Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

Totally wiped. Shout outs tomorrow. Night all.

Hi Rebecca!
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MLK was the one thing in kindergarten (which was a very bad year for her) that really resonated for her.

Oh... I'm so sorry. Having two DDs who've had bad years, I totally relate.

I think a lot of it is because she is a child of color growing up in a white family - when she first learned of MLK in kindergarten, she came home and explained to me that, a long time ago, we couldn't be a family, but because of MLK, we could be together. :lovestruc

Love that. Did you hug her so hard she almost popped?

:rotfl2: I would have been just fine with your order MINUS most of "the works" - condiments are not my friend. :scared:

:laughing: You and O-kitty2 should get together.
You can compare your buns.

These are possibly the saddest bonus points of all time. I'm happy to have them, don't get me wrong, but *sigh*. :laughing:


I'm thinking it's basically the DIS equivalent of pulling down your pants and sliding on the ice? :confused3 :rolleyes1

:laughing: Pretty much!

I'm interested to see if Willow and I still enjoy it as much as we did in years past. I have no idea why we liked it so much - I'm thinking just the peace and quiet and cool air after all the crazy? :confused3

When I first took the girls, they were crazy about Figment and "the Figment ride".
Their favourite ride.. in any park.
Four years later, they couldn't wait to ride it again, and.... meh.

Of course! The whole mission might be aborted or end in death if we didn't!!!! :faint:

Right? Right???

The Return of The Sashay!!!! :thumbsup2

The sashay is never really gone.

Yes! Yes, I am SO happy!


:rotfl2: I may die. This is AWESOME! :rotfl2:

:laughing: There are moments when things happen and you think:
"This is going in the TR."

Hmm, that's three types of shopping that you have over me. I do NOT care for shopping at all! :eek:

You are going to have soooo much fun on your next trip. :rolleyes1

Oh, Japan - the non-Epcot version is Willow's and my Big Dream vacation. :goodvibes

Mine too. And Kay's.
Except I want temples and gardens and serenity,
she wants Manga and Anime and downtown Tokyo. :laughing:

Okay, I thought I was going to die before over Jessica, but I was wrong. This KILLS me!!! :rotfl2: Seriously - you may have just killed me. I will finish my comments, but then I am going to FALL DOWN! :rotfl2:


1. Um, a croissant?

No, a cigarette?

I'm going with beret.

2. I am going to say 1 other than you, despite the photographic evidence of 0.

3. Hang on while I race to Mount Horeb.....

All noted.
Gotta run. My turn to volunteer at the Dance Festival.
Rest of the shout-outs later.
Ooooo... Lookit...someone else who doesn't condimize!

I was wondering if you'd see that! :laughing:

The Big Mac has TWO burgers and that middle bun. Getting two regular hamburgers just isn't the same!

I KNEW you were going to say that!

But what about the Special Sauce. It says it right there in the name - that's what makes it special

Nope. She takes that out too. It's just not that special.
Opposite of me.
People would always come up to my mom and ask what was wrong with me.
She'd always say: "Oh, he's just special."

Made me feel so good inside as I chewed on the strangers ankle.

Oooh, murdered in it's prime (beef)!

:laughing: I like that!

Ok. I've been trying to catch up on all my TR's that I follow today. But I'm just out of time. I've read the first part of your EPCOT update and I've made it as far as Morocco.

Just a little farther! You're almost there!!

Wait... You mean you couldn't be bothered to finish it???
What? Are you a farmer or something who doesn't have all the time in the world?

But I'm going to have to come back later to finish and reply.

Oh, alright.
Get your guesses in quickly because... well, actually,
I've been too busy to even start the next chapter.

Hehe I said I was on pg. 24 last night, but apparently I tapped out :lmao:at pg. 31 instead!

Hi Rebecca! And :welcome: to the TR.
So nice to have you along for the ride! :goodvibes
Pretty ambitious to read through all that. Hope I didn't break you.

Hello there! I'm digging the heck out of your trip report, and thank you ever so much for visiting my ptr.

When you say your digging my report,
what you're really saying is you are digging so you can bury it like a turd, right?

Thought so.

Can't blame you, either.

