Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

Good Monday morning everyone. It is supposed to be a rainy day here in jersey. I have a busy day. My math team has their first meet today and I have many things to get settled before we go this afternoon.

Thank you everyone for the great memories from yesterday's QOTD

Monday Question of the Day

As the weather is getting cooler and winter is getting closer there will be many times when we can't get outside. What is favorite exercise DVD and why? What is the best thing about it? What DVD have you tried that you did not like?

This way people could ideas about which are better than others.

Have a great day everyone. I will not be home until 5:30 or 6 and then not on here until at least 7:30. Have a great day everyone.
QOTD: I love Leslie Sansone's 4 Fast miles and her 3 mile Pilates walk! I feel I get a really good workout in doing both of them. I haven't really found one I don't like at this point. I've also discovered Bob's new series of videos and like his 20 minute strength workout. I will probably do some today after cleaning up.

Skipped my early morning workout as I'm totally wiped out from the weekend. I will get in some mini workouts and at least 2 miles on the elliptical later. I'm a bit sore today from the run yesterday and the lack of sleep the night before. I fell asleep watching Amazing Race and had to rewind it to see who won and then I went to bed. DH has been asleep since I think about 6 or so last night. He was not feeling well. We think something at the party didn't agree with him as he was sick all morning and his throat really hurts from that. I don't think he's going to work today but I'm just going to let him sleep. He can work from home.

DD1 has dancing tonight. Her bff is coming over after school to do homework and then I'll take them to dancing. I think soccer will probably be canceled due to the weather which works for me. I need to get to bed early tonight and catch up on my sleep!

I'll check back in later when I've accomplished something. I'll probably go to the wellness center and make a quick run into the grocery store. Going to make Impossible Cheeseburger pie for supper but with ground turkey instead of beef. I think I'll make some Earl Grey green tea now as my throat is a bit sore. I sang at the top of my lungs at the party the other night.

DD1 is finally up and dressed and eating breakfast so that is my cue to get moving.

TTFN :tigger:
Tracey Congrats on your first race! What a great time you finished in too.

LindsayI loved reading about your race. I can only imagine how emotional it was, and what a wonderful memory for you to have. I like Taryn's idea to write it all down, so you can share it with you ds's. But I know you are so good about your journal here and your trip reports, you've probably already done that. Congratulations.

Taryn-I had one of those days yesterday. Used up 25 flex points, after a trip to the farm and some cider donuts. Today is a new day. Be careful if you go running in the monsoon. I hope to get out after work before the rain is too bad.

My3princesLove the pictures. What a fun, cute memory for you and ds's. Your wedding pictures are awesome too.

Jude_ I love the pic of your yard. It made me start being more observant and some of our trees are starting to change. The fall is so beautiful.

qotd- One of my my favorite memories is on our first trip on michaels 5th birthday just he and I went to MK for the opening ceremony and we had never seen it, and I was so emotional,(big surprise) and had such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for all in my life and how lucky I was to be there. He was so cute, and we had a really great morning, taking our time down main street, meeting characters and they made him feel so special with his b-day button.

Qotd- I like the watp videos too, and Jillians 30 day shred, and it's a tough workout. I did try a bargain country line dance dvd, but it wasn't very good. I forget the name.

I will never, never, never give up!!!!

Got to run now. Back on track, but unfortunately I'm back into the off track over the weekend, and lose what I gained during the week. Gotta work on that.

Have a great monday everyone!!:)
Good Monday morning everyone. It is supposed to be a rainy day here in jersey. I have a busy day. My math team has their first meet today and I have many things to get settled before we go this afternoon.

Thank you everyone for the great memories from yesterday's QOTD

Monday Question of the Day

As the weather is getting cooler and winter is getting closer there will be many times when we can't get outside. What is favorite exercise DVD and why? What is the best thing about it? What DVD have you tried that you did not like?

This way people could ideas about which are better than others.

Have a great day everyone. I will not be home until 5:30 or 6 and then not on here until at least 7:30. Have a great day everyone.

I've never really fell in love with an exercise dvd. I have done the walk away the lbs and they're okay. I picked up a couple of pilates dvd's, but haven't actually opened them yet. I think I've had them for about a year. Don't want to rush things:rotfl:
My daddy picked an orange wall for their bedroom in the early 1970's, with 3 dark paneling walls. Mom begged for years to paint it, but he wouldn't budge Now, she wouldn't change it for the world!Taryn

I knew that orange reminded me of something.... the 1970's!!!:lmao: Seriously, after three coats (who would have thought that pumpkin orange wouldn't cover light blue in one coat:confused3), it actually looks pretty cool. I know it will look awesome with the lime green on the other walls. The comforter he picked is black and grey with a stripe of orange, lime, and blue. We went with mostly black accents, plus a bit of lime and orange. I'm hoping that the lime will keep it from looking too much like a Halloween room.

Okay, so I BLEW it today. Pizza, M&Ms, sausage biscuit. Yeah, that bad. Like 2100 calories. What happened? NO WILLPOWER! Overslept this am, it's raining, it was there.Taryn

Actually, I think you are missing some "WON'T-power" :rotfl:. Seriously... 2100 calories isn't exacty off the charts. You can recover from this and still have a great week!! Start fresh today!!

Got my menus planned for the week, stew beef and potatoes are in crock pot, will add veggies in the am for soup. It's veg soup weather!

Lots of random stuff in my head, but nothing important, so I guess I'll go!
Have a great night!

