Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Afternoon everybody

Been a busy little bee in the house getting stuff cleaned up. Was supposed to have an appt. for window treatments yesterday but the co. was a no-show. Have a call in to find out why but it hasn't been returned yet. I hate having the place look all nice and neat for a reason and then not have anybody show:headache:

Tis very very hot today. Good thing my doggie is tired tired tired. he's snoring away behind me currently:cloud9: Went to Brusters last night for Ice cream and found that don't do doggie ice cream anymore. Very disappointing. My whole day was disappointing yesterday. Still lost a half lb. with the house work though. Waiting for Sat. for final weigh in though. So we'll see where the scale lands.

I should probably go catch up on the QOTDs. Not sure if I'm going to catch up on everybody's posts though. Was up at 9am, but having a hard time waking up today. I am going to take someone's suggestion to start writing down what page I'm on though. then maybe I won't get lost again:rotfl2:
:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

I am so happy for you. I just cannot even imagine what you have been through. Now, do something nice and relaxing for you. :flower3:
:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

What great news! It brought tears to my eyes!

My stress level is increasing by the second! Gotta take my mom to the doctor's this afternoon as her leg is so painful she can hardly walk. Afraid it may be a blood clot! Please send PD!

Don't know what the critters are...waiting to hear back from the exterminator as to when he can come. Of course, I have my next client in ten minutes so I will probably miss his call. I may have to wait until tomorrow for him to come but at least someone will be there all day!

For lunch I had a small loaf of garlic bread as I was stressing so much. I also had a SpecialK Mocha bar. Only 90 calories there. Drinking my water.

QOTD:Dinner tonight will be salad and spaghetti.

Our last trip was April 2009 at AKV/POR! It was an amazing trip! Rode Everest six times and DD2 loved that! Also finally saw Nemo the Musical! Can't wait to see that again in December with my parents.

Gotta go start preparing myself for my next client as he will be here momentarily!

I'll post again later! Hopefully with some good news!
Good Afternoon Everyone! I am sitting at a dance competition today. DD has her national competition so we are set up for sitting around all day.

Congrats to all who did the cow, and to me and sherry for being the lucky winners of the prizes!! I'm so excited. Thank you so much, Jen.

YEAH! :woohoo: I am so excited that you and Sherry are the winners for the prizes!!!! I always get so excited when I pull the names and see who won! I will be going to the post office tomorrow to mail out the prizes for this week.

We found out yesterday that we passed ROFR on our resale contract.:cool1: Now I have to pay for it--not looking forward to writing that check. We will now have 150 points at SSR and 170 at BWV. That's it. We're done. No more addonitis at our house!

I am excited that your offer went through! Lots more WDW trips for you!!! :goodvibes

Last day tomorrow:banana::banana::banana: Finished cleaning my room today and grades are all done.

Painted my toes a nice pink. Since I never do my nails or toes then the pink is something new for me.

Dona - Good luck with your last day and moving all your stuff around. I hate having to move my room so I totally feel for you. Love that you did your nails! :goodvibes

Finished the C25K today with a 3.1 mile jog in 34 min 03 seconds. Granted this was on a treadmill with no incline but that's the next step.

SarahMay - :woohoo: WAY TO GO! Great job on finishing the C25K..that is wonderful and I think your time was SUPER!

Woo hoo, Jen! I'm psyched for you! It will definitely be exciting when you get to lifetime in 6 weeks and don't have to pay up anymore!

I also had a good swim at the pool yesterday. .8 miles. Which sounds pretty wimpy, I know. But when I say 1500 yards, that sounds farther, right? Or if I say 60 lengths, that sounds like a lot, doesn't it?

THANKS! I really am looking forward to the NOT paying part of WW!

WOW! 60 lengths sounds AMAZING! That is what you should tell is impressive! :thumbsup2

Cow part 2. I almost forgot to post this.

I painted my toenails last night.:cool1: I used a shimmery red. Mostly because this is the only fun color I had at home. I really wanted to get out to buy something new but never found the time.:confused3 I guess living at home with a dh and 2 sons toenail polish does not sit high on the priority list. This is where I am realizing how much I have forgotten to spend time on myself over the past 5 years. Thanks for making me see that Jen. I am trying not to feel guilty spending sometime on me each day.

I am so happy that you took the time for yourself and did your nails. I think as moms, we often forget to take time for ourselves.

On my toes I had a cute little design painted, with a heart drawn in white and silver glitter polish around it! I love it!!!

Ohh...I love when there are cute designs! I usually paint my own nails but when I go in and pay for my nails to be done, I love to get some sort of design on my toes.

