Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

MAGICFOR2 - 3 points for being a condimentessa.

Thank you! I think I'm going to put that in my Avatar - I've never met the tag fairy, and I think she is retired so why not?

Hey! Checking in to see you're way ahead while I was on vacation! I am exhausted, so I can't finish tonight, but my three guesses if I'm not too late - (I'm only on page 43) 1. A Bathroom 2. Two 3. The burning bush is in your last pic in this segment, looking back toward Canada.
I'm going to guess you were heading to the Characters in Flight at DTD (because it is new, and we did it)

I'll be back -
Thank you! I think I'm going to put that in my Avatar - I've never met the tag fairy, and I think she is retired so why not?

Wow! What an honour!
That almost makes me an honourary tag fairy!


Hey! Checking in to see you're way ahead while I was on vacation! I am exhausted, so I can't finish tonight, but my three guesses if I'm not too late - (I'm only on page 43) 1. A Bathroom 2. Two 3. The burning bush is in your last pic in this segment, looking back toward Canada.
I'm going to guess you were heading to the Characters in Flight at DTD (because it is new, and we did it)

erm... umm....
Just a tad too late.
But the good news is you missed every single one of your guesses so it doesn't matter! :rolleyes1

Actually the really good news is that I like your guess of Characters in Flight, so I'm going to add on a bonus point next update.
Love that. Did you hug her so hard she almost popped?
Pretty much. :goodvibes I may have even shed a tear or two later.

When I first took the girls, they were crazy about Figment and "the Figment ride".
Their favourite ride.. in any park.
Four years later, they couldn't wait to ride it again, and.... meh.
:laughing: We did that one once - neither one of knew who Figment was, and we did NOT care for the skunk smell or anything else about the ride.

You are going to have soooo much fun on your next trip. :rolleyes1
:sad1: I'm kind of scared.....

Mine too. And Kay's.
Except I want temples and gardens and serenity,
she wants Manga and Anime and downtown Tokyo. :laughing:
:rotfl2:I can totally see that! Willow and I both want it ALL at this point. And add in Tokyo Disneyland too.

We actually have good friends - the wife is from Japan. They may move back their for a short two- or three-year tour in a few years - if they do, I WILL find some way to pay for the ridiculous airfare so that we can go and see Japan with someone who knows it well. BUCKET LIST!

So tapstiles it is.
Um, all I can think is beer. :confused3 :drinking1

RGirl - 2 points for falling down drunk... dead! I mean dead! Not that I want you dead! Oh, crap. Here... Have another point.
Meh - it could just as easily be either. I'll take the points either way. :rotfl2:

(Really Roni? Would a stroll to DHS really have amazed you?)
:confused3 If you weren't sashaying, I'd be amazed.

Plus... $100 worth of balloons is what... two?

(Incidentally, we did something similar to this last time we were there.
Both DDs wanted a balloon
and even though I told them we couldn't bring them home on the plane,
they still wanted them.
At the end of our stay, they each gave their balloons to a family with two kids.
They felt good and learned a lesson in giving.)
Willow has done this as well - she really enjoyed it. :goodvibes

I clicked on a link and... I froze.


By now, some, possibly most, of you have guessed...
That I was doing Dolphins in Depth.
And maybe some of you have had a little light bulb go off over your head.
"Ah! The plastic bag was for his bathing suit."
And you would be correct.
Nope - totally forgot that this was a thing (despite recently reading a lot of drama about it on the Community Board in reaction to a post about Sea World :laughing:).

At least Melissa didn't ask me for directions.

I noted that the sharks were fed every other day.
I noted also that they'd been fed today.

Lou is a 1423lb male who'd lost 80% of his tail to boat strikes.
It's unlikely that he'll ever be released.
The other manatee is Lil' Joe,
another male who was an orphan when they brought him here.
He now weighed in at 1515lbs and would probably be released soon.
This is interesting - I really had no idea that Disney was doing stuff like this at Epcot. The stuff I have read (see above comment :rolleyes:) makes it sound like they have shoved all the animals (who are capable of and should be in the wild) into a kiddie pool. Glad to hear that the real experience is somewhat different.

