Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Afternoon everybody

Been a busy little bee in the house getting stuff cleaned up. Was supposed to have an appt. for window treatments yesterday but the co. was a no-show. Have a call in to find out why but it hasn't been returned yet. I hate having the place look all nice and neat for a reason and then not have anybody show:headache:

One of my biggest pet peeves!!!

Our dog is named donovan after donovan mcnabb the qauterback that played for the Philadelphia Eagles. He got traded this year and we were devasted. Not only because we were big fans but because now our dog is named after the quaterback for the Redskins.:mad: :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Finally, someone who can feel my pain! :rotfl::hug:
No... since we were driving through town at a slightly insane speed, DH called the town pd to let them know to PLEASE not stop him. They asked if we wanted an ambulance and I thought I'd be more comfortable (I was on my hands and knees on the back seat of our Saab 95), so I said yes. We met the ambulance and crew in the center of town. They tried to cut off my jumper before they got me on the gurney and I said "HECK NO, I love this maternity outfit!" Anyhow, they got me loaded and we only made it about 2-3 miles before I KNEW something was happening. They pulled over, checked, me and DS was about to arrive. DH was following the ambulance in our car and he jumped out of the car (after pulling over, of course) and jumped in the ambulance just in time to see DS arrive. He (DS) was actually born in his bag of water.... that is supposed to be lucky, I've heard. He was just in a big hurry to get here!

If we hadn't accepted the ambulance ride, DH DEFINITELY would have been delivering DS on his own!

OMG!! What an exciting story to share with your son!!

I had to work tonight so I had to get my emotions in check before I left. Thankfully we were busy so I didn't tear up too many times. I am just so blessed to have 3 wonderfully intelligent, perfectly healthy and happy boys. Now that we are past the MRI all talk is about our upcoming trip:goodvibes We are going to the NASCAR race in Loudon for the weekend. DB is bringing his camper so 9 of us will be staying in that. My Dad is staying home so he will have my oldest with him. Should be fun. I'm bringing things with me that are good for me. Weigh in tomorrow may not be good, but the stess is greatly reduced so next week's weigh in should be phenominal.

Love NASCAR! Have fun!!

It's late so I am going to try to be short and sweet...:rotfl2:

:hug: To everyone who needs them today. I always feel bad when people are struggling with their healthy journey or other things in life. Here is hoping for sunnier days ahead. :sunny:

To our coaches....maiziezoe - thank you so much for a great week with wonderful questions and constant support! :thumbsup2 tigger813 - thanks for coaching this week! I hope to be inspired by your daily examples of being motivated! :goodvibes

I have to share....just got home from a national dance competition for DD(14). Her group did incredible and they got called back to compete against 3 other groups tomorrow for the top honors! It is a huge deal because there will be only 4 groups competing that were selected from over 100 dances! We are really excited (even though it means sitting at dance again all day tomorrow)!

Time for bed so that we can all be ready for another great dance day!

Wooo Hooo for your DD!!! Awesome!!
Good morning, everyone! Crazy busy today, but wanted to thank maiziezoe for being a great coach. Looking forward to Tracey's coaching this week, too!

I am thrilled to be down a whole pound with the insanity of the week. Hoping next week will be even better.

Have a great weekend, everyone, since I'll be away and not able to check in here. Hugs to all! :grouphug:

Awwwww.... thank you!!

Congrats on your 1 pound!! :)
Thank you Tracey for being this weeks coach.
QOTD 1- I guess it would be my blender right now. As hot as it is, I'm enjoying smoothies as part of my meal. I try to have a protein and the smoothie. My smoothie is banana, frozen fruit, a citrus yogurt, milk, and ice.

QOTD 2-Song that gets me moving, Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas and anything by Off Kilter.
This question is about what helps us in our quest for good health.

QOTD: Friday, June 25th 2010: PT 1:What item in your kitchen has helped you the most in your journey to better health!

Part 2: Name one song that really gets you moving! ( I need some new music for my iPod and would love suggestions)!

Good night and good luck!

Kitchen item.... number one would be my food scale. I got it for my last year (after making a specific request for it) and I use it EVERY DAY! It keeps me honest about portion sizes. Second place would be all of my measuring cups and spoons.

Song that gets me moving best.... I really like the "Potential Break up Song" by Aly and AJ (Disney girls). It is a good song and has a super running beat. Second choice would be Boom Boom Pow or Evacuate the Dance Floor.

