Disney Cruise ship cake

It's nice to hear so many positive comments! The fruits of my labor!! I knew if anyone would enjoy this cake, it would be all of you (you would have enjoyed it more in person, though--a taste is always better than a look!)

Okay, some specifics on the cake for those who asked:
The base cake (ocean) is a 12 inch round. I made that white cake.
The base of the ship is the Wilton football pan, made in chocolate. The top half of the ship is a cake I baked in a bread loaf pan and cut to the shape of the ship. I froze the cakes first, then cut while frozen (much easier that way). I did cut the sides of the football cake down to try to make it more to scale. The smoke stacks are from the loaf pan cake, and the tiny smoke stacks on top are little chocolate sprinkles. I used Wilton icing colors and home-made buttercream frosting. (except for the base of the ship-I started with premade chocolate-easier to color dark if you start with chocolate)

I ordered the Disney figures from CountryKitchen Sweet Art. They have a website, countrykitchensa.com. She told me that two of the figures were discontinued, but they had one of each left, so I lucked out on those. I'm sure you could get figures other places too. The palm trees came out of a container of dinosaurs my daughter had.

I can't take credit for all of the cake--my husband cut the shape for the top of the ship and put on some of the base icing. I took pictures almost step by step. I will try to get them posted on the site sometime soon, along with other pictures of the party.

Thanks again for your interest. Now at least if anyone else wants to do this, there are pictures to see!
Oh My Gosh, you did a fantastic job!!

How close to St. Louis are you? We're leaving for our drive on my daughter's 8th birthday. What a great birthday cake that would make! ;)
DS was looking over my shoulder and he said "cool birthday cake"
it looks neat!
Wonderful job on the cake - looks fantastic!
That is too cute. It looks much bigger in the pictures than the size cake pans that you used.

You're a great Mom to have gone to all this work for you DD. I'm sure that she was thrilled to show off her very special, one of a kind cake. :D :D :D
very nice job on the cake what kind was the inside i like gold
Oh my goodness...that is so sweet! I love it! I have twins and used to make one big cake...1/2 theme selected by each child. I might have ended up having bake fore ship, aft Pokeman. You wouldn't want a room on the back of that cake!
I am truly inspired. I just wish I had the time and talent to try one. My daughter has chosen for her 16th birthday a Disney Cruise so she and I are going in November. However, her bday is three days after our return. I would love to try it for her so please do post your pictures step by step if you can! I am loving the details you put into that. :D
Thank-you for sharing your how-tos. I didn't guess the football pan, very clever of you. I'm glad your unique birthday party turned out so well :)
Wonderful cake! This weekend I was proud of myself for buying a premade cake and managing to cut out something from fruit roll-ups that vaguely resembled a parrot to fulfill DS-7 BD wish! You are so talented, Carrie!

Absolutely amazing!!!! If that was my creation (fat chance) I would not have let anyone eat it. I would have had it bronzed.
How absolutely AMAZING !!!!
With the directons and step-by-step pics...I just may have to try it !!!
Wonderful job on the cake! Only in my dreams could I attempt a Disney cruise ship cake....LOL! Your daughter must have been so tickled with all the effort you put into making her party so special.
Love your family pictures too!
Thanks for sharing the details - I would love to try this myself.

Andy/Rae - How many will we need for the 50th birthday party?
Originally posted by figment52
Thanks for sharing the details - I would love to try this myself.

Andy/Rae - How many will we need for the 50th birthday party?

About 50!!! LOL!!! Are you going to make them for us Sandy???


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