Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Good evening everyone! Thanks to maiziezoe for being our coach this past week!

I'm your new coach for this coming week! I'm Tracey, aka Energizer Bunny though the batteries haven't been functioning well the last few days. But I'll charge them up for the next week! I am a licensed massage therapist and former teacher. I am happily married with 2 beautiful daughters who keep me hopping! This is my 3rd BL challenge and 3rd time being coach!

Thanks for joining us on this journey to good health! I've been trying to think of new questions and have two on my mind so far! I usually post the night before in case the morning gets crazy! Since I have to take my mom to the dr in the morning I'm posting tonight.

This question is about what helps us in our quest for good health.

QOTD: Friday, June 25th 2010: PT 1:What item in your kitchen has helped you the most in your journey to better health!

Part 2: Name one song that really gets you moving! ( I need some new music for my iPod and would love suggestions)!

Part 1: I love my Magic Bullet! I use is almost every day to make smoothies! I actually started making DH smoothies today too! DD1 even had a blueberry and strawberry smoothie tonight! My smoothie is always honey Greek yogurt with some milk and frozen strawberries!

Part 2: I Like to Move It by Reel to Real from the Dreamworks compilation CD really gets me moving! I have it in the workout section of my iPod and in the Faves section as well! It's a great song to mow the lawn to.

Don't forget to email your weight to LuvBaloo in the morning and your COW results to jenanderson!

Good night and good luck!
Hey everyone. :sad2: <---- that is how I feel right now I truly can't get myself on track no matter what I do! I don't know what my problem is, I'm usually the type of person that decides to do it and just does it. This time I am just getting NOWHERE!!! It's SO frustrating but it's MY OWN FAULT!!! It's all within my control but I'm not doing it!!! I am so not happy with myself right now and on Monday I leave to go camping. My goal for next week is to just maintain. I will try to eat small portions and to be active.

I did get some exercise in last night, my friend and I went on a very speedy walk. I just can't get my food under control. I'm not eating horribly, just not well enough to actually LOSE anything!!
No... since we were driving through town at a slightly insane speed, DH called the town pd to let them know to PLEASE not stop him. They asked if we wanted an ambulance and I thought I'd be more comfortable (I was on my hands and knees on the back seat of our Saab 95), so I said yes. We met the ambulance and crew in the center of town. They tried to cut off my jumper before they got me on the gurney and I said "HECK NO, I love this maternity outfit!" Anyhow, they got me loaded and we only made it about 2-3 miles before I KNEW something was happening. They pulled over, checked, me and DS was about to arrive. DH was following the ambulance in our car and he jumped out of the car (after pulling over, of course) and jumped in the ambulance just in time to see DS arrive. He (DS) was actually born in his bag of water.... that is supposed to be lucky, I've heard. He was just in a big hurry to get here!

If we hadn't accepted the ambulance ride, DH DEFINITELY would have been delivering DS on his own!

Wow that is quite a he still always in a hurry. Both of my sons were born early 3 weeks for ds1 and 2 weeks for ds2. With both of them the labors were short and sweet. A few hours a few pushes and done. Both without meds. DS2 I got an epidural but before they even put the med in he was crowning and I pushed twice and out he came. A thank the lord for answering my prayers:littleangel: Why Im asking if he is always in a hurry is because my too kids cant wait for anything. :rotfl:We always say that they were like this since birth:lmao:

I have felt really icky about everything today.... so much so that I almost skipped ANOTHER workout! :eek:Plus the heat isn't helping me in the workout end of things. But I have tried pretty hard to stay on track today and I forced myself into a 30 minute workout... should have been longer, but better than nothing.

I am truly AFRAID of tomorrow's weigh-in... but I need to keep reminding myself of the broken dish scenario and remember that it is just ONE DISH that is broken... and the rest of the set (the other 85 pounds I've lost ) is still intact and I need to remember how important that is!!

Plus I've been playing mind games with myself and my goal weight and thinking that 130 just isn't going to be low enough... and I think that by continually lowering my goal, I am setting myself up for failure.... because I will NEVER get to goal if I don't stop changing it!! I am committing HERE to keep my goal at 130 until at least September. If, after hitting and maintaining my goal weight for at least 30 days, I STILL want to lower it, then I will give it more consideration.

