Coming from NY. This is horrible

There is a lot of schadenfreude waiting to happen by many posters here. As much as you SAY you hope NY doesn't spike, you will darn well relish when it happens. It's all over some of your posts. Veiled, but it's there.

If you think WE NYer's aren't afraid of it happening, that just shows how clueless you are to how we know how tenuous we have it. AND WHILE we have it, we ARE going to celebrate it. Because we've lost too many NYers who don't have tomorrow.
I am only going to respond to this part and say that if that is the way my posts have across, I sincerely apologize. It appears my emotions have gotten the best of me as I absolutely want to see that NY has tamed this beast. I want to see other states take their lead from what NY has done because obviously it has worked. You are incorrect that I will relish if NY’s numbers rise. As I’ve said, this isn’t a game to be won, so I don’t want to see any state or country have a hard time with this. It’s disheartening to see states do nothing when they can see how bad it can get.

My only issue was with some NYers (it’s never been you) dumping on other states in a constant, repetitive way as though NY never had any problems. But I can see, I’ve actually been no better in trying to express my opinion on the matter.

So I will end it here and just say that whether you believe me or not, I’m rooting for NY and I hope CA’s most recent efforts provide the same result.
I'm in south Jersey where masks wearing sounds like it's better than at the shore or up north. But masks aren't what brought the numbers down initially - it was the stay at home order. Now that we're slowly opening back up, we're hoping things will go well by relying on a slow open, masks, and social distancing. I'm definitely not seeing gloating anywhere, but obviously we have very different folks on our FB feeds.

I'm really worried about what opening schools will do to the numbers, here and elsewhere. Both of our kids' colleges are planning on live classes, and my school district will definitely not be fully online.

If the NJ teacher's union has it's way and they test each child every single week they are in school, the numbers will go way, way up.

In NJ and NY in March and April they didn't test much. I wanted a test due to symptoms and they didn't test me because of a test shortage and I didn't qualify. That was early April. The more testing, the more cases, and the lower the mortality rate.
If the NJ teacher's union has it's way and they test each child every single week they are in school, the numbers will go way, way up.

In NJ and NY in March and April they didn't test much. I wanted a test due to symptoms and they didn't test me because of a test shortage and I didn't qualify. That was early April. The more testing, the more cases, and the lower the mortality rate.

I’m not really sure what that has to do with my comment. Testing isn’t what I’m focused on in terms of how “numbers” look - I’m referring to the general concept of people getting sick. Perhaps I shouldn’t use the term “numbers” because so many seem to politicize that. Anyway, what I mean is that when schools open up, my concern is that more people will get sick.
While the total population of NY state is 19.1 million people. Approximately only 3% of the cases and deaths happened in upstate NY -which has a geography of population similar to CA. I know, as I lived in L.A. for a few years, traveling back & forth to San Diego, Ventura County, & San Francisco.

Meanwhile 97% of the cases and deaths happened in the 8.5 million people in NYC due to the dense concentration of the population in a 45 mile radius. People living and working on top of each other, breathing in the same reconditioned, ventilated air indoors. And traveling via mass transit that placed them in tightly confined spaces, where there is little to no social distancing. It caused people to inhale high infectious doses from being that densely packed, moving about with no masks for the first 49 days. It caused the virus to spread like a wildfire through dry grass.

Since the whole state was given the same info and state-wide mandates, if the density of environment wasn't such a strong factor, the rest of the state would have had the same percentage in numbers of cases and deaths. The only times the state split and did something different is when we reopened in different Phases.

As for DeBlasio making that statement. I remember that time accurately. This whole event is seared into my memory as only someone with PTSD has. It was at the beginning, when we only had a few confirmed cases. The CDC demanded to do ALL the testing throughout all the U.S. Even when NYS said it wanted to set up it's own testing program, the CDC demanded that it be the ONLY and OFFICIAL testing program. So, NY as well as all other states had to send their tests to the CDC. They said they were on top of things, and that there would be Contact Tracing, so we would know where all the cases are. So NYS and NYC thought the virus was contained here. I remember succinctly, as I was going to a Celine Dion concert on Mar 5, (Day 5) and we were all hoping it wouldn't be canceled. I even posted here about going and pics of a full audience.

