Christina and Mark's PJ - Can I do it all again please?! A few photos....

wow, everything is gorgeous! I love your dress...I seriously considered a Mori Lee... :) Plus I love the crystal bouquet idea!
Thanks all! :goodvibes I'd never seen a crystal bouquet until I went to the bridal shop... I've always been a little bit... urm... different, and once I saw it I knew I really had to have it instead of a floral bouquet. That will be my little bit of bling for the day!! Also, my Mum has collected swarovski crystal for as long as I can remember, so it already has a place of honour booked in her crystal cabinet... which I guess is only fair seeing as how she paid for it and it'd only get shoved in the attic here at home!! Hahahaha
Congratulations to you! Love your story. Beautiful dress and bouquet you have chosen.

Happy planning, can't wait to read more.
The last song we'll walk out to is 'Everlasting Love' It was originally a 60's song by a band called Love Affair, but U2 did a cover version in the 80's so we're going to use that instead! Our wedding just wouldn't be 'us' if we didn't include SOME U2 in it!

I just found your PJ... congratulations! I've skimmed through as I'm getting ready for my wedding, but I can't wait to read all of your details!

I noticed your photo outside U2's recording studio and had to post something! I love your music plans-- if I had things my own way that's how it would be, but DF has much different tastes! :rotfl: We included "Everlasting Love" on our wedding CD for our guests. I snuck a bit more U2 on the CD unbeknownst to DF as well! :woohoo: Walking down the aisle to The Style Council sounds fantastic!

Very much looking forward to reading the rest of your plans!
Morning all!!

Everything feels like its coming together now! We went shopping yesterday for a BM dress and got a lovely Forever Yours dress that was in the sale. Its a 2 piece claret colour with a long skirt (that I THINK we are going to have shortened to tea length) with a strapless top which has some crystal sparkles. We were so lucky to find it... Its an end of line style so that was the only one in the shop and the colour was just perfect. I'll get around to taking some photos later but we currently have a bit of a house full with FMIL being here, along with my own mum, and DF's daughter!

I also spoke to Laura Kidd yesterday about flowers and the table at the Chefs Domaine. I'm just waiting for her to email me the proposal but everything she suggested sounded absolutely lovely! We'll be having 2 floral arrangements for either end of the table made up of ivory and claret gerbera (my absolute favourite flowers), roses and tulips in a claret colour..... sprayed with some sparkly stuff (I've forgotten what she called it but i'm sure you'll know what i'm on about) and with some crystals scattered in the arrangement. We're also having a few votives on the table with rose petals scattered on ivory table linen with claret coloured napkins! It sounds absolutely dreamy and I can't wait to see the photos she sends me so I can picture what it looks like.

Right... time to go out for a run! I've been slack over the last few days when it comes to eating and exercise! I'm great at this healthy eating business when i'm working and its just us at home... The minute we have visitors I somehow think that takeaways are calorie free!!!

Have a good day all



I said this in my PJ, but I though it should share it in yours. Your dress is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love how sparkly it is and your crystal bouquet is gorgeous. I can't wait to read your TR and see your wedding photos.

Also congratulations on your weight loss. I know how hard it can be. I've most of what have been trying to lose in the past year. So you've done a GREAT job!! :cheer2:

Hiya all.

I haven't really had much time over the last few days to be online... with christmas so close I decided it was about time I spent my days off writing cards and wrapping presents! I love christmas... I love the hussle and bustle in the shops and the frantic present and food shopping... This year i've been wishing it all away though so March comes more quickly!!! :goodvibes

I have, however, kept myself busy on the wedding front! I've managed to book a photographer who I've read good reviews about and whos online photographs I thought were stunning (I tried for Randy but he was booked already!) His name is Robert McClory so any opinions would be greatly appretiated. Hes going to be present during the dinner and also for a couple of hours afterwards to get some photos of us watching Wishes... Which is why I am SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!! I have just managed to book the Grand 1 to watch Wishes from!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeek!!! My heart is still beating like a drum!!! I was hitting redial on my phone 10 minutes before opening time until I was convinced the battery was going to die!!! Anyhow, its all booked! I've also decided that I am going to have our wedding cake waiting on the boat, along with chocolate strawberries and some champers!!! I'm going to pretend to my folks and OH that its a waste of time getting a wedding cake for just a small number of us... I'm thinking of ordering the mini-cakes for our wedding dessert and then having an actual wedding cake waiting for us on the boat.