(Nope. Not sunscreen. Suntan lotion.
The sun was supposed to be good for you back then.
Tans were done by sun, not spray paint.)
:rotfl2: I totally remember this! I lived such a conflicted childhood. My father was a dermatologist, so we were all about sunscreen because he was a little ahead of the times having a medical education on the subject. And yet, my mother would put on a bikini and lie out in the backyard for hours to tan!!!!! :rotfl2:

The next thing I remember is opening them and...
I was lying on the grass by the pool.
A lifeguard was bending over me.
A ring of people surrounded me.
I have no idea how I got there.
And I don't remember a single thing from that point on
:scared1: Horrifying!!!!! I hate this.

I thrashed in the water and clawed my way back to the surface.
Gasping, I managed to turn myself around and look back at the beach.
I was probably a good 50 or so yards out by now.
Did I mention that the lake we used to go to was the deepest lake in the province?
It was formed by a meteor long, long ago.
Where I found myself, unable to swim, 50ish yards from shore...
was probably about two hundred feet deep. (The lake's deepest point is 377 feet.)
I tried to call for help, but nothing came out except for a slight gasp.
I thrashed and fought and somehow managed to keep my head (mostly) above water.
Seriously - how have you ever gotten back in the water again? And, having now read the entire update and knowing that you are certified to dive, how in the WORLD?????

She was still reading her book.
She glanced up... saw that I was still on the beach... and went back to her book.
Remember that this was a very different time.
:rotfl2: I definitely know what you mean. This is totally what would have happened in my experience too. :rotfl2:

So here I was, standing on the edge of the dolphin pool in booties and a shorty.

We watched the dolphins for a bit and then headed back to the island.
I never saw the dolphins again.
:rotfl2: You are so tricky!!!!

I pushed the button to begin deflating my BC.
And as the air rushed out, I began to sink.
Soon, my head slipped beneath the surface
and I began my descent to the bottom...

And the circling sharks.
Oh, good! Sharks!!!! Willow was once convinced they were in the quiet pool at the BW, so you never know! :scared1:
I brewed a nice, hot cup of tea..... Curled up in my favorite chair, still in my Jammie's.... And clicked in Ponzi's report. My perfect wind down from a 67 hour work week. Thank you again! You did not disappoint! I can't wait to read about your adventure.

Pleased to see you survived yet again another water-related near death experience! ;)

We did that one once - neither one of knew who Figment was, and we did NOT care for the skunk smell or anything else about the ride.

I have no idea why they liked it so much.
They didn't know who Figment was either.

Then again... who the heck is Figment????

We actually have good friends - the wife is from Japan. They may move back their for a short two- or three-year tour in a few years - if they do, I WILL find some way to pay for the ridiculous airfare so that we can go and see Japan with someone who knows it well. BUCKET LIST!

Your own personal guide?
You have to go!!

Um, all I can think is beer. :confused3 :drinking1

:laughing: Hadn't thought of that.... but they kinda do look like beer taps anyway.
So I guess it works on many levels.
(Just don't try to pull on one for beer.)

:confused3 If you weren't sashaying, I'd be amazed.

All right. I'll give you that one.


Oh, dear Lord. :sad2:

This is interesting - I really had no idea that Disney was doing stuff like this at Epcot. The stuff I have read (see above comment :rolleyes:) makes it sound like they have shoved all the animals (who are capable of and should be in the wild) into a kiddie pool. Glad to hear that the real experience is somewhat different.

I'll have a bit more on the dolphins (if I remember... ) in the next update.

And I wonder about people who complain about dolphins (et al) in captivity.
"Release the dolphins! It's inhumane!"

A powerful wizard/alien/God... whatever... hears his plea.
Suddenly all captive dolphins everywhere are freed!
And all whales!
And all aquatic creatures!
Zoos are emptied!
Our animal activist is overjoyed!
And suddenly... He's stripped naked and plunked in the middle of an African jungle.
A voice calls out "You are now freed from the tyranny of your oppressors! Rejoice!
Oh, and that lion who was a former zoo resident is right behind you.
You can celebrate your liberty together. Maybe over lunch. I believe it's his feeding time."

