Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

QOTD - What's one thing that you could start doing or continue to do better with on your road to dieting/maintaining success?

Disney QOTD - It's been really nice and sometimes even hot out this week. What's one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you realy enjoy at WDW/DL and where do you find it?

I still have a love/hate relationship with water. I'm sure it would love me more if I remembered to drink it :)

WDW drinks are tough....I love a good lapu lapu (found at the Poly pool bar and Ohana) but it knocks my socks off. I'm really a sucker for a great un sweetened iced tea....but love drinking it with a good view (usually at the Poly beach/pool or Wilderness Lodge pool!)

I admit it. I am too lazy to catch up on everything I missed :scared1: Yes, I am a woman of leisure this summer, but I am currently cranky dealing with my still aching lower back. The tylenol helps me get through the day but I am dying to get back in the gym!! Or on the road for a walk/jog. If nothing improves this weekend i am going to the dr. No choice since it will be 2 weeks on Wednesday.

I have zero plans for the weekend, which is a bit depressing. Last night I went to my parents house to plan the food for our July Birthday Celebration next Saturday. They were very concerned that there would be nothing for me to eat! They have been so sweet with me when it comes to my g-f menu. Coming from a large Italian family, pasta and breaded foods are a staple. Since they get the party catered, we had to go over the menu to see what I could eat. I will be making my own chocolate cake (g-f) and most likely making my own pasta (g-f is really good!). They will have a salad as well. It is going to kill me....penne with vodka sauce, eggplant parm, good Italian bread....YIKEs! I'm strong but this will truly be a challenge for me!

On another note, Brian finally moved everything out of his brother's apartment yesterday (his brother committed suicide at the end of March). It was really tough for him but we got everything I have a living room filled with boxes that Brian needs to go through before he leaves for the beach. He promised his mother he would take her to their beach house this week before all the renters come in for the rest of the summer. Really bad timing :( So I told him it all has to be OUT of the living room and hallway before he leaves. I have a new private client on Wednesday and I can't have the house looking like a storage unit!

PHEW! So here I am sitting outside on the deck eating breakfast and writing to you all :) My cucumber plant has taken on a life of its own so I will need to stake it today so it doesn't take over that side of the deck! I also lost my 2 hanging plants while I was on vacation (yes, Brian watered the window boxes, cucumber and basil but thought the hangers would get enough water from the rain they had??? Silly boy!) so I will replace them at Agway today. And of course I will make my way over to my complex pool for a little sun and water. NJ is really nice weather wise with low humidity and low 80's today. The humidity begin tomorrow with thunder storms attached :(

Well, I'm off! i wish everyone safe travels as you head out and at least one set of fireworks! Remember, potato salad is sold per pound but that is not how it was intended to be eaten (I learned this lesson the hard way ;))

Happy Saturday!
I hope you all have a happy, fun, healthy holiday! I'll be back probably Wednesday to chat!........................P

Have a great time, talk to you Wednesday!

WDW drinks are tough....I love a good lapu lapu (found at the Poly pool bar and Ohana) but it knocks my socks off. I'm really a sucker for a great un sweetened iced tea....but love drinking it with a good view (usually at the Poly beach/pool or Wilderness Lodge pool!)

On another note, Brian finally moved everything out of his brother's apartment yesterday (his brother committed suicide at the end of March). It was really tough for him but we got everything I have a living room filled with boxes that Brian needs to go through before he leaves for the beach. He promised his mother he would take her to their beach house this week before all the renters come in for the rest of the summer. Really bad timing :( So I told him it all has to be OUT of the living room and hallway before he leaves. I have a new private client on Wednesday and I can't have the house looking like a storage unit!

Well, I'm off! i wish everyone safe travels as you head out and at least one set of fireworks! Remember, potato salad is sold per pound but that is not how it was intended to be eaten (I learned this lesson the hard way ;))

Nice, Lapu lapu is on my list. People rave about it popcorn::

So sorry for Brian, that must have been really tough for him. I hope he's doing okay with it :hug:

Enjoy your weekend! Good point on the potato salad, I just bought some for the cookout. Oh and ice cream, my BF's brother just introduced me to Ben & Jerry's Red Velvet ice cream. Thanks for nothing :rotfl:

Well we're heading to see Cars 2, I'll check back in a bit.
Happy Saturday all! :goodvibes

Hope that everyone can do something fun and enjoy the outdoors today! :sunny:

QOTD - What's one thing that you could start doing or continue to do better with on your road to dieting/maintaining success?

Disney QOTD - It's been really nice and sometimes even hot out this week. What's one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you realy enjoy at WDW/DL and where do you find it?

I need to get my mojo back and stay on track and do what I am supposed to all the time instead of some of the time. :sad2: I'll do it and get back on track again. ::yes::

Oh, some many lovely beverages at WDW. I love a Bellini in Epcot in Italy or a nice cold Peroni there. The Peroni is a nice light Italian beer. The Bellini is champagne and peaches. I can get both of them here in Idaho. I love to sit on my porch and pretend I'm at EPCOT. :love: I do love a nice cold Pina Colava as I walk from the boat at Wilderness Lodge back to my DVC Villa on a warm afternoon.