I've also booked tux fittings for the 3 guys in my life (DF, DS and Dad) along with arranging for my gown to be steamed! I also ordered shoes, a silk bouquet and hair accessories for my bridesmaid... I went to take photographs of everything this morning to show you guys, but the camera died so its on charge so I can take some later!

DF is away right now at the funeral of one of his friends mum, so I took the opportunity to try everything on together whilst the house was empty! I've got to say.... I have no doubts whatsoever about my dress and accessories! If anything, they looked better than I remembered! I'm currently just trying to figure out what to do about my hair! My DF would typically go and ask me to marry him the week after I had it all cut into a jaw length bob!!!! I have naturally very thick and curly hair which I normally spend hours straightening, but I liked the look of it yesterday left loose and curly... and the top is long enough to have it pinned into curls... kind of like half-up/half-down style. I've booked myself into my local hairdressers for late feb to have a trial so she can take some photos for me to show Lisa... I'll just feel more comfortable with a definite style in my mind rather than allowing someone i've never met before to go to work on me!!!

Anyhow, thats all my news for now! I'm currently working nights so I'm about to head to bed (its past midday here in the UK) and i'm up again for work at around 6ish...I couldn't go to bed when I go home this morning as I had to wait to phone about the cruise... although I shall probably be back in 20 minutes as I feel FAR too excited to sleep!!!

Have a good day everybody, and happy holidays and happy planning!!!


How exciting for you!! :dance3: Congratulations on booking the Grand 1 for your Wishes cruise! I can't wait to hear all about it and see your pics....
Eeeek! Has it really been so long since i've updated this? I guess I haven't really had all THAT much to write about... and work the past few weeks has been seriously busy and when we haven't been at work we've been blowing snotty noses and swallowing antibiotics.. We have all been struck down with the dreaded flu and chest infections that seem to have been sweeping the country!

I'm off for my dress altering next Saturday which is a bit daunting seeing as how i've felt too tired to bother going to the gym for the last couple of weeks! I've also been craving sweet stuff like you would not believe... which is so unlike me (and nope, i'm NOT preggers! LOL)... I guess my body just feels like it needs sugary stuff right now. I've just packed my gym kit though to head to the gym after work tomorrow and I plan to polish my halo off and be an angel on the fitness and food front for the next week!!

I'd been stressing alot about transporting my dress over from the UK. Our airline carrier (Virgin) won't allow dresses in dress bags in the cabin, and if 1 in 10,000 dresses get lost in transit because they have gone in the hold, then you can guarantee that mine would be THAT one!! I was actually losing sleep over it when I came across a post on another forum I use about a site company called The Empty Box Company that make Bridal Dress boxes in the same dimensions as cabin luggage so I ordered one... It was reasonably priced, arrived pretty quickly, looks beautiful and most importantly appears to be incredibly sturdy. The shop I bought my dress from have agreed to let me take the dress and the box in, and they will pack it for me... so thats once less thing I can fret about!

We'd orginally arranged to hire suits for the guys at Carolyn Allens... but had a change of plan a few days ago. I was starting to panic something would go wrong, i'd get the measurements wrong or DF wouldn't like them etc, so I called in at our local menswear shop a couple of days ago dragging DF kicking and screaming (It was his only day off and I had to tear him away from his book).. and we arranged hire through them. Again, they were really reasonably priced (Just short of £300 for nearly 3 weeks hire.. it would obviously be much less if we didn't need them for so long) and DF looked absolutely gorgeous in it!! We really are a jeans and t-shirt kind of couple, so seeing him all dressed in his suit for something other than a funeral had me REALLY excited!! He's 6'5 with a really nice build, so he can pretty much get away with wearing anything and he'll look good. He went for a black frock coat with matching trousers, claret coloured neckwear which is much wider than a tie, but not a cravat... It has a regular tie knot and I think the shop called them a scrunchie, and a silver waistcoat. DS is off for his fitting just a couple of weeks before we fly as he is currently having a bit of a growth spurt... Jeans he was bought for christmas are too short already, and he is loving the fact he only has a couple of inches to go until he is taller than me!!! My Dad is driving up here on Saturday to be measured for his... DS and Dad are going for the same suit as DF, as long as Dad doesn't look like a complete plonker in a frock coat... hes only about 5'8 so he might actually be a bit too short to pull it off, in which case Dad and DS will just opt for the regular dinner jackets.