YAH for menu planning! I had it on my radar to do my menus for October and November yesterday, but the day got away from me. I will be doing a freezer and pantry inventory and getting those menus done TODAY! Beef stew sounds yummy today! It is wet and miserable here as well. I have a vegetarian pizza casserole sort of bake scheduled for tonight, but might have to change it up, as DS has a soccer game about an hour away from home.... so we will be leaving here at 4:15 and probably won't return until about7:45.... sounds like we will end up with a "car picnic." I'll make up sandwiches, etc later today.

Someone on craigs list emailed me and asked for me to put an update on her so this was the last in 2 posts of Penney’s Diary:

Day 2 Penney the wonder kitten.

After being unceremoniously tossed out in a busy grocery store parking lot, Penney the wonder kitten is recovering. Here is her account:

Your narrative from Penney was so cute! That would make a great idea for a "pet" scrapbook page.... kind of a "day in the life"! Not that I need anymore scrapping ideas.... as it is I haven't worked on a single page since early August!! Glad that Penney is doing well in her new home.

Good Monday morning everyone. It is supposed to be a rainy day here in jersey. I have a busy day. My math team has their first meet today and I have many things to get settled before we go this afternoon.

Thank you everyone for the great memories from yesterday's QOTD

Monday Question of the Day

As the weather is getting cooler and winter is getting closer there will be many times when we can't get outside. What is favorite exercise DVD and why? What is the best thing about it? What DVD have you tried that you did not like?

Have a great time with your math team.

Favorite exercise DVD.... I do like the WATP workouts. But I get bored quickly, so I need to change them up frequently. Honestly, with the running, I haven't done a WATP video in months. Maybe today would be a good day to pull one out.... it is raining and I just don't feel like running in the rain. Anyhow, the best thing about them... they go by quickly, I can do them inside if it is too hot/cold/rainy/windy, etc., I can do them quietly if the family is sleeping (treadmill is too noisy), they are a nice change from just running or walking.

Love it AND hate it...... Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred and BL videos. They KICK MY BUTT! As a result, I really dread doing them.... but when I do, I feel powerful!! If you are looking for a GREAT all-over, butt kicking workout that will make you sweat in your living room... 30 day SHRED is it!! Very little equipment needed, not terribly long, but WOW. I actually have to modify it when I do it because it was causing me some knee pains.

Least favorite.... I bought a "Dancing With The Stars" latin dance workout maybe a 18 months ago.... it was AWFUL! It just reminded me how uncoordinated I have become since I was a dancer and cheerleader many, many years ago. I attempted it twice, hated it, and hid it away.

I'll check back in later when I've accomplished something. I'll probably go to the wellness center and make a quick run into the grocery store. Going to make Impossible Cheeseburger pie for supper but with ground turkey instead of beef. I think I'll make some Earl Grey green tea now as my throat is a bit sore. I sang at the top of my lungs at the party the other night.

Is that a Bisquick recipe? Do you use regular Bisquick or the Heart Smart? I love Bisquick recipes for a quick easy dinner!! We were supposed to have the Italian Pizza Bake tonight (without the chicken, as DS is allergic), but I think we will be too busy.... unless I make it early and we take it to go! Not sure how that would work for a car meal.:lmao::confused3

I've never really fell in love with an exercise dvd. I have done the walk away the lbs and they're okay. I picked up a couple of pilates dvd's, but haven't actually opened them yet. I think I've had them for about a year. Don't want to rush things:rotfl:

Yup.... no sense in rushing! :lmao: Actually.... if you try them and like them, let me know. I KNOW that my core needs some work and I think Pilates would help. The Pilates studio a few towns over charges about $60 per session! :eek: Love to try it on my own before I give them any of my hard-earned $$.

Speaking of money..... I am not earning any today! I didn't get called to work day. The money would be nice, but I do love being home. I get so much accomplished and it makes life so much more organized!

I hope every one is doing well today. It is a cold rainy Monday here. As I mentioned, I don't relish the idea of running outside today.... not that it is too terrible out, but I'm just not feeling any enthusiasm for it. I might dust off a WATP DVD later.

I have a bit more laundry to fold and then that will be caught up, at least for a few days. I finished the 3rd coat of paint on DS's room... will wait a few days for that to cure, so I can tape it off to do the other three walls. I forgot to grab wood filler at the local hardware store when I took DD to school today (she begged me... but she should be taking the bus), so I can't finish up the dining room baseboards today. And it is rainy, so I can't put the last coat of black paint on the chest for the dining room... oh well. As I mentioned, I will be doing my menus for the rest of October and November.

**Crafty/decorating help needed here....** (feel free to skip if this isn't your area of interest).....

A few months ago I decided to do a bit of redecorating in the kitchen. I saw a DIS'er's scrapbooking room that was decorated in all of her "Alice in Wonderland" collection and I decided that the Mad Tea Party would be an excellent idea for the kitchen.

It is already painted light yellow.... the counters are blue (icky, but not replacing it right now). The cabinets are light oak. I have a large space between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling that I like to decorate. For the past 6-8 years it has been decorated with various ceramic bowl and pitchers (mostly blue, since I was collecting blue pitchers for about 18 years), plus some silk ivy vine, grapevine and white twinkle lights (we have electrical outlets up there for this purpose). It was pretty and served its purpose, but I was getting pretty tired of it.

I pulled everything down at the start of the summer to get ready to do the redecorate, but I just got around to getting new twinkle lights this week (I tossed the old ones.... too icky and dusty to use again).

Well.... Saturday I put up the twinkle lights, and the silk ivy vine. Then I put up the oversized ceramic tea cups and saucers. I put the plush White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat into place. But it still looked bare. So I added some oversized silk flowers.... and that is where it started to go wrong. I'm not a big silk flower fan and these just started to make the whole thing look cheesy. But the Tea Party took place in a garden.... so how do I achieve the garden look without the flowers?