Before I started my next training I just wanted to share with you all the most tasty breakfast that I had by accident this morning. Since January I eat Oatmeal most mornings--fills me up and keeps me going. I usually mix in 1/2 oz chopped nuts and also a berry mixture that I make (I boil down the frozen berry mix from Costco til it's about 1/2 volume--so it's like a fruit syrup without the sugar). Well - I ran out of the berry stuff yesterday and with the busy day - forgot to make more. So as I am making my oatmeal this morning I looked around the kitchen to find a fruit to add--and all I had was one very ripe banana (almost too hard to cut it into the oatmeal). I chopped up my walnuts and then enjoyed what can only be described as banana nut warm goodness... it was sooooooo tasty! I loved every bit and am thinking I'm gonna have to make this a usual thing--looking for those bargain bin bananas which I usually just freeze for smoothies... it was good--enjoy!!

Liz - Thanks for sharing. I also eat oatmeal almost every day. I don't usually mix anything in but always have bananas in the I am going to be inspired to trying out this recipe!!!

:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

I am SO HAPPY for you! I felt so bad for you when I saw your posting this morning...worrying about a child's health is NO fun. Then when I saw this posting...I was totally relieved for you. My DS has had major health issues pretty much his whole life so I can relate the the stress things like this can cause. This is WONDERFUL news!
Quit post to answer the QOTD, but first:

:cool1::dance3::yay::woohoo: for my3princes and her son's MRI report!

dinner - undecided, depends on the weather, as I am hoping to go running after work, and DH has soccer game, which I can take the kids to watch, so it'll be something quick and easy. But if the forecast is correct, there'll be thunderstorms and so I won't be going out running or watching soccer, so I'll have time to really cook.

Last Disney trip:
March 2009 we did a spring break trip driving down to DL. We left at about 7am on a Saturday and drove pretty much straight through. Ended up stopping in a rest area for about 4 hours that night and go to DL by 3pm Sunday. We had debated about not telling the kids where we were going, but decided to tell them when we woke them up Sat. So everything was packed and loaded in the van, and then we woke them up and said "Good morning, if you want to go to Disneyland get dressed quick and we're leaving!" Our oldest was 7 and did not believe us at first, and rolled over to go back to sleep. Our youngest at 4 believed us and was up and dressed and ready in 10 minutes. We figured we needed them to be excited about the trip in order to survive the drive, which they did really great on.
Had lots of fun, other than Ariel's restaurant losing my credit card. (very annoying - server's attitude was "oops I must have dropped it, leave us a number and we'll call you if it turns up. Maybe you should cancel it" By the time I asked to see a manager and was complaining about the whole situation and poor attitude, they had found it. We had mostly good weather, crowds weren't too bad, had a dismeet with folks from our cruise the year before and had a lot of fun.

One of the neatest things was the girls were starting to want to be more independent, and on many rides, they wanted to sit together with DH&I sitting in the row behind them. It was so cute watching them enjoying the rides together and pointing things out to each other. :cutie::goodvibes
Then a slower drive home (actually slept in a hotel instead of the vehicle:cool1:) with some stops at outlet malls along the way, and it was a great vacation.

Time to get back to work. Need to paint my nails tonight for the Cow :goodvibes
my3princes--So glad you had good news.:goodvibes

maizezoe--I'm sorry the surgery is messing with your 5k.:hug:

Tracey--hope everything is ok with your Mom.:goodvibes

My DS is home and trying to take a nap on the couch. Our dog keeps licking him and throwing the ball at him, because he wants him to play. Even after 6 weeks the dog is always so happy to see him.:goodvibes

I can't remember if I posted this--but we ended up running and walking some on our run last night. It was still 90 at 8:10 when we started. Note to self--it's really hard to run more than a mile or two if you did an hour long strength class that morning.:thumbsup2 We still had a reasonable time. I'm taking today off from working out and it's kind of nice. DS has told me two or three times how skinny I look and that I look taller too.:goodvibes I asked him if his Dad told him to say all that, and he said no.:)

Hope everyone is having a nice afternoon. I'm just going to sit here for a while and listen to my kid snore. It's kind of nice.
It’s like literally 100 degrees outside and 50% humidity :faint:. It looks like it’s going to pour any minute now, I wish it would so it can cool off before I go home. I don’t mind hot, but this is ridiculous!

QOTD1 ~ Thursday:
What is for dinner tonight?
Leftover chicken (for me) and leftover spaghetti (for DS). I’ll put a little salsa and guac on my chicken breast to spice it up a bit, and see what’s in the pantry for veggies.

