Hagrid's Coaster Queue Updates / Questions / Reviews

Today (Thursday the 25) we got to the IOA gate At 8:15. They let us to Seuss and held us till about 9. We were close to the front of the line. By the time it opened , all the malfunctions , exactly 4 hours in line and we did not ride. Fast pass for whenever was the only hope in site so at least we got that.

This ride and every strategy contained herein are a complete gamble. Much luck to all !!!

Was it ride malfunction or weather? I read elsewhere someone said it was shut pretty much all day due to weather.
Today (Thursday the 25) we got to the IOA gate At 8:15. They let us to Seuss and held us till about 9. We were close to the front of the line. By the time it opened , all the malfunctions , exactly 4 hours in line and we did not ride. Fast pass for whenever was the only hope in site so at least we got that.

This ride and every strategy contained herein are a complete gamble. Much luck to all !!!
Noticed it was closed for most of the day until late afternoon. They should issue FastPass for this ride in situations like this.
Noticed it was closed for most of the day until late afternoon. They should issue FastPass for this ride in situations like this.
They do. If they empty you out of the line like that, they give everyone a special ruby express pass ticket good for any ride, including Hagrid's (when it reopens)
There today (getting off a cruise) and leaving on Monday for WDW. If we give the ride a shot, it will definitely be a line up in the am kind of activity.

Keeping my fingers crossed.
We are giving it a shot to ride on Friday, Aug 16, so I'm keeping an eye on how it's going between now and then. Lots can change. We got a spot in the GE AP preview on Saturday and the best flight was late Thursday night. We decided it was a great time to grab one of the cheap rooms at Adventura, since EP won't make any difference in this case and just go to Universal for the day and ride Hagrids, hopefully. Hopefully between opening and 4:00. At 4:00 our free EP with our AP kicks in so we can ride the other things we want to then. Surely we can get on by 4:00 that day, LOL

That's based off a few weeks ago. They have been good about now opening the ride during opening, then closing it actually mid-day, at essentially five. So, in terms of when they open and close is the complete opposite now. They also have people wait in the Seuss land area before opening. However, after that, I do not know if the line is all the way back to Sinbad, or not, I haven't heard people talk about that area for awhile.

Also, the thing about the "rope drop" is that while trying to get there first might be crazy, you're almost guaranteed a ride regardless of the wait. Where as if you go any other time you're going to wait just as long, potentially get delayed while waiting, or not ride at all if you're behind the pack. Let's say you're one of the first, let's say a hundred, you may have waited as long, or longer than some people, but when it first opens the ride will be in a good place and since you're one of the first hundred you get to get onto the ride faster. However, if you're behind those people, any delays are more likely to fall upon you and if the ride closes hour later of letting guest after guest get on that means all those people got to go on, but not you.
In addition, while yes you are waiting just as long, if you go early and start part of the wait before the parks open it's not like you are missing out on other stuff while waiting in the line. That's one of the main reasons most folks line up for rides early vs. later.
In addition, while yes you are waiting just as long, if you go early and start part of the wait before the parks open it's not like you are missing out on other stuff while waiting in the line. That's one of the main reasons most folks line up for rides early vs. later.

Well....... you're missing out on some sleep by having to wake up earlier 😉
Well....... you're missing out on some sleep by having to wake up earlier 😉
Which is why we never do the "wait at park opening" option, personally.
We are lucky and fortunate enough to be able to travel often so we can give up an entire day to trying to ride. But I do understand why that doesn't work for others and why early does.
Which is why we never do the "wait at park opening" option, personally.
We are lucky and fortunate enough to be able to travel often so we can give up an entire day to trying to ride. But I do understand why that doesn't work for others and why early does.

Ya. It's a tough call for me. I love my sleep. If I *had* to, I would probably sacrifice sleep on one day of my trip to Rope Drop for this (as to maximize the remainder of my time in the parks afterwards).

I'm really hoping this ride is a full operation by my next trip in March AND keeping my fingers crossed for EP by then too......
It’s was mainly due to ride malfunction. At one point, they said they had to adjust the carts. After 2 or 3 breakdowns , they announced they had to completely remove and entire cart off of the track to work on it. And so on that went. That was about an hour before they completely closed the ride and made everyone exit.

The weather wasent that bad. In fact , we went back to the park with our fast pass at about 9pm and it was pouring , the ride broke for just a few minutes before we were able to get on. Two things , we used our fast pass after waiting 4 hours that morning , and we didn’t get to the front of the line , we got put close to the front. Then the ride broke at the end and we sat under the sky and got DRENCHED ! Had to buy shirts and ponchos. We could have got back on but I get motion sickness very easy so we passed.

Ill end with this , the ride is super super fun, and worth everything we went through to finally experience it. Definitely want to ride again.
The weather wasent that bad. In fact , we went back to the park with our fast pass at about 9pm and it was pouring , the ride broke for just a few minutes before we were able to get on. Two things , we used our fast pass after waiting 4 hours that morning , and we didn’t get to the front of the line , we got put close to the front. Then the ride broke at the end and we sat under the sky and got DRENCHED ! Had to buy shirts and ponchos. We could have got back on but I get motion sickness very easy so we passed.

Ill end with this , the ride is super super fun, and worth everything we went through to finally experience it. Definitely want to ride again.
So trying to follow,
You got in line in the morning, ride was shut down so they gave you a pass to return later
You returned later, got in line. Where exactly? Close to the front but not front? About how long do you have to wait with a return pass
Then, it broke again, but you were ON the ride, sitting in the rain, while they repaired it?
And they offered to let you get back in line after you got off?

