Has anyone changed their opinion of SSR?

Tinky said:
What data/fact do you base this on? A DIS poll? A "tabulation" of reponses from different threads, your own opinion?
Or does this stuff come to you in a vision? :rolleyes1

Tinky said:
I was waiting for ... 'don't bother me with the facts" ;)
I've come around to B3's way of thinking, but I've come to different conclusions
FACT_ Since more people are buying into SSR than any other resort it must be the most popular.
FACT_ Being the most popular makes it the best!
FACT_Since I really like it that's even more proof that it's the bestest ever.
So glad I'm able to straighten all you guys out. :wave2:
Bichon Barb said:
Okay, okay. Twist my arm. ;)

SSR - Tasteful yet earthy. Nice mahogany headboard.


BCV - Not feelin' the purple morning glories with the gingham and the Christmas carpet.


OKW - You know, I think the teal and pink 1980's look is actually due to come back in style.


BWV - Touche'. This has a kind of sweet look to it.


Great posting!

Quite frankly, bedspreads are not the strong suit in any of the resorts. I think they were chosen by deranged decorators on LSD while trapped in a cotton candy factory.
boatboatboat said:
I pray you are fishing with this post.........

If this is indeed a serious reply on your part, I am at a loss for words.

take care.............
NO WAY :lmao:
iankh said:
Great posting!

Quite frankly, bedspreads are not the strong suit in any of the resorts. I think they were chosen by deranged decorators on LSD while trapped in a cotton candy factory.

Unfortunately since DVCs are designed for high use and occupancy, they have to find patterns that camoflauge inevitable wearing and staining that is going to happen with heavy use... hence the ugly couches, bedspreads.... and carpet! Let's not even go there!
I have said this before,

SSR makes more sense for us because we DO like to frequent the parks. We spend equal time at all four and we do non-disney parks (gasp!) every so often. Our kids are one and barely four, so we still use strollers. It is MUCH more convenient for us to have our van parked near our room. We load up in the mornings, take a quick drive to our park of choice (and it IS a quick drive to any of the parks, on site or off) and we don't have to worry about lugging strollers on and off the bus or the trams. We get there early enough to park near the gate.

I know some would say...why do you want to do this when you could stay at BWV for instance and walk to two parks? This would be great if they were the only two parks we visited. For the others, we would have to walk long distances to our vehicle (that parking lot is pretty far from the resort at BWV), or each adult would have to lug one child and one stroller apiece on and off the bus. SSR just makes sense for us. It is a stretch to say that it only works well for folks who DONT frequent the parks.

And just wanted to add that we expected great things prior to our first stay at SSR. It exceded our expectations, and I believe this resort will continue to grow into the community DVC intends for it to be.

Shan :sunny:

Just wanted to add that we love OKW as well for many of the same reasons, but the elevators at SSR make it much easier with the kids! We can just stroll them right into the room no matter which floor we are on!
If you aren't happy with something, I think you have a right to say it. But I don't understand the REPEATED saying it...like you are trying to push the issue into everyone's face every chance you get. OK, already. We get it. Some folks aren't happy with the way DVC has evolved. But some of us are happy, and all you are doing is pushing your sign in OUR faces - to what end? Most of the folks here have already bought and therefore, are already part of YOUR problem. Do you want all of US to go away?

Come on...why do you feel the need to continue to argue the same points with people? You are saying the same things over and over again. You aren't changing the way DVC works by arguing with folks here. Why don't you get a job at Disney...and become the chief person at DVC...then make all the changes you want, so YOU can be happy. All the DVC properties would be attached or within a short walk to at least one park, and everyone would get a water park for a pool too. Oh, and free candy and soda whenever you want it.

Just my .02 - I won't say it repeatedly. I promise.
Mrs Potato Head said:
If you aren't happy with something, I think you have a right to say it. But I don't understand the REPEATED saying it...like you are trying to push the issue into everyone's face every chance you get. OK, already. We get it. Some folks aren't happy with the way DVC has evolved. But some of us are happy, and all you are doing is pushing your sign in OUR faces - to what end? Most of the folks here have already bought and therefore, are already part of YOUR problem. Do you want all of US to go away?

Come on...why do you feel the need to continue to argue the same points with people? You are saying the same things over and over again. You aren't changing the way DVC works by arguing with folks here. Why don't you get a job at Disney...and become the chief person at DVC...then make all the changes you want, so YOU can be happy. All the DVC properties would be attached or within a short walk to at least one park, and everyone would get a water park for a pool too. Oh, and free candy and soda whenever you want it.

Just my .02 - I won't say it repeatedly. I promise.

Thank you.
boatboatboat said:
so you left ssr for your park days?