(Am I boring you all yet?!) :goodvibes

I got an email from the place I have ordered the silk flowers for my Bridesmaid and the guys from yesterday to say they have posted them out, so I'm hoping that they arrive tomorrow with a bit of luck as I am desperate to see them so I can get some more ordered if I don't like them. To be honest, I really like fresh flowers but the flowers I ordered look really realistic, and I just want as much stuff as possible arranged before we go. I've also decided not to bother with favours for our guests in America... I had already planned on buying a more substantial kind of gift for our guests seeing as how they are our parents and kids so i've arranged to have them delivered to The Chefs Domaine to hand out during dinner. I think we are going to go with gift baskets for our folks tailored with stuff each person will like with some floral included for our Mums, and i've found a company online that make candy bouquets so thats what our kids are getting (Along with dental insurance!!!). We are, however, going to have a basket of favours for our guests to help themselves at our reception over here.... I'm just not entirely sure what they are going to be yet. I think I might have a mixture of different things... Some candles, some CD's, some candy and something else.

Our invites for our reception at home went out at the beginning of the week, and we've had a few RSVP's back already! :goodvibes Myself and DF both live away from our families so we really appretiate the fact that everyone is willing to travel and pay hotel expenses to celebrate with us! The place we are having the reception isn't fancy by any stretch of the imagination and open bars are really really uncommon here in the UK... Guests all pay for their own drinks, particularly at evening receptions, so it was really important to us that our guests weren't having to pay over-inflated hotel bar prices. We're holding it at our local cricket club where the drinks are cheap! It holds about 120 people, and i've invited about 160! Eeeeek!! It has a snooker hall attatched though, and I know that most of the guys in our families who have been invited will wind up heading there most of the evening! We've hired a DJ who is going to do a mix of regular DJ'ing and also Karaoke (we both come from the kind of families who will get up and sing!) and i've decided to wear my dress for the reception but take some other clothes with me to change into later in the evening so I can have a good dance!!! We thought we had settled on music for our ceremony, but i'm having second thoughts now!! Its still up for discussion as to what we will finally settle on! We know U2 will be included as our recessional song, and The Style Council will feature somewhere... I just don't think i'm going to walk down the aisle to it... and I'm thinking I might have 'At Last' by Etta James instead... Oh decisions decisions!!! I'd kinda like 'You Got a Friend In Me' by Randy Newman included during our Unity Ceermony. I want to include our kids in the ceremony and this is the song I would sing to DS as he was falling asleep when he was a little boy! :) We THINK our first dance is going to be to 'Slow Dancing' by Willie Nelson... although this will probably change a dozen times too! I've suddenly been struck with a disease which means I can't make a choice and stick to it! Aghhhhhhhhh!

I can't even begin to describe how helpful everyone at Disney has been when I've been planning things... So much so that i've started a really nice online friendship with one of the Disney employees who has helped me no end. I can't wait to meet her in person... We've discovered we're so alike its actually quite scary really! So not only have I gained tons of information, but i've managed to gain a friend too!

Its 7 weeks tomorrow until we fly... Oops, make that 7 weeks today now, and another 56 days until I marry my very best friend! The pair of us are beyond excited! Its been the last thing we talk about each night before we fall asleep, and it fills our conversation during our days! I've wrote my wedding vows but Mark still has to write his. We had planned on keeping them a secret from each other until the actual day, but I sobbed my way through writing them and ended up showing them to him as I figured we would just be way too emotional on the day if the pair of us didn't have some idea of what the other was going to say... and I just can't wait until March 20th when I can say them for real!!

