Disposable Ponchos 2/88cents


Earning My Ears
Apr 28, 2001
Thought I'd share for anyone interested. We will be in WDW in June and want to be prepared for rain. I found a pack (a little larger than a deck of cards) of 2 disposable ponchos for 88 cents(1 yellow and 1 white). I didn't want to be bothered with our larger ponchos so was really excited when I found these at Big Lots near the car supplies. I got enough for each of us (4) for 4 showers. So for only $7.50, we're ready to do the parks in the rain! And NOT HAVE TO CARRY A WET PONCHO AROUND WHEN THE RAIN CLEARS!!! Yippeee! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Great idea! I'll be going by Big Lots tomorrow. Whenever it rains when we're at the theme parks, we're never prepared and we all end up soaking wet. Thanks.:bounce:
Thought I'd mention that I opened one to see what it was like. It has a nice big hood and is sealed up the sides with about a 20" arm opening. I'm 5'5" and it comes to my knees. I'm psyched - no need to worry about rain!! :p :bounce: :p :bounce: :p
Great Tip. This is always a problem for us. We must have 10 disney ponchos but once they are worn they are very difficult to tote around. I'm on my way to Big Lots.
WAA!!! no big lots near me.

That sounds like a great deal though
Thanks for the tip...... :pinkbounc I went first thing this morning and bought some, what a great deal they are. Last year out of 10 days we only had one rainy evening, but was I glad I had packed the ponchos....whew...it saved us a ton of money and we were glad to stay dry.

Thanks Thanks Thanks this is why I love this board
I found them here at Big Lots in Texas too! Also found small rubber flashlights with key chains for the kiddo's there!
Think i'll be hitting big lots...sounds like a great idea. We have 5 of us going and it always rains on us. Thanks for the tip
We just went to our local BigLot - didn't find the 2/.88 ones but they had some that are clear plastic and were only 59 cents each - not too bad. We bought a bunch- 3 per person (we are going in September and expect rain). What's really nice is they are folded up into about a 2x2 square thats about 1/2 inch thick - takes up no room in the knapsack!

Thanks for the tip jhines!!
Forgot to mention that if anyone doesn't have a Biglot near them I would be happy to pick up the $.59 ponchos and mail them to you if I can get reimbursed. Just drop me an email if anyone's interested!:cool:
Hey CynJ, those sound like they're packed even smaller than the ones I got. That's great!! That's what I liked about them besides the price - They won't take up much room in the fanny packs. I found some at Dollar Tree that were 2/$1 but they weren't quite as compact. They'd work if you didn't have a Big Lots around. For those prices you could be prepared for rain everyday!!! :bounce:
I couldn't find them at our big lots in Omaha either. But I got 88 cent ones at Walmart, I don't think they are "disposable", but at that price, they sort of are. I'm hopeful, the 10 day forecast doesn't show any rain, we leave in 2 days!!
I went to Big Lots today. Everyone else in town must read these boards because they only had one packet of the 2for88 left. I'll keep checking back every week until we go next month. They're compact - will fit great in our backpack. Thanks for the tip!:jester: :jester: :jester:
I just bought 2 disposable ponchos at Meijer's for .97 cents each!! Just thought I'd share!
take the ponchos! We were there the first week in April...weather said all clear HA!
Rained the 2nd day we were there and I mean rain! of course I forgot the ponchos and got caught in the down pour! So get those ponchos! Another plus with the ones besides disney is it is easier to find your PARTY!
When everyone has the same poncho it is so easy to lose everyone! Have fun!
Thanks for the tip. I'm going to check out our local Big Lots tomorrow. We will really be able to use these on our upcoming trip.... :bounce:

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