:rotfl2: I totally remember this! I lived such a conflicted childhood. My father was a dermatologist, so we were all about sunscreen because he was a little ahead of the times having a medical education on the subject. And yet, my mother would put on a bikini and lie out in the backyard for hours to tan!!!!! :rotfl2:


Ruby had a similar experience. She went to see a dermatologist and apologised for not being tan!

:scared1: Horrifying!!!!! I hate this.

Me too! And I was there!

Seriously - how have you ever gotten back in the water again? And, having now read the entire update and knowing that you are certified to dive, how in the WORLD?????

It wasn't easy.
But I was so fascinated with Scuba diving when I was a kid.
TV showed me how beautiful it could be (this was before the focus shifted to violent shark encounters.)
I think that, more than anything, helped get me back in the water.

:rotfl2: You are so tricky!!!!

And sneaky. Don't forget sneaky.

Oh, good! Sharks!!!! Willow was once convinced they were in the quiet pool at the BW, so you never know! :scared1:

:laughing: Quiet pools would be a good place. A steady stream of food and not much noise.
Is Willow scared of sharks and water too?
I brewed a nice, hot cup of tea..... Curled up in my favorite chair, still in my Jammie's.... And clicked in Ponzi's report. My perfect wind down from a 67 hour work week. Thank you again! You did not disappoint! I can't wait to read about your adventure.

I'm truly touched... wait... You knew that. Lemme start again.
I'm pleased... honoured?... happy?... That you think my update is worthy of a hot tea/jammie/curl up.
That just makes my day! :goodvibes

Glad you enjoyed it.
I suspect the next update will come a bit sooner than this one did.

Pleased to see you survived yet again another water-related near death experience! ;)

Well... survived. Sure. But... whole?
Wow, very brave!

You may change your mind about my bravery... next update.

Swimming - meh, it's OK, except for the not being able to see if I take off my glasses. And of course "swimsuit ready" is not a phrase that is associated with any portion of my wardrobe.

I frequently wear my contacts when I go to the beach... and worry about them when I go in the water.
Either that or... I just don't see crap.

But SCUBA? Nope, nope, nope, nope.... That hits my claustrophobia panic button immediately. But I'm sure glad that you got to have this experience and share it, that's as close as I will get!

You'd love this then.
Part of the training involved dropping all the equipement into the deep end of the pool.
Well, all except your swimsuit... and your mask.
You then had to dive in, turn on the oxygen and put everything on underwater.

Oh yeah. Did I mention that your mask is covered in aluminum foil so you completely blind?

Fun times.
It is the last photo of this chapter, however.
And I really don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Judge for yourselves.
Um... well, I like the pictures. But it did fine without any more!

The Contest

The answer to those burning... er, Bonus questions!

1. What did I need to make me feel more at ease in France?
Answer: Dessert, of course! Dessert makes everything better.

2. How many people were on Living With the Land with me? (Hint: < 10)
Answer: All by myself...

3. Find the burning bush.
Of course. The easy and obvious choices. :sad2: :headache: :faint:

I mentioned it at least once in the last two chapters,
but nobody else noticed, or at least brought it up.
I didn't even think anything about it... a plastic bag is basically a standard park going accessory for me. I always carry one to toss my phone and wallet in if I want to hop on an attraction that I might get wet on. I guess EPCOT doesn't have any of those attractions, but you never know if you might want to park hop.

Plus... $100 worth of balloons is what... two?
If that.

How about handing out free glow bracelets for MSEP?
Well, really. Same problem as with the balloons.

Plus... Well....
"Hey kids! Want some glow bracelets? Just step inside my white van!!"
I started thinking along these lines when you mentioned the balloon thing. Just something about a guy walking around by himself giving something to little kids. Of course it can be totally harmless but it just seems to carry a stigma.

The natives are getting restless.
<Thunk> (Arrow imbeds itself into computer housing.)
There's old Trader Sam, head salesman of the area. Business has been shrinking lately, so this week only, Sam's offering a two-for-one special: two of his, for one of yours!