Right, thats it for now... its after 1am and I have to be up in 5 hours for work! Oooops!

I hope all of your planning is going great! I have 4 days off next week, so with a bit of luck I will be able to sit at the computer and read through everyone elses plans!!


I'm really not sure where to start and there isn't really anything anyone can say, but I thought I would pound out my temper on the keyboard and maybe I will feel a bit better about everything then!

We have had nearly a weeks worth of wedding dramarama of grand propotions and i'm absolutely convinced its been done with malice in an attempt to uspet me (Instead its just made me furious!)

Lets start at the beginning!!!

I met DF over 5 years ago when his DD was about 12 and living at home with her Mum and Stepdad like a 'normal' (I hate that word but I can't think of any other word to describe her at that point) pre-teen. We got on brilliantly and I thought she was a lovely, well-mannered kid and she got on well with my son so everything was great. DF and her Mum were never married, and they split up when she was about 18 months old... her Mum married her stepdad when she was about 3 and it was a 'normal' household she grew up with her 2 brothers and with pretty regular contact with her Dad (but which would always be dictated by his ex)

Things started to go pear shaped when hormones kicked in when she was about 13 and she went off the rails... I mean... REALLY off the rails... so much so that SHE put HERSELF in care when she was 14 because she figured she would have an easier life in care than having to comply with the rules that she had to follow at home.... Drinking, stealing, drugs, underage sex, self harm... You name it... she did it! All the while would we be as supportive as we possibly could be, but she didn't really want us to be parents... she was hell bent on pushing our buttons and resented the fact that we would never make her choices and actions justified. We really felt in a no-win situation... She lives about 80 miles from us and we would have regular phonecalls from her which always resulted in us chastising her for some reason or another... She would phone to tell us she was going out that night to get drunk with her teenage friends etc, and would then complain all we did was 'whine' at her. It was draining on everyone concerned, and I really wonder how her Mum coped during that period.

Everything came to a head about 3 years or so ago when I recieved a very abusive phonecall from her, telling me that her Dad had confided in her that he still loved her Mum (Yeah right!) and that she would not be happy until she had split me and her Dad up etc etc. I was 70lbs heavier then and she made some pretty unsavoury references to that and called me so many names that a 14 year old has no right even knowing, let alone saying! Her Dad went absolutely ballistic when he found out... By this time we were living together, and he let her know that she wasn't welcome in our home until we recieved a heartfelt apology from her. Needless to say, that apology wasn't very forthcoming and there was very little contact for about 18 months.

Fast forward to Oct 2006 when out of the blue DF answered the phone and it was his daughter. She was full of remorse when she spoke to her Dad and they started on the long road of rebuilding the bridges that had been burned. She gave me her apology which I accepted but at the same I also told her that I would not tolerate being spoken to like that again, and whilst I think that everyone deserves a second chance, I won't be fool enough to give someone a 3rd chance.

So since then it appeared she was really getting her life on track. Up until September last year she was still in care, but she then left to live independently in an assisted living type of scheme. Her living with us have never been an option. We live 80 miles from the rest of her family so she never actually WANTED to live her, and to be honest, we both work shifts and for a long while we couldn't have actually trusted her to be her alone. She held down a job until she started at college in September and she was well-mannered and well behaved. I had absolutely no problem in choosing her as my Bridesmaid as I felt we had built up a pretty good relationship. Like i've mentioned earlier in my PJ... my folks paid for this whole vacation back in March 2007 (before we ever decided to get married) and they paid over £1000 for a kid who they had twice upto that point because they felt including her was the right thing to do! Since the vacation was booked 10 months ago, she has known that the only thing she has had to do was to save her spending money. I have this rule with DS.... I will feed and water you on holiday.... you want an ice cream though? You buy it! You want to buy something you saw? You buy it! It encourages him not to blow his pocket money each week, and bless his heart... the kid is 12 and has saved about $800 through doing extra chores and saving money he has recieved at his birthday and christmas! DF daughter??? She has saved $50.... in 10 months!!!!!! Despite earning £600 month from March -Sept (and having that as disposable income and she had absolutey no outgoings!) and from Sept until now she ends up with about £60 per week which is disposable. I've actually been inwordly seething about this for months... perhaps i'm selfish, but I didn't want the vacation I had planned so hard for to be ruined by a sulky teenager who had no money to spend!

