Gina & Kevin's at Home Wedding and Disneymoon 7-24-2010 Save the dates are out !


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2008
Good morning all! I have been a lurker on this board for awhaile now. I have decided that even though my wedding is still over a year away, it is never too soon to plan and talk about my plans and get ideas!

My name is Gina and I am 27 years old. I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pa but am now living in Stow, Ohio with my DF Kevin who is 22. I have heard all of the jokes about being a cradle robber, but oh well what can you do when you fall in love?


This is a pic of the two of us on my favorite ride ever Journey into Imagination with Figment!
congrats and welcome! looking forward to hearing more. :goodvibes We lived in pittsburgh for almost 20 I am familiar We are planning for a WDW VR in 7/2010:goodvibes
Thank you so much padisneyfour for the welcome and the congrats! I appreciate it.

I have some more time this morning so I want to tell everyone a little more about Kevin and I. First of all we have been together for almost four years and engaged for almost three. I will get back to that in a minute.
Kevin and I met in the summer of 2005 when we both worked for Geauga Lake Amusement Park in Cleveland, Ohio. I was very mean to him in the beginning, I would not agree to go on a date with him for almost six weeks. The age difference was the major factor. I just thought he was too young and I didn't know what other people would say. Finally I gave in on July 24,2005 and we went on our first date. It was an interesting first date. To take the pressure off, I invited a bunch of people over to watch a nascar race at my house and after the race was over and we both felt more comfortable, we drove up to Cedar Point for the afternoon and early evening. he says he knew right away, but it took me a bit longer to realize he was the one for me.

Our engagement story is where the magic happens. We have always been rollercaoster and amusement and theme park people. And almost three years ago we went to Kings Island amusement park for easter weekend. We headed down early on Good Friday and made it to the park right before it openend. All of our friends were also meeting there so it was going to be a good time. I could tell something was up with Kevin the minute we got there. he got really quiet, and very disappointed when our favorite rollercoaster the Beast was closed. But we pressed on and headed to the Racer:


we were in line and kevin was still being really quiet. this ride is a racing coaster where on side goes up forward and the other goes up backward. we chose backwards because in all reality its way more fun. We headed out of the station and as soon as wel started up the lift hill backwards, kevin pulled the ring out and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes and I was so thrilled and excited.

We have been engaged for almost three years because we wanted to wait until everything was just right to get married and this past summer everything fell into place. I was looking at a calendar because orginally i wanted to get married in sept and everyone I mean everyone in both of our families had an issue with the date, so I looked at all of the different summer months and I stumbled across July 24, 2010 which just happened to fall on a saturday and just happened to be our 5th anniversary and we determined as a couple it would be perfect and that is where the planning begins.....:love:
This is something that we struggled with for a long time before finally deciding that for the size of the people who would want to attend the wedding we would have to have a home wedding, which in all reality I am alright with. I was disappointed for a few weeks, but I moved on and the planning process for an at home wedding started....

The next question we moved on to was whether or not we should have the wedding at my home in Pittsburgh or around Cleveland somewhere? Kevin's parents wanted us to stay local and when I talked to my mom about it she was in agreement it would be easier to have the wedding n Cleveland. I felt it was very important to have our wedding in a place that is neutral location in Cleveland and that is what we did. We decided to keep the ceremony and the reception near our apartment in Stow. We are getting married at a beautiful catholic church in a nearby town and the reception is taking place at a country club about ten minutes from our house. Kevin picked the country club because he has golfed there several times. I had never seen the place, but when I did I actually fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I can't wait to get pics of the space and then I will show everyone!
Reading your engagement story, the thought going through my mind was "thank GOD he didn't drop it!":rotfl: I'm such a romantic!! :goodvibes

Anyodd - welcome to the boards! My DF is about 7 years older than me, and I questioned it when we got together, having a hard time with him being 31 and myself being 24. At that age it seems like a huge difference. But I'm 27 now and he's 34. I still tease him about robbing the cradle, but as the years go by the difference fades.