By now, some, possibly most, of you have guessed...
That I was doing Dolphins in Depth.
Um... nope. Never guessed that.

No... It's BIG!
Here, try this... BIG

Melissa also explained that in the event of a natural disaster,
the tank could be drained in about two minutes.
Um... ok. :confused3 Under what natural disaster would you have the need to empty an aquarium in 2 minutes???

Don't ask me where they'd drain the water to!
Or what would happen to Nemo!
I've got plenty of questions. I guess if you don't know anything I might as well just keep them to myself. :rolleyes1

I noted that the sharks were fed every other day.
I noted also that they'd been fed today.
Check and check! :thumbsup2

A young lady was busy readying bunches of Romaine lettuce.
That's what they were feeding the manatees.
I like Caesar salad, so I guess I have that in common with them.
That and being more round than angular.
It sounds like they're better swimmers though.

Oh, and it fit perfectly.
I got the feeling that Melissa was pretty used to guessing sizes.

Just as well. They'd probably eat the fish, kill the sharks
and tease the turtles mercilessly.
But wouldn't that be entertaining to watch?

An idea hatched in my head.
I could jump in the deep end... right beside the rope... and be okay.
I could be like the big kids!
Uh oh...

(I believe my exact words were: "Geronimo!" :sad2:)
That's right there with "Hey y'all, watch this!" as the last thing said before a tragedy.

I don't bear any ill-will towards her, we were just little kids.
And she was just trying to help.
I get it. She wanted to get you over your fear. Sadly she just made it worse. But it is the thought that counts. :rotfl:

I wonder if she's scared of spiders?
What? Oh. Sorry. Moving on.

But that show, plus some books my folks got me,
showed me that there was nothing to fear in our lakes.
And then you saw Jaws....

Eventually the older kids got bored and moved on to other pursuits.
I placed the board at the water's edge, moved back... and RAN!
I jumped on the board... and it flew out from underneath my feet!
I landed in a heap on the beach.
I looked up... to see the board zipping out over the water.
:headache: That's what you get for trying to be like the big kids.

I thrashed and fought and somehow managed to keep my head (mostly) above water.
After what seemed like an hour, but was probably about 10 minutes,
I crawled out onto the beach.
I collapsed onto the sand, unable to move.
See! You can swim!!

Ok, maybe tread water or dog paddle.

But you stayed afloat and got back to the shore.

I was feeling a bit nervous, but managing okay, when...
Something tapped me on the shoulder.
I glanced over and two inches in front of my eyes was
a big
ten foot long

partially submerged log.

I didn't scream.
I might have yelped.
Okay, maybe I did scream a little.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: The water got a little warmer around you too, didn't it?

I snorkeled in a shark cage... but I'm in a cage. I was safe.
That's what the shark wants you to think.

"Dad. Are there sharks here?"
"Nope! Not here! Ha ha!"

I said you were correct... about the plastic bag being for the bathing suit.
But you were not for the tour.
Um.... yeah, I really don't know my EPCOT seas tours... so get to the dang point!

Did I surprise you?

Did you see that one coming?

Since only about one percent of the population of Canada
and/or the States have Scuba certification,
I was pretty confident that few, perhaps none of you, have done this.
I'm just impressed that someone with as big a fear of water and so many near brushes with drowning would have scuba certification.

After that, I went with a friend on a dive in... oh, about 1987.
And that was the last time I ever went.
To say I was a bit rusty would be an understatement!
Would I remember what to do?
Better than some, it would turn out.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: So... once certified, always certified??

But enough about the mechanics...
No. More mechanics! I don't know the first thing about diving. Sinking I can do. Diving, not so much.
Um... well, I like the pictures. But it did fine without any more!

I stopped the TR before I got to this point:


Of course. The easy and obvious choices. :sad2: :headache: :faint:

See? It's a real easy contest!

I didn't even think anything about it... a plastic bag is basically a standard park going accessory for me. I always carry one to toss my phone and wallet in if I want to hop on an attraction that I might get wet on. I guess EPCOT doesn't have any of those attractions, but you never know if you might want to park hop.

True... and I actually have done that exact same thing.
We went on Kali.