QOTD2 ~ Thursday:
Tell us a little about your last trip to Disney... (if you haven't been to Disney yet, tell us what you look forward to the most).
Our last trip was last month and it was the first trip with just DS and me. We had lots of fun :cool1:, got to ride lots of rides :cheer2:, and got to do the scavenger hunt at MK :thumbsup2. Unfortunately, we also caught bronchitis :sick:, I got horrible painful blisters on our very first day from the stupid Crocs (which I am never, ever wearing again in my whole life :headache:!), we both sweated gallons every day because it was so freakin’ hot! :sunny:, and I got some sort of allergic rash from the bleach or detergent they wash the sheets in :eek:. Needless to say, it was a memorable trip, but not necessarily for the right reasons :rolleyes:! I think this last trip burnt us out a little on WDW, between all the stuff that happened, and also because it just seems like we’re always rush, rush, rush while we’re there. The best day we had was the day we hung out in the pool at the resort because we just weren’t physically able to do anything else. Of course I was thinking to myself, we could so have saved thousands of dollars and hung out at the community pool for all the luck we’ve had on this trip! We are both super excited about our Dream cruises next May though, cruises are so much more relaxing than the parks IMHO. :woohoo:

my3princes – Glad to hear the good news about your DS!

I got everything I wanted at Ikea :love: last night! I struggled, but finally got it out of the car and upstairs, at least 500 lbs of furniture in three boxes plus the 4 doors and the “accessories”, whew! I even have the scratches and bruise to prove it! I think I’ll count that as my exercise for yesterday since I slept in a little and missed my Shred workout. Now comes the fun part of putting it together… I hope to get at least one piece put together tonight, and the rest done on Saturday (fingers crossed). The guys in our shop at work are replacing my brakes this afternoon :worship:, so I may be late getting home, if that happens I’ll skip trying to put anything together ‘cause I know if I try to rush to get it done before bedtime, I’ll get frustrated with it :mad:.

We’ve been super quiet here at work today, so bored… :surfweb:. I only have two things left to do, that should take me all of 20 minutes, but I can’t leave early because I’m covering the front office and I have to wait for my car to be done. Guess I’ll finish up and check out MSN or something.

If I don’t check in again before I leave work, have a great rest of the day and stay cool in the heatwave:cool2:!

Bree (who is very bored today and enjoyed playing with the smilies in this message! ;))
I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:

I hope only good news was received!! :hug:
:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

That is fabulous!!
Glad you're good with the suit. I have the same swim suit in 3 different sizes that I've bought over the past 6 years. I love the suit, the 18 is too big and doesn't hold me in enough, the 14 from a couple years ago is a little tight and hard to pull up, but i still can wear it, and the 16 is just right now. :rotfl: Kind of like the three bears for swimsuits. They are a necessary evil.

I do purchase particular clothing items I love in 2, 3, sometimes 4 different colors, but I never have purchased anything in different sizes! :rotfl: That was so funny to read, but at the same time it makes perfect sense!! :thumbsup2 I just may do that "just-in-case" one day...

Further down, it sounds like maybe you bought this at a time when you were also the size you are now - that sounds like a very good reason for your suit to fit! Also, I was going to say, it seems like my swim suit acceptably well a lot longer than some other clothes - I think each garment is different. PLUS - lucky you - you don't have to go swimsuit shopping now! :-) Enjoy the water and sun!

I can't believe it's official weigh in day again tomorrow!

LOL - so true! No cramming myself in suit after suit! Plus I will not have to spend the money, which is good as my son just broke his bike helmet :rolleyes: This weekend I need to purchase a new helmet for both kids, as well as sandles for both kids.

I REALLY do not want to get weighed tonight! :lmao: I know I have gained weight this week. Sounds like you should be down with swimming and biking!

Before I started my next training I just wanted to share with you all the most tasty breakfast that I had by accident this morning. Since January I eat Oatmeal most mornings--fills me up and keeps me going. I usually mix in 1/2 oz chopped nuts and also a berry mixture that I make (I boil down the frozen berry mix from Costco til it's about 1/2 volume--so it's like a fruit syrup without the sugar). Well - I ran out of the berry stuff yesterday and with the busy day - forgot to make more. So as I am making my oatmeal this morning I looked around the kitchen to find a fruit to add--and all I had was one very ripe banana (almost too hard to cut it into the oatmeal). I chopped up my walnuts and then enjoyed what can only be described as banana nut warm goodness... it was sooooooo tasty! I loved every bit and am thinking I'm gonna have to make this a usual thing--looking for those bargain bin bananas which I usually just freeze for smoothies... it was good--enjoy!!

That sounds good! I should eat oatmeal more as I hear it helps reduce cholestrol (SP) - of which I need to reduce!

QOTD1 ~ Thursday: What is for dinner tonight?

QOTD2 ~ Thursday: Tell us a little about your last trip to Disney... (if you haven't been to Disney yet, tell us what you look forward to the most).

It is 4:12pm and I still have not a clue! I think I'm drinking a V8 but I better figure something out for the rest of the family. ;)

First trip coming up. There's just so much I'm looking forward to! First plane ride, pirates & pals cruise, TSM, CSR's pool - everything!

:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

Ohh I'm so glad to hear this! What wonderful news!!! :cool1:
Great job on the walk! :thumbsup2 Doesn't it feel great when you accomplish what you want? I am really proud of you with the cake as well. I am also finding that most foods that I thought I wanted to eat are not worth it. I do a lot of one or two bites and then throw the rest away.

