Cruise Facebook Groups

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I just wish FB knew or in the very least admit that it all started HERE on the DIS. It isn't an original FB idea. I hate that I was reprimanded by posting a link on how FE came about on the 2005 PC cruise. The article linked it to the DIS but was not affiliated with the DIS. I hate the way it has turned into a Christmas score. It wasn't a bank breaker. I wish it was back to the days of everyone being thankful for whatever tiny little thing was given. It was simple, no rules and it was fun. I am in total shock of the way people say these days what they want, what they don't want. It was never like that until FB came into play. Oh how I long for innocence of the first few years of the FE.

I know how you feel ... how it changed and what transpired as a result with the infractions and banning etc ...

Have never been a social media person ... but things evolve ... as with how FE exchanges are being conducted. Good news is that there is one being arranged for our cruise on DIS ... the other news ... it's not the main one ...

The point is to give without expecting anything in return and then being happy with whatever you do get.
Great point cyclenut !
I think the focus has swayed so completely to Fish Extender Groups that I wish the Dis and/or FB would have separate "Cruise Meet Groups" that were exactly that, meaning a discussion area for Q&A between newbies and veteran Disney cruisers where they might also get to know each other if desired, especially learning if others in your local area are on the same cruise or that there are some you have sailed with previously. People can have meet-ups on the ship to be sociable without doing an FE or ornament exchange or prearranged large groups for Palo and such. They can get to know a little about each other online, discovering common interests or favorites, then plan to get together for a drink or a ship activity, or port adventure, or even link dining in some cases. It used to be that way, but that seems to be a lost cause now unless you want to weed through a majority of posts about the FE.

The evidence is that the first or pinned post of a Cruise Meet here or on FB tends to focus on soliciting FE participants, so may as well be renamed "FE Groups" instead of Cruise Meets. I understand its popularity, but it has grown at the expense of those of us who prefer to plan our cruise with our friends or family without turning it into a gift-giving (and carrying) event, although we would still like to get to know others and be sociable around the ship.
For those people who love FB, more power to them. But, please, don't keep lecturing me about how great FB is. I have no interest in joining it, or participating over there. I like our group here on DISboards.
I fail to see how pointing out the problems with the DIS is "lecturing." Nobody is saying you are bad person for not wanting to be on FB. But the PP's points are factual - the DIS does have a clunky and glitchy app, which greatly limits its utility to folks that access the internet through their mobile devices. There is no way to break the cruise meet up threads into conversations, so you are forced to waste time on posts that have zero interest or relevance to your plans.

If you'd rather stay on here, fine. The DIS is great for getting some forms of information, which is why I come here when I have a trip on the horizon. But unless this board is willing to make changes, this format just doesn't work well for meet ups and the continually decreasing numbers show that. Pouting and hoping that things go back to the "good ol' days" isn't going to reverse the trend. That ship has sailed (no pun intended).
I fail to see how pointing out the problems with the DIS is "lecturing." Nobody is saying you are bad person for not wanting to be on FB. But the PP's points are factual - the DIS does have a clunky and glitchy app, which greatly limits its utility to folks that access the internet through their mobile devices. There is no way to break the cruise meet up threads into conversations, so you are forced to waste time on posts that have zero interest or relevance to your plans.

If you'd rather stay on here, fine. The DIS is great for getting some forms of information, which is why I come here when I have a trip on the horizon. But unless this board is willing to make changes, this format just doesn't work well for meet ups and the continually decreasing numbers show that. Pouting and hoping that things go back to the "good ol' days" isn't going to reverse the trend. That ship has sailed (no pun intended).
I don't see it as "wasting time on posts". The whole idea was for everyone in the group to get to interact with each other, regardless of what the discussion is. Often, I find things posted by someone that I may not have thought about. Just because that particular post wasn't directed at whatever I most recently posted doesn't make it any the less relevant to the cruise or the group.

But to deride those of us who are quite happy with the way things work here, isn't very productive, in my opinion.
But to deride those of us who are quite happy with the way things work here, isn't very productive, in my opinion.
People have been explaining some of the reasons why FB meets up are flourishing while DIS meet ups are flailing. This whole thread has been respectful. I am sorry that you feel like people are "lecturing" you or "deriding" you for presenting an alternate opinion.
People have been explaining some of the reasons why FB meets up are flourishing while DIS meet ups are flailing. This whole thread has been respectful. I am sorry that you feel like people are "lecturing" you or "deriding" you for presenting an alternate opinion.
This thread, yes. But the subject often comes up with regularity on other threads with most people saying "Facebook is the way to go. DISboards is outdated and must change.".