You're right.
One balloon on a string + one string, sans balloon.

I started thinking along these lines when you mentioned the balloon thing. Just something about a guy walking around by himself giving something to little kids. Of course it can be totally harmless but it just seems to carry a stigma.

I know. And that makes me sad.
Stranger danger!

There's old Trader Sam, head salesman of the area. Business has been shrinking lately, so this week only, Sam's offering a two-for-one special: two of his, for one of yours!

:laughing: I know the quote.... just don't remember. Is that on a sign at Jungle Cruise?...
No. Part of the spiel! Yeah, that's it.

Um... nope. Never guessed that.

Interesting how I threw out a red herring... then dove with one. (Maybe... I have no idea.)

Here, try this... BIG

Are we really going to get in a size comparison match???

Um... ok. :confused3 Under what natural disaster would you have the need to empty an aquarium in 2 minutes???

No idea.

I read somewhere that the building is the most fortified building in WDW.
I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised.

It sounds like they're better swimmers though.

Everything is.
Ducks, geese, dogs, bricks...

But wouldn't that be entertaining to watch?

I can just imagine the kids faces. "Oh! Look mom! There's Dory!! And here comes a dolphin!" :eek:

That's right there with "Hey y'all, watch this!" as the last thing said before a tragedy.

:sad2: You have no idea how many times and for how many years I was teased about that.

I get it. She wanted to get you over your fear. Sadly she just made it worse. But it is the thought that counts. :rotfl:

Yeah.... And I "thought" about it too.

And then you saw Jaws....

:laughing: That's exactly what happened! :lmao:

See! You can swim!!

Ok, maybe tread water or dog paddle.

But you stayed afloat and got back to the shore.

Panicked vertical thrashing brought on by an aversion to drowning... again.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: The water got a little warmer around you too, didn't it?


That's what the shark wants you to think.

These guys weren't quite as big as the one pictured above.

I'm just impressed that someone with as big a fear of water and so many near brushes with drowning would have scuba certification.

It wasn't easy. I really think that if it wasn't for Jacques Cousteau and that book my parents got me,
(it was about diving on a sunken Spanish Galleon)
I never would have done it.

So... once certified, always certified??

Actually, yes and no.
I believe that some require you to recertify every year or two, but mine doesn't.

No. More mechanics! I don't know the first thing about diving. Sinking I can do. Diving, not so much.

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it!
Just on the final proof-read now.
You don't just blurt out the first fool thing that comes into your head like I do?! I will work on this whole proof reading thing. :worship:
I last left you with myself scurrying off in the general direction of the....
no sashaying, honestly I cannot see you scurrying.
So tapstiles it is.
makes good sense
Before I went through them, I paused to take one last picture.
Nice snap
Both DDs wanted a balloon
and even though I told them we couldn't bring them home on the plane,
they still wanted them.
At the end of our stay, they each gave their balloons to a family with two kids.
They felt good and learned a lesson in giving.)
awwwwww :lovestruc
"Hey! I don't know you." He shouts.
(He really did. He was freaked out. It was fun.)
"No you don't." I say. "But that's okay, I don't know you either."
He roars off.
This is where I ran into a spot of bother.
I quickly got my bathing suit on,
stepped into the shorty, got my arms in and....
it zips up the back... and I couldn't reach the zipper!
I asked Melissa's husband to give me a hand.
Hey! Now I know how you ladies feel
when you ask a guy to help you with your dress!
Not as romantic as I thought it would be.
Even though Melissa's husband was kinda cute.
You know... for a guy.... uh....
Cars! Sports! Tools! Toilet seats..... UP!
The dolphins share the same water as the rest of the critters,
but they are separated from them by a divider.
Just as well. They'd probably eat the fish, kill the sharks
and tease the turtles mercilessly.
Melissa explained how the dolphins were like children.
They were constantly hiding their toys in an area of the pool.
I think it was the skimmer.
She reached in and sure enough, pulled out a couple of toys. :laughing:
And by swim, I mean my sister would grab me and drag me into the deep end.
I would scream and plead with the lifeguard to help me.
This would happen over... and over... and over.
I'm sure we were quite popular.
I don't bear any ill-will towards her, we were just little kids.
And she was just trying to help.
You poor dear, that would not make for good associations with water. :hug:
I wonder if she's scared of spiders?
What? Oh. Sorry. Moving on.
but never near seaweed.
That stuff scares the heck out of me.
I know that it won't grab me. I know there's nothing hiding in there.
Oh yes it does! Once when swimming across a lake in Oregon something wrapped around my foot out in the middle of the lake, I panicked, and swam fast for shore. The vegetation from the bottom of the lake, had somehow become entwined around my leg. Even knowing it was nothing scary I did not swim out across it again that day! ;)
Melissa told me that she was going to put my glasses on eBay.
I put the mask on and.... I could see! A miracle. I can see! I can see!
Soon, my head slipped beneath the surface
and I began my descent to the bottom...

