Cakes and Napoleons and F&W, oh my! Planning our Disney wedding!! UPDATED 9/15!!!

I completely understand what you mean about not having enough time to get on the DISboards. I feel that's been my life for the past year. :rotfl: I applaud those who can push out a TR in a few months and still keep up with everyone else's.

The new Disney website is extremely frustrating. It's so much more difficult to navigate. Not very user friendly at all. But, it's good to see you were able to get "most" of your ADRs. They are all great choices! :goodvibes And hopefully those last few will become available for you guys soon.
Busy at school. The end of the year bring lots of review for testing and much paperwork. Always happy to see Fridays roll around! :)

Hahaha yes Fridays are great! (But the weekends are even better!!)

Yikes! The ADR system sounds really buggy and difficult. I hope you get to make the rest of the reservations you wanted! As for the ones that you did get, they sound awesome!

I have 2 left to make as of now, it is a bit tricky to deal with!!

Just when I thought it was not possible to hate anything more than I hate the new photobucket, the new Disney "Experience" was released. It was awful, horrendous, and I too ended up having to call for all of my ADRs on our 180 day window. The lady on the line was SOOO cheerful and I was still mostly asleep! :rotfl:

I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! Yep, I had to make the phone call...and then remake most of them! As long as I HAVE the ADR's, that's what's important though!!

Yeah for having your ADRS (mostly) done. I've got to get working on that for October but as of yet have no idea where I want to eat. Yikes!

I agree the online site is a PITA. Not to mention that I have somehow screwed up my name and password and can not fix it. Everytime I try it wants to be my son Brian. I need some serious technical support. :rotfl2:

Your ADRs look great. I think I am going to do Jiko for Denny's b-day dinner. We'll be staying at AK there, so it just seems right.

Thanks for the update. You must feel like the wedding is getting so close.

Dress? Any details on your dress yet? You know I watch those "Say yes to the dress" reruns at lunch. I'm dying for detail. :thumbsup2

How do you not know where you want to eat on your Disney trip the second you book said trip??? :faint::rotfl: annoying!! The new site is definitely frustrating!!

Oooh that sounds like a great idea!! Jiko is one of the ADR's I still can't make - no idea why!!

It really does feel like it's coming SO soon!!! Hahaha yes - I have chosen my dress, but am not telling anyone details until the wedding day!! :goodvibes

Looks like a great line up of ADR's...well, at least the ones you could make. :)

Hope you get the others soon!

Jill in CO

Hahaha thanks!!

You really don't have to apologize for your absence! It's very understandable. :thumbsup2

I personally haven't had any issues with the new Disney site, but I've heard of several people who have. So who knows? Maybe it's just really buggy and I've been lucky.

YAY for ADRs! Wow, so many. They all sound so good! :woohoo:

I just hate being so far behind on everyone's TR's!!! I miss all the fun!!!

That's great that it's been smooth sailing for you!!!

I think a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper would have been perfect! But, I like your binder too.

The new Disney site is incredibly frustrating. I've given up and called almost every time. Awful.

I think it's very romantic and sweet that you wanted your new last name to be on all of your reservations. Leave it to men to be practical above all else.

To that end-I found the whole name change thing to be a horrible pain in the rear. If you google 'wedding name changing kit' or something like that you'll find sites that will give you every single form you need to change your name on all the official stuff. It ran about $25 10 years ago, but was worth every penny. Made it so much easier! I never realized how many places I needed to contact to get my name changed!

Your ADR look great! Seems like the honeymoon part of the trip is really shaping up!

Oh man, if I could have found a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper, there would have been NO stopping me from buying that piece of amazingness.

Hopefully it improves soon!!

Awww thanks!! :goodvibes

I've seen those online!! Every time I look at my wallet I start to get overwhelmed at the number of things that will need to be changed, but a few of my friends said it isn't as daunting as it seems! I'll definitely consider one of those kits though - thanks for the tip!!

NEVER get sick of ADR talk! In fact, you have me rethinking my own list. Ugh, I'm so worried about the stooopid new website. In the past I have had no problems getting every ADR I want, but I'm stressed about it with this new site. I did online check-in in Feb. for our trip on the new site and guess what? Yup...arrived and had them tell me that I did NOT do online check-in (and that they had heard a "few" people say that they had done check-in and it hadn't gone through) Ugh!