I'll stop blathering now - looking forward to reading more!! :surfweb:
Congrats! That's such a great engagement story, and it's strikes home with me, because my DF was planning to propose on the hill up Millennium Force at Cedar Point (we're from Michigan) but he couldn't wait til we were there in June, so he ended up proposing in April in Chicago. I'm so glad somebody got to have a coaster proposal! :)
that is so funny that you say that about Millenium Force, I used to work there long ago when i worked at Cedar Point
Good evening and greetings, just wanted to sit down and do some sort of update. It has been a long week! My company is getting ready for inventory and i hate inventory prep, that couple with st patrick's weekend, I haven't really done a lot of the wedding this week. I have been work on some DIY projects for the wedding and rehersal, I will try and get some pics up of that soon. I was supposed to go out with some of my BM's this weekend to try on dresses, but no one got back to me, so I am in Pittsburgh visiting with family instead and watching March Madness with my grandpa!
Hope everyone is well!
Hope you're having a good week! It's been crazy here too, I haven't done much updating to my PJ either, I've been doing :laundy: all day! Talk to ya soon! :)
Thanks! I am actuall going to a wedding tomorrow! maybe I will get some ideas. I also think while i am here I am goin to start lookin for veils. anyone have any ideas on veils?
Greetings from Pittsburgh everyone! I just got home from shopping with my mom and aunt. we were looking at different registry items for my cousin who is getting married in august and then the subject of my registry came up. We were in bed bath and beyond and my mom said something like, I really hope you register here, and I looked at her and said I did. she was suprised and really couldn't understand why i am registered already.
I explained to her that i registered at a few places, just to get a feel for registering. I have not been into stores yet to do the registering with the gun yet, but I have been adding things every once and awhaile when I am sitting at my computer. My mom then looks at me and says why don't you have them print it out, I want to see it. This was very shocking to me because my mom has been real hesitant with wedding stuff, because I think she feels that all of the focus this year needs to be on my cousin who is getting married in august. But I printed it out and I was shocked that it was ten pages! most of the things she kind of looked at and just asked why and others I think she generally liked. we shall see. ! It was great to see her finally get excited over something for my wedding!
Your engagement story is so cute! You guys sound like such a fun couple!

I can't believe you didn' talk to your mom about registering!!!!! My mom would be so angry if I just casualy dropped that on her. I am such an indecisive person though - I feel like I am going to have the worst time with it. My mom has been bugging me about picking out china for weeks now and we aren't even getting married until next Feb.

So lets hear it - whats on your list - what kind of stuff did you register for? I guess if its 10 pages just give us a few of your favorites. I have NO idea even where to start when it comes to registering and what to ask for other than china.

So do you have anything else picked out yet like your colors?

The beginning of planning is so exciting. My twin sister put a deposit down on a country club here last week she is now going crazy looking for bands and photographers and everything. It seems like a lot of fun.

Keep us posted!
:welcome: Gina! Great E-story (very risky lol)! You guys look like a great couple! And how awesome that your mom is pysched for your registry :yay:
Your engagement story is so cute! You guys sound like such a fun couple!

I can't believe you didn' talk to your mom about registering!!!!! My mom would be so angry if I just casualy dropped that on her. I am such an indecisive person though - I feel like I am going to have the worst time with it. My mom has been bugging me about picking out china for weeks now and we aren't even getting married until next Feb.

So lets hear it - whats on your list - what kind of stuff did you register for? I guess if its 10 pages just give us a few of your favorites. I have NO idea even where to start when it comes to registering and what to ask for other than china.

So do you have anything else picked out yet like your colors?

To answer your questions, I actually have a lot done already. Here are some of the things that are done:

Colors: Red, black and silver-mom doesn't like this for a summer wedding but i think it will be great!

Flowers,-mainly red, white, silver and black roses, my florist is amazing! He is a good friend of mine!

Reception Hall- Booked!

Dress- Has been ordered! Its an alfred angelo.. pm me for the link, I am pretty sure DF is reading this and I don't want him to see.

Limo- booked!

attendants picked, and asked already!

I am very thrilled with how much we have done already, it takes a lot of stress off of my mind!

and as for registering, some of my favorite things I registered for are anything Fiesta Ware. I love it. I am opting not to register for China, mainly because we are still living in an apartment and don't have the room for it. I registered for a dyson vaccum, which we need desperatly and I really hope we get, but I am not goin to hold my breath!

we need to get through our big family vacation before we can really focus on wedding stuff and that will happen probably late may early june. I am just gettting done as much as I can when I can !
Happy friday everyone! I am so sorry I have been such a slacker this week. Things have been incredibly hectic around here. Today is my works inventory and I have been closing all week, which means I have been sleeping during the day, so no planning on this girls end :(.

I will say my mom gave me some good ideas this weekend after the wedding she went to, she now wants to do mini champagne bottles at each of the settings, we shall see though how much that ends up costing.

That is going to be all for now, we will have more honeymoon details later.....
Thanks Angela! Well here is how the story goes, my DF is in Minnesota for a work related training trip, on the way up there NWA asked him if he wanted to be bumped and he did get bumped and recieved 250dollars worth of travel vouchers and since we have the weekend off already for our anniversary, we just decided to take a long weekend to disney...the only question is where will we stay? We are DVC members so i am hoping to stay at either VWL or AKV-Kidani which of the two we shall see..df is calling tomorrow!


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