While staying at the SSR we went to AK and MGM. On the days that we stay at the monorail resorts we visit MK and Epcot. This works for us.
I don't see what all the fuss is over. I think that it just might be possible that we tend to have a skewed view here in our little microcosm of DIS.

I mean there are, what, about 22,600 SSR owners? Can all of them be miserable?

Last year, my boss at that time came back from a vacation in WDW and told me that he had bought at SSR. In fact, it rekindled my interest in perhaps looking at DVC again, since the last time I looked in about 1995 or so.

He had taken the tour of SSR and really liked the location and the resort. He likes to golf and thought it was perfect. He was also attracted to the extra 12 years (why, I don't know, he's older than me, and I know I'll be dead by the time my DVC contract expires).

I had asked him if he had looked at resale, and he had. He and his wife had wanted SSR. They perferred it to the other resorts.

He also doesn't hang out on DIS.

So, I find myself asking, of that 22,600 there must be a significant number that are jolly happy with their purchase.

I mean to be honest, I love DIS, but we (I include myself in that we) do tend to obsess a bit more about DVC than might be healthy.

I refuse to believe that given the number of members out there, they are all fretting over bookings, and invest quite so much energy in planning, a little more than perhaps it merits.

When all is said and done, there are 91,000+ registered DIS members, of that a much much smaller set who hang out on the DVC boards. Of that an even smaller subset who are vocal and post regularly. It just strikes me that perhaps what is said here might not represent the majority.

So, my point is, probably there are loads of happy SSR owners. And owners of other DVC resorts who would not mind staying at SSR, and infact welcome the opportunity.
It just strikes me that perhaps what is said here might not represent the majority.

Which is the reason Disney does not consider this forum a representation of the total membership.

Very good post, iankh. Well thought out and rational, something we don't always see here. :thumbsup2
back to the thread : have you changed your mind ? truthfully, yes! we were staying at WL in Feb when we took the no pressure tour...loved what we saw, went home & bought...I also do a lot of researching online and lucky me - found these boards!! I've considered buying some points at WL also because I loved the feel of the place -still debating it - the wait for buses was up to 20 minutes there as well and I didn't see it as a problem. I'm NOT at work, I'm NOT cleaning my house, I'm NOT involved in 3 chores at once - I"M ON VACATION!

have I changed my mind? yes - I've come to love the concept, look and feel of SSR more and more...I'm seriously tired of all the bashing and nonsense I've been reading here , these boards are my salvation of a sort....life is too damn short and may I remind you, we are ALL the lucky ones?! we own a piece of this! wherever we lay our heads at night in Disney - our children and grandchildren will all get to see Mickey in the morning, stroll through the countries in Epcot and take a safari ride in AK...

my sweetheart - boyfriend just lost his Dad this past week and some of you, I'm sure will understand the sadness we're going through....we are bringing his Mom to SSR with us in October - I can't wait to be there - to enjoy early morning coffee on our balcony's - to take a leisurely stroll with her down the winding paths - to bring her to the spa for a treat....to share our "home" with her...

people, remember the important stuff - it's not so much the place as the feeling...and SSR feels right to us..

good night
boatboatboat said:
I can't respond,

Aaahhmmm….actually you have. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Actually 539 times in the last 25 days.

In some societies it’s called “having the last word”!!

I feel sorry for any one who starts a thread about a SSR, good…bad…or other wise. You, BoatBoatBoat, have sucked the life and all good natured ness out of this board.

If I’m correct you DON”T EVEN OWN AT SSR…..hence……..YOU PAY NO DUES THERE……hence……..STOP YOUR %#*$()%^!!!!

Dear Shan, I apologize…..after 25 days, I can’t take any more!!

Don't look now, Kim, but another fellow has started an SSR-bashing thread.... According to him, those of us who bought at SSR are afraid to admit that we've made a huge mistake because we've spent so much money on this place. He called it the "Las Vegas pot" syndrome or something like that.

I guess they're on to us now. We'll just have to admit they're right and that we made a huge mistake buying at SSR. Somehow we must find the strength to get through 48 more years of horrendous vacations. I thought my family had a wonderful time at SSR in February, but clearly we were just kidding ourselves.

(I know I'm being snarky, but it's all so silly.)
Daitcher said:
Yes, I am from Saratoga Springs, NY. Great small town, great summer place, but worthy of a DVC theme??????? :confused3


I am curious as to why you bought at SSR instead of a resale, considering you are from SS? I find the decor charming, but I know that you think it is bland. I am from the NW, so to me, the VWL do not hold the same appeal as some of the other resorts. (Please, don't get me wrong, anyone! This is a grand lodge, and it is beautifully done, but I would feel like I am vacationing down the street from my house.)


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