OH! @pkondz Zebra Domes ~ What are this?

Posted the answer over on your PTR, Rebecca.


zzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaa ddddddddddoooooommmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeesssssssss........

Not Mr. Creosote! *blegh* :sick:

Still one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
Would you like a wafer thin mint? It's wafer thin!
What's this, pkondz?! Just one day ago I get a proposal and now you're "hi-ing" with a cute little wave someone else?! :rotfl2:

I've thought this over and there's only one solution.
Become a Mormon.
It's the only way.

I love ya Tracy, but.... She's got red hair!!! and she calls herself a mermaid!!!! :faint:
I now have a purple tint in my hair. Does that count?

Went to Red Robin today for lunner. I got a burger with only teriyaki sauce. I only used ketchup for the fries.

Hasn't it been like a week since the last update??? We need answers!
I now have a purple tint in my hair. Does that count?

But good on ya for trying.

Went to Red Robin today for lunner. I got a burger with only teriyaki sauce. I only used ketchup for the fries.

:sad2: oh, Carrie. What are we going to do with you?

Hasn't it been like a week since the last update??? We need answers!

I haven't had a chance to breathe! Let alone type up a chapter... but soon... soon...
To all the DIS Moms out there....

DH said there's nothing to be done about me! :snooty:

My hair is too dark to really have a real red in it. It always turns out more of a tint. DH said he can't even tell the difference. And why do I stay married to him? I think its just for help with electronics.

I've thought this over and there's only one solution.
Become a Mormon.
It's the only way.

I love ya Tracy, but.... She's got red hair!!! and she calls herself a mermaid!!!! :faint:
You're right, I suppose there is only one answer: Mormonism. But, after Ruby, I'm the NEXT sister wife. :snooty:
DH said there's nothing to be done about me! :snooty:

I believe him! :laughing:

My hair is too dark to really have a real red in it. It always turns out more of a tint. DH said he can't even tell the difference. And why do I stay married to him? I think its just for help with electronics.

:lmao: I think that's the reason more often than not.

You're right, I suppose there is only one answer: Mormonism. But, after Ruby, I'm the NEXT sister wife. :snooty:

Yes, dear.
I have a bad feeling I've been away for so long that I've missed out on precious points. I was catching up ya know. :lmao:Just popping in for quick drive by before my next week starts. I'm hoping to get more reading done tomorrow after lab. :)
afwdwfan - 3 points because he's an Indy fan. And so am I.
Sweet! So did you watch the road course race this past weekend? I DVR'ed it and watched it Saturday night after avoiding spoilers all afternoon. I was hoping Graham could have gotten a little closer. I'm just not much of a Penske fan. They're great, I've got nothing but respect for them. But it's just too easy to be a Penske or Ganassi fan. I'd rather see RLL, AJ Foyt, Schmidt, SFH or one of the other teams run up front. Or Andretti. I realize they're one of the big budget teams too... but I've always been an Andretti fan.

iPod, all charged up night before.
Thankfully you didn't destroy it when it woke you up.

There are Family -People on his left that are ahead! It's going to be close!
Wait! Wait! The Family -People ahead have a stroller and are peeling off into stroller parking!!
Yes! He's done it! He's in the lead! He's inside The Land!!!!
He's charging through the queue! Oh, this is incredible! This is Fantastic! This....

Where did all these people come from?
And how did they get here so fast, ahead of me?
There were about a dozen people already waiting to ride.
Talk about deflating one's ego!
I was so sure I had that race won!
Or at least placed.
I didn't even show.
You know that picture you paused to take of the sign. Yep. That cost you.

Oh, settle down.
Yes, I know some of you really like this ride.
And to be honest... it exceeded my expectations.
I found it interesting. And interesting is good.
Interesting is not boring.
And you said it was good. So I went.
::yes:: I'm glad you did it!

But seriously, the first half hour or so of the park being open?

Not exactly what I'd be doing with that time... :rolleyes1

I got to the queue well after rope drop now and had to contend with the crowds to ride.
Here's a picture of the boats prior to us all boarding.
See... nobody rides it at rope drop.