Anyway, why do you always taunt me with that darn waffle pic?!?! :p

BTW, you may not have had relevant pics, but I just listed my ADRs and didn't post any at all! In fact, now I have DIS-guilt and I'll have to go find pics to post in my ADR list. :lmao:

Ugh...what??? I was probably going to do online check-in...that's not good to hear!!

Hahaha I'm taunting myself over here too with it!!! SO GOOD!!

LOL I don't think pics are totally necessary, but I like pictures of food, so why not!!
Wedding planning really does take a lot of time! But it will all be worth it in the end :)

Your ADR lineup sounds great! I hope that you can get your other reservations without too much difficulty!

I can't wait for the wedding, it's all so exciting!! It's funny - I never realized how many details there are!! :rotfl:


Such great ADRs! That's funny how you lined up dinner and then breakfast at a couple of the same resorts! :upsidedow Personally, I think day 3 will be the BEST! :rotfl2:

So funny how you got through making your ADRs and then you realized you wanted them in your married name. Glad you were able to re-book them. That reminds me of the first time I did ADRs on-line at 3am (bummer, I live on the West Coast.) and started sequentially making my ADRs when I had an aha! moment and switched my strategy to making the more coveted ADRs first. Duh!

ha ha! Hoot made an appearance!

No worries about your Dis absence, we completely understand your focus right now. But at least you are doing a Disneymoon so you'll have another TR to write! :thumbsup2 You ARE going to do that, right? ;)

Hahaha it just kind of worked out that way!!! LOL yes, I think day 3 will be great too! :goodvibes

Yeah, I know if I had made them online, I would have made them right the first time because I would have seen the names, but over the phone it was made under one name for all of the ADR's. Yes, I always start with the ones I want first and then work down to the ones that are easier to get!! :thumbsup2

Yes, I will definitely do a Disneymoon TR (and be better about keeping up with it!!)

I'm impressed it occurred to you to make your ADRs in your fiance's name so that they'd show up under your married name, because it wasn't even on my radar until our DME stuff came in the mail for "The *MAIDEN NAME* Family!" Whoops.

AHHHHHH I hope you love Yachtsman!! We went there for the first time on our honeymoon also, and it was one of our favorites. We had Ricardo as our server, and now every time we go there request to have him again - he's become one of our favorite Disney cast members! I definitely recommend requesting him, if he's working the night you have your ADR!

Your ADR list is awesome - it's like you picked all of our favorite Disney restaurants, along with some of the ones I'm most eager to try in the future!

Hahaha just the ADR's are in DF's name...the trip is still booked under my maiden name, so all of that information will show up like yours did!! Oh well!!

I"m really excited for Yachtsman!! I've read such good things about it!! Thanks for the tip!!

Our meals at yachtsman, flying fish, and Brown derby were delicious! I hope the same for your first time there :)

All your adrs sound lovely!

And awesome being there for F&W!!! We will be there the first week of it :)

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your meals there - we're excited to try all of those places!!

Ok, I cracked up at the first "we've never been to this restaurant so here is a random picture" picture. :rotfl: Your ADRs are perfect! I can't even imagine how excited you must be. Oh my God.

Hahaha thanks!! Yes, we're really excited!! :goodvibes

It is getting close!!!!! So excited for you guys.

I have been hit or miss with the website. For our last trip, it was the my Disney experience website that I had trouble with. I had to re-enter our reservations every other time I logged in. Hotel AND dining :faint:

Can't wait to hear about the rest of the planning and then the details when you get back :)

It really is!!! Thanks!!

Ugh...that's frustrating!!! My reservations have shown up where they are supposed to, thankfully!!

Loved your ADR's and your random photos.

I can't wait to read about your wedding !! How many more days!?!

Thanks!!! It feels like it is coming up SO soon!! I'm not sure exactly how many days, a bunch of the wedding sites have countdowns going for me on them, and I look at them and go "that's it???" and start looking up some other random wedding detail!! :rotfl:

Just found your trip report and am hooked! Read the whole thing today!

