DVC tour and presentation


May 9, 2000
My friend and I are going to WDW next week and are considering taking one of the DVC tours. Can anyone tell me what this entails - how long it takes, what they show you, if thre is any real pressure to buy then... ? It is something that several of us are considering for the future, so we thought that we'd check out the details now, but I don't want to be pressured. I can't do it right now. Also, I heard that they serve you lunch. Is that true? Where?

Thanks for the info!
Kaelyn, we took the tour years ago while visiting WDW with my sister. She got tired of hearing us say we might like to take the tour, so she called & arranged it for us. It is one of the least pressured "sales pitches" I have ever heard or been a part of. We were not in a position to make a purchase at the time. The guide kept in touch with us by mail & phone - nothing pushy though. When we ere ready, theguide, of course, was more than happy to help us. Also, keep in mind that CMs get a discount & that the price is increasing within a week - these thoughts may help you make a decision. I don't know what Disney does nowadays as a purchase incentive.

I know you aren't ready to make a purchase, but I will add that going to closing for our original purchase was one of the easiest closings I have done. Disney does not let you sign anything unless you completely understand it. Also, our state had certain additional papers to sign, & Disney had it all in order. when we purchased an add-on, the papers were sent to us at home. Again very easy!

Have fun!
Hi Kaelyn:

Go to your private messages. I sent you some information on DVC.

Ed - Thank you for the info. I will make that call when I get out of my next meeting.

Can anyone tell me how long it takes? This will be our last day there, and we are deciding how to spend it. Plus, we'll have a plane to catch. I really want to take the tour, though, and if it isn't more than a couple of hours, we should be able to fit it in. Is there a set time of day that they do it, or is it flexible?

Thanks, guys.

You are welcome for the info I sent.

The tour can be flexible and you can work it into your schedule. It can take less than 1 hour but again if you let the sale guide know ahead of time your time schedule they will work with you. they are nice people to work with so be upfront with them so they know what to expect. I would call as soon as you knew your schedule.

Good luck and enjoy your trip

DVC 1994
Last November on a week long trip to DW we were spending our last few hours walking around at the BW. On a lark we went into the DVC office to get some info, told them we had 45 minutes before we had to leave for the airport. We were given all the basics, shown some models (the VWL were just starting to sell) and given info to take home and read. Our 3 kids did not want to leave when the 45 minutes were up. Through lots of helpful phone calls with our guide, (she was so patient - I must have asked her the same banking question 5 different ways) we just sent back the paperwork last week, and will close in about two weeks. I would recommend more than 45 minutes, but they really will accommodate you. We are so happy we went in!
Valerie :earsgirl:
I am not sure if you are aware that as a CM you get a discount. I am not certain, but I think it's 15%??? I would definately ask about it when you take the tour.
There is no pressure to buy, you can leave anytime you want. We did not receive lunch when we bought years ago, but when we added on we did. I guess it depends on the guide.
that the DVC sales folks know the meaning of the word "pressure" when it comes to a sales pitch. The DVC tours and presentations are the most laid back sales pitches that I have ever seen. Even less than a Mercedes dealership.:)
My tour story.

We were staying at the Dixie in 1999. I was only 26 and with my Girl friend (now wife) who was 24. We had about 3 hours before our transfers to the airport. We went over to DD to waste time. On our way back we took the boat to OKW to see a different resort. I had no idea what DVC was. I was approched by a CM while at OKW.

He explained a little about DVC. He asked me if I was interested in a tour. Why not, I needed to waste some time. I explained that we only had 2 hours before pickup. He called a DVC van. We were then shipped over to BWV. After the tour, the DVC van drove us back to Dixie with 30 min to spare.

We were treated beyond the ordinary and were respected even though we were in our twenties.

We joined DVC 6 month later. :cool:

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