It didn't place first in any category.
I think that qualifies me as an automotive engineer.
Think about it. How many of you have ever said:
"What a piece of crap!" when talking about your car/truck?
See? Qualified.
Wow! Now if you made it so that half of your vehicle has to be disassembled just to change a headlight bulb, you're definitely qualified!

And where's the picture? :rolleyes1

I don't know about you, but I more or less put up with the entire ride...
just so I can get to the high speed part!

Which is... odd.
I mean the car goes up to 65mph, right?
Well I drive faster than that on some highways,
and I don't ever feel like holding my arms up in the air and
hollering like an idiot.
Well, for one thing, I'm guessing there aren't many convertibles in Canada.

Which I suppose is a good thing, since if I did, I'd be hollering
and so would my passengers as we smash through the guard rail
and go soarin' off into oblivion.

(How is it that I vividly recall the flight to Mars,
but have absolutely no recollection of the flight back?
Short term memory loss brought on by high g loads, I guess.)
Hmmm... now that you mention it, I don't remember returning either...

Maybe it is like LOST and we crashed into an alternate reality purgatory-ish thing on Mars! :scared1:

So I tried to cajole them into going to Epcot... but... no.
Their minds were made up.
So now I had a coveted ADR for Le Cellier...
and we weren't even going to be in Epcot!

I dutifully called Guest Services and regretfully, reluctantly,
cancelled the ADR and made a new one for somewhere in MK.

I am not making this up. This honest-to-heck happened...
I placed the telephone receiver back onto the cradle.
And the very second... the instant I did so...
Both kids tell me they've changed their minds and now want to go to Epcot.


I spun around, grabbed the phone and re-dialed.
"Hello? Hello? I just had an ADR for Le Cellier for six o'clock that I cancelled.
Can I get it back?..."

Nope. Gone.
Oh wow... :eek: :faint: :sad2: How did they even survive that?

But not too long.
I see that every day, on pretty much every street corner of my town.
I knew it!!!!

What did I order you ask?
I'd heard nothing but good things about the Fillet Mignon...
but I just don't feel like steak at lunchtime.
It is always time for a good steak. :sad2:

The Cheddar Cheese soup!

And.... meh.
After waiting almost six years... I won't bother again.
Oh, it was okay. Maybe even pretty good.
I found the texture to be a little off-putting.
You know, I can see that. I really liked it. But I'm usually not a big soup fan. I did enjoy the flavor and I'd definitely have it again. But I can definitely see the texture thing.


All I can say is "Oh.... My."
It wasn't just good... it was stupendously, fantastically good.
If you haven't had one, GET. ONE.
This little baby alone makes a trip to Epcot worthwhile.
A little sugared piece of heaven on a paper plate.
I really need to try one. Sadly, I haven't yet.

I was passing by Impressions de France and enquired when the next show would be.
Five minutes? I could do that.
Especially since I intended on doing so anyway.
Never seen it.
So gotta see it, no?
Excusez-moi... Non?
Je l'ai jamais vu!

Sad thing is, I took 3 years of French in high school and I had to use google just to type a simple sentence. :rotfl2:

Boulangerie Patisserie.
Yes I'd just had lunch... but I hadn't had dessert yet!!
Oh, the horror! Something must be done about this terrible injustice!
"I'll take everything visible... to go, please."
Seems reasonable to me!

Goodness knows that's much more important than parenting.
Well, yeah! It is Disney World! Nobody will be bothered by just another unruly kid. They'll hardly notice! :rolleyes1

My mouth's watering as I'm typing this!
Mine is watering as I read it.

And yes, the fellow with the beer is heading in for his turn for a photo.
Guess even pawnshop owners go to Disney...

Don't you expect Aladdin to come running around the corner
with guards chasing after, any second?
::yes:: And that would make Morocco so much more interesting!

One hundred percent certain not my kind of music.
I tried, I really tried to stick out an entire song.
Nope. Couldn't do it.
That pool's just getting shallower and shallower, isn't it?
The only musical act I've ever taken the time to watch in Morocco had a belly dancer. I don't remember what the music sounded like, or even what instruments they played. But the belly dancer was very talented. VERY talented.

Did I mention that I like Japan?
Not sure if that came through or not.
Thanks for clearing that up!

