Chicken pox?

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Good Lord! I am not on your cruise but personally I would be way, way more concerned about what your unvaccinated children are carrying than someone who "might" have been exposed to chicken pox. So very many more things I would love to say but I am so biting my tongue!!!!!


Exactly! And yes, so much more to say, but biting...biting...
Well we are all obviously entitled to our own opinions, and I am not going to go on, just saying that if they are worried enough to go and do something so very drastic maybe they should be the ones to stay home. If I was so afraid I wouldn't be taking my kids to a place so full of potentially infectious people, and not just the one child that may or may not have been exposed to chicken pox.

Still trying to bite, bite, bite my so hard.

Personally I don't consider myself ignorant, although you are totally entitled to your own opinion of me.


Oh now don't misunderstand me, if I knew one of my kids was sick, regardless of whether there is a vaccine or not, we wouldn't go anywhere. I have seen children in the parks with their parents talking about how they had roto virus or strep. My dd and I spend 4 days in our rental home due to the stomach bug. I treated it just like going to school, 24 hours then we went back to touring. For the very reason that I wouldn't want anyone else to have their vacation affected. I think hiding or covering it up is deplorable. However the OP is trying to do the right thing.
Personally I don't consider myself ignorant, although you are totally entitled to your own opinion of me.


I meant it in the literal way...
1 a: destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society> ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>

By stating that you're concerned about an unvaccinated child making you or your child ill who has received vaccinations, that is uneducated/lacking knowledge of the facts.

I just don't want misinformation about this topic floating around.
That's terribly ignorant. Children who are not vaccinated do not put others at risk. That's how vaccines work. If your kids ARE vaccinated (or you are), isn't that the point? To prevent you from those illnesses?

Kids who don't have vaccines don't just spread illness. In fact, many vaccines are live viruses and shed - meaning, yes, your vaccines CAN get my unvaccinated kids sick but not the reverse.

eta: Additionally, I'm disgusted by the fact that someone would misrepresent the wellness of a child (the makeup comment) and KNOWINGLY expose other cruisers/vacationers. Yes, things are passed around. Yes, kids can pick things up ANYWHERE. But, to knowing expose is gross. Do you know how many WISH kids are on these trips? How many people who have fought cancer or are immune-compromised? Seriously. Some common sense goes a long way in this world.

You are not paying attention to what she said. If her child has symptoms, she will not take them on the cruise. She has no intention of knowingly exposing anyone.

Her child DOES NOT HAVE chicken pox...has just been exposed! I would hazard a guess that a small proportion of any large group of children has been exposed recently. Maybe we should just pick one out of every 8 kids out of line and refuse them entrance on the chance they've been exposed?? Come on...
Thank you to those sticking up for me.

Again I want to emphasize that if there are ANY signs that she's infected, we obviously are not cruising.

To those that are worried that it will ruin your vacation; the incubation period is approximately 2 weeks, so even if she is unknowingly carying the virus and you or your child gets infected, it will take 2 weeks before it shows and most of you will probably be safe and sound at home. (And who knows how many other people you have infected then, because you didn't know you were carying it)

I hope that you have a GREAT TIME on your trip and don't worry about what others think you will make the right decision as HER PARENT!!!
I don't either, and applaud you wanting to stand up for what you believe is best for your children, and your family.

However, I think your considering my opinion ignorant a little much, and I don't even need a definition to come to that conclusion.
We leave this saturday for the US, sailing on the wonder 4/30.
Just now I discoverd that there is Chicken pox at my daughter's daycare. I hope she won't get it, i am keeping her home tomorrow. If she does get it, will they let us get on the ship?

Keep us posted and let us know how it all turned out. Prayers to you and your family that your holiday won't be tainted by chicken pox!
Good luck!!!
You are not paying attention to what she said. If her child has symptoms, she will not take them on the cruise. She has no intention of knowingly exposing anyone.
You're absolutely right. I should have quoted the person to whom I was speaking. My comments were not directed to the OP, but rather several people who had replied to this thread.

Kayla said:
However, I think your considering my opinion ignorant a little much, and I don't even need a definition to come to that conclusion
As respectfully as I can...

The statement you made was not given as an opinion. You stated that you were concerned about what an unvaccinated child might expose you to. That is uneducated. I hope that this conversation opens up an opportunity for you (and many others) to become more educated on the subject.

Absolutely, it is a parent's right to make this decision for their child. But to say that an unvaccinated child puts a vaccinated child at risk is not an opinion, it is misinformation.
Good Lord! I am not on your cruise but personally I would be way, way more concerned about what your unvaccinated children are carrying than someone who "might" have been exposed to chicken pox. So very many more things I would love to say but I am so biting my tongue!!!!!

Agree 100%!!!!


Amen! This thread has gotten absolutely ridicules. The OP has stated her child DOES NOT have CP. Why should she cancel a trip because her child may have been exposed? If her child has CP and is exhibiting symptoms then I can see a reason to complain or call DCL, but calling because a child was exposed in daycare and someone told you about the post is just a dumb reason IMO. You can touch a shopping cart and be exposed to something. If you are that concerned about your family being exposed don’t take a cruise. What about all the other children who may have been exposed to stuff you don’t know about? How many times do you go into a store or walk down a street and come in contact with someone who may have something. It happens every day. I have no doubt the OP will do the right thing. I am sure if her child exhibits symptoms of anything she would rethink her vacation plans.
OP, just wanted to say you sound like a very conscientious mom and I feel for you. I would be pulling my hair out in that situation. Not knowing if your child will develop a childhood disease during an expensive and extensive vacation is not fun.