I am thinking of buying a few strings of those mini chinese paper lantern lights that they sell at Target (the ones they sell with the outdoor stuff). If I string those from the ceiling, I will get a bit more of the look I am going for. But I feel like I am missing something else. DD suggested some oversized playing cards and/or a Queen of Hearts crown or something like that.


That last bit of laundry that needs folding is calling my name. I'll pop back on later...............P
I half expect I"ll be made to sign a confidentiality agreement! The release will be mid October, so we won't have long before I'll be allowed to tell. And yes, I will be able to say if it is in fact earthshattering! I've been working for Bose for five years, and they have never released a product in this manner of secrecy before. They are really building it up for us employess. In fact, they renovated our theater and only the store manager is allowed to see the changes. Its padlocked.

Interesting! Bose does make some good stuff so it may be earthshattering. I'm sure companies are more aware of keeping new releases secret after the old Apple iPhone 4 prototype being left in a bar. :rolleyes1

If you do have a piece of pizza, you can use a paper towel or napkin to mop up as much of the grease from the cheese as you can before you eat it. Your co-workers will give you funny looks no doubt but hey, it's worth it! ::yes::

Lisa, as you see above, I couldn't pick just one! LOL. What did you do at DL? I'd love to hear some of your stories!!!

Jude, your backyard is gorgeous! But I have to ask . . . who is going to rake all those leaves? :rotfl: DH's brother and his family live in your neck of the woods. If you drove west on I-90 you would eventually get to our place -- all the weather goes from here to there. :goodvibes

I worked at the Character Shop in Tomorrowland at Disneyland. It is now Star Traders. Later I learned the valuable skill of sewing names on Mickey Mouse ears and worked at the Mod Hatter a lot, too. Space Mountain had just opened when I started. The following summer Big Thunder Railroad opened. They used to call and ask groups of employees to come over and ride for testing. I got to work the Main Street Electrical Parade and in Fantasyland a few times. I had fun every single day I worked at that job!

Where is jennz? :confused3 She used to work in Fantasyland at WDW.

Michael lost a tooth yesterday morning, and I forgot to be the fairy, but luckily he woke up and didn't think of it right away so I went and left the cash while he was in the bathroom. Pheww. I think he's close to figuring it all out anyway, and if the fairy hadn't come, I'm afraid it would have been all over. I do love how one day he can seem so grown up and the next he can believe in the magic with all his heart.

Whew! Close call with the tooth fairy! :tinker: This may be last year that Santa is real. :santa::hug:

Deb, that picture of your DS is adorable! And your wedding dress is gorgeous. I think that the sleeves could be altered so they aren't so pouffy and it would be fine for another go round. donac, is our sewing expert and might have some ideas.

pjlla, thanks for the Halloween Candy Alert! ::yes::

Will be back later to finish replies. DS is going on a school trip for two nights and have to be sure that we have everything that we need! :scared:
If you do have a piece of pizza, you can use a paper towel or napkin to mop up as much of the grease from the cheese as you can before you eat it. Your co-workers will give you funny looks no doubt but hey, it's worth it! ::yes::

Will be back later to finish replies. DS is going on a school trip for two nights and have to be sure that we have everything that we need! :scared:

I second the "de-greasing" idea! Why take in those extra calories if you don't need to?? I pat my pizza all the time now!

Where is DS going? Is it a fun trip?? .................P
9/24 Friday QOTD:As we get closer to the holidays do you think your family will accept new recipes that will help you keep on track?

I think the only change I make will be instead of regular sweet potatoes (which I am always in charge of no matter where I end up) I will be doing a roasted potato blend. Everything else I will just take in small doses. My BIL is mostly vegetarian (eats chicken, fish & sometimes a little turkey) so we always add a big bowl of brocolli/cauliflower.

Saturday Question of the Day

Really 2 questions

1. Which classic Disney movie to love to watch over and over again. I mean from before 1970

2. Which more recent movie to do you enjoy watching.

It could be live action or animation

Have a great day. I will be on later when I get home from pillowcases.

This is tough. I have always loved the Hayley Mills movies, it was a toss up between The Moon Spinners and The Parent Trap.

1. The Parent Trap
2. Honorable Mention - (because its after 1970, but before 1988)- Flight of the Navigator
3. National Treasure

Still trying to catch up, be back soon! Time to start work. Oh yeah, the meeting was awesome, I will tell you all more details as soon as I am allowed:):
Quick flyby this morning. Never made it on yesterday :sad2:

Managed 4.46 this morning which, for the first time in a long time, I didn't really want to do. Too tired! I've only gotten between 4 - 5 hours sleep the last 2 nights. But I had to walk - 'cuz I knew I would cross the 800 miles mark if I did!;) I think I"m becoming addicted to both walking and my Garmin.
Probably not a bad thing.

Took DD to the bus this morning. She is having a panic meltdown worrying (at the beginning of week 6) if she will lose her scholarship (has to keep a 3.5) But to her, a B- is failing, so I get it. Plus, she's exhausted.

So, I'm off to the thrift store to try to pick up winter coats (it's 99c tag day), which I"ll do each Monday until mid-November , to take to the rescue mission & family rescue thru church. 1 tag color is 99c each monday morning, so I'm gonna try!

Hopefully I"ll have time to get back on here later.

QOTD - that I remember - Thanksgiving - in 28+ yrs marriage, we've never been near family at Thanksgiving, so my family eats whatever I choose. Always turkey, but everything else varies based on requests.