I'd been walking quite a bit already today,
and was looking for a place to sit or lean while I listened to the drummers.
I noticed an older couple perched on the edge of a large planter pot.
I did a double take.
The man seated on the pot looked very much like Tommy Chong,
of Cheech and Chong fame.
He was about 65 - 70 years old and just screamed... hippie.
I couldn't resist.
I had to do it.
I walked up to him and said...

"Hey man, can I borrow some of your pot?"
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: That's awesome! Maybe he had just fried enough brain cells that he couldn't make the connection.

I bet he got the joke about 3 hours later! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

Bonus questions!
1. What did I need to make me feel more at ease in France?
2. How many people were on Living With the Land with me? (Hint: < 10)
3. Find the burning bush.
1. Grand Marnier slush.
2. 0
3. The easy answer would be the tree that appears to be burning due to the glare, but I'm guessing there's an actual burning bush somewhere else. I didn't specifically see one in any picture, so I'll say it was the trunk in the pot at Japan.

Hmmmm... convenient place for a "burning" bush. :rotfl:

And soon I was approaching the...

I think I'll stick with turnstiles.
Even though they're clearly not actual turnstiles.
Shorter to type, though.

Oh, man! I am so stoked to tell you all about it.... next time.
I can't wait. And since there's no points, I won't even try to guess. So I'll be really surprised. Unless it was the Petty Experience. Then I won't be every surprised. :rolleyes1

I told you. I don't listen to Country!
I had to Google, then YouTube that to figure out what you were talking about! :laughing:
You don't even know what you're missing. :rolleyes1

Wait... You mean you couldn't be bothered to finish it???
What? Are you a farmer or something who doesn't have all the time in the world?
Well, I guess I could have finished reading. But since I planned to multi quote and give more than a comment that I read and submit my 3 guesses, I was going to have to come back later. So just take it as the fact that I cared enough to do more than the minimum. :thumbsup2

Oh, alright.
Get your guesses in quickly because... well, actually,
I've been too busy to even start the next chapter.
Thanks for the help!
I have a bad feeling I've been away for so long that I've missed out on precious points. I was catching up ya know. :lmao:Just popping in for quick drive by before my next week starts. I'm hoping to get more reading done tomorrow after lab. :)

I'm starting on my next chapter tonight, so you still have a window of opportunity open just a crack.
Sweet! So did you watch the road course race this past weekend? I DVR'ed it and watched it Saturday night after avoiding spoilers all afternoon. I was hoping Graham could have gotten a little closer. I'm just not much of a Penske fan. They're great, I've got nothing but respect for them. But it's just too easy to be a Penske or Ganassi fan. I'd rather see RLL, AJ Foyt, Schmidt, SFH or one of the other teams run up front. Or Andretti. I realize they're one of the big budget teams too... but I've always been an Andretti fan.

No! I did not watch the Indianapolis Grand Prix!
And I am ticked! :headache:
Oh, I taped it. Even set it up to record and additional two hours just incase.

I sat down to watch, rubbing my hands with glee.
Saw the first lap carnage,
watched up to lap 8 I believe....
And then it froze.
And then the DVR gave me an error message.
I had to power it off and on.

It came back on... I am not making this up...
Just as Power came around the last corner to take the checkered flag.

I tend to cheer for drivers, regardless of who they're driving for.
(Although it makes it easier to cheer for them when they're winning. :rolleyes1)

My #1 is Kanaan, followed by Castroneves.
Not a big fan of Power. I don't mind Dixon.
And of course, I like Hinch since he's Canadian.

I used to like Montoya, but ever since he left... Meh.

And I too cheer on team Andretti. Although I'm not a huge fan of Marco.
But I always want him to win Indy... just to break the curse.

Although I think it would be cool to see a woman win the Indy.
But it's not likely to happen this year.
But CFH does have a chance though.

And I don't ever... ever want to see Milka Duno (Don't know) driving again.

Thankfully you didn't destroy it when it woke you up.

Not everyone destroys their electronics while on vacation, ya know.

You know that picture you paused to take of the sign. Yep. That cost you.

I mentioned this earlier.
I actually took that picture afterwards. It just worked better there.

