - I go to several places on the web not to mention I do get out and about. I think I have said this before but I will repeat it - compared to other message boards/forums/blogs - the OS here on the DIS are basically fuzzy puppies. The nastiness and negativity that I find out there astounds me. If that is the kind of atmosphere that Barack Obama's leadership inspires - then I want NO part of it.

So go ahead and wonder what kind of Democrat I am (I am not one any longer due to the marvelous way the Party has handled my vote here in FL). Go ahead and blast me for not being a "true liberal" - (I am who I am and follow my own conscience - I do not need to justify myself to anyone).
All I can say is he said he was Edwards campaine manager. And could you please make links to your articles. :thumbsup2 You never seem to leave a link. :goodvibes
Thanks and thanks for the article.
So go ahead and wonder what kind of Democrat I am (I am not one any longer due to the marvelous way the Party has handled my vote here in FL). Go ahead and blast me for not being a "true liberal" - (I am who I am and follow my own conscience - I do not need to justify myself to anyone).

I see where you're coming from and you are entitled to feel the way you feel.

I voted in Michigan, so you relate with how I feel. Your vote doesn't count, my vote doesn't count. All because some knuckle heads decided to up the primary dates and didn't put Obama on the ticket (in MI) and they didn't have time to campaign in FL. What country are we in when our votes can't be counted?

I would love to have Clinton in the White House and I blame those on the top of the Democratic party if she doesn't get in.

Are you going to watch Larry King tonight with Nancy Pelosi? I'm interested in hearing what she has to say about the democratic race, even if it might not be what I want to hear.
FUHGGET about NC!:guilty:

" A new law allows unregistered voters to sign up and vote on the same day through May 3. Both campaigns have launched efforts to turn out those voters, and the polling sites have been flooded since they opened last week.

As of midafternoon Wednesday, more than 74,700 "one-stop" ballots had been cast - about eight times higher than during the 2006 primary, according to the state Board of Elections. An additional 8,400 absentee ballots have been collected, officials said.
I have been thinking about what you could be referring to here and I think I have finally figured it out. It was about the following fact post, correct?

Please let me be clear that my comments and in fact my issue with these facts had nothing to do with the content but everything to do with their presence on the Hillary thread. My point was exactly what I said - this is the Hillary Support thread not the "defend Obama from every possible comment made about him" thread. I am not sure how it was seen otherwise. :confused3

Not some - just little old me. And the SC does matter - what I said was that I believe that Roe v. Wade is a liberal red herring in the same way that gay marriage is for the conservatives. The SC hardly likes to overturn decisions coming up from lower courts - they especially do not like doing it to themselves/predecessors. It is bad form.

Besides - I really do think we have it in us - that should it ever be overturned - that we could pull it together and get legislation in place. Everyone likes to talk about making abortions illegal - but the minute you start talking about the realities of women dying in back allies or even what kind of criminal penalty women and dr's should get - the perspective changes. Besides - if we had legislation instead of a SC ruling it would kill one of the main arguements against Roe v.Wade now wouldn't it?

I feel like it is a moot point anyway - they won't overturn it. They make far more political hay with the idea of overturning it than they ever would the actuality.

Nobody said that. I think you really look for things to be offended by here. I just believe that because someone does not agree with me that doesn't automatically make them bad or out to get me or my ideas.

Again - I do not see where anyone said he was some kind of great uniter. I said that he has demonstrated a willingness to work across the aisle in the past and see no reason why he would not do so in the future.

Yes - I will admit that I do not like Obama. But I will take it one step further and say that while there are policy issues that I do not agree with (health care is the big one) I will admit it is the OS that have completely turned me off of his candidacy. I do not only post here - I go to several places on the web not to mention I do get out and about. I think I have said this before but I will repeat it - compared to other message boards/forums/blogs - the OS here on the DIS are basically fuzzy puppies. The nastiness and negativity that I find out there astounds me. If that is the kind of atmosphere that Barack Obama's leadership inspires - then I want NO part of it.

So go ahead and wonder what kind of Democrat I am (I am not one any longer due to the marvelous way the Party has handled my vote here in FL). Go ahead and blast me for not being a "true liberal" - (I am who I am and follow my own conscience - I do not need to justify myself to anyone).

Right and not I'm saying you are "bad." And I'm not questioning what your party loyalty is. I was trying to find the logic in preferring a candidate that is against everything your candidate stands for, over a candidate who stands for the same things your candidate stands for.

I get it. You don't like the Obama supporters and that is what will drive your vote come election day if he gets the nomination.

I hope that what ever candidate gets the nomination the other's supporters do no feel the same way come election day, because I do think McCain will be a disaster.
:offtopic: And since I’ve obviously have had no problem with jumping on this thread and posting my opinions tonight, wanted or not :rolleyes: , I might as well continue on with my posting spree and give a ‘Hi’ to Hound.


