Chapek out as CEO!

Let’s be honest, Covid helped put Disney in this mess. Chapek was just the wrong guy to navigate through it. Every other large cap company seemed to do just fine and adapt and overcome without pissing its customers off. DIS market cap grew almost 50% from 2018 until Covid under Igers watch.
You're right, but I don't care what the reason is. I'm one pissed off customer.
I'm at DHHIR right now. Do you think it would be poor form to go to the Front Desk and ask for an "I'm celebrating" button to celebrate Chapek's fir.... er, I mean stepping down?
Go for it! When I check in at POFQ on 12/9, I'm going to ask at the front desk also!!
It only took a 50%+ drop in the stock price to get the bumb out. Mer 8th 2021 stock was 197.16 Friday is was down to 91.3
I think there was a brief period it was over $200. Then recently is was in the upper $80’s. Just for a short time.
The biggest immediate effect will be the morale boost amongst CM's. There are already plenty of positive reactions in the Cast community over Bob's return. Happier CM's = a better guest experience.

After that, Bob's focus will be on the more macro moves to boost investor and shareholder confidence. The Street needs to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Lastly, I'm guessing Bob will reach out to his senior leadership team (probably sooner rather than later) and ask each of them for a moving forward plan that will increase consumer/guest confidence and mitigate the bad vibes/experience/perception created during the Chapek regime. I think THAT will be the point where we will see what Josh D'Amaro and Bill Dierkson have on their wish lists and what on those lists is ultimately implemented. Some of those moves will be easier, and quicker to be implemented and others may be slow to follow.
Dissecting the announcement, there are two themes:

1. Lack of support/respect by employees. Let's face it, Chapek deserves this one. He's scrimped on everything, making even the most fervent CM cringe. Employee in non-park divisions feel like he's just a "money guy", getting them to chop expenses and increase revenue. No respect from your employees is a killer for a modern CEO. They'll do what you say, but they'll talk to everyone about you behind your back. No confidence by employees leads to no confidence by wall street and retail investors.

2. The stock price. Chapek needs to own this one. Huge losses by Disney+ can only continue so long before analysts start questioning why something hasn't been done to stem the tide of red ink. This is not the dawn of the streaming era. If you want to compete with Amazon and NetFlix, you need to put compelling content on your site. Even HBO, long a bastion of theatrical release movies, figured out that they were losing subscribers to NetFlix and Amazon, who offer their own exclusive content. With Disney's large IP portfolio, you'd expect hundreds of titles online. But, that's not what's there. Disney announces that they have new subscribers, but the cost to obtain them is through the roof. Something has to be done. I think Iger understands that Disney+ will never displace Amazon or Netflix, but is a nice companion service to it. I'm not sure Chapek really understood that.
Wait what are you watching the same show I am?

Andor is FAR AND AWAY the BEST star wars content since ESB. Full stop. It deserves soooo many emmys.

Big time agree. It started a bit on the slow side, but I was hooked pretty quickly and it is one of my favorite Star Wars stories ever. I often find the real world building stuff to be the most fun, especially in a universe that should be as huge as Star Wars.
Man so many bad star wars takes, Rogue One is the 3rd best star wars movie and BY FAR the best disney one.

But back on topic, I dont think the change to Iger will make a huge park difference any time soon, Disney is a massive ship and it'll take time to turn the thing.
Man so many bad star wars takes, Rogue One is the 3rd best star wars movie and BY FAR the best disney one.

But back on topic, I dont think the change to Iger will make a huge park difference any time soon, Disney is a massive ship and it'll take time to turn the thing.

I agree to a certain extent, and understand the logic coming from management in a huge corporation, but 2-3 GOOD quick moves will go a long ways. Something so easy as doing away with reservations and offering APs again would go a long ways, spread quickly, and be very easy to implement.
I agree to a certain extent, and understand the logic coming from management in a huge corporation, but 2-3 GOOD quick moves will go a long ways. Something so easy as doing away with reservations and offering APs again would go a long ways, spread quickly, and be very easy to implement.
Yea those are not going anywhere. Got any other ideas?

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