Off to do a bit of work on my resume but my reward is to come back and post again in a bit! :thumbsup2 We are sending our teaching resumes to FLORIDA this week and it is a bit crazy to think that we might consider a cross country move. :upsidedow I am not sure how I feel about teaching in Florida but I would totally love living there and not dealing with our bitter cold winters any more.

Good luck with sending the resumes! DH and I are going to be moving to FL in the next year or so. When I met DH, he was living in Florida while I was in California (long story :goodvibes). He relocated out here to be with me and now California has just become somewhere we no longer want to live. There are many issues in California as I am sure there are in Florida, but DH and I want to move where he used to live. He has contacts for work (hopefully still around) plus Disney World is much closer than it is to California. What could be better??? :cool1:

:banana: I have to start by saying how EXCITED I am...went to WW tonight and had lost 2.2 pounds this week and this puts me at goal! :banana:

Thank you for sharing about your SIL moving to FL. It is such a scary idea...moving across country...but exciting. One of the schools I applied to today was actually a charter school in Tampa. Part of what scares us is that in Minnesota, we primarily have public schools where teachers get tenure and you can have pretty good job stability once you are there a bit. In FL, it is a lot of charter schools and I think that means they can let you go at any time for any reason and that is a bit scary. Still...we are looking! :rolleyes1

Congratulations on reaching goal!! That is awesome!!! :worship:

Found out tonight that DH and I get to go to a Red Sox game next Friday night! DSil can't use the tickets so we get to go! Didn't think I'd make it to a game this year! SO this weekend is a DisMeet to see TS3 and then next weekend is the Red Sox! I'm so excited!!!!

I am so jealous and I don't think I will tell DH or he will want me to find a way to send him out to see a game too!! We don't get to see many Red Sox games in California so...

Have fun!!!

I don't have much time for any other comments as I am at work but I do know I will be walking tonight once it cools down and hopefully eating light for dinner since weigh-in is in the morning. This weekend will have to be inside exercise as it is supposed to 100 degrees on Sunday here!!:eek:
I'm a little bummed today. Last night the Blackhawks traded my favorite player... the one I named my dog after. Such a bummer.

Our dog is named donovan after donovan mcnabb the qauterback that played for the Philadelphia Eagles. He got traded this year and we were devasted. Not only because we were big fans but because now our dog is named after the quaterback for the Redskins.:mad: :lmao::lmao::lmao:

(I wonder if everyone's responses to this QOTD will be as long as mine... Since Disney is why we're all here in the first place, I predict lots of pages will fill up today. :rolleyes:)

Your trip sounded like such great memories. Im sure my post will be long too. How can you keep talking about your disney trip short when we are all disney freaks!!!!:laughing:

:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

:yay::yay::yay:So glad to hear the great news. Gosh I cannot imagine the anxiety that you must of had.

I'll post again later! Hopefully with some good news!

:wizard:I hope everything is ok. Let us know how she is doing:wizard:

Last Disney trip:
March 2009 we did a spring break trip driving down to DL. We left at about 7am on a Saturday and drove pretty much straight through. Ended up stopping in a rest area for about 4 hours that night and go to DL by 3pm Sunday. We had debated about not telling the kids where we were going, but decided to tell them when we woke them up Sat. So everything was packed and loaded in the van, and then we woke them up and said "Good morning, if you want to go to Disneyland get dressed quick and we're leaving!" Our oldest was 7 and did not believe us at first, and rolled over to go back to sleep. Our youngest at 4 believed us and was up and dressed and ready in 10 minutes. We figured we needed them to be excited about the trip in order to survive the drive, which they did really great on.
Had lots of fun, other than Ariel's restaurant losing my credit card. (very annoying - server's attitude was "oops I must have dropped it, leave us a number and we'll call you if it turns up. Maybe you should cancel it" By the time I asked to see a manager and was complaining about the whole situation and poor attitude, they had found it. We had mostly good weather, crowds weren't too bad, had a dismeet with folks from our cruise the year before and had a lot of fun.

One of the neatest things was the girls were starting to want to be more independent, and on many rides, they wanted to sit together with DH&I sitting in the row behind them. It was so cute watching them enjoying the rides together and pointing things out to each other. :cutie::goodvibes
Then a slower drive home (actually slept in a hotel instead of the vehicle:cool1:) with some stops at outlet malls along the way, and it was a great vacation.

Sounds like a great trip. Its so cute to watch siblings as they get older and you can really see the bonds form. What a going on with your card though I would have been upset too. Glad they found it.

I will be back later to answer the QOTD. I am at work and need to start a meeting.
I do purchase particular clothing items I love in 2, 3, sometimes 4 different colors, but I never have purchased anything in different sizes! :rotfl: That was so funny to read, but at the same time it makes perfect sense!! :thumbsup2 I just may do that "just-in-case" one day...

