Chicken pox?

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That's tough - You don't want to cancel a huge trip "just in case" she has the chicken pox. If she doesn't get it - there was no medical reason to cancel and insurance won't reimburse. My sisters were around many kids with chicken pox in grade school and never contracted it until I got it. So to assume she'll get it is not totally accurate. I would go and if she gets it deal with quarantine, etc. BTW, My kids both had the vaccine and both got mild cases of chicken pox.
We sail on the WONDER on 4/30/2009 we will have 4 DS's with us 18,16,6, and 3 I beg fou if there are any signs at all that your girl is comeing down with c.p. dont go. I have taken both my DS6 and DS3 to the Doctor this week to make sure they only have alergies right now and get them started on steroides to help. I would never exspose someone elses children to my sons if there was a chance of makeing some one else sick:sad1:
I would not change my plans until I had reason to change them. You know she has been exposed so just be on the look out and have an alternate plan. Obviously she has been exposed before even when you didn't know it. Just watch her carefully and be glad you have the insurance. Ask her dr if there are any meds you need to get to take with you just in case she does get it. Best of luck!
I would be crushed if I was in this situation but chicken pox is nothing to take chances with either. I think the possiblity exists that she might not get it but could still pass it onto other folks. Check with your doctor and see what advice he/she has for you. Good luck!
We sail on the WONDER on 4/30/2009 we will have 4 DS's with us 18,16,6, and 3 I beg fou if there are any signs at all that your girl is comeing down with c.p. dont go. I have taken both my DS6 and DS3 to the Doctor this week to make sure they only have alergies right now and get them started on steroides to help. I would never exspose someone elses children to my sons if there was a chance of makeing some one else sick:sad1:

I'm on this cruise also. Boy, I feel for you, I really do. I don't think any of us can tell you what to do since we really don't know if she's going to break out or not. But I'll be honest and say it makes me cringe sending my three little ones to the oceaneer's club knowing there's a possible chicken pox exposure. It's just scary. I caught chicken pox as an adult and it was NOT pretty. I really hope you think seriously about not coming on the ship if she has signs and not just taking the chance and getting stuck with a quarantine. But I send you lots of :grouphug:
I think our kids are exposed to things all the time - strep, viruses, god-forbid meningitis - and probably 99% of the time we are not given any warning or knowledge of it. And we all go about our lives and deal with the outcome when it comes to fruition. If the OP had said her child was COMING DOWN with Chicken pox - then obviously the trip is cancelled - but because another child in daycare had it - I just can't see canceling a major trip for that - since many people are exposed to chicken pox and don't get it. And I don't think the trip insurance would pay for a canceled trip because someone "might" get a contagious virus. I wish the OP luck with whatever you decide.
We thought our daughter had chicken pox last year. It was a few weeks before our cruise and thankfully she got over it quickly.

One thing to note for those parents whose children did get vaccinated. Our doctor told us they are seeing an increased rate of vaccinated children getting chicken pox. It is much milder than if you did not have the vaccine but they are getting it all the same.

Anyway, this doesn't help the OP but was an FYI for others. Sorry to hear your vacation may be in jeopardy. This is exactly the reason I've decided to start getting trip insurance for all of our "expensive" vacations now!

Not sure if it's too late but I think there is a blood test to see if she already has the immunities. There's one for adults.
My husband had chicken pox in was terrible...and almost 2 weeks to the day my 9 year old got them....and she had been exposed several times in daycare and had never gotten them till my husband did.
Maybe you should seek the advice of your doctor to see what he recommends.
Good luck,hope it all works out.
I think our kids are exposed to things all the time - strep, viruses, god-forbid meningitis - and probably 99% of the time we are not given any warning or knowledge of it. And we all go about our lives and deal with the outcome when it comes to fruition. If the OP had said her child was COMING DOWN with Chicken pox - then obviously the trip is cancelled - but because another child in daycare had it - I just can't see canceling a major trip for that - since many people are exposed to chicken pox and don't get it. And I don't think the trip insurance would pay for a canceled trip because someone "might" get a contagious virus. I wish the OP luck with whatever you decide.

I agree.
I think our kids are exposed to things all the time - strep, viruses, god-forbid meningitis - and probably 99% of the time we are not given any warning or knowledge of it. And we all go about our lives and deal with the outcome when it comes to fruition. If the OP had said her child was COMING DOWN with Chicken pox - then obviously the trip is cancelled - but because another child in daycare had it - I just can't see canceling a major trip for that - since many people are exposed to chicken pox and don't get it. And I don't think the trip insurance would pay for a canceled trip because someone "might" get a contagious virus. I wish the OP luck with whatever you decide.