I was beginning to wonder what happened to you. Glad to see that you’re still strong in your support of Hillary.

OK.. I'll be quite now.

Hi Dolce.....just got back from 2 days at Walt's Park with lil' hound. :yay:

HC is still in the race (she'll get out when they "pry her cold dead fingers off".... the last super delegate's ankles ;)) :rotfl:

So all is good in the world. :dance3:
HC is still in the race (she'll get out when they "pry her cold dead fingers off".... the last super delegate's ankles ;)) :rotfl:

So all is good in the world. :dance3:

I hope you don't mind if I use that in my emails to my friends. That's a great one!
I see where you're coming from and you are entitled to feel the way you feel.

I voted in Michigan, so you relate with how I feel. Your vote doesn't count, my vote doesn't count. All because some knuckle heads decided to up the primary dates and didn't put Obama on the ticket (in MI) and they didn't have time to campaign in FL. What country are we in when our votes can't be counted?

I would love to have Clinton in the White House and I blame those on the top of the Democratic party if she doesn't get in.

Are you going to watch Larry King tonight with Nancy Pelosi? I'm interested in hearing what she has to say about the democratic race, even if it might not be what I want to hear.

Originally all three canidates - Clinton, Edwards, and Obama were on the ballot for MI. Obama and Edwards withdrew their names; Clinton did not. So, the people who wanted Clinton voted for her and the ones who wanted Edwards or Obama voted ‘Other’.

All three names were left on the Florida ballot. They were not allowed to campaign in either state but the week leading up to the FL vote Obama released a nationally run TV ad that was shown in Florida on CNN and MSNBC. That was a loop-hole to allow him to campaign in that state that I know Obama recognized – he is a attorney after all.

Also, a pro-Clinton union group independently did their own campaigning for Hillary.

So, technically, there was campaigning for both Clinton and Obama and both names on the ballot for Clinton and Obama for the Florida vote.

It has been reported numerous times that most Floridians didn’t realize their vote didn’t count when they voted. I’ve worked more than enough customer service jobs in this country to know that at least 85% of Americans don’t listen to anything. Even though the DNC said the votes wouldn’t count in advance, I’ve read that the local democratic party was trying to force the DNC to back away from the sanctions so it may not have been as publicized in that state if the local party was trying to keep that under wraps and force the sanctions to be lifted.

Honestly, I do think that it would be fair for the FL votes to count. As for MI, that’s a bit more iffy even though all voters weren’t forced to put Clinton down as their choice: those for Obama and Edwards voted ‘Other’ and those votes combined still lost to Clinton. Also, I know that Obama would be singing a different tune about those votes counting if he had won both states- he needs those delegates since he can’t hit the magic number right now.
So go ahead and wonder what kind of Democrat I am (I am not one any longer due to the marvelous way the Party has handled my vote here in FL). Go ahead and blast me for not being a "true liberal" - (I am who I am and follow my own conscience - I do not need to justify myself to anyone).
I like that. :thumbsup2

But it will fall on deaf ears in SOME cases.
FUHGGET about NC!:guilty:

" A new law allows unregistered voters to sign up and vote on the same day through May 3. Both campaigns have launched efforts to turn out those voters, and the polling sites have been flooded since they opened last week.

As of midafternoon Wednesday, more than 74,700 "one-stop" ballots had been cast - about eight times higher than during the 2006 primary, according to the state Board of Elections. An additional 8,400 absentee ballots have been collected, officials said.
It's a shame but NC has been very pro-Obama for a long time and I don't think anything will shake that. It's going to hurt. :sick:
I just wanted to remind every Floridian to show up and have your voices be heard.

You are all invited to:

The Florida Counts Rally
Multiple locations!

Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 10:00 AM
Lake Eola Park Amphitheater
195 North Rosiland Avenue
Orlando , FL 32801

Join us Saturday 26 April for what promises to be the largest - and certainly most important - event we have organized to date. Greater Orlando's Team Hillary in conjunction with Florida Demands Representation (FDR) will co-host a major rally at the Lake Eola Park Amphitheater in Downtown Orlando to send the message that Florida voted and those votes should count! Similar rallies will be held on the same date at locations throughout the Sunshine State. Major media outlets across the nation will be notified as attention turns to the Florida delegate situation following the Pennsylvania Primary. You won't want to miss this...
Special Guests
Petition Drive
Voter Registration

For more information please visit: http://hrclinton.meetup.com/54/calendar/7709151/


Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 10:00 AM

Victory Park
3781 University Club Drive

Call 888-599-1586

St. Petersburg
TIME: 10 AM- 2 PM

3901 30th AVENUE NORTH



-or- CALL:



Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 10:00 AM


Call 888-599-1586


Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 10:00 AM

KLEMAN Plaza Amphitheatre
306 S. Duval Street

Call 888-599-1586


Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 3-8.30 PM

Downtown Dance Festival On The Square

Call 888-599-1586

Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood

Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 11-2 PM

Seminole Auditorium HollyWood
6300 Sterling Road

Call 888-599-1586


Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 11-2 PM

Torch of Friendship/BayFront Park
301 Bascayne Blvd.