First trip coming up. There's just so much I'm looking forward to! First plane ride, pirates & pals cruise, TSM, CSR's pool - everything!
Funny, on the swimsuits, I fit in each size when I bought them. I was an 18, had lost 45 pounds, and went to 14, but have put back on 25, and now I need the 16. But I'm working towards the 14 again, and since I didn't wear it long, it's still in good shape. :thumbsup2 They're all different colors too.
So exciting you're taking your first trip. We are going the week before labor day, I'm surprising my son, and I booked the pirate cruise too. It looks like so much fun, and the reviews I've read have been awesome.

Our last trip was last month and it was the first trip with just DS and me. We had lots of fun , got to ride lots of rides :cheer2:, and got to do the scavenger hunt at MK :thumbsup2. Unfortunately, we also caught bronchitis :sick:, I got horrible painful blisters on our very first day from the stupid Crocs (which I am never, ever wearing again in my whole life :headache:!), we both sweated gallons every day because it was so freakin’ hot! :sunny:, and I got some sort of allergic rash from the bleach or detergent they wash the sheets in :eek:. Needless to say, it was a memorable trip, but not necessarily for the right reasons :rolleyes:! I think this last trip burnt us out a little on WDW, between all the stuff that happened, and also because it just seems like we’re always rush, rush, rush while we’re there. The best day we had was the day we hung out in the pool at the resort because we just weren’t physically able to do anything else. Of course I was thinking to myself, we could so have saved thousands of dollars and hung out at the community pool for all the luck we’ve had on this trip! We are both super excited about our Dream cruises next May though, cruises are so much more relaxing than the parks IMHO.
Ooooh, sounds like you had some tough days on your trip. The heat makes me nervous about our august trip, but I say I'm going to take it easy and not rush like crazy, but I know once we get there, I want to do everything.
I've only heard amazing things about the cruises, and am planning to do one for my 50th bday in 2014.

My DS is home and trying to take a nap on the couch. Our dog keeps licking him and throwing the ball at him, because he wants him to play. Even after 6 weeks the dog is always so happy to see him.:goodvibes

I can't remember if I posted this--but we ended up running and walking some on our run last night. It was still 90 at 8:10 when we started. Note to self--it's really hard to run more than a mile or two if you did an hour long strength class that morning.:thumbsup2 We still had a reasonable time. I'm taking today off from working out and it's kind of nice. DS has told me two or three times how skinny I look and that I look taller too.:goodvibes I asked him if his Dad told him to say all that, and he said no.:)

Hope everyone is having a nice afternoon. I'm just going to sit here for a while and listen to my kid snore. It's kind of nice.
I know you'll be enjoying your time with ds. How sweet, he noticed how good you look too. I thought of you today at Toy story 3. It was soooooo good, and so touching. You should take ds to see it with you. I bet he and you would both enjoy it together. And yes, I did shed a few tears, but tried not to disrupt the others with any sobbing. ;)

My stress level is increasing by the second! Gotta take my mom to the doctor's this afternoon as her leg is so painful she can hardly walk. Afraid it may be a blood clot! Please send PD!
Sending prayers and good thoughts for your mom. Hope everything is ok. :hug:

:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.
I'm so happy to hear that. It must have been so stressful, and hard to keep it all in so as not to upset him as well. I'm so relieved for you all. :hug:

My only regret is that I didn't "make" my nephew (11yo) ride ToT. He and BIL and I were headed over to ride RnRC and he kept asking "Aunt Connie, you're not gonna make me ride THAT are you?" and I kept telling him, "of course not. But, if you wanna ride it, I'll be happy to go ride with you." DUH! :headache: He SOOOOO wanted me to "make" him ride it. I wasn't a parent yet. I just didn't get it. He'll be 16 this summer and has no recollection of this discussion.
I love reading everyones disney memories, and this made me laugh. I paid my son 20 dollars to go on TOT with me last year because we went alone, and its my favorite ride, but let me tell you, he was absolutely terrified, and I didn't enjoy it at all and I felt awful. He got over it quickly, and was so proud he did it, but I don't know if he'll do it again. So, funny, I just asked him if he would ever do it again, and he said, " yes, even though I hate it, I will do it for you." :rotfl:

Good morning losers!! It's a beautiful sunny day in Illinois. We haven't had one in several days.

I'm a little bummed today. Last night the Blackhawks traded my favorite player... the one I named my dog after. Such a bummer.

I also found out yesterday that I have to have surgery on July 20th (nothing serious... having an endometrial ablation)... but my doctor told me I cannot do any strenuous exercise for 2 weeks and I was supposed to run my first 5k the weekend after the surgery. Now I am not going to be able to run. I was going to run it with my dad and brother and DD-13. Such a disappointment. Oh well... life happens. :)
So sorry about the blackhawks trading your player, and about the surgery interfering with your race. I hope you can find another race to take it's place that your family could run with you.