Disney classic movie - probably Jungle Book - it's the 1st movie I ever went to a theater for & I was in early elementary school. I love Baloo!

Disney memory - Sadly, I don't have many as I've only been to DL 1x and WDW 2x. But my fav would have to be our 1st WDW visit. DD was 5 - 1st character she saw was the QUEEN of hearts. She walked up with her signing booklet, took one look and shouted at HER - "Why are you wearing boys shoes?" Quickly followed by "Why is there hair like daddy's on your arm?" And the QUEEN promptly made an exit!

Exercise DVDs - I have a gazillion - which just yesterday I decided I need to go through a different one each day & 'review' them - maybe on here - if I have the chance. I love any of the WATP and Shred. Have many I've never even opened.

Well, it's off and running.......later! Happy, Healthy Monday to all!
Good Morning!

I woke up a couple of times throughout the night. We had a scare last night as my father was sleep walking. :scared1: Neither my mom nor I feel back to sleep very quickly. Then, I had to use the bathroom, which requires some assistance, at least according to my mother. I then woke up when my mom was planning to walk with the neighbor only to find out that it is pouring out. What’s up with this weather? Not that we don’t need the rain, though. I fell back to sleep and then woke up when the phone rang. My sister calls every morning. Usually that is fine, but I’ve really needed sleep post-injury and my mom knows it. She told me to go back to sleep, and for one of the first times ever, I actually did. I didn’t wake up until after 9! I definitely needed some sleep.

There isn’t too much planned for today. I am hoping for a walking cast when I see the specialist today. :goodvibes

Have a great day everyone!

CC :)

I've had another good day of eating and went to the gym. I'm feeling good and ready to face the week.

:banana: Love the part I bolded! :cool1:

Maria: My sister had the nursery for Vacation Bible Camp a few times. There was actually a curriculum. She loved it! :goodvibes

The only thing that caught her off-guard was the allergies the kids have. One has an allergy to something in bubbles. She was prepared for the 8 usual food allergies, but contact allergies are apparently a big concern too. Funny, though, I have one we just didn’t find out until I tried a new product at age 22. :rotfl2:

cc I was in DW during hurricane ANdrew. we were staying at POFQ and my twin sister and her family were also down there. We weren't watching the news too much so we didn't know the extent of the destruction until we started to drive home. All the way up 95 we kept seeing tree service trucks and electrical company trucks coming down to help out.

You drove! It was really fascinating to drive up from West Palm and see how dramatically different things were as we went north. It’s amazing what driving can show you. I can’t imagine what Miami must have looked like. :scared1:

Jude: A Thanksgiving morning race sounds great! :cool1: Your cousins sound like they would be a great source of inspiration. If my parents are up for battling the potential snow in the Berkshires, I’d consider running the 5K. My grandparents live just past Albany. They’d love to see us, but the snow potential keeps us away. :goodvibes

This reminds me of a story..... when DS lost his first tooth, he accidentally ate it with a Christmas cookie. He was SO UPSET when he realized it! Well... DD doesn't let the tooth fairy take her teeth, so she had her teeth in a jar upstairs (I know....ewwww... but what can I say). Anyhow.... she brought down a tooth, tossed it on the kitchen floor, and convinced her brother that his tooth fell onto the floor! He was SO HAPPY! And I was so proud of DD for thinking of it and for sharing her tooth! :lmao: It made for a great scrapbook page!

That’s adorable! :goodvibes

Okay.... either they killed each other or they stopped fighting because now it is quiet...:rotfl2:

The turkey tro sounds like fun! The more you all talk about it, the more I'm thinking I should look for a morning run. It would certainly start the day on good healthy note!

:rotfl: Duh! There must be a run somewhere near me! Good call! :worship:

Rose: Hope you got some rest! :goodvibes

Maureen: Hope you had a great weekend! :goodvibes

DH and I are waiting for the Amazing Race too. That is our favorite show. We always have "date night" on Sunday night which means we sit together on the couch and watch the amazing race. Exciting...I know:lmao:

Had to add: my parents don’t even sit on the same couch. He has a recliner and watches TV and she is playing cards on the computer. At least they are in the same room. :rotfl2:
I will use my last few points of the day to have a piece of the WW pineapple pie I made. I made it without the coconut so I could share it, but no one else wants it... not sure why, when the only other thing to eat are homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?? :confused3:lmao:

How is it without coconut? I’m not a fan, although if it makes a recipe, than I use it. But, my mother can definitely live without it. :goodvibes

No, that one hasn't been mentioned... I need to read up on it. Glad the spa experience wasn't too humiliating! Thanks for the vote of confidence!!!

Thanks, we decided to keep her. I cannot believe she'll be 11 tomorrow. Time simply flies! Take care of yourself!

Okay, so I BLEW it today. Pizza, M&Ms, sausage biscuit. Yeah, that bad. Like 2100 calories. What happened? NO WILLPOWER! Overslept this am, it's raining, it was there.

I don’t know how AK is at school (and it’s not my business), but I should also add that I have heard of great success stories once CAPD is “diagnosed”. It seems that the action plan immediately helps children. I know of one student who went from a very modified curriculum to practically being on grade level within months of “diagnosis.” :goodvibes

Thanks! I cannot wait for the doctor’s appt today. Tell AK I said Happy Birthday! I’d keep her too, btw. :rotfl2:

And, 2100 calories in 1 day! Please, think about it this way. Before we started on our journey I could have had that many calories in one meal. Heck, I think I had 2100 calorie apps. You have come so far. Put it past you and have a great day today! :goodvibes

Hi everyone. Today I went to go visit my family. My bf and I had a great time today. I did talk to my grandma to see how she was doing. Shes fine in her eyes because she says the Dr has not told her to go on a diet or that she will be on dialysis. But they have had her take nuitrition classes and a workshop on dialysis. So I guess the next step would be to confirm with the Dr to see if he explicitly wants her on a diet and if she will for sure go on dialysis. Other than that we spent a lot of time with my entire family. Afterwards we even went to go visit my BF's grandma to spend time with her. It was also nice just being with BF because we have opposite schedules. He works evenings/nights while I work days. So I actually only see him 2-3 times a week- even living together.