Pamela, I know you've been OP so hopefully it is just your body playing a little trick on you and there will be a whoosh soon! :flower3:

Karen, enjoy a quiet week-end hanging out! :thumbsup2

Sue, have a great time at Cars 2. Sadly, I can no longer trick or bribe DS into going to movies -- what if someone saw him there?!? :scared1: :rotfl2: He even sat by himself at the movie yesterday. :rotfl: Super 8 was a pretty good movie. I think it got it's PG-13 rating because they did say a word that ends in IT every few minutes -- but it was about a bunch of middle schoolers running away from aliens so what do you expect? :rolleyes:

Kathy, you've got another year or two before this sad fate befalls you. :hug:

DH is ready to run some errands so I am off. One of our computers may have bit the dust so don't worry if you don't see me for awhile -- it's hard when three people have to share one computer! :rotfl:
Good morning, and Happy 4th of July weekend to everyone!!

I had a pretty productive past couple of days getting ready for our prefireworks cookout tomorrow. I'm not big on yard work, so had a lot to do, and we cleaned out the garage, and am working on cleaning out the playroom. I washed down the porches and all the outside furniture last night, and this morning baked some congo bars, and cleaned the kitchen. Ds has a party this afternoon, and I'm on call, but even if I get called, I'm feeling like I'm in good shape. Our side street is all dirt, so but nothing I can do about it, so I'm not stressing. It's just dusty when people drive up it, but we can have our waterballoon fight in the front street. One year we had thunderstorms and we might have some tomorrow, so I decided not to wash the floors til after the party.

I thought I'd catch up a little and at least answer the qotds.

Karen-We sat on our porch for breakfast and when I went online and saw your post, I decided to come back out on the porch to catch up. It's is beautiful here.

Hope the whole country has sunshine and warmth for the holiday.:goodvibes

Sue-thanks for coaching this week! We walk down for the fireworks usually right before they begin. I'll put our blankets down early in the morning, though last year, people were putting them down the night before, so I might do it tonight. We go right down the end of bayview ave beside the fenced in field, and that way we get an easy exit home right after, and we sit on my front porch and watch the mass exodus, and all the neighborhood illegal fireworks. Someone just told michael that they were illegal and he couldn't believe our neighbor would be shooting off illegal fireworks. :rotfl2:

Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?
Our party does have some healthy choices, mainly fruit and garden salads, vegie dip and fruit platter, and chili. We have burgers and hotdogs, potato/pasta salads, and an ice cream sundae bar for dessert. I made congo bars to go with that. Pina coladas are the blender drink of the day. A challenging day, and I'll over do the calories, but as the hostess, I do find I'm not eating as much as if I were a guest because I'm making sure there's enough of everything out.

I haven't been over the fourth, but it sounds amazing. We did go last august, and after our hot summer here, was amazed at how tolerable the heat was, and having thought before I would never go in the summer, I would definitely go again.


QOTD, Thursday June 30th: After dinner and before bed is a REALLY tough time for me. What do YOU do after dinner in order to stay on plan? Do you have a snack? What is it? A rule that you can't eat? A drink of water? How do you fight those little demons that say "eeeaaaatttt" when you're watching tv or doing whatever you do at night??

Disney QOTD, June 30th: What's that one thing that really makes you feel like you're at Disney? A ride? A special walk down Main Street? A treat?

Evening snacking is tough for me too. I find myself eating sometimes to stay awake and finish a show rather than just going to bed. I need to journal and write it before I bite it. I know I should have fruit, but it's not usually fruit I'm craving, so I like to have popsicles, or ice cream treats. A jello pudding. But really what would be smart is to go to bed.

Magic express is one of my favorite parts of a disney trip. Once I check my bags in Boston and know I don't need to do anything else with them, I know I'm on my way and am on vacation. I don't mind flying, so really that's when my vacation starts. I do love the me bus going under the wdw sign, and our third trip, my friend thought I was nuts, because we were in the front row of the bus, so I was so excited to have such a great view of the sign and got a great picture for once. I think once we're checked into the hotel, and michael is jumping on the bed, I know we're there.

QOTD - What's one thing that you could start doing or continue to do better with on your road to dieting/maintaining success?

Disney QOTD - It's been really nice and sometimes even hot out this week. What's one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you realy enjoy at WDW/DL and where do you find it?
Journal, journal, journal. That is key for me. I have slacked again this week, and realistically know I won't do it til tuesday, so tuesday i'm back to work, and will start journalling again. The other thing I've been pretty good about getting my exercise in, and that has been keeping my weight steady. I know if I can be consistent with journalling and exercise together, I can see a loss, so after the weekend, I'm going to stay focused for the next 7 weeks before my vacation in august.

Margaritas in mexico. From the stand out front, usually, but after the princess, it was so nice to have dinner with Lisa, and toast with a margarita. I had a couple, and got giddy, but it felt great.
Michael would have said the frozen cokes at Pop, if they hadn't gotten rid of them. :sad2:

Well, back to being productive. Have a wonderful day and a fun weekend.

God Bless America!!!
I need to get my mojo back and stay on track and do what I am supposed to all the time instead of some of the time. :sad2: I'll do it and get back on track again. ::yes::

Sadly, I can no longer trick or bribe DS into going to movies -- what if someone saw him there?!? :scared1: :rotfl2: He even sat by himself at the movie yesterday. :rotfl: Super 8 was a pretty good movie. I think it got it's PG-13 rating because they did say a word that ends in IT every few minutes -- but it was about a bunch of middle schoolers running away from aliens so what do you expect? :rolleyes:
You can do it Lisa!!! I know you can!! You have done it before, and you just had a busy crazy week, so hang in there!! Summer is a great time, but it's tough to get into a routine with out school, and I know you will get your mojo back.