And the circling sharks.
:sad2: nope, nopers, nope huh uh! :eek: Even mermaids have their limits! :crazy2:
I last left you with myself scurrying off in the general direction of the....
That's official now.
Turnstiles doesn't cut it.

I can get on board with tapstiles.

It is the last photo of this chapter, however.

Well, it's a mighty nice photo. Can you bank the unused 24 slots for a future chapter?:confused3

Captain_Oblivious even went the taboo route, guessing:
1. Refilling a mug at a wrong resort,
2. Pool hopping; or <gasp>
3. Taking the kids out of school for a Disney trip.
(Yeah, I've already done that. :snooty:)

Well, so have I! The last one, anyway. Yeah. Just the last one.:rolleyes1

There was one thing that I noticed, too.
Only GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes noted the plastic bag
that I brought along with me.

I mentioned it at least once in the last two chapters,
but nobody else noticed, or at least brought it up.

HELLO???? Did you not see my user name??

One of the things I really wanted to do this trip was spread some pixie dust.
I'm so envious of others who've been able to do that.

Good idea! Just don't use glitter. That stuff is more proof that there is a hell.

Plus... $100 worth of balloons is what... two?


Sorry? What's that you say?

Right! Anyway, on to scene 24, which is a smashing scene with magnificent acting...

That I was doing Dolphins in Depth.
And maybe some of you have had a little light bulb go off over your head.
"Ah! The plastic bag was for his bathing suit."
And you would be correct.


A car pulls up, stops.
The driver rolls down the passenger window.
He calls out, "Hi!"
I have no idea who this is... but I'll go with it.
"Hi." I say back.
"How you doing?" He asks.
"Not bad." I reply.
"Are you going to Jason's?" He asks.
"Who's Jason?" I reply.
A look of consternation crosses his face.
"Hey! I don't know you." He shouts.
(He really did. He was freaked out. It was fun.)
"No you don't." I say. "But that's okay, I don't know you either."
He roars off.

And then you followed him home...

The pipes continued underground to the sand filtration system.
That system took up two city blocks!

The living seas is big.
No... It's BIG!

If you drained off one inch of water from the aquarium,
you would have enough water to fill an Olympic size swimming pool.
If you emptied the tank into one-gallon milk jugs and laid them side by side,
they would stretch all the way to New Orleans... over 500 miles.

Holy crap, that's big! This is just catnip for an engineering geek like me. Wait, is "engineering geek" a redundant term?

Don't ask me where they'd drain the water to!

Universal Studios.:rolleyes1

A young lady was busy readying bunches of Romaine lettuce.
That's what they were feeding the manatees.
I like Caesar salad, so I guess I have that in common with them.
That and being more round than angular.

They'd probably prefer bacon. But at least it wasn't brussels sprouts.

Melissa explained how the dolphins were like children.
They were constantly hiding their toys in an area of the pool.
I think it was the skimmer.
She reached in and sure enough, pulled out a couple of toys. :laughing:

Hmm. My kids don't hide their toys, they just scatter them all over every square inch of the floors.

The next thing I remember is opening them and...
I was lying on the grass by the pool.
A lifeguard was bending over me.
A ring of people surrounded me.
I have no idea how I got there.
And I don't remember a single thing from that point on.


So why am I telling you all this?
It's to give you a good idea of how I feel about water... and why.