Not sure what to say about your grandmother. :hug: We are going through a similar thing with mine. She thinks she has diabetes (I think what she means is hypoglycemia, but who really knows with her) and claims that she knows when her blood sugar goes too low and she needs to eat. Well, this “happens” at least 5x a day and so she is constantly eating. Of course, a bit to eat doesn’t suffice. She needs at least half a meal and a lot of it is processed, etc. She probably eats upwards of 4,000 calories a day. Her favorite food is those packages of cracker sandwiches with peanut butter in them. I feel you. :hug:

Just a friendly reminder... Of the folks that measured-in on week 1, these have not yet PM'd their current measurements:

I knew there was something I forgot to do. Will send you a PM immediately. :goodvibes

50sjayne: Penney’s diary is adorable! How cute! :)

Monday Question of the Day

As the weather is getting cooler and winter is getting closer there will be many times when we can't get outside. What is favorite exercise DVD and why? What is the best thing about it? What DVD have you tried that you did not like?

I like the WATP 5-mile one, even though I’ve never made it through all 5 miles. There’s just something confidence-building about walking a 12-minute mile. I like the BL Jumpstart cardio workouts, but I’m not in love with some of the other workouts on the DVD. There was also this yoga DVD that came with the yoga mat I bought that was 10 notches below beginner. It was free so I didn’t complain. ;)

Tracey: I hope you are able to get some rest and feel better! :goodvibes

Kathy: Have a great day today! :goodvibes

Love it AND hate it...... Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred and BL videos. They KICK MY BUTT! As a result, I really dread doing them.... but when I do, I feel powerful!! If you are looking for a GREAT all-over, butt kicking workout that will make you sweat in your living room... 30 day SHRED is it!!

ITA! I also love how some of them are short. Not quick, but short. :rotfl:

If you do have a piece of pizza, you can use a paper towel or napkin to mop up as much of the grease from the cheese as you can before you eat it. Your co-workers will give you funny looks no doubt but hey, it's worth it! ::yes::

You know, I’m guessing that you might not be the only one dabbing their pizza. It is becoming quite popular. I wasn’t even out of elementary school before my classmates started doing it to their cafeteria food. Pizza was a daily option and dabbing it with napkins was a necessity. That, and checking to see if the hot dog bounced. :rotfl2:

9/24 Friday QOTD:As we get closer to the holidays do you think your family will accept new recipes that will help you keep on track?

I think the only change I make will be instead of regular sweet potatoes (which I am always in charge of no matter where I end up) I will be doing a roasted potato blend. Everything else I will just take in small doses. My BIL is mostly vegetarian (eats chicken, fish & sometimes a little turkey) so we always add a big bowl of brocolli/cauliflower.

When you say sweet potatoes, I’m picturing roasting some on a pan. But, I’m guessing you mean more of a casserole dish with ingredients other than sweet potatoes? :confused3
I never want to see another peanut M&M again.

As long as I don't start, I'll be fine, but if I start... yesterday was NOT a good day for my eating. And that was BEFORE I went over to celebrate my dad's birthday.

So, here's another Monday with a Sunday food orgy to weigh-in with me. When I am tired I just couldn't care less about sticking to any kind of eating plan. Next time, I'll just take a nap!

Y'all have a good Monday! TTYL.
Connie: I sent you 2 PMs. Oops.

Just did some research on sleep walking. It seems like I should not be concerned unless it happens again. I will talk to my mom regardless.

Now, it is time for breakfast.

Have a great day everyone!
I definitely need to catch up but I think I'm too far behind now. I had a fun weekend though. I ate entirely too much pizza, salad and baked potato on Saturday night out to dinner with friends. Not to mention dessert. AHHH!!

I got so much to get done at home too though so I will try my best to get a catch up marathon today but it may be tomorrow.

Don't you know the toothfairy sometimes is too busy and has to come the next night(especially if they lose it at night). ;) I had to relay the message here once. Then she hadn't been sleeping in her bed so she only goes if the kids in their bed here. :lmao:
Back to catch up. :goodvibes

Lindsay, great job on the race -- sounds like you did well and what a good cause! :thumbsup2

Tracey, congrats to you and your DD on your race, too! How nice that you could do it together! :cool2:

Rose, glad the anklen is okay. :goodvibes Your poor dog, I'm sure the tone hurts his ears.

Dreamer24, you got to ride in Cinderella's coach?!? :woohoo: Talk about a dream come true!

Maria, sorry about the Pringles incident. :hug: I can't stop until those things are gone, too. :sad2:

Taryn, sorry about the off plan day yesterday. :hug: I agree with pjlla, 2100 isn't too bad. You've already done your menu planning for the week so it sounds like you are getting right back OP!

Cupcaker, glad that you and your BF had a great day yesterday! :goodvibes

Connie96, PM'd you my measurements. Not sure what happened there! ;) Hope that you can get some rest! :hug:

Susan, I loved the story of Penney the wonder kitty. She is so lucky! :cat:

Monday Question of the Day

As the weather is getting cooler and winter is getting closer there will be many times when we can't get outside. What is favorite exercise DVD and why? What is the best thing about it? What DVD have you tried that you did not like?