But, then the CDC could only send back 8-10 tests back - and after a 5 day lag for each batch. Meanwhile we were getting more suspected cases, that the state & city told to quarantine.

It wasn't until about Day 8, that the CDC finally ADMITTED that they only tested 8 tests THE WHOLE DAY, not per state, not per batch, the WHOLE DAY, and that they do not have the manpower or budget or a Pandemic Response Team to help them, that NYC realized we were in dire trouble. Thank God, NYS had started it's own testing program. But, the CDC debacle put us way behind getting control of the pandemic here. Within 3 weeks we had 20,000 cases here in NYC, not the rest of the state. Again, due to the dense concentration of our people. And our hospital system, within that 45 mile radius, of about 62 hospitals were overwhelmed with more cases than they could imagine.

I'm tired of other states telling us they had it bad. This is the actual numbers on Mar 23. Three weeks after we got our first case. Every. other. state. on this list had between 600-1800 cases spread out over your WHOLE state. (I'm not counting NJ. as they got infected from traveling back & forth between NY & NJ.) WE had over 20,000 in 3 weeks in a 45 mile radius. You had 19,000 LESS.


ENOUGH of you criticizing us. We had approximately 216,468 cases in NYC alone, and brought our numbers down to about 5-10 deaths per day throughout the state. NYC had zero deaths this weekend. And someone tried to take that away from us yesterday. :rolleyes:

The only time that a state has been similar is AZ, last week, where they got 20,000 new cases in 3 DAYS. And FL, yesterday, which got a total of cases in one day more than NYS' one day total ever. And YES. I pray for those people, going though what we did. It's actually worse.

There is a lot of schadenfreude waiting to happen by many posters here. As much as you SAY you hope NY doesn't spike, you will darn well relish when it happens. It's all over some of your posts. Veiled, but it's there.

If you think WE NYer's aren't afraid of a spike happening, that just shows how clueless you are to how we know how tenuous we have it. AND WHILE we have it, we ARE going to celebrate it. Because we've lost too many NYers who don't have tomorrow.
Where does LI, Westchester and Rockland fit in?
Where does LI, Westchester and Rockland fit in?

Aren't they pretty much part of that 8.5 million people? Perhaps I should have said downstate NY. When I said the NYC area is about a 45 mile radius, I kind of included those areas. It's about 32 miles from Times Square to New Rochelle, where Patient Zero happened. One night, Suffolk County and Nassau County, LI each got about 500 new COVID cases go to the hospitals the same night. :( So, I included those areas.

However, their numbers seem to be somewhere in between upstate & NYC. And in terms of reopening, they are already in Phase 4, whereas NYC is in a holding pattern in Phase 3.
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Aren't they pretty much part of that 8.5 million people? When I said the NYC area is about a 45 mile radius, I kind of included those areas. It's about 32 miles from Times Square to New Rochelle, where Patient Zero happened. One night, Suffolk County and Nassau County, LI each got about 500 new COVID cases go to the hospitals the same night. :( So, yes, I included those areas.

However, their numbers seem to be somewhere in between upstate & NYC. And in terms of reopening, they are already in Phase 4, whereas NYC is in a holding pattern in Phase 3.

There are 8.3 million people in the 5 Boroughs. That's why I was confused by the numbers.
Anyone who was an adult on 9/11 knows what it was about. This idea that only NYC was affected is wrong.

At 12:32pm 9/11, I found out I was pregnant. The dr's office people fought over who was going to give me the good news. So bittersweet. I felt twinges of guilt because so many people lost loved ones, and I got the news. (Turned out to be triplets).

People, we are in this together. Barring throwing people in jail for not wearing masks, keeping social distancing, etc, there are people out there who will disregard the rules. Doesn't matter who is in office. Best we all can, actually, should do. is make sure everyone we know, love, tolerate, follow the rules EVERY time they venture out past the front door. This will help tame the Coronavirus dragon.
I'm in NJ and there are MANY people who are not wearing masks and NOT social distancing - northern NJ and the shore -- all over, really. In the beginning they told us most everyone will get it and the purpose for the lock down was to slow it down. Now everyone thinks no one should be getting it. Like a cold virus or the flu it is going to spread. The idea was to try to slow it down if possible.