Call 888-599-1586
Am I the only one who finds it odd that the 3 top DNC UNCOMMITED Super Delagates are telling other Delagates to decide.:rolleyes1
They cant even decide what to do with Fl or MI!!!:sad2:

Reid, Pelosi, Dean May Push Uncommitted Superdelegates to Decide No Later than July 1

At a press conference Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said that he, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean would push uncommitted superdelegates to announce their presidential choice no later than July 1.

But the Florida and Michigan issue will not likely be settled by July 1, the day that the DNC Credentials Committee assumes control over the convention from the Rules Committee.

It's a shame but NC has been very pro-Obama for a long time and I don't think anything will shake that. It's going to hurt. :sick:

Hey lets not give up hope. Maybe the some of the new voters are for Hillary. She is coming from a re-energizing win, she's had a surge in donations, it's possible that these new voters are for her! I'm not giving up till the fat lady sings. And she's not even warming up!!

[QUOTE="Got Disney";24709663]please check in...about 36 or more DIS members have been banned due to some strange reason cant figure it out. Read all 19 pages from all the DISers that are in a uproar. Attorneys involved so the DIS cant give there side of the story.

So check in if you come here so we know who is still here. Hope your all still here :sad1:[/QUOTE]

I'm here, though definitely very sad. We've lost some great people.
Am I the only one who finds it odd that the 3 top DNC UNCOMMITED Super Delagates are telling other Delagates to decide.:rolleyes1
They cant even decide what to do with Fl or MI!!!:sad2:

Reid, Pelosi, Dean May Push Uncommitted Superdelegates to Decide No Later than July 1

At a press conference Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said that he, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean would push uncommitted superdelegates to announce their presidential choice no later than July 1.

But the Florida and Michigan issue will not likely be settled by July 1, the day that the DNC Credentials Committee assumes control over the convention from the Rules Committee.


meake me go hmmmmmm :sad2:

Hey lets not give up hope. Maybe the some of the new voters are for Hillary. She is coming from a re-energizing win, she's had a surge in donations, it's possible that these new voters are for her! I'm not giving up till the fat lady sings. And she's not even warming up!!

I'm here, though definitely very sad. We've lost some great people.

Yes we have. To many that never even start a bit of trouble.Very strange. The WM had to close the thread because of poster getting heated up so bad. I got part of it but it is still unclear. Something about the DIS accidentally redirecting like 1000 posters to another thread and some thought that the DIS was being hacked and viruses....and posting stuff that should not have been posted on this other thread :confused3 :confused3 .

The WM said there are 2 sides to the story but cant yet explain the DIS side yet due thre attorneys telling them not to. Very strange. All this went down this weekend I think. But some were banned that did not even go there and were at WDW but belonged here and there. Something like that. Again still very confused about it. Guess will have to wait and see.
I am starting to lose respect for Pelosi:

Pelosi says she doesn't want to see a joint ticket
Posted: 04:30 PM ET

(CNN) — For at least the fourth time in a little more than a month, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made it clear she thinks Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama shouldn't run together on a joint ticket this fall.

“No, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she told CNN’s Larry King Thursday. “First of all, the candidate, whoever he or she may be, should choose his or her own vice presidential candidate. I think that’s appropriate. That’s where you would see the comfort level, not only how to run but how to govern the country.

“And there’s plenty of talent to go around to draw upon for a good, strong ticket. I’m not one of those who thinks that that’s a good ticket.”

King asked whether that was because she thought there was too much animosity between the two.

"No," replied Pelosi. "I just think that — well, let’s put it this way: if they think it’s a good ticket, maybe it is. But I don’t think that we should thrust the vice presidential choice onto the presidential nominee. That’s her or his decision to make."
I am starting to lose respect for Pelosi:

I get what she is saying but she should have kept that opinion to herself. She could have just said that it would be nice but it is really up to them to pick whom they want for VP and not the DNC or SD.

Sorry but I have never liked her. She just seems so useless to me. Sometimes I get the impression she does not want another woman over shadowing her on the podium.

I don't have any idea what went on this week. I have been too busy to post anything.

I'm not part of anything that's going on.. I just happen to be in the 'know' right now. I don't think that any of the regular Hillary supporters on this thread have been banned.

But honestly, we probably all should drop this topic so that we don't upset the Mod's right now.
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