I'm not a big fan of exercise DVDs either. Leslie Sansone's DVDs are okay but her perkiness gets to be a bit much for me at times. :rolleyes1 Jillian Michaels Shred is a killer -- I've never made it past level 1! :rotfl:

Kathy, so you used some of your flex points -- you didn't go over. :thumbsup2 I'm sure you will be OP for the rest of the week.

I am thinking of buying a few strings of those mini chinese paper lantern lights that they sell at Target (the ones they sell with the outdoor stuff). If I string those from the ceiling, I will get a bit more of the look I am going for. But I feel like I am missing something else. DD suggested some oversized playing cards and/or a Queen of Hearts crown or something like that.

Maybe some lanterns like the ones that hang over the teacups at MK? You might also look at some pictures of the Alice in Wonderland ride at Disneyland. Maybe something will inspire you!

DS' whole 6th grade class is going on a "nature experience." They are staying at a church camp in the mountains, get to sleep in a bunkhouse, eat in the mess hall, go hiking, do outdoor activities, for two nights. Then they have the rest of the week off to recouperate. I was doing my one-chick hen thing this morning -- cluck! cluck! cluck! ;)

Julie, sorry that you are so tired. :hug: But a big congrats on passing the 800 mile mark! :yay:

CC, make sure that your stairs are blocked off if your Dad is sleepwalking. I'm not trying to scare you but my Dad died after falling down the stairs in the middle of the night so when I hear stuff like this I go :scared1:! (He was actually fine after the fall but had a subdural hematoma a few days later).

Have a great day all!
I never want to see another peanut M&M again.
As long as I don't start, I'll be fine, but if I start... yesterday was NOT a good day for my eating. So, here's another Monday with a Sunday food orgy to weigh-in with me.
I had some of those yesterday, too! :sad2: Oh well. Here we go again! Hope you have a good day!

Monday Question of the Day

I have 3 Jillian DVD's. shred = quick and effective. Banish Fat - Killer cardio! 45 min. No more trouble zones - killer strength!I'd rather run than do any of them.

DH has been asleep since I think about 6 or so last night. He was not feeling well. We think something at the party didn't agree with him as he was sick all morning and his throat really hurts from that. I think I'll make some Earl Grey green tea now as my throat is a bit sore. I sang at the top of my lungs at the party the other night.
Hope you all feel better soon!

Taryn-I had one of those days yesterday. Used up 25 flex points, after a trip to the farm and some cider donuts. Today is a new day. Be careful if you go running in the monsoon. I hope to get out after work before the rain is too bad. [BI went to MK for the opening ceremony and we had never seen it, and I was so emotional,(big surprise) and had such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for all in my life and how lucky I was to be there.
I make sure to be at rope drop as often as possible. CRY EVERY TIME!!! And yes, my whole family sings along to the Welcome song, and we get weird looks! Back OP for us!!! Update on rain below.

I picked up a couple of pilates dvd's, but haven't actually opened them yet. I think I've had them for about a year. Don't want to rush things
:rotfl2: If you ever do, let us know!

Actually, I think you are missing some "WON'T-power" Seriously... 2100 calories isn't exacty off the charts. You can recover from this and still have a great week!! Start fresh today!!
YAH for menu planning! I had it on my radar to do my menus for October and November yesterday, but the day got away from me. ? I love Bisquick recipes for a quick easy dinner!! DD suggested some oversized playing cards and/or a Queen of Hearts crown or something like that.
Ha. Ha. Won't power. Very. funny.;) I'm thinking on your tea party.Are any of the bisquick menus healthy? DH loves the stuff....

Oh yeah, the meeting was awesome, I will tell you all more details as soon as I am allowed

Managed 4.46 this morning which, for the first time in a long time, I didn't really want to do. Too tired! I've only gotten between 4 - 5 hours sleep the last 2 nights. But I had to walk - 'cuz I knew I would cross the 800 miles mark if I did!;) . She is having a panic meltdown worrying (at the beginning of week 6) if she will lose her scholarship (has to keep a 3.5) But to her, a B- is failing, so I get it. Plus, she's exhausted.
I had to keep a 3.5, too, to keep my scholarship. It was a lot of pressure at times. Good for you for understanding! Great job with 800 miles!

I don’t know how AK is at school (and it’s not my business), but I should also add that I have heard of great success stories once CAPD is “diagnosed”.I cannot wait for the doctor’s appt today. Tell AK I said Happy Birthday! I’d keep her too,And, 2100 calories in 1 day! Please, think about it this way. Before we started on our journey I could have had that many calories in one meal. Heck, I think I had 2100 calorie apps. You have come so far. Put it past you and have a great day today!

Thankfully, she is a wonderful student. Mostly A's, with one or two B's here and there. :yay: I am to the point where I know that anything more than 1200 is not going to give me results, I don't give myself too hard of a time if I am in the 1400 cal. range, but over 1500 just makes me feel bad! But you are right, I have had 2100 cal. (and probably apps or desserts!) meals before!:scared1:

Terrible morning. got up at 4:30, took the furboys out, and the monsoon was full force. Thankfully, they made it a quick trip! ;) I decided it was just too early to be up if I wasn't going to run, set my kitchen timer for 60 minutes, got on the couch with it, FORGOT TO HIT START and went to sleep!