Thanks for listening everyone! Glad to see I hit the BL list for this past week, but unless we have a Biggest Gainers list for next week, I'm afraid you won't see my name up there again soon!..................P

Tomorrow is a new day. I agree you have to stick to your goal and meet it and if after that you want to go further set a new one but celebrate the one you already met. You are doing great we all have these slip ups every now and then.

Thanks for all the PD for Mom!

Taking her for an Xray in the morning. Not a blood clot! It was inflamed and they took out 25ccs of fluid from her right knee! Very painful for her but it had to be done. They are testing for things such as lyme disease. Xray at the drs office was closed so we have to run over in the morning to check for arthritis. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Sorry to hear about your moms knee but glad it wasnt a blood clot. I hope all turns out well for her and she's feeling better soon.

Too add to my earlier stress my oven started acting up. Dryer is still hanging in there so keep the pixie dust coming for that!

Gosh when it rains it pours....if its not one thing its another. Here's some PD for your appliances. :wizard:

In a separate post I will add my QOTD for tomorrow since my coaching week begins tomorrow! I did really well the week I was coach last time so I'm hoping for similar results this week!

Thanks for being our coach this upcoming week. Looking forward to some new and exciting QOTD!

I just got back from running. I was only doing a comfortable 2 mile tonight since I am running in a 5K race on sunday. I decided to take the dog with me. almost 7yr old choc. lab. We usually on take him on short walks or he runs around the yard. I seriously do not know what I was thinking. By mile 1 he was panting so hard I thought he was going to die. Poor guy. Needless to say my easy run turned into a slooooow run because I was afraid something would happen to the poor dog. At least I still got in the exercise and donovan will sleep good tonight!

Tomorrow I am heading to dutch wonderland (amusement park) in PA. My parents and the kids. Dh couldnt get off of work so unfortunately he's missing out on the fun. Cant wait it should be a fun day. I saved up 24 Flex points just in case for my eating tomorrow. I will be sure to drink alot of water especially because its going to be a hot one. During my run tonight it was so humid and still 93 degrees.
Hey everyone. :sad2: <---- that is how I feel right now I truly can't get myself on track no matter what I do! I don't know what my problem is, I'm usually the type of person that decides to do it and just does it. This time I am just getting NOWHERE!!! It's SO frustrating but it's MY OWN FAULT!!! It's all within my control but I'm not doing it!!! I am so not happy with myself right now and on Monday I leave to go camping. My goal for next week is to just maintain. I will try to eat small portions and to be active.

I did get some exercise in last night, my friend and I went on a very speedy walk. I just can't get my food under control. I'm not eating horribly, just not well enough to actually LOSE anything!!

Hey shelby, hang in there. Ive had this problem so many times. This time I made a goal for myself that really is a motivator....I have to do the work in order to meet the goal and I cant give up because it is a goal I am forced to reach. I choose to do the princess 1/2 marathon. It has really helped me to stay focused and not let myself get too out of control. Im not saying you have to choose running or the same thing but really think what could motivate you and keep you on track. Make it something that doesnt give you an option to quit. Im telling you I was in your shoes so many times over the past few years. I feel more confident than ever I will overcome it this time. You can do it too!!!! We are all behind you.
No... since we were driving through town at a slightly insane speed, DH called the town pd to let them know to PLEASE not stop him. They asked if we wanted an ambulance and I thought I'd be more comfortable (I was on my hands and knees on the back seat of our Saab 95), so I said yes. We met the ambulance and crew in the center of town. They tried to cut off my jumper before they got me on the gurney and I said "HECK NO, I love this maternity outfit!" Anyhow, they got me loaded and we only made it about 2-3 miles before I KNEW something was happening. They pulled over, checked, me and DS was about to arrive. DH was following the ambulance in our car and he jumped out of the car (after pulling over, of course) and jumped in the ambulance just in time to see DS arrive. He (DS) was actually born in his bag of water.... that is supposed to be lucky, I've heard. He was just in a big hurry to get here!