She came to stay for the Christmas holidays and was very excited about the wedding and her bridesmaid dress which we had shopped together for a few weeks earlier, and everything was fine.. but we readdressed the money issue again. She had grand plans of buying £20 worth of dollars each week between now and our vacation which we were pleased about. So last Friday DF calls her and they are chatting away, and he asked had she been for her dollars. She said she had been too busy but would get them on Monday. On Monday DF calls her and mentions the dollars, to which she replied she bought £20 worth. DF was really encouraging and told her that was a great start (she had bought NONE since christmas), and happened to ask how many dollars she got for £20. She couldn't remember! then she couldn't find the reciept, and then she couldn't find her purse... Basically, it was absolutely obvious she was lying through her teeth! DF was non too pleased and told her this too... in the end she hung up the phone on him. So he spent Tues, Wed and Thurs trying to get hold of her but she wouldn't answer her phone. Finally she answered on Friday, but only because he withheld his number... and he was very polite and asked her what time she would be at our house today as we were going for our dress fittings. She said she wasn't coming as she had no money (she got paid yesterday and had spent it all so couldnt get the train here!). Mark was fuming, so rather than get in an argument with her, he told her he would speak to her later that day, and he hung up. He thens gets a text from her saying 'Hes a **** father and never to contact her again' and he then gets another text with the kind of language in it that I recieved a few years back from her!

So now... I have no bridesmaid, which doesn't bother me in the least! I'm marrying my very best friend... I don't need someone stood next to me to make the day any better! I've cancelled her from our holiday booking and she could lick my feet and I still won't take her with us and Mark is in full agreement! I am absolutely furious though for so many reasons! Firstly, I feel so disappointed for Mark who has tried SO hard to be a good and supportive Dad. He really doesn't deserve this at all! Secondly i'm angry at the way she has shown such disrespect to my parents who have done nothing other than welcome her into my side of the family with open arms, and have treated her the same way they treat my son! They have spent over £1000 on her alone with flights, accomodation, park tickets etc, and the whole concept of money obviously means so little to her that she doesn't care that they will lose a vast majority of the money they have paid out! Thirdly, I feel so angry that she has let us ALL down! I really do believe that this whole episode has been intentional in an effort to try and spoil our wedding and thats unacceptable. At the end of the day, she is Marks daughter and I would never ever try to stop them having a relationship (although right now hes seething and really doesn't want to clap eyes on her)... but where do we go from here because I am so angry I don't think I could ever speak to her again, and I certainly don't want her in my house right now despite how many apologies she might give... although so far none have been given... just abusive text messages still which we are ignoring!


Sorry for venting! This just seemed a good place to write everything down... I might feel a little better now!