:scared1:WOKE UP AT 7:40 and I have to leave at 8:00!!!!! Thank goodness everything was done, bags packed, etc, so all I had to do was dress, shower, makeup, flop up my hair, and get AK up and ready. Grabbed a Kashi bar for breakfast and a protein shake for lunch. Not the world's best, but I'll make up for it with that veg soup for dinner.:cloud9:

She looks so happy to be alive today. Brad made it to call her this am when we got here to wish her a Happy Birthday, her principal did, friends, etc. I am so happy when I can see her really smile! She and Sophie sang a "duet" at church yesterday, they did so well. Forgive my nostalgic, "It's my baby's birthday" mama ramblings!

Hope everyone has a good afternoon! Rainy blah bad start morning, let's hope it's all better from here!
Sing He's Got the Whole World in his Hands. Sophie's been singing that ALL day long!! Good for you! As upset as you are, I love the way your put your "accident". I seem to be in the same boat, my willpower is all or nothing. Great job with your plan for tomorrow!

Yep, I don't do shades of grey well, it's something I need to work on. Since I can't seem to be "on" all the time, I'm going to have to go with moderation. We definitely have a curriculum for every age, I'm just going to have to adapt it depending on who shows up and whether they really just need to nap...I'm told the 18 month old daughter of our youth pastors pretty much naps every week...

I just noticed that they started carying Vitatops at Target. What store do you get them at? I would love to try new flavors.

I'm not familiar with West Coast grocery chains at all -- I get them at Stop N Shop, but I'm pretty sure that's an East Coast only one. What I did find is they had them both in the "Healthy/Organic" section and the regular freezer foods, the new flavors were in the regular section only. :confused3

Worfiedoodles: Heh. I have those accidents too. That’s why I always take any kind of chips out of the container and put ‘em in a bowl. Those small bowls are kind of nice for this—my Mom has a name for them? They are used for sauce a lot. Yeah it’s nice BL is Tuesday then our weigh in is Friday—keeps you on track.

I think Penney is adorable, too, and I love her diary! Thank you for the reminder -- I think I need "remedial lifestyle modification" because even though I know these things, sometimes I just don't do them. :headache:

Monday Question of the Day

As the weather is getting cooler and winter is getting closer there will be many times when we can't get outside. What is favorite exercise DVD and why? What is the best thing about it? What DVD have you tried that you did not like?

My favorite exercise dvd is BL Yoga -- the one with Bob. The best thing about it is I can do most of it! I'm not a big DVD person, but one I wasn't too fond of was a Richard Simmons -- just didn't seem like much of a workout. That was also a long time ago! :lmao:

Maria: My sister had the nursery for Vacation Bible Camp a few times. There was actually a curriculum. She loved it! :goodvibes

I am looking forward to it. I really think it will be fun, and frankly less stressful than the older kids. I may have a rude awakening, but right now it sounds good! :thumbsup2 Sorry about the lack of sleep last night. Hopefully you can have a lovely nap sometime today to make up for it.

It was raining for me this morning, too, so I didn't get up early to run. I never wake up when it's raining, I guess my body is still on the clock where you slept in at the cave when it rained...;) I actually seem to have chills today and I don't feel great. I keep debating going home because I feel a little under the weather, but I really could just tough it out. I have to come in Tues. - Thurs., so it's either rest more today or don't do it until the weekend. I do plan to go to bed as soon as I get home, but that won't be until almost 6 unless I bug out early...

Maria :upsidedow
**Crafty/decorating help needed here....** (feel free to skip if this isn't your area of interest).....

A few months ago I decided to do a bit of redecorating in the kitchen. I saw a DIS'er's scrapbooking room that was decorated in all of her "Alice in Wonderland" collection and I decided that the Mad Tea Party would be an excellent idea for the kitchen.

It is already painted light yellow.... the counters are blue (icky, but not replacing it right now). The cabinets are light oak. I have a large space between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling that I like to decorate. For the past 6-8 years it has been decorated with various ceramic bowl and pitchers (mostly blue, since I was collecting blue pitchers for about 18 years), plus some silk ivy vine, grapevine and white twinkle lights (we have electrical outlets up there for this purpose). It was pretty and served its purpose, but I was getting pretty tired of it.

I pulled everything down at the start of the summer to get ready to do the redecorate, but I just got around to getting new twinkle lights this week (I tossed the old ones.... too icky and dusty to use again).

Well.... Saturday I put up the twinkle lights, and the silk ivy vine. Then I put up the oversized ceramic tea cups and saucers. I put the plush White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat into place. But it still looked bare. So I added some oversized silk flowers.... and that is where it started to go wrong. I'm not a big silk flower fan and these just started to make the whole thing look cheesy. But the Tea Party took place in a garden.... so how do I achieve the garden look without the flowers?

I am thinking of buying a few strings of those mini chinese paper lantern lights that they sell at Target (the ones they sell with the outdoor stuff). If I string those from the ceiling, I will get a bit more of the look I am going for. But I feel like I am missing something else. DD suggested some oversized playing cards and/or a Queen of Hearts crown or something like that.


That last bit of laundry that needs folding is calling my name. I'll pop back on later...............P

Decorating Deliema: I think you need an oversized mushroom shaped cookie jar. You could also prop a pretty table cloth up in one area. A Giant Key or even Keyhole would be cute too :goodvibes

I had some of those yesterday, too! :sad2: Oh well. Here we go again! Hope you have a good day!

I have 3 Jillian DVD's. shred = quick and effective. Banish Fat - Killer cardio! 45 min. No more trouble zones - killer strength!I'd rather run than do any of them.

Hope you all feel better soon!

I make sure to be at rope drop as often as possible. CRY EVERY TIME!!! And yes, my whole family sings along to the Welcome song, and we get weird looks! Back OP for us!!! Update on rain below.

