Does anyone have the mail in address for the Nissan test drive promo?--GOT IT! :)


<font color=006600>Found out it's not nice to teas
Apr 24, 2000
Super Mom posted this info awhile ago "If anyone is looking for 2-way radios Nissan is giving them away. Go to their website at and click on the link for the xterra. There is a certificate to print out. Take it to your local Nissan dealer and test drive a new xterra. The salesman needs to sign your certificate and give you a business card. Mail it in to Nissan "
I printed the form and have my signed ready to mail form! BUT I just reallized that the address you mail this into in not on the form we printed-- OK, so I'm a dope :rolleyes: ! The promo ends today and so I guess they have removed the info from their site, did anyone happen to print and save the address to mail this to?? Thanks so much :)



<font size="1">Disney trips:
Offsite- Dec 84, June 86, Easter 90, honeymoon June 91, May 94, April 98, Dec 98, April 2000
2 Whole Weeks June 2001

On site:
Feb 99- All Star Sports
Nov 00- Dixie Landings
Disneyana Convention!! Calif.-Sept '01!</font>

[This message was edited by Eeyore64 on 04-09-01 at 05:09 PM.]
I posted a reply to your question under Supermom's original post. If you can't find it there, let me know and I'll post it here.

<img src=>
Bless you!! I can now stop hitting my head against the wall for not making sure I had all the info before!!! :D
Thanks so much



<font size="1">Disney trips:
Offsite- Dec 84, June 86, Easter 90, honeymoon June 91, May 94, April 98, Dec 98, April 2000
2 Whole Weeks June 2001

On site:
Feb 99- All Star Sports
Nov 00- Dixie Landings
Disneyana Convention!! Calif.-Sept '01!</font>


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