So many exciting things for your upcoming wedding... The planning must be so fun especially when it's in Disney!!! I didn't have a Disney wedding but definitely incorporated touches here and there!

Welcome!!! Thanks!!! :goodvibes
Ah Lisa Frank! If I could still find the stuff, all of my stationary products would totally be Lisa Frank.

Ugh the ADR thing is totally annoying. The dining page freezes my Mac every time because it's trying to load the whole list of restaurants so I have to google each specific restaurant to bring up the individual page. On our ADR morning, some of them could only be made on my iPad, some on my android phone and some on my computer. Totally frustrating at 6 am. Then, some just couldn't be made online at all. Grr.

I think it's adorable that you want your reservations to be in your married name. I too probably wouldn't have thought about it until after!

Hahaha same here!! I sometimes look at my office supplies and think that they could use a bit more whimsy!!

Oh no, that sounds SO frustrating!!! Hopefully the site gets easier to use soon!!

Haha I wish I would have just thought to make them in DF's name from the start!! Oh well!

I'm totally with you about the new ADR site! It wouldn't let me book the 180+ 10 so I ended up calling on m lunch break at work the other day...only to find that I left my credit in the building while I went outside to make the call because there's no reception inside. And when I went back in to get it, I dropped the call and had to start all over when I got home that night. To make my life that much more difficult, my cordless phone died just as I was giving her my credit card number so once again, I had to call back and start over.

And then I found a link, here on the DIS, to the OLD site, where I was perfectly capable of making ADRs online. :rolleyes2

Except California Grill which needs to hurry up and finish getting refurbed because I need an ADR.

And I would totally go back and change all of my ADRs as well, just to make the name change!

Great plans so far! :thumbsup2

Oh no, that sounds exactly like something that would happen to me too!! So annoying!!

I'm waiting for California Grill too!!! I hope those ADR's open up soon!!

Your plans and dining choices all look lovely...:thumbsup2

I'm so sorry that you were having problems making your ADRs...:worried: especially for your Disney wedding/moon... that seems so wrong...

(the system is not always up to snuff... I tried to add something for July yesterday... and all of my ressies were gone...:eek: but fortunately I spoke to a human...;) and all is good now...

Wedding Planning is like a second job... so it's very understandable that you're busy...

I love your orange binder... it's happy and sassy...:goodvibes

Thanks!!! Yes, it was kind of funny that this was one of the bigger hurdles!! Seems like making the ADR's over the phone is the best way lately!!

Hahaha thanks!! Happy and sassy is pretty much EXACTLY what I was going for!

I've been DIS-absent as well lately... and I don't have an excellent excuse like wedding planning! No worries!

What an excellent line-up of ADR's!

The AKL lobby does have an excellent selection of couches in case you do choose to stay overnight...) :rotfl:

Hahaha it seems like a bunch of us haven't been around lately!!

Thanks!! Hahaha I love that lobby - so gorgeous! (But I anticipate us returning to the Boardwalk that evening!!)

Ugh, I'm so woefully behind Sara! This is so exciting though, wedding planning!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 If I could go back, I would SO have a Disney wedding. Best idea ever for you and Wingnut.:goodvibes

I see the Epcot love and Napoleon obsession is still going on.:rotfl: Good to know that nothing has changed! I love Epcot too, it is my slightly second favorite park with Magic Kingdom being the first, but only by a teensy margin.

Love yours and Wingnut's witty humor too. And how fun that your parents were along for the wedding planning journey.:thumbsup2

Nice orange trapper keeper! Perfect for wedding planning...or directing planes...or road construction.

Uh, Mickey waffles at a dinner reception?? Awesome idea! You know that secretly every guest would love that. I love the cute wedding tasting gift too.

Love all the wedding pics at Epcot! You looked so glamorous! Great shots.:thumbsup2

Cool pics of your engagement ring with Madame Leota's!

So let me get this straight here. You ate at Casey's (blech!) when you could've eaten at BOG?? I might have shed a tear over that if it were me.:headache: You were so close!

Nice resort plan for the wedding/honeymoon. DH really wants to try out the YC someday.

Gah! What was up with Disney Dining for your ADR's???? Sheesh, it's your wedding! That would've annoyed me to no end. Your plans look great though!