QOTD1 ~ Thursday:

What is for dinner tonight?
Went to Acapulco's restaurant after the movie and I had chips and queso, salsa, half a chicken burrito with guacamole, refried beans rice, and a raspberry margarita, and a few bites of fried ice cream. Can you say totally off program. And I felt gross. On the plus side of my day, I ran/walked 3.7 miles this morning in the heat, and am done eating for the day.

QOTD2 ~ Thursday:

Tell us a little about your last trip to Disney... (if you haven't been to Disney yet, tell us what you look forward to the most).
We went in november with my brother, sil and niece who is the same age as Michael. We stayed at Pop, and this was our second trip with them, we had so much fun. The kids got along so well, and we were able to relax and have some adult conversation. We did the dining plan, and had so much fun at 50s prime time, and in Germany. The kim possible missions were a big hit in epcot as well, as we drank some frozen margaritas. We all loved the hoop de doo revue, and after that we took our time getting to the boat, and played on the playground for a while. We spend an afternoon at the pool and just relaxed a bit too. I had ordered some tye dye mickey shirts which were a big hit and it was so fun to wear matching shirts and make a bit of a spectacle of ourselves.

Great question, Ann. Love reading everyone's disney stories, and they can never be too long for me.

Have a nice evening everyone.

I think this is your fault since I quoted you Bree, but i had too many images and had to remove some!:rotfl: I didn't know there was a limit.
myprincess3......what good news :lovestruc what a load off, you have good reason to cry. Answered prayer is so awesome :worship:

QOTD.....supper today is mixed greens, topped with cucumber, beets, blueberries and almonds...drizzled with balsamic and olive oil :love:
Weigh in tomorrow, I had a rough start this week so I hope everything balances out!!!!!
Good morning losers!! It's a beautiful sunny day in Illinois. We haven't had one in several days.

I'm a little bummed today. Last night the Blackhawks traded my favorite player... the one I named my dog after. Such a bummer.

I also found out yesterday that I have to have surgery on July 20th (nothing serious... having an endometrial ablation)... but my doctor told me I cannot do any strenuous exercise for 2 weeks and I was supposed to run my first 5k the weekend after the surgery. Now I am not going to be able to run. I was going to run it with my dad and brother and DD-13. Such a disappointment. Oh well... life happens. :)

QOTD1 ~ Thursday:

What is for dinner tonight?

QOTD2 ~ Thursday:

Tell us a little about your last trip to Disney... (if you haven't been to Disney yet, tell us what you look forward to the most).

I think I am going to dust off the old sewing machine and make a dress or two and a blanket for Lord Stanley Byfuglien. :)

Oh Ann no dresses for Lord Stanley please - he'll be so humiliated! :) Just think, he will always remind your your Hawks glory year so it's okay that your favorite player was traded.

:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: That it fantastic!!:hug:

What great news! It brought tears to my eyes!

My stress level is increasing by the second! Gotta take my mom to the doctor's this afternoon as her leg is so painful she can hardly walk. Afraid it may be a blood clot! Please send PD!

Don't know what the critters are...waiting to hear back from the exterminator as to when he can come. Of course, I have my next client in ten minutes so I will probably miss his call. I may have to wait until tomorrow for him to come but at least someone will be there all day!

For lunch I had a small loaf of garlic bread as I was stressing so much. I also had a SpecialK Mocha bar. Only 90 calories there. Drinking my water.

QOTD:Dinner tonight will be salad and spaghetti.

Our last trip was April 2009 at AKV/POR! It was an amazing trip! Rode Everest six times and DD2 loved that! Also finally saw Nemo the Musical! Can't wait to see that again in December with my parents.

Gotta go start preparing myself for my next client as he will be here momentarily!

I'll post again later! Hopefully with some good news!

Pixie dust to you for your mom!! And getting rid of the critters. ;)pixiedust:

QOTD: Dinner - cheer practice and dh bowling = rozini spaghetti :)

Last trip to WDW: hmmm, we went last summer and spent a few nights at WL, AKL, and SSR but didn't go into the parks; it was a lot of fun and very relaxing. DD and I went to DTD for the day while my mom was in hospice last year - we actually went on Earth Day and had so much fun with the activities, it was a fantastic much needed break.

I think it might have been two years since we've been in the parks - in fact I'm sure of it. Two years this summer - wow! We stayed at my parents and went for daytrips. Last year my mom got sick and I haven't wanted to go back to Orlando since then, although I have been to see my dad. Sorry, I'm not trying to make a happy question a downer. :rolleyes1
QOTD- Dinner? Tonight I did not get home from work until 745pm :scared1: It was a really long day. My dh was tired so he decided not to make dinner. The kids had ellios pizza and applesauce and my dh ate hotdogs and mac and cheese. Because there is a food shortage in my house (need to get to the store) I just at a hot dog. I probably will have a small snack later like a 100cal snack pack or granola bar after my run.