Sorry about the movie.:hug: I'll enjoy all the time I can at the movies with michael. I used to babysit my nephew Kenny who's 20 now every tuesday before I had michael and we'd go to lots of movies, and I remember the beginning of the end was the Dungeons and Dragons movie. I didn't get it at all, and he loved it. I think he was about 10. But luckily I wasn't his mother, so he could still sit with me.

I know Maria and Pamela have made a pact to make a plan for the weekend, and we could join them and get back on track now.

I plan to get my water in this weekend, and to fill my plate with mostly salad and fruit tomorrow, and to get some exercise today and tomorrow morning. I plan to run/walk after I drop michael at his party, and will either run/walk in the am or take a bike ride with michael.

We can do this!!!
QOTD - What's one thing that you could start doing or continue to do better with on your road to dieting/maintaining success?

Disney QOTD - It's been really nice and sometimes even hot out this week. What's one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you realy enjoy at WDW/DL and where do you find it?

I know I could make more of an effort to drink water. Some days I do really good with it, and others not so much. I could also cut out some higher point foods, like cheese.

I really like the White Citrus Gold Peak Iced Tea from the refillable mug dispensers at the resorts. I've only found it one other place up here! And I would like to try the Grand Marnier slush in France that I hear everyone rave about for my first alcoholic drink. Possibly also the Sunken Treasure, which is the unofficial drink of the Yacht & Beach Club thread. :rotfl:
QOTD1: I could be doing lots of things better! But what I really need to focus on is getting in some aerobic exercise the days I don't run. I keep telling myself I'm going to get on the fancy dancy exercise bike my hubby keeps in the garage but have yet to do it. I think I get to feeling lazy becaue I've already done my walk with my girlfriend for an hour every day. We had thought it was only 2-2.25 miles but I saw others talking about a 3 mile walk in under an hour so I figured we've got to be doing that in our fast paced 55ish minutes. Turns out its 3.1 miles if my pedometer is correct. Saw people talking about map my walk dot com and went over there but didn't take the time to register to really figure things out. Have another girlfriend whose hubby is a triathlete and he uses it all the time.

QOTD2: I've got no answer to this because I pretty much only ever drink water anywhere and especially at WDW. DH sticks to diet coke and of course the kids have water or coke, if we're feeling generous! I just thought it'd be funny if I said "Why, beverly is my absolute favorite drink!" :eek:

It's been fun sitting here in my jammies catching up but I really should go accomplish something! Not going anywhere/doing anything this weekend so I should think up a bunch of honey-dos. Sure DH would love it! :lmao:
Good morning!

Glass1/2full- I love map my I only registered for the free version, and it is fine. A hellpful hint is when you map your run, on the right hand side of the map is a key and you need to check "follow roads" or it will take you like the bird flies. It's so much nicer than driving the routes to figure out mileage like I used to do.

Belle-Are you going to be in disney for your 21st birthday? That would be fun.

Looks like everyone is busy this weekend. It's a beautiful sunny day, but the weather said chance of severe thunderstorms this afternoon, so our town has cancelled the fireworks. Ds is soooooo bummed out. We found out last night, light, so he was crying, and so upset, and is a little better this morning, but still sad. I'm sure he'll be fine once his cousin gets here. We'll still have out cookout, and come inside if it rains. We had thunderstorms one other year, and they stopped before the fireworks so we brought trash bags to sit on our wet blankets. I'm bummed because they're postponed til the 5th, and I'm working the day, and then on call all night, so I'll try and get someone to switch call with me.

Sue-Happy Birthday to Dylan!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!! Had you heard about the fireworks? I'm thinking now the rain will probably miss us completely. We're still going to party here though. I told michael' we'd go buy some big balloons to use for waterballoons to cheer him up.

Have a great day everyone!!
QOTD - What's one thing that you could start doing or continue to do better with on your road to dieting/maintaining success?

I really need to journal....I am sure that I consume food that I don't even realize has passed my lips!!! :confused3

Disney QOTD - It's been really nice and sometimes even hot out this week. What's one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you realy enjoy at WDW/DL and where do you find it?

Grey Goose Slushie for sure :lovestruc
Happy Sunday morning everyone :flower3: I can't believe that Dylan is two :scared1: My how time flies. I took my niece and nephew to the Burlington Mall last night then we came back and prepped for the party. Not too much to do now, which feels good.

I need to get my mojo back and stay on track and do what I am supposed to all the time instead of some of the time. :sad2: I'll do it and get back on track again. ::yes::

Me too, aside from starting Zumba, I'm in a rut. Though, we have vacation in about 6 weeks so now's the time for me to get my butt in gear :thumbsup2

I do love a nice cold Pina Colava as I walk from the boat at Wilderness Lodge back to my DVC Villa on a warm afternoon.