Ok. I'm officially caught up! Do I get some sort of reward? Maybe a napoleon?;)

Hey!!! That's ok - I'm super-behind too!!

I do love MK, I can't help loving Epcot the most, but the MK is an EXTREMELY close second!!

Yes, we all had a great time with the Planning Session trip!!

LOL I've been wondering what will happen to my giant orange wedding planning binder when the wedding is over - thanks for the suggestions!! :rotfl:

I think any time of day, and any occasion, is absolutely perfect for a Mickey Waffle!!

Thanks!! It was a lot of fun to take our engagement pictures there!!

LOL I do like Casey's...but definitely would have chosen BOG if I knew we had the opportunity!!

Yeah, it's kind of strange how frustrating the new site is!!

Yay!!! Will a picture of a Napoleon do??

Having helped plan dd's wedding (a simple one) just a couple years ago, I completely understand where your time has been diverted to! I am just impressed you are able to get onto dis AT ALL!!! :worship:

Love the ADRs. You have me :rotfl: with the dinner one night breakfast the next routine.... ;)

Wedding planning is a lot of details!! Hahaha I've barely had Dis time - don't be too impressed!!! :rotfl:

Haha I think it's funny too, that's how it just worked out!!

LOL. Trapper Keeper. I remember them fondly.
I agree with him about the name on the adr’s. Important thing is you got them.
Your adr’s look very nice. Made me so hungry. LOL
Looking forward to more plans.

Loved my Trapper Keeper back in the day!!! Hahaha thanks!!

I completely understand what you mean about not having enough time to get on the DISboards. I feel that's been my life for the past year. :rotfl: I applaud those who can push out a TR in a few months and still keep up with everyone else's.

The new Disney website is extremely frustrating. It's so much more difficult to navigate. Not very user friendly at all. But, it's good to see you were able to get "most" of your ADRs. They are all great choices! :goodvibes And hopefully those last few will become available for you guys soon.

Hahaha well you have a great excuse to not be on the Dis too!!! How are you and Landon doing??

Yes, I wish they would just go back to the old site!! Thanks!!
I can't wait to see your dress. Just sayin! I know its giong to be gorgeous!
Huh I thought I commented on your ADR update but I guess not!

All of your ADR's sound great, you're eating at a lot of my favorite places! :cool1: I don't like the new dining website either, it's annoying, in fact, the whole Disney website is kind of obnoxious! But at least you ended up getting most of the things you wanted! When is Cali Grill opening back up?

Haha, when we went on our Disneymoon, I booked all of our ADR's in my name, forgetting that hello, I'd be married! So I just kept them in my name and didn't officially change my name until we got back! Most brides are psyched to change their name, I on the other hand, felt like I wasn't myself anymore when I changed it! I'm over it now, now it just feels like my name, but the first couple months it was hard! :rotfl:
I can't wait to see your dress. Just sayin! I know its giong to be gorgeous!

Thank you!! :goodvibes

Huh I thought I commented on your ADR update but I guess not!

All of your ADR's sound great, you're eating at a lot of my favorite places! :cool1: I don't like the new dining website either, it's annoying, in fact, the whole Disney website is kind of obnoxious! But at least you ended up getting most of the things you wanted! When is Cali Grill opening back up?

Haha, when we went on our Disneymoon, I booked all of our ADR's in my name, forgetting that hello, I'd be married! So I just kept them in my name and didn't officially change my name until we got back! Most brides are psyched to change their name, I on the other hand, felt like I wasn't myself anymore when I changed it! I'm over it now, now it just feels like my name, but the first couple months it was hard! :rotfl:

I think California Grill reopens at the end of September, but I could be wrong! Rumor has it that ADR's will be available for booking in the next few weeks!

I'm very excited to be taking DF's name, but I can imagine it does take some getting used to at the beginning!! :laughing:
The next morning was, sadly, our last morning of the trip. As per usual, we were up and out the door early, this time with our luggage clattering down the cobblestone pathway of POFQ. (Sorry vacationing neighbors!)

Since our flight wasn’t leaving until that evening, we left the bags with Bell Services (I think) and were on our way to jam-pack in as much Disney as possible before returning to the real world (where we weren’t even sure yet that we had power).