I also am sending pixie dust your way in hopes that it will be a non-issue. :wizard: I was one of the kids whose mom sent me to play with others so I would get them young, and I never got them (until my little sister came down with them the week before my sweet 16 party, but that's another story.) :rotfl: Also my son was exposed to them twice in pre-K and never got them either. Good luck to you, I hope everything works out perfectly.
This thread caught my eye, my 2 kids just had CP, and my mom is now sick with what they call shingles. She is not in good health to begin with and is suffering incredibly.

I don't think you should travel with an infectious disease, although I feel that that poster contacting the cruise line is a bit over the top.

My heart goes out to your mother. My mom is just getting over shingles...3 weeks now! Very very painful she said. No itching. Just painful broken skin sores. I'll say prayers for your mom.
Wow :scared1: This thread is out of control!!!

OP: I hope you have a wonderful cruise! pixiedust: Hopefully your DD will remain healthy! :flower3:
You're absolutely right. I should have quoted the person to whom I was speaking. My comments were not directed to the OP, but rather several people who had replied to this thread.

As respectfully as I can...

The statement you made was not given as an opinion. You stated that you were concerned about what an unvaccinated child might expose you to. That is uneducated. I hope that this conversation opens up an opportunity for you (and many others) to become more educated on the subject.

Absolutely, it is a parent's right to make this decision for their child. But to say that an unvaccinated child puts a vaccinated child at risk is not an opinion, it is misinformation.

Unvaccinated children can still expose deadly diseases to infants and children who are not old enough to be fully vaccinated, right? And also to immunosuppressed people?? Or am I not correct? Hmm....
My cousin in New York just called me about this post. I had to sign up and reply. We are all supposed to be on this cruise with you. My family and I live a holistic/vegan life style and we do not want the poison of immunizations entering my childrens bodies, so we are some of the few that have NOT be immunized against chicken pox in the USA. Chicken Pox is a natural part of many childrens growth process, therefore I anticipate that my children will contact it at some point. HOWEVER, I don't want them contacting it while on the Disney Cruise with your kids that were exposed, but not quarintined as they should be. My Cousins family and my family will be spending the week after our cruise visiting WDW for 7 days afterwards, and I don't want any of them to have to be quarintined on their vacation because the have contracted Chicken Pox. I have contacted Disney Cruise Lines and explained this issue/post and sent them an email with a link to this post. They were very thankful that I brought this to thier attention, and said that they will be checking all children and adults for signs of Chicken Pox on all their cruises, effective immediately. I am sorry to have to do such a mean thing, but these outbreaks in such a confined space can lead to a small epidemic within the guests that didn't bring such a problem aboard. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts during my mediation, and hope to prevent your family from contracting Chicken Pox through my powers of meditation.

You are a :stir: who needs to seriously get a life. Calling DCL is a bit over the top.
You're absolutely right. I should have quoted the person to whom I was speaking. My comments were not directed to the OP, but rather several people who had replied to this thread.

As respectfully as I can...

The statement you made was not given as an opinion. You stated that you were concerned about what an unvaccinated child might expose you to. That is uneducated. I hope that this conversation opens up an opportunity for you (and many others) to become more educated on the subject.

Absolutely, it is a parent's right to make this decision for their child. But to say that an unvaccinated child puts a vaccinated child at risk is not an opinion, it is misinformation.

Well, when my vaccinated 2 year old got the mumps, his pediatrician told me he had been exposed to the virus...from an unvaccinated child most likely. Do you have a medical degree, perchance?
Thank you to those sticking up for me.

Again I want to emphasize that if there are ANY signs that she's infected, we obviously are not cruising.

To those that are worried that it will ruin your vacation; the incubation period is approximately 2 weeks, so even if she is unknowingly carying the virus and you or your child gets infected, it will take 2 weeks before it shows and most of you will probably be safe and sound at home. (And who knows how many other people you have infected then, because you didn't know you were carying it)

I need to share a story with you because right now I truly feel for you. Last year we were boarding, right at the mouse dd started saying she was going to pass my husband stuffed crackers in her mouth..she was getting flushed..saying she was going to be sick. As we got up to the nice man checking our ID's, I covered her mouth and she let went everywhere...I knew exactly it was the bag of M&M's she ate on the car ride that her dad gave her. I heard..."she has the flu they better not let her on"..."oh my gosh...she's sick!"..etc. I knew it was only all the chocolate she had. They pulled us to the side...we waited to make sure she was ok...changed our clothes and upon the "nurse" checking her out...let us board. They also called the room to see how she was...she was fine. She just can't eat chocolate without anything else in her stomach.

I know this is no relation to chicken pox....but I know you know your child as I know mine. You will do the right thing....and it will all work out. Hang in there and I too will send pixie dust your way!:tink:
Ok, I am really disturbed by the gall of some people. I can almost guarantee that the OP's child has probably been exposed to the virus in the past. Did you not read that in their country, this particular vaccine is not mandatory. I have cancelled a family event due to thinking my youngest child had Chicken Pox. As it turns out all he had was an allergic skin eruption. Give the OP credit for being a mother. She came on here for guidance and suggestions, but mostly sounds like she is getting lynched instead.
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