Brita on sale! Sorry about the incorrect dates.


Earning My Ears
Jan 15, 2001
Brita products will be on sale at K-mart for 20% off from 2/11 until 2/17.

[This message was edited by kpc on 02-11-01 at 07:31 PM.]
Probably can't beat the price I got last month at Sam's Club...two water Brita filtered water bottles in a package for $2.91! ;)
Hate to brag ;) , but the price at our local Sam's was 2 for $1.91. How can a person go wrong at that price!
Our Sams Club also had them for $1.91. I bought 2 sets yesterday. I had never seen them before but always read about them on the boards! Can't beat a recommendation like that!!

Sending a little pixie dust your way to brighten up your day!


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