One more question, if the ride is closed while you are in line, is it EVERYONE in line that gets a pass or do you have to have reached a certain point?

Sorry if these are repeat questions I'm trying to remain as in the dark about the ride itself as possible so keeping what I read to a bare minimum. I know if I read or research too much I'll learn more about the ride itself than I want to. I like to go in to new rides as blind as possible. They are making it hard on this one with all the outages.
So trying to follow,
You got in line in the morning, ride was shut down so they gave you a pass to return later
You returned later, got in line. Where exactly? Close to the front but not front? About how long do you have to wait with a return pass
Then, it broke again, but you were ON the ride, sitting in the rain, while they repaired it?
And they offered to let you get back in line after you got off?

One more question, if the ride is closed while you are in line, is it EVERYONE in line that gets a pass or do you have to have reached a certain point?

Sorry if these are repeat questions I'm trying to remain as in the dark about the ride itself as possible so keeping what I read to a bare minimum. I know if I read or research too much I'll learn more about the ride itself than I want to. I like to go in to new rides as blind as possible. They are making it hard on this one with all the outages.

Sorry if I don’t type to clear. Ok so let’s see. Yes, in line at park open. 4 hours of on and off breaking down, and they made everyone leave and also gave us all fast pass. How far into the line you have to be , I couldn’t tell you.

When we came back, they let us in what I believe is hagrids room or work station, right before the “caves” that lead you into the final room before you get on. If it didn’t break, 10-15min if I had to guess.

Then yes, as soon as the coaster finished and it was bringing us back to the loading bay, it broke and we sat in the carts while it was pouring and we got drenched as the carts were stuck. I saw someone ride it 3 times back to back for whatever malfunction the ride had while they were on it. I could have easily said “hey it broke while we were in” and they would have let us go right to the front of the line essentially. Again, sorry if I made it confusing , hope this helped.
Glad I read this forum for tips. We got there this morning (7/26) at 8:10. Gates started letting people in at 8:30 and we gathered at entry to Seuss landing for a short time and then flowed with the group to the rientry point which is marked by workers with signs saying “get in line here”. The line flowed well but stopped several times for what I assume were breakdowns. Around 11 we rode and it was worth it! I had not read any spoilers and it was absolutely awesome. Have fun all!
Sorry if I don’t type to clear. Ok so let’s see. Yes, in line at park open. 4 hours of on and off breaking down, and they made everyone leave and also gave us all fast pass. How far into the line you have to be , I couldn’t tell you.

When we came back, they let us in what I believe is hagrids room or work station, right before the “caves” that lead you into the final room before you get on. If it didn’t break, 10-15min if I had to guess.

Then yes, as soon as the coaster finished and it was bringing us back to the loading bay, it broke and we sat in the carts while it was pouring and we got drenched as the carts were stuck. I saw someone ride it 3 times back to back for whatever malfunction the ride had while they were on it. I could have easily said “hey it broke while we were in” and they would have let us go right to the front of the line essentially. Again, sorry if I made it confusing , hope this helped.
Thanks, that's quite helpful.
We were in line today at IoA at about 7:30. Entered at 8:40 - followed by the first mad dash, then the other mad dash. Was lucky enough to be at the front of a ride car - so no one was within eyeshot.

Everything worked - no breakdowns. Was off the ride by 9:25ish. Thanks for all of the tips.

Very good ride - glad we did it. Would never wait 3 hours to get in it. Great tips on this thread / board.

Universal has to do a much better job controlling that surge in the am.

Someone is going to get hurt.
We are here now and rode yesterday! Had no intention on trying to catch it this trip with the lines but so glad we hopped in line yesterday. The posted time said 120 but we were off the ride right at an hour. There was no downtime and the line moved pretty much constantly. We couldn’t believe we were in the last room already when we got there. It went by fast!

Edited to add time we rode: We got in line around 2:30 yesterday (Saturday) and were on by 3:30.
We are here now and rode yesterday! Had no intention on trying to catch it this trip with the lines but so glad we hopped in line yesterday. The posted time said 120 but we were off the ride right at an hour. There was no downtime and the line moved pretty much constantly. We couldn’t believe we were in the last room already when we got there. It went by fast!

Edited to add time we rode: We got in line around 2:30 yesterday (Saturday) and were on by 3:30.
From what I’m hearing it seems like a lot of people are mentioning around 130-230 as a good time to enter line. Might have to try that on arrival day as I won’t get to parks at opening.
From what I’m hearing it seems like a lot of people are mentioning around 130-230 as a good time to enter line. Might have to try that on arrival day as I won’t get to parks at opening.

We will try that too. We're arriving on Aug 10 around lunchtime, so maybe we'll eat lunch and then try to get on Hagrid's ride.
We arrived at the park entrance at 8:35am this morning, eventually got through to the Port of Entry area after an ultra-slow guy on the entry turnstile by 8:50, but after a fast-walk at the 9:00 'rope drop' (not as hectic as it sounded) through to the queuing area were on the ride at 9:40.

So just over an hour for us - and we all thought the ride was absolutely brilliant!
We were at Universal early in the week and had decided we weren’t going to wait all day for Hagrid. Walked by around 2 and saw that the line was less than 2 hours so decided to hop in. Once we entered the queue, we discovered they were doing single rider though they were shouting “no Express pass, no single rider” at the entrance. Jumped in the single rider line and were on the ride in 25 minutes! I’m still not convinced I didn’t dream the whole thing. 😆


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