::yes:: I'm glad you did it!

But seriously, the first half hour or so of the park being open?

Not exactly what I'd be doing with that time... :rolleyes1

I was taking it easy, just waiting for World Showcase to open up.
I only had three things I really wanted to do.
Soarin', TT and MS.
I seriously considered Sum of all Thrills... but just didn't feel like it.
I was okay with either riding SE when it wasn't busy or skipping it.
My whole focus was on WS. So really, I was pretty much just relaxing and killing time.

See... nobody rides it at rope drop.

So, you're saying I timed it perfectly then?

Wow! Now if you made it so that half of your vehicle has to be disassembled just to change a headlight bulb, you're definitely qualified!

:sad2: That's just what I did not that long ago with my Toyota.
Had to get a fog light changed...
I had them do it after I'd been in my accident and the front was already off.

What a stupid system.

And where's the picture? :rolleyes1

I didn't have time! I just finished it with no time left on the clock
and then we were being ushered into the ride bay.

Well, for one thing, I'm guessing there aren't many convertibles in Canada.

And you'd be wrong.
A lot of people have a "good" car and a "winter beater".

Hmmm... now that you mention it, I don't remember returning either...

Maybe it is like LOST and we crashed into an alternate reality purgatory-ish thing on Mars! :scared1:

That would explain why my wife and kids sometimes act like they're from another planet!!!

Oh wow... :eek: :faint: :sad2: How did they even survive that?

Ruby restrained me.

Several times.

It is always time for a good steak. :sad2:

I know.
And I've had steak and eggs for breakfast.
Steak sandwich for lunch....

But I just wasn't in the mood.

And I have no idea why.
Except for the exorbitant price
and the knowledge that I could get as good or better at home.

You know, I can see that. I really liked it. But I'm usually not a big soup fan. I did enjoy the flavor and I'd definitely have it again. But I can definitely see the texture thing.

Someone gets it!

And yet... I've had similar soups with similar textures... and I've enjoyed those.
Maybe I just wasn't that hungry?

I really need to try one. Sadly, I haven't yet.

Yes. Yes you do.

Je l'ai jamais vu!

It wasn't half bad.
Plus.... there are seats!
Watch it once... very entertaining.
Watch it twice... nice place for a nap.

Sad thing is, I took 3 years of French in high school and I had to use google just to type a simple sentence.

:laughing: That's okay. How long ago was that, and how often do you use it??

Well, yeah! It is Disney World! Nobody will be bothered by just another unruly kid. They'll hardly notice!

Unfortunately, that's all too true.

Mine is watering as I read it.

We need to build an ark! Stat!

And that would make Morocco so much more interesting!

Actually, it would. The place wasn't that busy,
(as you could see from the photo.)

The only musical act I've ever taken the time to watch in Morocco had a belly dancer.

I've seen pictures.
These people were not her.

I don't remember what the music sounded like, or even what instruments they played. But the belly dancer was very talented. VERY talented.

I have no doubt! I feel it would be in my readers' interest
to do a complete and thorough evaluation of her skills in the future.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: That's awesome! Maybe he had just fried enough brain cells that he couldn't make the connection.

I bet he got the joke about 3 hours later! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

:lmao: I should've followed him around for a while.

He wanders around WS... pausing every now and then to look at something.
Suddenly he stops... and starts laughing hysterically.

And then forgets what he's laughing about and goes back to wandering.

1. Grand Marnier slush.
2. 0
3. The easy answer would be the tree that appears to be burning due to the glare, but I'm guessing there's an actual burning bush somewhere else. I didn't specifically see one in any picture, so I'll say it was the trunk in the pot at Japan.


Hmmmm... convenient place for a "burning" bush. :rotfl:


You don't even know what you're missing. :rolleyes1

Actually I do.
I accidentally tune in from time to time,
say "Blech!" and move on.

Well, I guess I could have finished reading. But since I planned to multi quote and give more than a comment that I read and submit my 3 guesses, I was going to have to come back later. So just take it as the fact that I cared enough to do more than the minimum. :thumbsup2

And I appreciate it Andy. I really do. I know how busy you are,
so taking the time to do a breakdown is very much appreciated.
My #1 is Kanaan, followed by Castroneves.
I like TK. I mean, who doesn't? I can tolerate Helio. I mean, at least he's out there having fun.