If we hadn't accepted the ambulance ride, DH DEFINITELY would have been delivering DS on his own!

Wow, that was amazing! I would have been totally freaking out! What a story to tell your son and grandchildren one day :lmao: How old is your son now?
What great news! It brought tears to my eyes!

My stress level is increasing by the second! Gotta take my mom to the doctor's this afternoon as her leg is so painful she can hardly walk. Afraid it may be a blood clot! Please send PD!

Don't know what the critters are...waiting to hear back from the exterminator as to when he can come. Of course, I have my next client in ten minutes so I will probably miss his call. I may have to wait until tomorrow for him to come but at least someone will be there all day!

For lunch I had a small loaf of garlic bread as I was stressing so much. I also had a SpecialK Mocha bar. Only 90 calories there. Drinking my water.

QOTD:Dinner tonight will be salad and spaghetti.

Our last trip was April 2009 at AKV/POR! It was an amazing trip! Rode Everest six times and DD2 loved that! Also finally saw Nemo the Musical! Can't wait to see that again in December with my parents.

Gotta go start preparing myself for my next client as he will be here momentarily!

I'll post again later! Hopefully with some good news!

:wizard::wizard:I hope that your Mom is okay. Health issues are very stressful. I'm sure the critters can be trapped and taken care of fairly easily.:wizard:
Welcome to our Challenge of the Week (COW)!

Please know that you do not have to participate but the COW is here to help you build good habits and have fun as you focus on your health and fitness for the challenge.

It is summertime and that means it might be time to mix it up a bit with our Challenge of the Week (COW)! Here is how our new COW will work.

The first part of the COW will be based off the wonderful work of Donac who taught me that if I do something for 30 days, it will become a habit. Each week I will post two to four habit suggestions for you and at the end of the week, you report your points to me.

NEW and EXCITING: If you report your points, you will be eligible for wonderful prizes! I will randomly select one person each week to win a fabulous prize (maybe not fabulous but it will at least be a bit fun)!

PART TWO: The second part of the COW will be a fun task for you to complete during the week and then post about your experience here on our thread. Again, there will be FUN and FABULOUS prizes (for one randomly selected poster each week).


Exercise 20 minutes each day (1 point for each day)
Journal your food each day (1 point for each day)
Spend 10 minutes on yourself (1 point for each day)
Eat 4 vegetables or fruits each day (1 point for each day)

When you send me your points please post your total in your RE and then in the main part of the pm list your points as follows:

XX days of exercising for 20 minutes
XX days of journaling food
XX days of doing something for yourself
XX days of eating vegetables and fruit

This challenge runs from Friday, June 25, 2010 to Thursday July 1, 2010. On Friday July 2, 2010 PM me your points for the week. The COW results will be posted the same day the weekly totals are posted.

Today I read a great article in Runner's World about the importance of eating our fruits and vegetables. It gave some great ideas of how to incorporate more of them into your daily routine.

Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one CREATIVE idea for adding fruits and vegetables to your day. Share a recipe, a new way to prepare them, how you always are able to get your servings in, etc.

Great Job with week 4 of the COW! :thumbsup2

Thanks for sending your information...I hope you are enjoying the COW and enjoying a healthier you!

Keep up the great work!
QOTD 1: Thursday I had an Arnold sandwich thin with peanut butter and fluff.

QOTD 2: We pulled our camper down to WDW for our last trip. We were at Fort Wilderness for 3 weeks. My parents were with us part of the time and my brother and his family stayed at Pop Century, but joined us for some meals and lots of extras. We did all of the parks, a fireworks cruise, Richard Petty Race Experience, parasailing and so much more. Lots of fun :goodvibes

Friday QOTD: My favorite kitchen item is my breadbox. I keep my Arnold Sandwich thins in there and I eat at least one everyday.

