"Collections" at work....

For me my workplace is a community, almost like an extension of my family, and family members help and support one another. I totally don't mind chipping in for baby shower, funeral flowers ect because that is what friends do! I would hate to work in a place where we were so cold with one another that someone would feel like it was an imposition to ask for $5 on a baby gift! We spend more of our day at work than at home, so it is really important that it be a plesant place to be.
I tried to have a collection this year in my small office instead of an office grab bag for Christmas (there are 10 of us total). Since we are all lucky enough to have jobs, our health, homes, food, etc., I thought it would be nice to donate the money that we would spend on each other to adopt a family for the holidays. None of us need gifts.

I was told that I was a grinch, and that I was taking all of the fun out of the holiday. And these are all grown adults.:sad2:

What we did one year was pick names. And then buy a toy for the person whose name we picked. The toy had to be something that reminded you of the person or you thought the person would like. I bought my person a little garden aquarium thing because she likes to garden. The person who had my name picked something Disney. Then we donated everything to toys for tots. We still had the fun of shopping for a person and opening gifts, etc. But then the kids benefited.

It was much better than a secret santa or whatever because I don't need any more $10 knick knacks!!

I am in charge of the social committee at my school. We collected $20 from teachers and $10 from support staff for the entire year. It covers baby & wedding shower cakes (we have three this year), decorations, all paper & plastic goods for staff breakfasts, lunches & holiday party. It buys Get Well cards, sends a plant from the staff if someone is in the hospital and buys gifts for principal & secretaries on those respective "Hallmark" calendar days. We also put a monthly treat in the staff mailboxes each month. So for basically $2 a month, it covers everything. That's not a bad deal, I think.
While on the topic of ranting about this...

No raises in three years
haven't replaced employees that have left... We do more
took away our personal days SIX days
changed my schedule and now I'm forced to put kids on daycare after school

and the 'favorite' employee that works part time and gets benefits she isn't entitled to wonders why we don't want to contribute 25 bucks to give the bosses(physicians) gift cards to a restaurant.

Call me a grinch

this expense is just NOT in my budget
I work in an office where there are almost no other women. There is very little of it because guys don't organize baby showers or feel the need to recognize each other's birthdays.

Sometimes I contribute, depending on the purpose. Since things like baby showers are so rare, I'll buy a baby shower gift (if they were common, I wouldn't attend the showers except for 'good work friends.') Some of the charities I'll throw money towards, but it depends on the charity. Mostly, however, I just say "sorry, it isn't in my budget."
I am the person who has to collect in my office and some days I really hate it. I have had to put limits on what I am willing to do.

We do a monthly birthday cake and when the fund is low I send an email and people drop money in the bucket.

We send flowers for funerals of immediate family members.

We send flowers if an employee goes in the hospital.

We do a baby shower for the first baby, but I try to encourage everyone to bring their own gift and I pay for the cake out of the cake fund.
Wow- If you don't wanna give, don't.
We have a young single mom who is struggling this year at my work. (Very small staff and we are all pretty close) We are buying gifts for her to give her children. When anyone loses a loved one, we all chip in to buy flowers, if someone can not afford it, they tell us and we pick up the slack. No problem and no judgements. You should not feel guilty because you can not give, it happens and we all have our tough times.
One of the women who have been out that they fund raise once a month for has actually "requested" some specifics too.. in addition to cash, she would like:

new pots & pans, new pillows and bed sheets, new comforters, new silverware..
like I said,she is out sick.. she isn't renovating her home or redecorating it!

That email really irked me and that was when I stopped giving to her fund. I am sorry, but when you go that far as to "ask" for certain items in addition to the cash (oh, and Angel Food Ministries Food once a month), then it is getting out of hand. She has a live in boyfriend who doesn't work :sad2: I feel that she is taking advantage of her co-workers generosity!
Oh, and I did forget to mention that since we are a school, we are "expected" to contribute to school function fundraisers too :confused: So add that all together and you do go a bit over the top.. it isn't just the occasional funeral or tragic event where someone needs help.. They hold School Nights at local food establishments and you are pressured into going .. once (sometimes twice) a week!
What we did one year was pick names. And then buy a toy for the person whose name we picked. The toy had to be something that reminded you of the person or you thought the person would like. I bought my person a little garden aquarium thing because she likes to garden. The person who had my name picked something Disney. Then we donated everything to toys for tots. We still had the fun of shopping for a person and opening gifts, etc. But then the kids benefited.

It was much better than a secret santa or whatever because I don't need any more $10 knick knacks!!


Oh, I love that idea! It's probaby too late to do that where I work for this year, but I'm going to suggest it next year for sure. Thanks!
I tried to have a collection this year in my small office instead of an office grab bag for Christmas (there are 10 of us total). Since we are all lucky enough to have jobs, our health, homes, food, etc., I thought it would be nice to donate the money that we would spend on each other to adopt a family for the holidays. None of us need gifts.

I was told that I was a grinch, and that I was taking all of the fun out of the holiday. And these are all grown adults.:sad2:

Yikes! I suggested that this year in my office - we talked about adopting a family during a staff meeting. Then we started talking about a gift exchange at our holiday potluck and I suggested instead maybe we could just do the adopt-a-family and people could put toward that what they would have the gift exchange instead, if they wanted. We all agreed to do that. Times are hard but we are blessed to have our jobs and I felt a lot better doing that than a meaningless gift exchange amongst ourselves.

We don't do birthdays or anything like that, but we do take up a collection for weddings, babies, etc. The "suggested" amount is $20 but it's optional and the envelope is kept in someone's desk - you just check your name that you've acknowledged it and add money if you like. In my previous workplace it was more like $10...we have 24 women (no men in our office) so at a $20 donation each, those are some pretty hefty gifts. I don't think they usually get $20 from everyone, and I think in some workplaces it probably gets way out of hand, but I am okay with weddings and babies.

What I'm not crazy about is our summer retreat...I feel we should be able to just do our potluck and play games and do our teambuilding, but instead we all chip in $10 each so that we can buy a ton of crappy decorations and supplies from Oriental Trading, drinks, etc. With so many people, we could easily all sign up to bring potluck items, a few people could sign up for paper plates/drinks, etc. I think blowing $240 on a retreat is a waste.
For me my workplace is a community, almost like an extension of my family, and family members help and support one another. I totally don't mind chipping in for baby shower, funeral flowers ect because that is what friends do! I would hate to work in a place where we were so cold with one another that someone would feel like it was an imposition to ask for $5 on a baby gift! We spend more of our day at work than at home, so it is really important that it be a plesant place to be.

I was just reading another thread where the OP was going to have to decline an invitation because they would need to spend $5. The OP has things pretty tight and just can't afford it right now. I don't think that makes them cold.

There are some things that I chip in for, and some that I don't. It depends on what it is, and who it is for. I never feel like I am obligated to chip in thankfully. And as far as fundraisers go, we are not allowed to ask others to buy, we can only have it posted in the break room. Makes it easier to not buy if you don't want to.
What we did one year was pick names. And then buy a toy for the person whose name we picked. The toy had to be something that reminded you of the person or you thought the person would like. I bought my person a little garden aquarium thing because she likes to garden. The person who had my name picked something Disney. Then we donated everything to toys for tots. We still had the fun of shopping for a person and opening gifts, etc. But then the kids benefited.

It was much better than a secret santa or whatever because I don't need any more $10 knick knacks!!


Oh my gosh. I love this idea also. It's also too late where I work, but I will suggest it next year. We do a Secret Santa thing now. If my coworkers don't like this idea, I can always ask for a toy for myself to donate....I really don't need any more "things".


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