Oh, now I must add that one to my list popcorn::

Sue, have a great time at Cars 2. Sadly, I can no longer trick or bribe DS into going to movies -- what if someone saw him there?!? :scared1: :rotfl2: He even sat by himself at the movie yesterday. :rotfl: Super 8 was a pretty good movie. I think it got it's PG-13 rating because they did say a word that ends in IT every few minutes -- but it was about a bunch of middle schoolers running away from aliens so what do you expect? :rolleyes:

What? You mean he won't always want to be up my butt :rotfl: Just kidding, I enjoy him by my side most of the time. Especially today on his b-day.

Sue-thanks for coaching this week! We walk down for the fireworks usually right before they begin. I'll put our blankets down early in the morning, though last year, people were putting them down the night before, so I might do it tonight. We go right down the end of bayview ave beside the fenced in field, and that way we get an easy exit home right after, and we sit on my front porch and watch the mass exodus, and all the neighborhood illegal fireworks. Someone just told michael that they were illegal and he couldn't believe our neighbor would be shooting off illegal fireworks. :rotfl2:

No problem, it also helps me to stay focussed. I bought some sparklers in CT when I went to visit my sister :rolleyes1 Anyway, my dad used to always have fireworks for us so it'll be in his memory.

I'm going to stay focused for the next 7 weeks before my vacation in august.

When do you leave again? We're leaving on the 11th for VA.

Margaritas in mexico. From the stand out front, usually, but after the princess, it was so nice to have dinner with Lisa, and toast with a margarita. I had a couple, and got giddy, but it felt great.
Michael would have said the frozen cokes at Pop, if they hadn't gotten rid of them. :sad2:

Do they have them in DHS at the stand near the lake where the dino is? I've had one from there before.

I really like the White Citrus Gold Peak Iced Tea from the refillable mug dispensers at the resorts. I've only found it one other place up here! And I would like to try the Grand Marnier slush in France that I hear everyone rave about for my first alcoholic drink. Possibly also the Sunken Treasure, which is the unofficial drink of the Yacht & Beach Club thread. :rotfl:

What's in the sunken treasure? I must look into this.

QOTD1: I could be doing lots of things better! But what I really need to focus on is getting in some aerobic exercise the days I don't run. I keep telling myself I'm going to get on the fancy dancy exercise bike my hubby keeps in the garage but have yet to do it. I think I get to feeling lazy becaue I've already done my walk with my girlfriend for an hour every day. We had thought it was only 2-2.25 miles but I saw others talking about a 3 mile walk in under an hour so I figured we've got to be doing that in our fast paced 55ish minutes. Turns out its 3.1 miles if my pedometer is correct. Saw people talking about map my walk dot com and went over there but didn't take the time to register to really figure things out. Have another girlfriend whose hubby is a triathlete and he uses it all the time.

I will look into that, my husband would love that. He's been using his pedometer every day since Father's Day and is surprised by how much he does and doesn't walk throughout the day.

Looks like everyone is busy this weekend. It's a beautiful sunny day, but the weather said chance of severe thunderstorms this afternoon, so our town has cancelled the fireworks. Ds is soooooo bummed out.

WHAT, Ugh! No, I didn't know until now. Poor Dylan's party. My niece and nephew leave tomorrow so no fireworks for them. Plus Dylan has daycare Wednesday and goes to bed at 7 usually. I'm wondering if we may not go at all now. Tell Michael I am equally bummed. :sad1:

Sue-Happy Birthday to Dylan!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!! Had you heard about the fireworks? I'm thinking now the rain will probably miss us completely. We're still going to party here though. I told michael' we'd go buy some big balloons to use for waterballoons to cheer him up.

We're partying too since the fam is driving here. Poor Dylan's b-day fireworks :confused:

Do you go to the parade tomorrow? We've never been, but may walk down.

Grey Goose Slushie for sure :lovestruc

That is on my list as well :banana:
QOTD - I have often heard that losing weight for "something" is not a good idea. How do you feel about that? Do you agree or disagree?

Disney QOTD - What is your ride style and has it changed over the years?
Hello Everyone!

Our trip is going well. We are both following WW, so we are helping each other stay OP. So far, we could have done much worse. We both tend to get hungry after driving or sitting in the car for more than an hour, so we did eat more than usual, but we tried to count points and really didn't do that bad. Not sure what the day will bring with regards to eating today.

The last time we went to WDW I remember drinking water and that's it. I may have had some milk, but I'm not sure. I can't drink alcohol and I was on a caffeine-free diet, so water it was. I think for my parents' anniversary dinner I'll order a smoothie. ;)

Have a great, OP day everyone!
QOTD - I have often heard that losing weight for "something" is not a good idea. How do you feel about that? Do you agree or disagree?

I am on the fence about this and also believe that it depends on who's doing it. I am someone that loses for something, but to my defense, I ALWAYS have something planned. We usually vacation twice a year, so Jan-April I'm losing for May's trip and May-July I'm losing for August's trip, etc. It's my weird lifestyle I guess. So basically I'm always dieting in one way or another.

Though I do know people who lost for things, and put it all right back on. It's odd, but I think it's my upbringing. My mother always must have warned me about gaining, either that or she's always dieting in one way or another too, so hence my lifestyle :confused3

Disney QOTD - What is your ride style and has it changed over the years?