Not a big fan of Power. I don't mind Dixon.
I can't stand either one. Add Pagenaud to that list. Didn't care for him before, can't stand him now that he's with Penske.

I used to like Montoya, but ever since he left... Meh.
Never liked him.

And I too cheer on team Andretti. Although I'm not a huge fan of Marco.
::yes:: Marco just acts cocky and entitled. Kind of rubs me the wrong way. But I do like him because he's an Andretti. Not one of my top 3 drivers, but I like to see him do well. I'm still not over that last turn/last lap pass Hornish made on him his rookie year.

And of course, I like Hinch since he's Canadian.
::yes:: Hinch is one of my favorites. I definitely enjoy his color and personality. I'd say my favorites are Newgarden, Rahal, Hinch and Hunter-Reay.

And I don't ever... ever want to see Milka Duno (Don't know) driving again.
Oh for the love of GOD!!! Who ever thought it would be a good idea to ever put her in a car??????

But on the flip side, I really like Simona DeSilvestro. She's good. I really want to see this part time thing with Andretti blossom into something more. I think if she can get a consistent ride in good equipment, she could be very good.

I mentioned this earlier.
I actually took that picture afterwards. It just worked better there.
Sorry. I did read the update, but I kind of skipped all the other posts... :rolleyes1

But I just wasn't in the mood.

And I have no idea why.
Except for the exorbitant price
Yeah. That'll do it.

:laughing: That's okay. How long ago was that, and how often do you use it??
Um... 15 years. And never. :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

I have no doubt! I feel it would be in my readers' interest
to do a complete and thorough evaluation of her skills in the future.

:lmao: I should've followed him around for a while.

He wanders around WS... pausing every now and then to look at something.
Suddenly he stops... and starts laughing hysterically.

And then forgets what he's laughing about and goes back to wandering.
Also noticed where you hang your hat.
I've been to your home town, so maybe you should swing by mine, just to keep things even?

I have been to Canada quite a bit. Use to have a client in Alberta, that had offices in Calgary and Nunavut(I think that is how you spell it.) Never went to Nunavut, but loved the name.

Also, have been to Niagara, and my mother grow up on a farm in the deep north of Maine. So use to spend summers on the farm there, and we would go to Canada all the time. A little town in Maine called Houlton, that is right on the border. The winters were killer, but the view of nature was spectacular, even for a child. :)
I like TK. I mean, who doesn't? I can tolerate Helio. I mean, at least he's out there having fun.

He's got to be the most enthusiastic driver out there.

Except when he's ticked off... then watch out!

I can't stand either one. Add Pagenaud to that list. Didn't care for him before, can't stand him now that he's with Penske.

I didn't really think much of Pagenaud one way or another.
Drivers have to be around for a while before they really start showing up on my radar.

But I hear what you're saying.

Never liked him.

Too cocky?
I appreciated his skill more than his personality.
Now.... not so much.

Marco just acts cocky and entitled.

Buddy, your Dad had 42 wins and your Grand-dad had 52.
Don't start strutting around just because you have famous relatives.

But I do like him because he's an Andretti.

Yeah... And I kind of hate myself a little because of it.

Not one of my top 3 drivers, but I like to see him do well. I'm still not over that last turn/last lap pass Hornish made on him his rookie year.

So close!
Will that curse ever end???
(And no, I don't count team wins.)

::yes:: Hinch is one of my favorites. I definitely enjoy his color and personality. I'd say my favorites are Newgarden, Rahal, Hinch and Hunter-Reay.

I like Newgarden, possibly more so because of Sarah Fisher, though.

But on the flip side, I really like Simona DeSilvestro. She's good. I really want to see this part time thing with Andretti blossom into something more. I think if she can get a consistent ride in good equipment, she could be very good.

She is good. She's had some bad luck, bad cars or bad rides.
But lately... hopefully Andretti Autosports can get back in the fast lane.

Sorry. I did read the update, but I kind of skipped all the other posts... :rolleyes1

That's okay. I do the same.
So many TRs, so little time.

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