:rotfl2: If you ever do, let us know!

Ha. Ha. Won't power. Very. funny.;) I'm thinking on your tea party.Are any of the bisquick menus healthy? DH loves the stuff....


I had to keep a 3.5, too, to keep my scholarship. It was a lot of pressure at times. Good for you for understanding! Great job with 800 miles!

Thankfully, she is a wonderful student. Mostly A's, with one or two B's here and there. :yay: I am to the point where I know that anything more than 1200 is not going to give me results, I don't give myself too hard of a time if I am in the 1400 cal. range, but over 1500 just makes me feel bad! But you are right, I have had 2100 cal. (and probably apps or desserts!) meals before!:scared1:

Terrible morning. got up at 4:30, took the furboys out, and the monsoon was full force. Thankfully, they made it a quick trip! ;) I decided it was just too early to be up if I wasn't going to run, set my kitchen timer for 60 minutes, got on the couch with it, FORGOT TO HIT START and went to sleep!

:scared1:WOKE UP AT 7:40 and I have to leave at 8:00!!!!! Thank goodness everything was done, bags packed, etc, so all I had to do was dress, shower, makeup, flop up my hair, and get AK up and ready. Grabbed a Kashi bar for breakfast and a protein shake for lunch. Not the world's best, but I'll make up for it with that veg soup for dinner.:cloud9:

She looks so happy to be alive today. Brad made it to call her this am when we got here to wish her a Happy Birthday, her principal did, friends, etc. I am so happy when I can see her really smile! She and Sophie sang a "duet" at church yesterday, they did so well. Forgive my nostalgic, "It's my baby's birthday" mama ramblings!

Hope everyone has a good afternoon! Rainy blah bad start morning, let's hope it's all better from here!

Happy Birthday AK!!!
pjlla- Yes, it is a Bisquick recipe! I bought a big box of the regular at Costco last week. Using ground turkey and fat free cheddar cheese so it won't be too bad.

Just ate 2 Morningstar Farms Mushroom burgers on potato bread with a small amount of ketchup. Just about 400 calories. I also had one small peppermint patty.

Quiet morning. DH and I caught up on some shows and I fell back asleep while watching the Food Network Cake Challenge on Beauty and the Beast cakes. I will probably take today off completely from working out. Legs are sore and I'm just totally wiped out from the weekend. I will be watching my calories and drinking lots of water. I did visit the wellness center this morning and I've had some green tea. I'll have a few more cups later.

Back to CHopped Champions!

Have a great day!

TTFN :tigger:
So, here's another Monday with a Sunday food orgy to weigh-in with me. When I am tired I just couldn't care less about sticking to any kind of eating plan. Next time, I'll just take a nap!

I know the feeling. I feel like lately my weeks have been spent just trying to make up for the weekend damage! And I have finally discovered that for me, overtired + hungery = bad choices!!!

IHa. Ha. Won't power. Very. funny.;) I'm thinking on your tea party.Are any of the bisquick menus healthy? DH loves the stuff....

I am using a recipe specifically from Heart Smart Bisquick.... lower fat content. For the recipe I am using, made as is, 200 calories, 6 gr. fat, 35 mg cholesterol and 409 mg sodium. It calls for egg whites, chicken breast, and reduced fat mozzarella.

You can modify any Bisquick recipe to use Heart Smart Bisquick. I do that often.... and then I modify it further by using skim milk, egg whites, lowfat cheeses (and/or less cheese).

While I'll be the first to admit that any kind of Bisquick certainly wouldn't fall in the "Top 10 healthiest foods" list.... it certainly can be a lifesaver for a busy family!!

I am modifying tonight's Italian Pizza Bake to include zucchini with the peppers and onions. I was also going to make it vegetarian (because DS can't eat the chicken that it calls for), but I had a bit of leftover taco meat/tvp blend from Saturday night, so I threw it in. So for us it is "Mexican Taco Bake" :lmao: Maybe I'll throw in a bit of cheddar with the mozzarella to change it up too.... and possibly some refried beans. I'll let you all know how it worked out!

Forgive my nostalgic, "It's my baby's birthday" mama ramblings!
Totally forgiven!! Give her a big birthday hug from us!

Decorating Deliema: I think you need an oversized mushroom shaped cookie jar. You could also prop a pretty table cloth up in one area. A Giant Key or even Keyhole would be cute too.

OOOOhh.. the key/keyhole idea is GREAT! And maybe a few giant mushrooms... THANKS!

pjlla- Yes, it is a Bisquick recipe! I bought a big box of the regular at Costco last week. Using ground turkey and fat free cheddar cheese so it won't be too bad.

Funny..... two Bisquick dinners on here tonight!:thumbsup2

Well.... after I left you all earlier, I made a cup of tea and went upstairs to fold laundry. About 10:30 I started feeling really queasy and icky and sort of a sick headache. Not sure what that was all about. :confused3 I finished my laundry and upstairs chores and sat to chat with DH for a while. Still felt a bit queasy and like a sour stomach feeling, but I've had some lunch and it seems to be settling okay.

I tried some Trader Joe's soup today.... not so great. It was the Garden Patch veggie soup.... it was sort of like warmed up V-8... which I wouldn't mind, but this had something else I wasn't fond of. I'll try to use up the rest in a recipe or something. I didn't even finish the cup I warmed up because I decided it wasn't worth the full point. I ended up eating some leftovers from the fridge.... not an ideal lunch, but it was warm and appealing and I was able to stay within my points.

Well.... I'm going to pull out my to-do list from yesterday that I didn't finish and see what I can get done! TTYL............P


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