Anyone gloating and pretending that they had any control over the spread, esp when their numbers are way above and beyond the rest of the country.... it's just a really dumb thing to do. Not saying anyone here is doing that but I see it on Facebook and cringe.

We have a very different experience. I’m in Central NJ and everyone I’ve seen is wearing a mask. Also anywhere you d.go that is indoors REQUIRES a mask
I live in North Passaic County NJ and masks are 98%* in stores. Many stores have been 100% masks for 3+ months, like the local ShopRite and Home Depot. My sister who lives more northwest in Sussex Co saw much lower compliance in April but they came around before June. Working in Jersey City (across the river from Manhattan) there has been very good mask compliance & distancing there as well. Same thing where my doctors are in Edgewater.

Westchester and Rockland are technically NY state, they are directly above the NJ border not far from where I live. The westernmost part of Long Island is 2 of the 5 NYC boroughs, Queens and Brooklyn. Long Island's pretty big really (over 8 million people altogether), and the population outside of Queens and Brooklyn is counted in with NY state.
Enjoy irony? Look at Queens, see the 2 international airports JFK and Laguardia. Smack dab in between is the Coronavirus capital of the world, a neighborhood recently clocking in 68% positive on antibody testing. The neighborhood's name?
Corona, Queens. Take Corona Ave right on in. They were among the first and hardest hit when nobody knew to take precaution and so many there work at the airports.

*eta - on rare occasion I'll see a person inside gas stations or corner stores without a mask. That's about it.
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If you're going to put words in my mouth, make sure to get them correct. I NEVER said for a long time. But that fact remains that what I said was true and did actually happen.

And I will hold whatever opinions I want of how NY handled it. And their attitude now. And if you kept up on this thread, or any of them, I have clearly said I don't agree with how AZ, TX or FL are handling things now, so stop using them as your examples when I NEVER brought them up. I have never put anything on NY. I just said that it's premature for NY to declare themselves the winner (which honestly is a stupid goal to have in a pandemic) when the numbers currently show otherwise. Maybe in the end, NY will show numbers that they did better than everybody else and then you can gloat. But honestly it's a bad look.

And if I don't get to have an opinion on how NY did it, you certainly don't get to have one on how CA is doing it now. After all, I live here and you don't. Isn't that you're reasoning?

I didn't put words in your mouth and what you did get right is you can have whatever "opinion" you want of how NY handled this, but that is all it is, an "opinion". Not a fact. I live there and I am giving you first hand knowledge, you want to ignore that and go along with propaganda or baloney from "infotainment" news stations or whatever, that is up to you. I didn't bring up CA, I was responding to YOU putting on misinformation about how NY responded to Covid with propaganda and things that just are not true. Don't twist this. I actually admired the way CA responded initially and said so, they were quicker than NY.
I hope for all our sakes that the numbers go down everywhere in a hurry. My US passport is currently meaningless and I would very much like for that to change because foreign governments don't care that NY (or CA) have the virus under control currently, nor do they care that I have a positive antibody test and a negative COVID test as of 7/20/20, they care that the United States has had nearly 4 MILLION cases, far and away the most of any developed nation, because we just cannot get it together here as a whole.
While the total population of NY state is 19.1 million people. Approximately only 3% of the cases and deaths happened in upstate NY -which has a geography of population similar to CA. I know, as I lived in L.A. for a few years, traveling back & forth to San Diego, Ventura County, & San Francisco.

Meanwhile 97% of the cases and deaths happened in the 8.5 million people in NYC due to the dense concentration of the population in a 45 mile radius. People living and working on top of each other, breathing in the same reconditioned, ventilated air indoors. And traveling via mass transit that placed them in tightly confined spaces, where there is little to no social distancing. It caused people to inhale high infectious doses from being that densely packed, moving about with no masks for the first 49 days. It caused the virus to spread like a wildfire through dry grass.

Since the whole state was given the same info and state-wide mandates, if the density of environment wasn't such a strong factor, the rest of the state would have had the same percentage in numbers of cases and deaths. The only times the state split and did something different is when we reopened in different Phases.