I am a scary ride person for sure. Love TOT, SpaM, TM, SplM,RR, Ev, etc. However, DH hates most rides, but mostly b/c he's so darn tall and his knees don't fit in a lot of rides very easy. Our next trip will be the true test. It'll be DS's first trip, so I kind of see myself sneaking on a singles line here and there for my favorites, but if I miss them it's okay. I'm now going to be in the long Fantasy land lines :) At least I enjoy them as well and will probably like seeing them with DS even more :lovestruc
Happy Birthday to Dylan! :bday: party:

Good morning all! Quiet group on a holiday week-end. :goodvibes

Good morning, and Happy 4th of July weekend to everyone!!Margaritas in mexico. From the stand out front, usually, but after the princess, it was so nice to have dinner with Lisa, and toast with a margarita. I had a couple, and got giddy, but it felt great.
God Bless America!!!

Happy 4th of July to you, too. I was going to start going on about the margaritas in EPCOT, too, but then I started to worry that I was sounding like a lush! :rotfl: They were tasty! princess:

You can do it Lisa!!! I know you can!! You have done it before, and you just had a busy crazy week, so hang in there!! Summer is a great time, but it's tough to get into a routine with out school, and I know you will get your mojo back.

I'm in! I'm going to rein in this eating and get some exercise today and tomorrow. Then Tuesday full on back on plan! ::yes:: We can do this! Plus it will be better for me if I get back on track now because the double birthday whammy is next week-end.

QOTD1: I could be doing lots of things better! But what I really need to focus on is getting in some aerobic exercise the days I don't run. I keep telling myself I'm going to get on the fancy dancy exercise bike my hubby keeps in the garage but have yet to do it. I think I get to feeling lazy becaue I've already done my walk with my girlfriend for an hour every day. We had thought it was only 2-2.25 miles but I saw others talking about a 3 mile walk in under an hour so I figured we've got to be doing that in our fast paced 55ish minutes. Turns out its 3.1 miles if my pedometer is correct. Saw people talking about map my walk dot com and went over there but didn't take the time to register to really figure things out. Have another girlfriend whose hubby is a triathlete and he uses it all the time.

QOTD2: I've got no answer to this because I pretty much only ever drink water anywhere and especially at WDW. DH sticks to diet coke and of course the kids have water or coke, if we're feeling generous! I just thought it'd be funny if I said "Why, beverly is my absolute favorite drink!" :eek:

It's been fun sitting here in my jammies catching up but I really should go accomplish something! Not going anywhere/doing anything this weekend so I should think up a bunch of honey-dos. Sure DH would love it! :lmao:

Linda, a 5K every day is wonderful! :yay: Plus your running. Sounds like you have the exercise part down. Maybe try a yoga or other class on demand or Netflix for something different. Riding the bike in the garage might be fun if you can blast the music! ;)

Looks like everyone is busy this weekend. It's a beautiful sunny day, but the weather said chance of severe thunderstorms this afternoon, so our town has cancelled the fireworks. Ds is soooooo bummed out. We found out last night, light, so he was crying, and so upset, and is a little better this morning, but still sad. I'm sure he'll be fine once his cousin gets here. We'll still have out cookout, and come inside if it rains. We had thunderstorms one other year, and they stopped before the fireworks so we brought trash bags to sit on our wet blankets. I'm bummed because they're postponed til the 5th, and I'm working the day, and then on call all night, so I'll try and get someone to switch call with me.

Bummer about the fireworks being cancelled! :hug: Poor Michael. I'm sure that once everyone gets there he will have a good time and maybe your neighbors will still light their illegal fireworks! :rotfl:

Happy Sunday morning everyone :flower3: I can't believe that Dylan is two :scared1: My how time flies. I took my niece and nephew to the Burlington Mall last night then we came back and prepped for the party. Not too much to do now, which feels good.

What? You mean he won't always want to be up my butt :rotfl: Just kidding, I enjoy him by my side most of the time. Especially today on his b-day.

Yes, incredibly some day you will be able to go to the bathroom in peace! :rotfl:

It is nice when they are little and still want you. I can still hear DS in his little voice saying "Momma, Momma, Momma!" :cool2:

Now it's a deep voice saying "Mah-ahm!" :lmao: It's okay, you would be sad if they didn't grow up. :flower3: So enjoy all of this special 2nd birthday as you can! :hug:

QOTD - I have often heard that losing weight for "something" is not a good idea. How do you feel about that? Do you agree or disagree?

Disney QOTD - What is your ride style and has it changed over the years?

As someone who has tried to lose weight for various events over the years, I have to agree that it is not a good idea. I think it is better to do things slowly over time. It makes it more of a lifestyle change. But I have to be honest and say there is a goal for leaving for vacation in three weeks -- shooting for a new decade. And the Princess was a good way to keep things in check over the holidays, so it does have it's advantages.

We've done a good job of going when things aren't too busy at both DL and WDW so don't have a style per se. We are big get to the park at opening and fast pass folks. You can knock out a lot of rides early in the day that way. We are big on afternoon breaks, too, then park hopping or having a nice dinner.

I'm going to be working in the yard for a couple of hours this morning. Then I have to go to Costco and pick up an apple pie for our party tomorrow. DH is making the three bean salad. We will do it today so it can trade flavors. It may be a bit before I can work outside as I just heard thunder! :scared1:

Have a great day all and a happy, happy 4th of July! :hippie:
QOTD - I have often heard that losing weight for "something" is not a good idea. How do you feel about that? Do you agree or disagree?

Disney QOTD - What is your ride style and has it changed over the years?

