Great experience on Magical Express Bus


I prefer to be tagless!
Jan 25, 2001
My daughter and her hubby had a great experience this past Saturday from the airport and back again yesterday.

They got there in about 50 minutes, stopping at Saratoga, and I think they said Key West until they arrived at POR. They commented the biggest problem was people not knowing what resort they were going to, and even after several announcements, would wait until the bus was about to pull away, and yell, wait! I think this is my resort LOL!

There return trip was also good. They left POR at 3:55, (for a 6:50 flight) the same time we left DTD via car, and got there minutes after us, even after a couple of stops.

They would not hesitate using them again. They did do carry on only (and they flew on SW), but the buses luggage pulled up right after them, so they would do check in the next time.
Was waiting to here how it went for your DD.. That's great news.. If I go back to WDW alone - or with just my DD and granddaughter - I think I'm going to give it a try..

Considering the horror stories I heard about the Mears turned out not to be true, I kind of figured that after the dust settled ME would be a safe bet too...

Hope you had a great time on your trip.. Good to have you back home.. :flower:
It's great to hear positive reports about Disney's Magical Express!!! It just takes time to work out all the kinks. I can't wait until it's our turn. Tomorrow I'll be doing the single digit happy dance!!! :cool1:

Glad to hear good report. We are flying SW this July. 1st time flying in 13years and first time for kids dd11,dd8,dd3. Finally talked my husband into flying again so I am praying for a stress free flight.
I'm really happy to hear something positive! I went over to :ssst: shhhh "another board" :earseek: and there were all of these postings about people's luggage being lost for 2-4 days and waiting 2 hours just to get on a bus! I was starting to research prices on rental cars and private transportation. I'm starting to feel a little better about ME, but still nervous!
We used ME last week and would do so again. It's very easy to find where you're suppose to go because they have CM's down the line waving Mickey Hands. Once we got to the ME counter, it took us about 20 minutes in line then we followed another "Mickey Hand" outside. We were told where to stand and the busses were all lined up. Apparently, they were short ME busses because we were led to a cruise bus instead. They had small TV's on the bus running MM cartoons and we arrived at our destination in good time. Our room wasn't quite ready so went to lunch and when we got back, we went to our room and our luggage was there. All in all, a very good experience.

Returning was just as easy. You received a paper telling you what time to be down by the busses and you were taken to the airport. Got to the airport in good time. If you're staying at a Resort and don't have a car, this is definitaly the way to go.
We walked off the plane last Wednesday at 9:50 am and were departing on the ME at 10:05 am.

Our luggage tags did not arrive so we carried our own bags - didn't check anything. As soon as we arrived in Terminal A, there were many CMs waving their Mickey hands to the arriving passengers. We were directed to the ME Welcome counter on Level 1. Check-in took minutes. We were then directed across the way to line up for our bus. As soon as we reached the head of the line, 2 CMs arrived and one escorted us directly out to the waiting bus - we were staying at Pop Century.

We were the last of 4 stops - CBR, Beach Club, Yacht club, then Pop. We were checking in to the resort before 11:00 am. The whole experience could not have gone smoother.

On the return, we were given a 7:10 am pick-up for our 10:00 am flight. We arrived outside at 6:40 am to find a bus waiting. We boarded, three more people eventually came and the six of us left Pop at 6:50 am. No other stops en route.

We flew Southwest - they now have a check-in counter just down from the ME Welcome counter on level 1 - there was no one in line, but as we passed the regular check-in upstairs, that line was very long.

We will be returning in October and will definitely use ME again.


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