So...not a big fan? By the way, at what point did you realize you had wandered into The Living Seas?:rotfl2:

The best part of the Epcot DiveQuest was about to start.

Cool! Wait...what?

I got my Scuba certification in high school.


Trying to reconcile this with water stories 1 through 4...

Melissa's husband.... forgot to put his mouthpiece in.
Kinda hard to breathe without it. :laughing:

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Breathing is underrated.

But just to whet your appetites...

I pushed the button to begin deflating my BC.
And as the air rushed out, I began to sink.
Soon, my head slipped beneath the surface
and I began my descent to the bottom...

And the circling sharks.

:scared1: You're gonna need a bigger boat.
Whoop whoop for the update! :banana: That's a whooping banana just for you :goodvibes

Oh... and PTTYPYMBUTTSYF or Pity-pim-butt-sniff is just too confusing.
(But does have a nice ring to it.)
Pun intended? Too crude....?????

Judge for yourselves.
Judge you by your report, we do....

You'll probably all give me a collective "Meh."

Scoobymoons - easel or slush - 0 - American Adventure - 2 points
Thanks :cool2:

Scoobymoons - 2 points for practically perfect condiments. 1 point for being on a roll. 1 point for tiny kimonos.
I think I might start a business called Practically Perfect Condiments....... or Tiny Kimonos.......diverse, yet achievable......

Scoobymoons 21 points
:dancer: Go me!!!! :hug:

I haven't either, but it was a good guess, wasn't it?
You tease.....

And I actually did do that... several times... but it's such a small thing.)
It's such an appreciated thing though.....keep doing it!

"We're leaving tonight. How can we possibly take this on the plane?"
We have that thought so often. It's when you see people who've been at a fair and won the most enormous soft toy in the history of soft toys and you think.....errrrrr (as I was typing that, I hit the wrong 2 letters and started off typing weeeeeee......just thought I'd share :goodvibes) where the heck are you going to put that....?!

Plus... $100 worth of balloons is what... two?

At the end of our stay, they each gave their balloons to a family with two kids.
They felt good and learned a lesson in giving.)

I was in a bit of a funk
Great word 'funk'. It is becoming more prevalent in my vocabulary! If you get your toppings wrong is that funky condimentalisation?

For the first time in my life... I was "backstage".
Da da daaaaaaa! Exciting! Jealous.

"Hey! I don't know you." He shouts.
(He really did. He was freaked out. It was fun.)
"No you don't." I say. "But that's okay, I don't know you either."
He roars off.
Love that the guy will probably remember you for ever because of this by not knowing you he ends up with you as nearly....well family really.....;)

The Disney decompression chamber for divers."
Please tell me that you tried to get in it.....?! Please????!!!

How big? If you could pick up Spaceship Earth,
it would fit inside the living seas aquarium.
Whoah! Enormous!
Or what would happen to Nemo!
He'd be fine.....all drains lead to the ocean......

Each turtle had its own schedule
And PA???? Perhaps a briefcase? Shirt and tie maybe??!

Romaine lettuce
None of your regular iceberg for them.......surely there's an irony there somewhere....?

That and being more round than angular.

Cars! Sports! Tools! Toilet seats..... UP!
All better now?

They'd probably eat the fish, kill the sharks
and tease the turtles mercilessly.
Naughty dolphins!

That's the second wee you've had in this chapter alone.....

The next thing I remember is opening them and...
I was lying on the grass by the pool.
A lifeguard was bending over me.
:scared1: That's terrifying.

I cannot stand the smell of coconut. It makes me feel sick.
I can smell it in anything.
Isn't it strange how that works? I hate red peppers (not related to any water-based experiences I hasten to add....although I'd quite like to hear that story.....) but I can smell them in anything and taste them.....even the tiniest amount. Senses are incredible! You definitely have more excuse than me though...I in fact have no excuse at all.....pretend I never said anything.....
They're basically harmless bottom dwellers
Anything that dwells in a bottom surely can't be harmless....yikes!

Once I got over the shock, I pulled the log to shore.


So come. Let us be frank.
Ok....I'm game....