QOTD- Disney Trip! Love this question, Thanks ann.

We took our first family trip in sept 09. My kids first trip but dh and I had been a number of times before including our honeymoon at AKL.
Here are the highlights:
Seeing my kids just really enjoy themselves, spending time at the pool and my 4 year old got brave and began swimming under water, Breakfast at Ohana's :lovestruc and chef mickey's, lunch at whispering canyon cafe, Dinner at Plaza, Yak and Yeti, and Cape may buffett (my fav.). Seeing my kids get excited to see the 4 year old posing with the power rangers. Watching my kids participate in the ohana parade and WCC hobby horse parade. Waking up knowing the fun the day would hold. Seeing the parades. MNSSHP and making it until midnight with no meltdowns. Riding the rides at MK that night with no lines and holding on to every moment we had left. Most of all just spending an uninteruppted week with my husband and kids and really feeling like a family.:grouphug: These will be memories I hold dear to me forever. I cant wait to go back again.:cloud9:
That is exciting!! Did your DH help deliver him?

No... since we were driving through town at a slightly insane speed, DH called the town pd to let them know to PLEASE not stop him. They asked if we wanted an ambulance and I thought I'd be more comfortable (I was on my hands and knees on the back seat of our Saab 95), so I said yes. We met the ambulance and crew in the center of town. They tried to cut off my jumper before they got me on the gurney and I said "HECK NO, I love this maternity outfit!" Anyhow, they got me loaded and we only made it about 2-3 miles before I KNEW something was happening. They pulled over, checked, me and DS was about to arrive. DH was following the ambulance in our car and he jumped out of the car (after pulling over, of course) and jumped in the ambulance just in time to see DS arrive. He (DS) was actually born in his bag of water.... that is supposed to be lucky, I've heard. He was just in a big hurry to get here!

If we hadn't accepted the ambulance ride, DH DEFINITELY would have been delivering DS on his own!

QOTD1 ~ Wednesday:

What is for dinner tonight?

QOTD2 ~ Wednesday:

You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?

Well, we made went to Water Country with a group of DD's swim friends and I let DS bring along a friend, so we ended up staying together as a group and having dinner at the mall (not my first choice, but the kids wanted to go there). I bought myself an expensive lobster roll at D'Angelos... ordered it with extra lettuce and tomato and ate it with a fork and ignored the wrap... so kind of a lobster salad. Not the best and probably not worth the $10.

My last meal....definitely NOT healthy. Can't think of any main dish I would be craving. It would definitely include "fair" food like fried dough and onion rings! Plus my SIL's cheese pie (kind of like cheese cake). A huge beer and maybe a giant margarita! And something chocolate.... like a pound of Lindt truffles! And movie popcorn and peanut butter M&Ms! That would do it!!

QOTD1 ~ Thursday:

What is for dinner tonight?

QOTD2 ~ Thursday:

Tell us a little about your last trip to Disney... (if you haven't been to Disney yet, tell us what you look forward to the most).

Tonight's dinner was chili in the crockpot. I made it a while ago and put it in the freezer. It was supposed to be dinner on Tuesday, but I ended up rearranging some of this week's menu and it landed on tonight. Kind of a hot night for chili, but it was defrosted, so it had to be used. It was yummy, just not real appealing in this heat. Also green salad and breadsticks.

Most of you know my last trip to Disney was in early May with DS. We had a ball.... so different it being just he and I. We ran ourselves RAGGED, lived on about 4-5 hours of sleep every night and saw EVERYTHING we wanted in just a little under 4 days! Very memorable. We just got our Photopass CD in the mail last week and it was great to relive the trip a bit.

:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

I am SO thrilled to hear your great news! That beats anything else I read today!! Sometimes you don't realize how stressed you really are until that stress is gone! Take some time to celebrate this great news with your family!

My stress level is increasing by the second! Gotta take my mom to the doctor's this afternoon as her leg is so painful she can hardly walk. Afraid it may be a blood clot! Please send PD!

Don't know what the critters are...waiting to hear back from the exterminator as to when he can come. Of course, I have my next client in ten minutes so I will probably miss his call. I may have to wait until tomorrow for him to come but at least someone will be there all day!

For lunch I had a small loaf of garlic bread as I was stressing so much. I also had a SpecialK Mocha bar. Only 90 calories there. Drinking my water.

I'll post again later! Hopefully with some good news!

Hope everything is fine with you Mom. Keep us posted!

I want to be brief but I need to share my lousy week. I ate too much over the weekend, but counted it all and figured I would be okay. (Popcorn, Twizzlers, M&M at the movies on Friday, cake and ice cream on Saturday.... but Sunday was okay). Well... I had a sneak peek at the scale on Tuesday and I was up almost 5 pounds!! I looked like this...:scared1: when I stepped on the scale! I was truly shocked. Of course, it threw me for a loop and I kind of threw in the towel a bit yesterday.