Tomorrow is a new day. I agree you have to stick to your goal and meet it and if after that you want to go further set a new one but celebrate the one you already met. You are doing great we all have these slip ups every now and then.

Thanks for the kind words. You're right.... I need to take the time to CELEBRATE my accomplishment so far, rather than be depressed about the little bit I have left to lose.

Wow, that was amazing! I would have been totally freaking out! What a story to tell your son and grandchildren one day :lmao: How old is your son now?

He is 12 1/2 and loves "his story".

:hug: To everyone who needs them today. I always feel bad when people are struggling with their healthy journey or other things in life. Here is hoping for sunnier days ahead. :sunny:

I have to share....just got home from a national dance competition for DD(14). Her group did incredible and they got called back to compete against 3 other groups tomorrow for the top honors! It is a huge deal because there will be only 4 groups competing that were selected from over 100 dances! We are really excited (even though it means sitting at dance again all day tomorrow)!

Time for bed so that we can all be ready for another great dance day!

Thanks for the kind words (bolded part). GOOD LUCK to DD. We will be thinking of you (and her) and sending PD! Let us know how it goes.

Song - Crazy Frog! We Like to Party :banana:

I guess that is another version of DD's current favorite song "Vengabus" (AKA the Six Flags theme song). It is fun to listen to.... but I find it doesn't have a great running beat.

QOTD#1- My rachel ray garbage bowl....sounds funny but it was 20 some dollars so its my favorite thing to use so I often try to plan things that I have to cut like veggies or fruits so I can throw the peels and stuff in the bowl. I know Im a little strange but its made me want to eat at home more.

QOTD#2- Eye of the Tiger "from the Rocky movies"

I love the "garbage bowl" concept. It certainly speeds things up in the kitchen when I don't have to continually stop and walk to the trash or the sink. When DD had guinea pigs I would prep with three bowls in front of me.... one for the food, one for the garbage, and one for the guinea pigs! However, my garbage bowl isn't quite so fancy... it is usually an empty Cool Whip container! :rotfl:

Morning all! My weigh-in was a disaster, as expected. But I got my lazy a** out of bed and did a 4.1 mi run with a .5 mi warm up walk before breakfast, so I feel BACK ON TRACK! :) I am trying to remind myself that part of my gain this week could be hormonal... I mean really, I couldn't possibly have eaten enough over those two or three days to add up to almost 5 pounds. Hopefully I will have a "woosh" this week and it will all be gone (or at least most of it) by next Friday.

Lots and lots of errands to be run today, so I need to get moving! Happy Friday to everyone!................P
It's Friday! It's Friday! It's Friday! :cool1:

I took the dog out this morning and was stung by a bee. Dumb bee. I got the stinger out and put some after bite on it. My hand looks a little swollen so I am going to take some benadryl.

I'm having a bit of an issue today. My step-daughter is here and she LOVES me... and loves to follow me from room to room. I weigh in on Friday's on the Wii... which is in the living room. I do NOT want to weigh in with her around. I keep trying to find things for her to do so she will leave the room for a few minutes but she comes back into the room before I can even step on the Wii Fit Board. I've already had an entire pot of coffee this morning while waiting for her to leave the area. Oy! I told my DH what was going on and he said, "just weigh in tonight after she goes to bed." WHAT???? He must have hit his head while he was sleeping because that is insane! Anyway, I will have to figure something out quick or it will be too late to weigh in today. I may have to wait until tomorrow morning.

Going to dinner tonight with some friends. I cannot wait to have some adult conversation. We're going to Famous Daves BBQ. One of the other ladies going is on WW too. :)

QOTD: Friday, June 25th 2010: PT 1:What item in your kitchen has helped you the most in your journey to better health!

My cutting board and my Santoku knives. I use them every day to cut fruits and veggies. Love them!

Part 2: Name one song that really gets you moving! ( I need some new music for my iPod and would love suggestions)!

I always listen to Imma Be by the Black Eyed Peas as my power song on my Nike +. It keeps me going to the very end.
Ooooh, sounds like you had some tough days on your trip. The heat makes me nervous about our august trip, but I say I'm going to take it easy and not rush like crazy, but I know once we get there, I want to do everything.
I've only heard amazing things about the cruises, and am planning to do one for my 50th bday in 2014.