QOTD-Disagree-mostly. I do agree if that's the ONLY reason you want to lose weight, then it's probably not a good idea, but to use a special occasion or event to inspire you while losing weight anyway can be a big help.

DQOTD-My ride style is big fat chicken! Really, I'm scared of everything, lol! :scared1:
I basically can't do anything that leaves the ground, I am petrified of heights! Also, can't do any kind of motion simulator ride, i.e. Soarin' or Star Tours. It's a good thing I just love being in the parks! No surprise that Pirates and Haunted Mansion are my favorites.
Morning losers,

Rough rough night last night! She was up and down from 2am on. I would doze back for a few minutes and then wake up again. She's sleeping now though she complained she "had too much to do!" I nearly lost it with her. I said you hardly got any sleep last night so you are going to take a nap. I need to wake her up for her next meds shortly. She is in charge of the meds today as well as my dad. She wants to go to Walmart later so hopefully this sleep will help her.

I printed my boarding passes this morning and put them in my purse so I am ready to go. I have also packed my suitcase and it is at the top of the stairs. I will have to throw my bottle of aloe in the suitcase in the morning but otherwise I'm ready to go!

Met up with Shawn (settinsail) yesterday! What a sweetheart you are, Shawn!!!! We met at a local Starbucks and then she followed me back to the house so she would know exactly where it is.

I had an email from another friend who lives down here and we hope to meet up for a few minutes this afternoon so I can meet her little boy. I haven't seen her in about 4-5 years and her little guy is 3.

It stinks when we have a good day and then the nights are so horrible. We watched Tangled last night and then we started watching You've Got Mail this morning on AMC. I recorded it so she can watch it again later. We hope to watch Toy Story 3 later and maybe Despicable Me with my niece tonight. We will be having pizza for supper. Kayla and I will go pick it up later this afternoon.

The Cars 2 fundraiser was a tremendous success! We raised over 10000 for Give Kids the World! Pete Werner was in tears. My kids each won a raffle item that we had actually put in and Brian got a book from the silent auction!

I can't wait to see them in the morning. Brian has done a great job while I was away. He's had some work issues going on that were stressing him out but he's a great Dad and dealt with those too. There was a huge bag of popcorn left over and a huge container of cookies so we will take those to the party tomorrow.

Mom's awake so...

TTFN :tigger:
Holy Mickey Mouse, Batman, I am SO FAR BEHIND!!!!! This has been the busiest week I've had in a LOOOONG time, and I'll tell you why:

Monday, I started orientation for my new job!! I am now officially an anesthesia assistant for Presbyterian Hospital Huntersville!! I am so excited, I could burst. I had orientation all day Monday and Tuesday, and half day Wednesday. It wiped me out. I used to work second shift, so having to be at the main hospital downtown Charlotte at 8am was a challenge for me...but so worth it :) I started at my hospital Thursday morning, and I discovered something important: this job will have me running like a marathoner all day every day. Which led me to my biggest loss so far since the beginning of the challenge, haha! Speaking of...I need to catchup on all my tons of QOTD's and PM my weight and points!!

Let's get to the questions first!

QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: water. how do you get your water in each day? drink glasses throughout the day? fill a water bottle? drink it by a certain time?

I have started using that Mio stuff that just came out...SO. TASTY. The only one I haven't tried is the sweet tea flavor. Being a Southerner, I don't mess with my sweet tea ;)

Disney QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: When was your last trip to Disney? (WDW, DL, DCL, AbD) When is your next trip?? tell us a little something about it!

My last trip to Disney was in December of last year to WDW. We stayed at POFQ for the first time and absolutely adored it! Well, I did, I guess my DM did. She didn't say anything to the contrary, so I'm going with she liked it :thumbsup2 Our next trip is for September of this year, and we'll be staying at CBR for the first excited!

QOTD, Thursday June 30th: After dinner and before bed is a REALLY tough time for me. What do YOU do after dinner in order to stay on plan? Do you have a snack? What is it? A rule that you can't eat? A drink of water? How do you fight those little demons that say "eeeaaaatttt" when you're watching tv or doing whatever you do at night??

I almost always have a little snack, something pre-portioned preferably. But, lately I've been cutting cucumbers (which I grew myself, thank you very much!) and eating them with a little schmear of hummus. It is so tasty and filling, too!

Disney QOTD, June 30th: What's that one thing that really makes you feel like you're at Disney? A ride? A special walk down Main Street? A treat?

It's the simplest thing- just walking slowly up Main Street does it for me. I take a minute and just look at the castle and I have officially arrived!

Eggplant Gratin


• 3/4 pound eggplant, sliced 1/2-inch thick (peeled or unpeeled, depends on your preference)
• 1/3 cup fat free ricotta cheese
• ½ cup eggbeaters
• ½ cup fat free half-and-half
• 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan
• Freshly ground black pepper
• 1/2 cup marinara sauce
• ¼ cup shredded mozzarella cheese


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Partially pre-cook the eggplant slices (in a single layer) in the microwave for about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix together the ricotta, egg, half-and-half, Parmesan, and 1/8 teaspoon pepper.

In a square casserole dish, layer sauce, eggplant slices, ricotta mixture and marinara sauce. In an 8X8 pan, you should get 2 layers.

Sprinkle the shredded mozzarella on top..

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until the custard sets and the top is browned.

Serve warm.