I agree also. Kids are exposed to chicken pox plus a wide variety of other viruses and bugs and we never even know it (at parks, gym childcare, McDonalds, etc). I also cannot see cancelling a major trip like this because of something that may not even happen. I am sure the OP will keep a close eye on her child for any signs of cp before going on the cruise.
Here in the US it is a vaccination that is offered but not required until they start Kindergarten and is mandated on a state level.

I hope that your DD does not end up getting chicken pox and you can enjoy your vacation.
Here in MD (or at least in our county), it is a required vaccination if you want to put your child in daycare.

I just wanted to mention again....beg you... that if you think your child might have chicken pox, please don't expose other people to the virus.

Many people think of chicken pox as relatively harmless and a "right of passage" of childhood, but exposure to the virus can also cause shingles to activate in older people. This can cause months of horrible pain as the virus makes its way along nerves throughout the body. I've personally seen this and it is not something I could ever imagine putting someone through.
OH MY!! this used to happen to my mother every time one of her grandkids came down w/ chicken pox. My two were the only ones that were vaccinated. the other 5 got pox naturally.
I do agree with this in that you can not cancel just in case.... I think it is a very tough situation. I do send :wizard: that it does not happen.... But for everyone, especially the people who say just use make up and cover them ; THINK of all of the Make A Wish kids on DCL cruises. Each time I travel there are multiple ones on the ship. Many times these are immune supressed kids that can get in BIG trouble if exsposed. What about the kids club and exsposure....? What about the lovely pregnant women on the ship? :confused3 I just want to send you some pixiedust:
I don't understand why is it such a big deal w/ pregnant women? I'm not trying to be snarky. But if the mom to be has already had them and the DR's told me newborns have a natural immunity until about 6 mo of age, why the concern? :confused3
For the record, I got pox as a preschooler and then got them again at age 18. :scared1: The second time around was AWFUL!! I was told by multiple sources that this does happen, a rarity albeit, but it does happen. Anyway, with the # and size of my scabs, no amount of makeup would've covered them up. Actually, I broke out on a Sunday afternoon and was supposed to start a new job on Monday morning. I had to call my new boss and tell her I couldn't come in for at least a week because I had the chicken pox. Well, when I finally did get to go in, boy was I teased by the others. The evidence of my pox was so prevalent, they knew there was no way I had lied about it. ;)
OP, best of luck. I hope you little one 'dodges' this outbreak.
I didn't read thru the entire thing, but chicken pox are spread by droplets from sneezes. If you notice your child sneezing it might mean she is coming down with chicken pox and then would break out three weeks later. Or she might have a cold or allergies. Really, you can't not go on a vacation for a maybe. It isn't reasonable to expect anyone to keep their child home on the off chance that she catches them. I realize that people might be exposed, but the majority of people in the US have been vaccinated or had the disease. Two of my older kids had terrible cases TWICE. That's just how it goes. Enjoy your trip!
This is Wednesday, okay, Thursday am. OP leaves this Saturday, she needs to do some math and make some calls.

The daycare should have records available as to what day breakouts occured. Also should have names of families. Lots of daycares will have already provided it's other families with all that information.

I suppose if the child is not sick YET no one will stop them getting on a very long overseas flight (not even going there, she will already be contagious ~according to my calculations~ but could easily avoid breathing on others with proper care taken) Then that gives them another 5 days to watch for a break out before embarkation. . .

OP, you need to find out who and how many have been effected and when. Is it one kid down (break out just starting) or several in a couple families or someone not even in your childs age group and with very little contact with them or mutual workers? ach! These facts may help you make a more informed decision.

It is not easy I know, and I wish you the best but I also have to say, if I was on your cruise, I would be terrified as I would have an immunilogically suppressed child with me who could easily be infected and that is even with the vaccine. sigh. So hard for you!
Oh my! I didn't notice that you were in the Netherlands until your last post. You've got a problem.....based on the information you've given us, your child is likely to get chicken pox right about the time of the cruise. PP is right--if there is evidence of infection, neither the airline nor the ship will allow the child on board.

A child who has not been vaccinated has very high probability of developing the active disease after a confirmed exposure. However, some kids develop immunity without ever seeming to have disease...presumably from a sub-clinical infection.