(Most commonly-had conversation throughout the trip:
CM: (cheerfully) So where are you guys from?
Us: New Jersey
CM: (cringing) Oooh. Oh. Okay. How’s everything there??)

Our recently-visited sites cycled between the news and the airline, trying to see if our flight was indeed set for home that night. Up until around a day prior, all flights bound to our area had been cancelled, but the airports were slowly starting to get back up and running, and all signs pointed to our flight being on-time.

(Yes, I’ll admit, I wasn’t ENTIRELY opposed to the idea of us being “stuck” in Disney for a few extra days, but that’s a story for Lia’s TR!)

Anyways, our destination for this day??

Do I hear any guesses of “Epcot”?

Well, you’re wrong!! (Come on, I can’t be THAT predictable!)

To the Magic Kingdom we bussed!

A little backstory here: throughout the week, DF and I had been wearing our “Happy Anniversary” and “Happily Ever After” flair, and CM’s everywhere were cheerfully congratulating us, and we would cheerfully thank them. At one point, DF mused if people were ever wearing these pins but were in a TERRIBLE mood or arguing, and then they would get congratulated by the CM’s and be all “WHAT? Leave me alone!” :laughing:

…and of course…this now had to happen to us.

As we were on the bus to the MK, I had one of those loud gasp moments of horrified realization that we never actually “checked out” of POFQ. We never received any sort of bill or check-out letter under the door the night before. We were practically at the MK, breakfast was at a too-close time for us to turn around at that point, and check-out was at 10am. As my mind spun in circles, the only conclusion that I had come to was that this had ruined our MK day, and we were going to have to race back to POFQ.

DF sighed.

“Call Disney,” he suggested, “and see if we actually need to go back or if it was an automatic check-out process.”

By this point, we were off the bus and walking towards the MK. Going through my phone, I chose the first Disney area code number I saw, and pushed dial.

And as soon as I didn’t hear that “magical Tinker Bell” sound (you all know what I’m talking about), I knew I had accidentally called the woman that had done my engagement photo hair and makeup. At 7:30 in the morning. For absolutely no reason at all. :headache:

I hung up, hoping desperately that the call hadn’t gone through, and called Disney (by this point we were in the “early ADR line”), and found out that we were checked out, didn’t have to return, and made sure nobody else would get our information under their door. Situation resolved.

But, while all of this was happening, we had gone through bag check, where one of the lovely cheerful CM’s saw our pins, and of course, congratulated us. Flustered, I think I said something along the lines of “what? Okay, thanks.”

(Sorry, nice CM! :flower3: )

When we were first planning the trip, I knew that a Crystal Palace breakfast ADR was a must-have (DF LOVES it there – not for the characters, for the Puffed French Toast and Breakfast Lasagna). Originally, I had had it booked for one morning, but then our wedding-planning schedule had to shuffle around slightly, which impacted our original CP ADR. When making this ADR, I like to ideally have it be on non-EMH mornings so we can do the pre-park-opening ADR. Unfortunately, there was absolutely no availability on the morning I was trying for (the one prior), no matter how many times I checked the site, and this day was the only one with ADR’s available (BUT, there were EMH’s that morning).


But, in the name of the Puffed French Toast, the ADR was made, and to Crystal Palace we headed! But first, castle pictures are a necessity!

(No, DF didn’t point out to me that I completely forgot to fix my hair that morning when I was distracted and packing up our stuff, so it looks all messed up in our photos!)

We were seated in the restaurant quickly, and went straight up to the buffet. I'll give you one guess as to whose bowl this was:

Wingnut, needless to say, was in breakfast bliss. But there was plenty more that we ate! (I know, you're shocked!)

My plate:

Western egg pizza was a bit meh, the egg casserole was very good with veggies and cheese. The bacon was nice and crispy. The Puffed French Toast was a bit denser than last time, but still great. The potato casserole was really good and creamy. And you gotta love those Disney strawberries! :goodvibes


"The Puffed French Toast was disappointing this year, usually it is dusted in sugar and cinnamon, I got a few bare ones this time. I liked the breakfast pizza, it was on a whole wheat crust. It was like a southwestern omelette. The corned beef hash was not from a can, and it was good. The biscuits and gravy were good, not as sinful as I'd like them to be, but probably better for me that way."