13 PointsPlus total

- Laura

THAT. SOUNDS. DELICIOUS. And it's gonna be happening in my kitchen SOON.

Welcome to Healthy Habits!
Healthy Habits Week 5

In honor of the holiday weekend, I thought I'd go with some essentials.

For All 7 Days:
1. Drink 8 8 oz. glasses of water or a total of 64 oz. of water.
2. Eat 2 or more servings of protein.

Mini-Challenge 1: Journal your food at least 4 days. (You can decide what "journaling" means to you.)
Mini-Challenge 2: Get in 3 20 min. or more workouts.

Feel free to ask any questions! Have a great week!

So doable! :)

Question for those doing the Healthy Habits:

How do you keep track? I've tried doing it on the computer and in my journal but neither works. Any ideas?

I actually have a peel-and-stick dry erase "board" that I keep track of all my points and challenges on, with my starting weight and goal weight. I'll take a picture and post it up for you if you'd like!

Friday's QOTD - With everyone going places and attending parties this weekend, does anyone have any foods that they make that are on the healthier side, or that they alter to make them healthier? If so, please share.

I should have an answer to this...but I don't. My strategy so far has been to just eat WAY less of the unhealthy food I has eating before or just not eat it at all. Most of the time, by the time I finish the healthy food option, I don't want the unhealthy one! :)

Friday's Disney QOTD - Have you ever been to WDW, DL or on DCL during the 4th? If so, was there anything special about that trip that you enjoyed?

I've never been during the 4th, and from what I hear I wouldn't want to! :rotfl: The heat and the crowds don't agree with me too well, so I don't know that I would enjoy myself as much. But I would be willing to go on a Disney Cruise during the 4th!

QOTD - What's one thing that you could start doing or continue to do better with on your road to dieting/maintaining success?

Tracking a lot better. I track about 90% of my food really well, but I still have times where I just don't feel like going to the hassle of recording anything. That would definitely be my area of improvement!

Disney QOTD - It's been really nice and sometimes even hot out this week. What's one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you realy enjoy at WDW/DL and where do you find it?

Definitely a Grand Marnier Slushie from the kiosk in Epcot. I am officially in Epcot once I get one of those in my hand :goodvibes

QOTD - I have often heard that losing weight for "something" is not a good idea. How do you feel about that? Do you agree or disagree?

I think it's something that is dependent on the person. If you say you're going to lose weight for the summer by sticking to healthy habits (drinking water, more exercising and veggies, etc) then it can be okay. But if you're someone who says they're gonna lose weight for summer by not eating and starving yourself for the next month, then it's problematic. I think a lot of the issues about weight and maintenance are specific to that one person.

Disney QOTD - What is your ride style and has it changed over the years?

My ride style hasn't really changed too much over the years, I haven't had too much time like so many people on these boards! I still ride all the same things I did before, and actually I probably ride more of the "kiddie" rides now, lol. I had never really ridden Dumbo before my last trip, and I definitely will on my next!
Lindsay, nice work on the evacuation and emergency plan coming through! :thumbsup2 I think you should get a bonus. :flower3: And a big :woohoo: for staycation!

oh lisa how I wish you were my boss.;)

QOTD - I have often heard that losing weight for "something" is not a good idea. How do you feel about that? Do you agree or disagree?

Disney QOTD - What is your ride style and has it changed over the years?

I think having something to motivate you is both good and bad. The good part is it usually gets you quicker results but the bad is once that time/event gets here I find I tend to slack off after. For me I realized I have to find something to motivate me and then find something new after that one thing is done. I think I will need to continue to do this until I reach my goal and then find a new way to maintain.

I really dont have a ride style but prior to kids we did things as they came with no real plan. When we went with the kids we had it strategically planned out so that we did everything they wanted to see and had the right amount of breaks factored in to keep them happy. So I would say now I tend to give the rides more thought.

Sue- I hope Dylan has a wonderful birthday and a great party today.

Dona- I hope you had a great time at Wicked. My parents ate at Ellens when they were there last year and they said it was great. I want to take the boys there possibly this xmas or next to see the rockettes and go to ellens.

Karen- Sorry about the back issue. I hope it gets better soon. Enjoy your weekend, I hear ya on the no plans. We dont have too much exciting going on either.

Tracey- Im so glad you and shawn got to meet. Thats wonderful about the fundraiser too. Have a safe trip home!

Kaiti- Congrats on the new job.

Kathy- Im glad you are still having your picnic despite the weather. I remember one year it was good all day and then started storming when we got to the fireworks. They cancelled them at the last minute and I felt like crying.....I was 21yr.:rolleyes1 I know how michaels feels it is so disappointing.


We had a great time on friday. We did the longer trail by the falls and it took about 2 hours and we did about 3-4 miles. The boys loved it and I was surprised they didnt whine more about being tired. There were a few times we had to climb a steep long trail of stairs. We also did paddle boats and minature golf too. It was a great day.

Yesterday we did some yardwork and then took the boys swimming. It was beautiful outside, bright and sunny and in the 90's.

Today we woke up to a thunderstorm and it is suppose to be cloudy with a chance of rain/storms all day. We had planned to have my in laws over today to cook out and I am assuming they are still coming but we havent heard from them yet.