There's really no reason to change anything. Just accept what's here and, if you need something more, go elsewhere.
I fail to see how pointing out the problems with the DIS is "lecturing." Nobody is saying you are bad person for not wanting to be on FB. But the PP's points are factual - the DIS does have a clunky and glitchy app, which greatly limits its utility to folks that access the internet through their mobile devices. There is no way to break the cruise meet up threads into conversations, so you are forced to waste time on posts that have zero interest or relevance to your plans.

If you'd rather stay on here, fine. The DIS is great for getting some forms of information, which is why I come here when I have a trip on the horizon. But unless this board is willing to make changes, this format just doesn't work well for meet ups and the continually decreasing numbers show that. Pouting and hoping that things go back to the "good ol' days" isn't going to reverse the trend. That ship has sailed (no pun intended).

I just feel the need to point out that the DIS does NOT have a clunky, glitchy app. There is no DIS app any more, the DISboards works perfectly well through your internet browser. If you are still trying to use the app, that is probably where you are going wrong.
I just feel the need to point out that the DIS does NOT have a clunky, glitchy app. There is no DIS app any more, the DISboards works perfectly well through your internet browser. If you are still trying to use the app, that is probably where you are going wrong.
Except the mobile browser version still sucks. As I scroll the site bring up a quote button that's always in my way of reading so I have to scroll up and try to move that button pop up to another section and then scroll back to wear I was reading and hope my scrolling doesn't retrigger the pop up again
[QUOTE="Angie789, post: 57145380, member: 399284" Pouting and hoping that things go back to the "good ol' days" isn't going to reverse the trend. That ship has sailed (no pun intended).[/QUOTE]

You may have been directing that at me. If you were, I think you are putting words in my mouth. Pouting is for children. Hoping things go back to the way they were isn't possible. I realize that. I said "I wish it was back to the days of everyone being thankful for whatever tiny little thing was given. It was simple, no rules and it was fun. I am in total shock of the way people say these days what they want, what they don't want. It was never like that until FB came into play. Oh how I long for innocence of the first few years of the FE." Those of us that were present when FE was created and still around today are truly the ones that understand the simplicity of the "good ol; days" as you put it.
So I'm about to sail my fourth DCL in about a month. There were 3 Fb groups created for this sailing that are now all combined into one and there is a thread on here for the sailing. The Fb group has been crazy active compared to the thread here. That's not for lack of trying either. I used to frequent the boards a lot more often, especially for my first couple of cruises. But the boards have died down in activity, due to how Fb tackles convos versus forum software. Now with regards to FE groups, a Fb and a DIS might share some people in common, but are two separate lists. In my 3 previous sailings we have always done both. But as an example our current sailing has about 18 people on the DIS group (split into two groups) and the Fb group has about 90 people split amongst 9 groups. Don't get me wrong, I love the DIS boards, but in the last three years the discussion has turned way down, especially for meetups. Even if there is one person stepping up to run the meetup thread, there needs to be people actively wanting to participate in that thread.
I was just thinking about FE groups in general. I'm in a FB group now and there's a long complicated google doc that feels sketchy. I know it's fine and just helps people make better FE gifts but it's a lot of info for a small trinket. The groups here do seem to be quiet, which is a shame.
Haha I've seen some of those and said nope. The only info you need from me is stateroom, names/ages/gender of each person, maybe a relationship to family such as grandma or uncle, and favorite characters. My favorite extra item I saw someone put on was "shirt sizes". Like WTH? You seriously expect people to make/buy a shirt for your cabin?
My favorite extra item I saw someone put on was "shirt sizes". Like WTH? You seriously expect people to make/buy a shirt for your cabin?

I've been in some groups with people who have Etsy stores and have given shirts and other personalized items as gifts. Those are the groups you want to be in.
I've been in some groups with people who have Etsy stores and have given shirts and other personalized items as gifts. Those are the groups you want to be in.
I think it's fun for some but my husband and I are 3x. It can cost a pretty penny to get us shirts. And goodness knows we can't afford to return the favor.
And goodness knows we can't afford to return the favor.
And therein lies the problem. I'm with others who've posted about the "good old days" when the gift giving wasn't a "who can give the best" situation.

We've gotten lots of "little" items that were quite nice - postcards local to the giver/favorite local recipies/homemade bookmarks/candy (yes, some of us just like candy).
I think it's fun for some but my husband and I are 3x. It can cost a pretty penny to get us shirts. And goodness knows we can't afford to return the favor.

I wouldn't worry about it. You can't control what others want to spend. If they choose to give a more expensive gift than you, that's their choice.
I wouldn't worry about it. You can't control what others want to spend. If they choose to give a more expensive gift than you, that's their choice.
I agree with PrincessSmoo. There was a day when that didn't matter. But I've come home from cruises and the same people I bonded with pre cruise are complaining about what they got. I've actually started avoiding the whole deal by going rouge and pixie dusting. That way I don't have to worry about getting anything.
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