Me, round 2:

The biscuit was alright, but the gravy was very thin. To me, the pear and asiago scone tasted like feet :crazy2:.

DF's second plate:

"The egg casserole with sausage was good. The breakfast lasagna was super sweet, I liked the raspberry jam and custard and diced up pastry. The eggs were good, and the potato casserole was good. The croissant was nice and buttery. The pear asiago scone was good, sweet from the pear and sugar, but had a sharp unexpected cheese flavor."

The view from our table:

While we ate, a few friends came by and visited.

As usual, we had a great breakfast at Crystal Palace, and can't wait to return on our honeymoon! :thumbsup2
Yay !! Another update !! We haven't been to CP breakfast in a couple of years. We need to go back and give the Puffed French toast a try.
HOLY CATS! That bacon looked like real bacon!!!! Could it be that Disney has begun to fix the bacon situation??? The food all looked delish, and now I want an omelette.

Glad the check out problem was resolved somewhat easily. I would have been freaking out too.
I will be honest... I am not a fan of the auto check out. It makes me feel like I am leaving... and forgetting to turn something off. I know last trip I tried to check out anyway. They told me I was good to go... and that I should have received an email.... :rolleyes:

CP before the park opens is awesome. Love the castle pics and your food looks oh so yummy!
haha oh man I know what you mean about the cringing people at the mention of New Jersey.

Thanks for the shoutout!! :D I still can't believe I got stuck there.

I'm glad you didn't have to go back to POFQ! I'm always worried I'm going to make a mistake like that and I get so paranoid and triple check everything. I wish I could be a more carefree person but I worry about it all!

Love your green Dooney! I hardly ever see that color. You hardly ever see purple too which is the one I desperately want!! I should have ordered it when I had the chance. Boo.

Oh man you just got me SO excited for our Crystal Palace reservation! We're going there the morning of my friend Lee-Anne's birthday and she loves Pooh so that's why she picked it. I personally haven't been there since like 2004, and while I love Pooh, I'm going for THE FOOD!!!!!!! :D
The castle looks gorgeous with the sunrise :)

Glad you didn't have to return to pofq to check out!

CP is a nice breakfast destination! We frequent tusker house and will try boma fir breakfast our next trip.
What a nice morning (besides the check-out stress!) Crystal Palace is a favourite of mine as well, so pretty and the food is great. I love your Perry shirt too!
Aw yay! We are big fans of Crystal Palace, too. Me for the characters and the food, and Matt, probably more for the food, haha. That's so not fun panicking about not checking out! I don't even recall if we ever check out or not, I just can't remember that the moment. We might but Matt usually handles it I think, haha.

Your photos of the castle are so pretty! I love the way the sun is hitting the castle. Makes me want to be there right now. :cloud9:
Mmm breakfast at CP!

Has your DF tried the puffed french toast at CRT? My DH likes it better than CP.
I wasn't wearing an anniversary pin, but your story made me think of my TR when we checked into Kidani. We were all flustered that my parents were missing, Judy and I disagreed on whether to find the room first or move the van, and as we "debated" that a DISer walked by and recognized me saying, "Hi Glennbo"! Yeah, best foot foward! :headache: :rotfl:

You always have such great notes for your food reviews. I'm picturing you and Wingnut each sitting at your meal with miniature tape recorders up to your mouths, recording your thoughts. Like this gem:
To me, the pear and asiago scone tasted like feet :crazy2:.

Wingnut's food reviews make me laugh! For some reason, I picture him staring off into the distance, speaking slowly and deliberately as he provides his feedback, and using his hands to emphasize his words. OK, it's funny in my head! :rotfl2:

Seriously, I totally forgot to check out once too but by the time I realized it, we were already HOME. As in BACK IN CT! I called them immediately and the CM sounded like she thought I was nuts. But I was freaking out!
LOL. The CM reaction to NJ.
EWWW! Tasting like feet. That is disgusting. How do you know what they taste like? LOL
CP was empty.
Glad to hear that you were checked out.
Great update and pics.


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