We usually always had a huge 4th picnic but since moving and having two kids we just dont have the money right now. Of course nobody else really has picked up the ritual so we are left with not much to do either. They have fireworks tonight in a neighboring town that we will go to if they are not cancelled. Tomorrow I am hoping we have a get together at my nana's and then we have our annual city fireworks. We sit at the firehouse with my BFF since her dh and brother work there. Its right under the fireworks and the kids get to play in the firetrucks. So that is usually lots of fun. They also have parachuters too.

So we will see what the wkend unfolds...all I ask is for god to give me strength not to eat to much of the junk I love.:rotfl2:

Have a great day!!!!!!
]Belle-Are you going to be in disney for your 21st birthday? That would be fun.

No, I'll still be six months shy.:blush: But Mom has agreed to buy for me and "supervise me"! :rotfl:

What's in the sunken treasure? I must look into this.

From the Yacht & Beach Club Thread:
Sunken Treasure: The unofficial beverage of the Beach and Yacht Club FAQ forum:


Contents: Malibu Rum, Midori, orange juice, pineapple juice and Sprite with a splash of BOLS Blue Curacao.
Served in a souvenir cup for an additional $2.00 - $7.50

QOTD - I have often heard that losing weight for "something" is not a good idea. How do you feel about that? Do you agree or disagree?

I think it depends on a lot of factors, such as how fast you plan to lose the weight and whether you are going to do it in a healthy manner. If you are in it for the long haul, an upcoming event can be a great motivator.

Disney QOTD - What is your ride style and has it changed over the years?

I don't think it's changed too much. In 2010 I made it my goal to go on every thrill ride Disney offers, and between that trip and 2007 I succeeded: Splash (x3), BTMRR (x2), Space (x2), Soarin' (x1), Test Track (x2), Mission: Space (Green x1), Tower of Terror (x2), RnRC (x1), Star Tours (x1), EE (x3), and Dinosaur (x1-never again!). I also did Summit Plummet, Slush Gusher, and the chair lift at BB, and the wave pool, Humunga Kowabunga, and Crush n' Gusher at TL. After that last trip though, there are very few rides I haven't done, most of them in DHS.

Good morning all! Yesterday was alright with eating, not good, not great. I mowed the lawn, ate lunch, and then was feeling ambitious so I decided to complete Week 4 of C25K. :sad2: Yeah, bad idea. I thought I was going to die during the last five minute run, but I made it, although much slower than usual. Then I passed out for a few hours.

I took the verbal and math sections of a practice GRE last night. :surfweb: Got a 610 :thumbsup2 on the verbal and a 490 :guilty: on the math. So I'll keep practicing and learning new vocab, cause the big day is this Wednesday! :scared1:
Happy Birthday to Dylan! :bday: party:


Yes, incredibly some day you will be able to go to the bathroom in peace! :rotfl:

I will? :rotfl:

We've done a good job of going when things aren't too busy at both DL and WDW so don't have a style per se. We are big get to the park at opening and fast pass folks. You can knock out a lot of rides early in the day that way. We are big on afternoon breaks, too, then park hopping or having a nice dinner.

I am with you on the afternoon breaks. Even before kids. Nothing like a nice snooze in the afternoon between the park, the pool and dinner and another park ;)

DQOTD-My ride style is big fat chicken! Really, I'm scared of everything, lol! :scared1:
I basically can't do anything that leaves the ground, I am petrified of heights! Also, can't do any kind of motion simulator ride, i.e. Soarin' or Star Tours. It's a good thing I just love being in the parks! No surprise that Pirates and Haunted Mansion are my favorites.

That's okay, I get sick on the tea cups myself :sick:

Rough rough night last night! She was up and down from 2am on. I would doze back for a few minutes and then wake up again. She's sleeping now though she complained she "had too much to do!" I nearly lost it with her. I said you hardly got any sleep last night so you are going to take a nap. I need to wake her up for her next meds shortly. She is in charge of the meds today as well as my dad. She wants to go to Walmart later so hopefully this sleep will help her.

You're almost there :goodvibes

The Cars 2 fundraiser was a tremendous success! We raised over 10000 for Give Kids the World! Pete Werner was in tears. My kids each won a raffle item that we had actually put in and Brian got a book from the silent auction!

Wow, that's incredible :cool1:

I can't wait to see them in the morning. Brian has done a great job while I was away. He's had some work issues going on that were stressing him out but he's a great Dad and dealt with those too. There was a huge bag of popcorn left over and a huge container of cookies so we will take those to the party tomorrow.

You'll see them in less than 24 hours now :lovestruc

Monday, I started orientation for my new job!! I am now officially an anesthesia assistant for Presbyterian Hospital Huntersville!! I am so excited, I could burst. I had orientation all day Monday and Tuesday, and half day Wednesday. It wiped me out. I used to work second shift, so having to be at the main hospital downtown Charlotte at 8am was a challenge for me...but so worth it :) I started at my hospital Thursday morning, and I discovered something important: this job will have me running like a marathoner all day every day. Which led me to my biggest loss so far since the beginning of the challenge, haha! Speaking of...I need to catchup on all my tons of QOTD's and PM my weight and points!!

I had never really ridden Dumbo before my last trip, and I definitely will on my next!

Glad to hear that the new job is going well. Liking your job makes it all worth while.

I hear that they may be updating Dumbo with the Fantasyland expansion project.

BRB need to answer the door :scared1:


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