I know were your coming from. My daughter and my now DH had an arguement over a curling iron cord that has been spread all over the common bathroom floor. She was told time and time again not to leave her things around so someone else can trip over them. DH decided after he tripped over her culing iron he would just move it and hang it on a door hanger. Needless to say she saw it in the morning, had a fit and argued with the both of us. This episode took place on Dec. 21st, two days before we were to leave for our wedding & honeymoon to WDW. I had left the tree lights on so she could open her gifts first thing in the morning. She was 17 at the time her birthday was in a month. She was told by me that she would have to apologize before she opened her gifts. That never happened, so the next day I told her she needed to apologize. She didn't and caused some major drama. Mind you she was to get on a flight Christmas night to meet us in the morning. Well, my DH decided to put her gifts in the garage while I went to pick up lunch. I was gone for 15 min. and came back to see we were being visited by the police. You could not have imagined how I felt when we were due to go to the airport in 7 hours. My dd called the police to say that my dh was beating her up, which he never touched her. The police went home after they talked to all of us. My dd went to work. We finished our packing and I tried not to be upset. Before we left I left me dd a note with what she had to do for her trip because I didn't get to go over anything with her before I left as I had been trying for days and she was to busy being a brat. Well, I stopped at the grocery store were she works and told her I left her a note and that I love her and will see her Wed. morning. I called her when we got to WDW to let her know we arrived safely and said I would call her tomorrow. Called the next day left a message. The next day was Christmas she would be on her way to the airport at 8:00 p.m. MST, she never answered the phone we were just playing phone tag leaving each other messages. The next day she didn't show as I thought that would happen and we payed for her trip 8 months ago. Everything went well, our wedding was beautiful. I only had an hour and a half sleep the night before the wedding and we went non-stop all day. I even fell asleep on spaceship earth. We went to our room took off my makeup and all the hairpins and went to bed. We got a call about 3:00 am ET after we had just gone to bed an hour ago, that my DD was in the emergency room as she tried to commit suicide. I did not know what to do. What a lovely wedding gift that was. It sucked that it had to happen like that but she is ok and I found out she is bipolar and has had suicidal tentancies since she was 12 yrs. old. She is now getting the help that she needs. She has been living with DH and I for 2 and a half yrs. I feel your pain maybe your DF's dd needs some extra help. Your wedding will be beautiful with or without her as you are going to marry your best friend. Sorry, I hope my pain helps heal yours.pixiedust:
Your wedding will be beautiful with or without her as you are going to marry your best friend. Sorry, I hope my pain helps heal yours.pixiedust:

That is so very true Cinderbear! We are trying really hard right now not to worry, but with her history of self harm its difficult not to! To be honest, she has had tons of professional help over the last few years and we really did think she had turned her life around... Perhaps this is just a bit of a blip and we've been the recipients of her anger. I just feel like shes on a road to self destruct and thrives on negative attention which is absolutely stupid when she has been getting so much positive attention of late. I dunno... I think some people like to play the victim role and blame everyone else for any issues they have going on their life.. and unfortunately she is one of them!

I really really hope your daughter is doing well now. It must have been SUCH a worrying time for you and your family. I'm so inexperienced when it comes to this kind of thing... My DS is 12 and such a laid back and placid kid who i've never had any trouble with... I just hope and pray it stays this way.

Thanks again for your kind words!! :goodvibes


I've really had nothing to update in here over the last few weeks!! 'Dear' Step Daughter is cancelled off the booking and isn't coming for certain... Her loss and not ours! Its a decision she will have to live with and there isn't a thing we can do to try and change her behaviour so as cruel as it sounds... I'm past caring now!

I decided I hated the silk flowers that were delivered a few weeks ago... OK, perhaps hated is a bit strong, but I just didn't feel they were 'us'... So I went and ordered some more from a local place that are about 327493827 times better! Claret gerbera buttonholes for the guys... and I absolutely love them!! I also had them wrap the handle of my 'bouquet' with claret chiffon and i'm really pleased with how they turned out... So i've been taking some photos today! The quality of them isn't great... Mark only bought me this camera about 18 months ago for my birthday, and i'm still trying to work out the different settings! D'oh!!!!

Oh... and we've also ordered our wedding cake for our 'at home' reception. Plain ivory 2 tier square fruit cake. We copped out ordering fruit cake rather than sponge (which I actually prefer) for the simple reason that fruit cake is easier to cut! We're so lame and will do anything for an easy life!!! Its going to have claret accents to it (just not sure where yet... Our cake lady does stunning work but pretty much makes things up as she goes long!!) My favourite part is our cake topper which is actually going to be my 'bouquet'... Its already had a 'cake pick' added to the handle which just needs the claret chiffon snipping back... I'm really excited by it (which means I need to get out more!) as its something just a wee bit unusual!!

Oh, and one last thing I did....... set up an email account in my married name!! OK, so I know alot of Brides don't bother changing their name, but I can't wait to change mine!!!! Plus my name is actually that of my ex husband as I didn't change back to my maiden name when we divorced!! :goodvibes

Ok, here goes the photos.......... Its all about the bling!!!