Did I surprise you?

Did you see that one coming?

Next question?

(Is it sad that I have to specify which location I almost drowned at?) should I put this.......

What no questions? No guesses? I know that it's not the end of the chapter but......

(Fast forward to next week. Small circle of chairs all occupied.)
"Hello, my name's Claire and I'm addicted to points. It all started as some harmless fun but then the questions stopped and I don't know how to cope any more...."

Can you live with the guilt????!!!
:rotfl:Okay I just binge read your TR so far on the train home from London and caused some looks to be thrown my way when I laughed out loud at various points (yes I'm one of those people on trains. I regret nothing. Plus I have no shame )

The guy opposite me was reading Tolstoy's War and Peace in Russian (he was English) and I seriously considered telling him to read along with me cause he looked miserable. But I have a rule about talking to strangers...unless they are on the internet...or they have ice cream. :thumbsup2 Sugar first, safety second! :teacher:

(I have a very strong suspicion that he was actually reading Fifty Shades of Grey :rolleyes1)
Yes!!! I'm still in first! Even though I didn't do very well that last round. Although no one did really. I'm pretty sure I also guessed the driving experience. You said you exited the park so everyone assumed you were leaving Epcot.

I never would have guessed you had a problem with water after reading your Hawaii TR. That's cool that you have scuba certification. I was going to take a scuba diving class in college but I didn't like the instructors and it seemed more like they were trying to make money off us then teach a class.

What do you mean you can't swim? How then can you scuba dive? I could swim practically before I could walk. Seriously, I was in diapers when I had my first swim lesson and before I could remember. I used to swim so much my hair was a light brown growing up, compared to the super dark, almost black hair I actually have. I think everyone should know how to swim.

So, yeah, the next chapter better be pretty quick. No bonus questions so no need to wait for answers. Chop chop!!! And I'm still sick!
WooHoo!!! I am not last! I got 2 points for guessing 2.5! Shouldn't I have gotten 2.5 points for that guess? Hmmm..

And Wow! I didn't even know that you could do a scuba thingy at epcot. Shows what I know.

However, I spent 4 years in the US Navy, sailing the ocean blue and all that, and I hate water sports in all forms. Taking a shower is as close to a large body of water as I want to get to anymore. :)
Wow...who knew you could scuba at Epcot?? And also that it's so big in the seas??? I had no idea! What an amazing experience that must have been...not sure I'd do it lol..but pretty cool to hear about it from here :)) Looking forward to hearing more!
I might just head back to the hotel for a nap.
(Right, Tracy?)
Right! That's totally what I'd do! ::yes::

Tracy161 - And 1 point to ease the totally understandable jealousy.
'Bout time you acknowledged that. Hmmmph. :snooty:

Plus... $100 worth of balloons is what... two?
:rotfl: Yes, last time I checked.

Yikes! I can't say I was enjoying all of your death defying stories! I was on the edge of my seat until I realized "hey, he's writing this TR... clearly he survived." But seriously, how you even come within 10 feet of water is beyond me! I grew up on a lake and LOVE the water but I did not have any of your fear-inducing experiences either. :sad2:

When I was a kid I grew up on Seneca Lake - the same lake where numerous "Lockness Monster sightings" have occurred, some documented by varying degrees of believable evidence. The cynics claim these sightings were actually sturgeon. So... moral of the story: anything that can be confused with the Lockness Monster is something to steer clear of! :scared1:

(Is it sad that I have to specify which location I almost drowned at?)

I am anxious to read more about this experience! I sure hope it's a good water experience for you!!! :goodvibes There's a first for everything, right?
I stopped the TR before I got to this point:
Well, now it really looks like its getting good!!! :rolleyes1

I can just imagine the kids faces. "Oh! Look mom! There's Dory!! And here comes a dolphin!" :eek:
It's the circle of life.
And it moves us all...

:laughing: That's exactly what happened! :lmao:
I knew it!

These guys weren't quite as big as the one pictured above.
But their teeth are just as sharp. :rolleyes1

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it!
Oh, I'm not knocking it. I'd love to try it sometime! I'm fascinated by it.


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