Friday QOTD 2:Yellow Polka Dot Bikini :rotfl: Actually Toes by the Zac Brown band is my favorite.
I had to work tonight so I had to get my emotions in check before I left. Thankfully we were busy so I didn't tear up too many times. I am just so blessed to have 3 wonderfully intelligent, perfectly healthy and happy boys. Now that we are past the MRI all talk is about our upcoming trip:goodvibes We are going to the NASCAR race in Loudon for the weekend. DB is bringing his camper so 9 of us will be staying in that. My Dad is staying home so he will have my oldest with him. Should be fun. I'm bringing things with me that are good for me. Weigh in tomorrow may not be good, but the stess is greatly reduced so next week's weigh in should be phenominal.
It's late so I am going to try to be short and sweet...:rotfl2:

:hug: To everyone who needs them today. I always feel bad when people are struggling with their healthy journey or other things in life. Here is hoping for sunnier days ahead. :sunny:

To our coaches....maiziezoe - thank you so much for a great week with wonderful questions and constant support! :thumbsup2 tigger813 - thanks for coaching this week! I hope to be inspired by your daily examples of being motivated! :goodvibes

I have to share....just got home from a national dance competition for DD(14). Her group did incredible and they got called back to compete against 3 other groups tomorrow for the top honors! It is a huge deal because there will be only 4 groups competing that were selected from over 100 dances! We are really excited (even though it means sitting at dance again all day tomorrow)!

Time for bed so that we can all be ready for another great dance day!
QOTD: Friday, June 25th 2010: PT 1:What item in your kitchen has helped you the most in your journey to better health!
My food scale, I guess. It's not sexy, but it keeps me from overfilling my cereal bowl every morning.

Part 2: Name one song that really gets you moving! ( I need some new music for my iPod and would love suggestions)!
How about.... FOOTLOOSE. :laughing: Really. It's hard to sit still for that one.
QUOTD 1: Not sure ... probably an abundance of measuring cups

QUOTD: "A Dream is Your Wish Your Heart Makes" - the treadmill time flies by with that song.
QOTD: I'd have to say my food scale is my biggest helper

Song - Crazy Frog! We Like to Party :banana:
It's late so I am going to try to be short and sweet...:rotfl2:

:hug: To everyone who needs them today. I always feel bad when people are struggling with their healthy journey or other things in life. Here is hoping for sunnier days ahead. :sunny:

To our coaches....maiziezoe - thank you so much for a great week with wonderful questions and constant support! :thumbsup2 tigger813 - thanks for coaching this week! I hope to be inspired by your daily examples of being motivated! :goodvibes

I have to share....just got home from a national dance competition for DD(14). Her group did incredible and they got called back to compete against 3 other groups tomorrow for the top honors! It is a huge deal because there will be only 4 groups competing that were selected from over 100 dances! We are really excited (even though it means sitting at dance again all day tomorrow)!

Time for bed so that we can all be ready for another great dance day!

:banana::cool1::woohoo::yay: for your daughter. Thats awesome!!!! Have fun at another long day of dancing girlies.:)

QOTD#1- My rachel ray garbage bowl....sounds funny but it was 20 some dollars so its my favorite thing to use so I often try to plan things that I have to cut like veggies or fruits so I can throw the peels and stuff in the bowl. I know Im a little strange but its made me want to eat at home more.

QOTD#2- Eye of the Tiger "from the Rocky movies"
So, just weighed myself and it's no surprise...I'm up 1lb. It's my own fault...I need to REALLY get going but keep messing myself up. Now this week I will be away camping...we'll see how that goes!

QOTD 1 - no clue!

QOTD 2 - Pink! Get The Party Started
I have good news, down three this week!!

Thanks all I could not do this alone!!
I have bunco tonight and the theme is mexican. Any suggestions as to what I should bring that would be healthy? I am a weird/picky eater, I don;t like onions,tomatoes olives.
Good morning, everyone! Crazy busy today, but wanted to thank maiziezoe for being a great coach. Looking forward to Tracey's coaching this week, too!

I am thrilled to be down a whole pound with the insanity of the week. Hoping next week will be even better.

Have a great weekend, everyone, since I'll be away and not able to check in here. Hugs to all! :grouphug:
:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

Wonderful news!!! :banana:
QOTD#2- Eye of the Tiger "from the Rocky movies"
This is one of mine too! :laughing:

Well, after totally blowing it last weekend (the whole weekend!), I was really just hoping not to gain, but I'm actually down for the week!!! More so than last week even! Woohoo!! :cool1:
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