This is what i'm carrying instead of flowers



My 'flowers/crystal thingy' and the buttonholes for the guys


Tiara and Jewellery




Oh, and this is the dress box I ordered online to transport my dress. I haven't managed to take any photos of the dress as its been at the dressmakers for the last few weeks, but i'm off for my final fitting (hopefully) on friday so I'll take the camera with me!!!! I'm not convinced its going to fit, but the lady at the Bridal shop where I bought it assures me it will... Hmm... We'll see!!!

absolutely gorgeous! You will be stunning! I LOVE your tiara and your bouquet. They go together so perfectly! Are they from the same place?
Thanks Kristen and Lov2B.... Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but a minor detail such as work reared its head over the last few days!!! Don't ya just hate it when 'real life' gets in the way sometimes?! I'm actually at work right now, but its quiet so I thought I would hop on the computer for a while!

I managed to get a wee bit achieved... I called Disney floral, and I'm getting a call back on Tuesday evening to discuss decorating our table at the Chefs Domain.... even though we are only having a small and informal wedding, I still want it to look beautiful! :) This works perfectly as I am taking my step daughter to choose her bridesmaid dress on Tuesday afternoon, so I know exactly what colours will look best. Bless her heart, she is beside herself with excitment! I've pretty much told her that she can pick whatever colour she wants (other than shocking pink) but I would like her to have more of a tea length style dress rather than something floor length. Disney floral were also kind enough to send me the pdf file containing the different floral arrangements that they send out to Disney Brides to give me some ideas to choose from... THAT is one of the reasons I love Disney so much... I tend to find people are just that little bit more willing to go the extra mile :goodvibes I also contacted GF bakery to see about a wedding cake.... I want something very plain and perhaps a small 2 tier as anything bigger will just be a waste... but I have seen a cake topper on ebay that is to die for!!! Ebay is blocked on the computers at work else I would post a photo!

I THOUGHT I had sorted out my wedding jewellery... I bought some very simple crystal earrings and a silver necklace with a crystal pendant when I got my dress... That was until I saw some beautiful swarovski jewellery on ebay a few days ago which I felt compelled to bid on and luckily won!!!



I'm really pleased with how they look in the photographs, and hopefully they will be as nice in real life... I'm hoping they are delivered on Monday as I am taking all my bridal things with me to the bridal shop on Tuesday when I take Dani to choose her dress as I'm undecided if I want a veil or not, and the shop are quite happy for me to try everything on again there to make sure it looks nice with the BM dress

Right... I better check if there is any work to do! Hope everyone is well!!



OHHHHHHHHHHH I have those earrings from swarovski. they are absolutely fantastic and they look amazing in pictures. Excellent choice :thumbsup2
congratulations, I love the bouquet

Thank you!! I fell in love with it when I saw it in the Bridal shop.. at that point though it didn't have the claret chiffon wrapped around it. I just thought it was something unusual that I had never seen before

absolutely gorgeous! You will be stunning! I LOVE your tiara and your bouquet. They go together so perfectly! Are they from the same place?

Aww... thanks muchly! :goodvibes The tiara and 'bouquet' are from the same Bridal shop, but i'm not sure whether they are made by the same person. The tiara (I think) is made by a company called 'Zara' (or was it Tara?!? Hmmm!!) I'm going to take all my bits and pieces with me on Friday to my fitting to see what it all looks like together. Trying my dress on at home is a bit of a pain as its a corset back so I cant get the silly thing fastened!!! Lets see if I can remember the camera on Friday!!!

OHHHHHHHHHHH I have those earrings from swarovski. they are absolutely fantastic and they look amazing in pictures. Excellent choice :thumbsup2

Thank you!! I originally had just a very plain set but saw the Swarovski waves set on Ebay and before I knew it I was hitting that 'enter highest bid' button. I love the way the light hits them and I know they are something I will wear again... The set actually cost more than my bargain wedding dress which was bought off the sale rack in the bridal store (and was actually THE dress I loved most in the shop!!) so I really didn't mind splurging a bit! ;)
Your jewelery is gorgeous,it's going to go perfect with your dress!!!

I have a question about your dress box. Is it better to transport the dress down to Florida is a box better than the bag? I like the idea of the box,it seems like it would be earsier to carry.

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