It can be extremely dangerous for people who have Lupus to get the chicken pox as they have no immune or limited immune system. My sister has lupus and when any of us gets just a cold we can't go around her because it makes her 10X sicker. Also it can be dangerous for adults who never had the chicken pox as they will get a worse case of it. If I were you I would go to the doctor and talk to him about it. They will have all the answers you need. I hope your child didn't get them. I for one, am glad our country has the vaccine!
Well, obviously, if she is showing any signs, we will not be going on this cruise, but that does not mean that she, or I, or anyone for that matter, can't carry the virus with us.

Man, I am soo stressed out about this. this was going to be the 'perfect' vacation. Alas, there is no such thing as perfect.
But if the mom to be has already had them and the DR's told me newborns have a natural immunity until about 6 mo of age, why the concern? :confused3

This may seem a bit off topic but I'm confused by that statement about babies having a natural immunity until about 6mo of age.

My oldest caught chicken pox at age 3 (daycare baby- I worked full time). My son had the vaccination- although LATER. He was 2 when my youngest was born and hadn't had the vaccination yet. However my youngest daughter got chicken pox at 4mo old. I was a stay at home mom and still to this day have no idea how she got it. (the only thing I can figure is somewhere in the public although I was sort of a homebody with 3 kids, 2 in diapers and one of which a newborn. So I figure probably at well check/vaccination dr visits someone in the waiting room might have had chicken pox without realizing it yet?)

But also must add that I never got chicken pox- even though my mom was old school and had me sleeping, bathing, you name it with my little sister when she had chicken pox when we were both very young, trying to get me to catch it at the same time and get it over with. I never caught it then-nor when my eldest caught it bad at age 3 nor when my youngest got it bad at 4mo old. As I said- I still can't figure out how my youngest got chicken pox at 4mo old- but she did.... and I wonder if I'm just a carrier or something and gave it to her and that's why I never actually got chicken pox? But anyway my point is she was just almost 4mo when she apparently "got it" -4mo old exactly when she had the outbreak. And I breastfed her too- where was her immunity till 6mo? Maybe that only works if the mom has already had chicken pox to build the immunity themselves and pass it on to the baby? Oh nevermind- maybe I just figured out the reason she didn't have immunity till 6mo? LOL

But back to the point- if a pregnant mother hasn't ever had it- you can imagine how bad it would be for them to get chicken pox for the first time as an adult while pregnant- and you can also see that not ALL babies are immune up to age 6mo.

With that said- no, I would not cancel my vacation if I had "knowledge" of someone somewhere who had chicken pox and "maybe" my child might catch it. All that is- is the knowledge of it. doesn't mean she'll get it and I'd lay money many kids or adults are exposed and never even know it and still go on with their lives including vacation. The only difference is knowing, or not knowing, about the exposure and IMO the knowing about exposure isn't enough to cancel the vacation. I'd keep an eye out for symptoms and be prepared for our vacation to be ruined (basically) if she ended up getting sick at the last minute- but I wouldn't cancel just because of possible exposure. If everyone did that EVERYONE would never cruise- because you have no idea if you've been exposed or not. I still don't know how my youngest got it!
To can't cancel for a "maybe," but you should have some contingency plans in the back of your mind. Pixie dust for no active disease.

As to "natural immunity," it doesn't exist. Not sure where you got this myth. A newborn has a low level of immunity from antibodies that came from the mother thru the placenta. These last about 6 weeks, with the levels rapidly diminishing after birth. A breast fed baby gets some immunoglobulins thru the breast milk--again, totally dependent on the mother's immune status. Once the mother starts supplementing, the level is less significant. The nice thing is that the child's own immune system starts to produce antibodies at birth and by about 6 months has a normal child will have reasonable, "normal" level of antibodies. Thus, since many breastfeeding mothers start to supplement around 6 months, their passive immunity is being replaced by the infant's active immunity.

Many people develop immunity without evidence of active infection--as in Bippidy's example above. These people probably had enough of an infection to develop antibodies without appearing to be ill. The blood test for varicella antibodies is easy to do if there's a reason to know. Multiple exposures to sick kids will increase the level of immunity. Then there's the issue of which kid actually had which childhood diseases. Mom's don't always remember correctly. My favorite was a patient who couldn't remember which one of her four children was allergic to penicillin, so she just told everyone that they were all allergic. Her logic was that she knew she'd gotten the right one that way!
what happens if you break out with chicken pox while on the cruise? Would Immigration allow you back into the country? Or would you be forced to stay onboard until your symptoms cleared?
The blood test for varicella antibodies is easy to do if there's a reason to know.

Well, I called my doctor and she said there is no such thing. I am sure there is, I read about it on the internet, I guess they don't want you to use it unless there is an emergency. She told me I can only wait:confused3:mad:
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