The kids and I went to Water Country.... I ate well for most of the day (we brought along a cooler full of healthy stuff and water) and even skipped an ice cream at the Dairy Queen at the mall, but returned home still hungry and tired and gave in to some emotional eating. I shoveled in some couscous salad directly from the tupperware and followed it with a Rice Krispie treat. I KNOW that doesn't sound terrible, but it made me feel really lousy and out of control. PLUS I didn't get in a workout, since we were gone for more of the day than I anticipated.

I have felt really icky about everything today.... so much so that I almost skipped ANOTHER workout! :eek:Plus the heat isn't helping me in the workout end of things. But I have tried pretty hard to stay on track today and I forced myself into a 30 minute workout... should have been longer, but better than nothing.

I am truly AFRAID of tomorrow's weigh-in... but I need to keep reminding myself of the broken dish scenario and remember that it is just ONE DISH that is broken... and the rest of the set (the other 85 pounds I've lost ) is still intact and I need to remember how important that is!!

Plus I've been playing mind games with myself and my goal weight and thinking that 130 just isn't going to be low enough... and I think that by continually lowering my goal, I am setting myself up for failure.... because I will NEVER get to goal if I don't stop changing it!! I am committing HERE to keep my goal at 130 until at least September. If, after hitting and maintaining my goal weight for at least 30 days, I STILL want to lower it, then I will give it more consideration.

Thanks for listening everyone! Glad to see I hit the BL list for this past week, but unless we have a Biggest Gainers list for next week, I'm afraid you won't see my name up there again soon!..................P
Thanks for all the PD for Mom!

Taking her for an Xray in the morning. Not a blood clot! It was inflamed and they took out 25ccs of fluid from her right knee! Very painful for her but it had to be done. They are testing for things such as lyme disease. Xray at the drs office was closed so we have to run over in the morning to check for arthritis. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Exterminator will be here at 8:15 to put traps around the house and in the attic. He believes it is mice since it was at night. We'll see if they decide to party tonight!

A little worried about weigh in tomorrow but I am PMSing and with all the stress I'm not surprised. I actually wasn't up too much this morning and got in no exercise but the 2 massages I gave. I did sweat a lot. Had spaghetti and garlic bread for supper. I'll have salads tomorrow as I should be home working in the yard. I am going for my walk with my neighbor in the morning so I'll accept what I get! I have been drinking my water but also had an alcoholic drink again! I really needed it! It is so blasted hot in my house right now that I'm typing and sweating at the same time.

Too add to my earlier stress my oven started acting up. Dryer is still hanging in there so keep the pixie dust coming for that!

In a separate post I will add my QOTD for tomorrow since my coaching week begins tomorrow! I did really well the week I was coach last time so I'm hoping for similar results this week!

Good night all!
Deb, Congrats onthe good news.

QOTD1 ~ Thursday:

What is for dinner tonight?

We celebrated my last day of school with pizza. Not the best but I didn't overeat. I also moved boxes for over an hour today to help pack up the math office.

QOTD2 ~ Thursday:

Tell us a little about your last trip to Disney... (if you haven't been to Disney yet, tell us what you look forward to the most).

My last trip was a year ago in Aug. Dh surprised me July and told me to plan a trip for the end of Aug after my foot had healed from surgery. I had the hotel and the flight booked within 30 minute of him telling me we were going. It was just the two of us. It wasn't long only 4 days but it was a lot of fun. We took it slow (had to the last day since the day before my knee went out on me). We ate in Germany and at the Plaza restaurant (if you haven't been there it is really a pleasant place to eat). We also ate at Trails End our last day. I tried Rock N Roller Coaster for the first time. We saw the new Hall of PResidents. It was great.

This past week we got an email about a new Disney special. l could have had the dinning plan(counter), hotel and tickets for $800. He was this close to saying yes. I would love to go but I really want to go for th40th anniv in 2011 to 2012 so we will wait.

Last day of school.. Glad I am out. We had 6 people retire and another 10n who either lost their jobs or we transfered from our building. It was very sad. A fellow I have been teaching with for 33 years retired today. I am truly going to miss him. It also means that I am now the teacher with the most experience in the building. There is only 1 other guy who started with me and he is planning to retire in a year.

Thanks for the COW I painted my toes and I lloved the way they looked when I had yoga tonight.

Have a nice evening everyone
Dinner today- boneless pork chop and green beans.

Last trip to WDW. We went in April for a long week end to meet up with our DVC/Disney friends from Maine & Kentucky. It was fabulous. They had a room at Baylake and watching the Wishes was amazing form the 16th floor. We did a few parks, sat by the lake and ended the trip with Chef Mickey's. It was great!!

Went to sculpt class this morning and walked the beach tonight. Only bad thing is our feet are covered in black tar balls!!!! So sad, some of our beaches are closed to swimming.... going to be a long summer!!
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