As for DeBlasio making that statement. I remember that time accurately. This whole event is seared into my memory as only someone with PTSD has. It was at the beginning, when we only had a few confirmed cases. The CDC demanded to do ALL the testing throughout all the U.S. Even when NYS said it wanted to set up it's own testing program, the CDC demanded that it be the ONLY and OFFICIAL testing program. So, NY as well as all other states had to send their tests to the CDC. They said they were on top of things, and that there would be Contact Tracing, so we would know where all the cases are. So NYS and NYC thought the virus was contained here. I remember succinctly, as I was going to a Celine Dion concert on Mar 5, (Day 5) and we were all hoping it wouldn't be canceled. I even posted here about going and pics of a full audience.

But, then the CDC could only send back 8-10 tests back - and after a 5 day lag for each batch. Meanwhile we were getting more suspected cases, that the state & city told to quarantine.

It wasn't until about Day 8, that the CDC finally ADMITTED that they only tested 8 tests THE WHOLE DAY, not per state, not per batch, the WHOLE DAY, and that they do not have the manpower or budget or a Pandemic Response Team to help them, that NYC realized we were in dire trouble. Thank God, NYS had started it's own testing program. But, the CDC debacle put us way behind getting control of the pandemic here. Within 3 weeks we had 20,000 cases here in NYC, not the rest of the state. Again, due to the dense concentration of our people. And our hospital system, within that 45 mile radius, of about 62 hospitals were overwhelmed with more cases than they could imagine.

I'm tired of other states telling us they had it bad. Or how they handled it so much better. This is the actual numbers on Mar 23. Three weeks after we got our first case. Every. other. state. on this list had between 600-1800 cases spread out over your WHOLE state. (I'm not counting NJ. as they got infected from traveling back & forth between NY & NJ.) WE had over 20,000 in 3 weeks in a 45 mile radius. You had 19,000 LESS.


ENOUGH of you criticizing us. We had approximately 216,468 cases in NYC alone, and brought our numbers down to about 5-10 deaths per day throughout the state. NYC had zero deaths this weekend. And someone tried to take that away from us yesterday. :rolleyes:

The only time that a state has been similar is AZ, last week, where they got 20,000 new cases in 3 DAYS. TX too. And FL, yesterday, which had a one day total number of cases is greater than NYS' one day total ever. And YES. I pray for those people, going though what we did. It's actually worse.

There is a lot of schadenfreude waiting to happen by many posters here. As much as you SAY you hope NY doesn't spike, you will darn well relish when it happens. It's all over some of your posts. Veiled, but it's there.

If you think WE NYer's aren't afraid of a spike happening, that just shows how clueless you are to how we know how tenuous we have it. AND WHILE we have it, we ARE going to celebrate it. Because we've lost too many NYers who don't have tomorrow.

I just want to thank you for all your posts on this subject. They have been the best I have seen on here, intelligent, informative and right on! :lovestruc
NY travel advisory for 31 states now, in case no one has mentioned.

There’s another thread on the boards about NY to Orlando travel, and I posted on there my concerns that Florida is on track to have more cases than NY by the end of the week. That post was removed, so thought I’d share the observation here, where maybe it is more on topic. I think it’s an important mile marker to be aware of. Don’t see the NY to FL advisory being lifted anytime soon.
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WNYer here. I've been tracking the numbers for Erie Co (Buffalo) and Monroe Co (Rochester) since March. Erie Co has about 20-25% more people than Monroe Co, but just about double the number of positive cases and deaths. Why the difference? 1) Were more people traveling to Erie Co from hot spots? 2) The Monroe Co Executive shut down the county a week or more before Erie Co did. Did that time period have a huge effect? 3) Was there a slower buy in for masks/stay at home? Was it a combination of all three? I don't know.

It is definitely hard to see people in other states not follow guidelines, especially since more than half of our new July positives have a link to Florida travel.
NY travel advisory for 31 states now, in case no one has mentioned.

I created another thread just for the travel advisory info, which I keep the first post updated as soon as new info comes out. It's been updated three times now.

I'd like to keep the posts and questions there to just travel advisory stuff, as much as possible. So people actually traveling, or wanting to travel won't get bogged down and confused by other posts as threads, like this one, tend to meander.

This thread here can be used to post other pertinent & interesting info.

I forgot to post a link to the new thread. :blush:

The NY/NJ/CT Travel Advisory thread is at:
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