I love reading everyones disney memories, and this made me laugh. I paid my son 20 dollars to go on TOT with me last year because we went alone, and its my favorite ride, but let me tell you, he was absolutely terrified, and I didn't enjoy it at all and I felt awful. He got over it quickly, and was so proud he did it, but I don't know if he'll do it again. So, funny, I just asked him if he would ever do it again, and he said, " yes, even though I hate it, I will do it for you." :rotfl:

I think this is your fault since I quoted you Bree, but i had too many images and had to remove some!:rotfl: I didn't know there was a limit.
Yeah, it was a pretty rough trip, but we made the best of it. I was totally unprepared for the heat, it wasn’t supposed to be that hot at that time of year. I told myself the same thing about slowing down before we got there, but when you’re there in the moment it’s hard. Although, if anything will slow you down it’ll be the heat/humidity – you won’t really have a choice in the matter! The only advice I can give you is take lots of water breaks in AC’d places :thumbsup2 ! The cruises are absolutely amazing :cloud9: – the best way to vacation in my book! You should definitely plan for a birthday cruise!

Your DS is so sweet :goodvibes ! I convinced my son to go on POC and HM with me this year. He ended up really enjoying them both this time (last time he flat out refused to go on POC and I had to drag him into HM, but he rode the whole thing with his head shoved behind my back which was not very comfortable for either of us :sad2:!). No amount of money in the world would have made him go on TOT again though, last time was the first and last time I’ll ever get him on that ride!

Sorry about that! I was actually aiming for the limit, but didn’t reach it :rolleyes1. That’s why I don’t let myself be bored very often!

tigger813 – Keeping your mom in our thoughts!

pjilla – Wow on your delivery story! :scared1:

Thanks to Ann for being our coach last week and thanks to Tracey for being our coach this week!

QOTD: Friday, June 25th 2010: PT 1: What item in your kitchen has helped you the most in your journey to better health!
Definitely the multiple sets of measuring cups I have! I use at least one every day.

Part 2: Name one song that really gets you moving! ( I need some new music for my iPod and would love suggestions)!
Pretty much anything that has a good beat that I can sing along with. Black Eyed Peas, P!nk, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, CCR, Train. I don’t really have one song or even one genre. I get annoyed listening to the same music over and over again – that’s my biggest beef with radio stations. Hello, there are more than 6 songs in the universe radio people!

Jen A – Congrats to your daughter!

Ann – That’s so cool that your DSD loves you so much! It may be annoying at the moment since you’re trying to weigh in, but it really is something rare and special that she wants to spend time with you. :hug:

I was in a rush this morning and forgot it was weigh in day – I’ll definitely weigh in tomorrow and try to get online to PM sometime this weekend.

Well, I’m trying to find stuff to do today so I don’t fill up the smilie limits again! Have a great day everyone!

Have a great visit with your son!!

My nutritionist gave me a wonderful protein powder that you can buy online. It's really tasty (especially the strawberry flavor and the chocolate mint flavor!). I buy it at the store my nutritionist works at (which is owned by the guy who makes the protein).... you can get it at

I know you'll be enjoying your time with ds. How sweet, he noticed how good you look too. I thought of you today at Toy story 3. It was soooooo good, and so touching. You should take ds to see it with you. I bet he and you would both enjoy it together. And yes, I did shed a few tears, but tried not to disrupt the others with any sobbing. ;)
I think I'm going to just hold off on the movie for now. I am a little weepy as it is without any added stimulus.:thumbsup2 I've heard it's wonderful.

I want to be brief but I need to share my lousy week. I ate too much over the weekend, but counted it all and figured I would be okay. (Popcorn, Twizzlers, M&M at the movies on Friday, cake and ice cream on Saturday.... but Sunday was okay). Well... I had a sneak peek at the scale on Tuesday and I was up almost 5 pounds!! I looked like this...:scared1: when I stepped on the scale! I was truly shocked. Of course, it threw me for a loop and I kind of threw in the towel a bit yesterday.

I have felt really icky about everything today.... so much so that I almost skipped ANOTHER workout! :eek:Plus the heat isn't helping me in the workout end of things. But I have tried pretty hard to stay on track today and I forced myself into a 30 minute workout... should have been longer, but better than nothing.

I am truly AFRAID of tomorrow's weigh-in... but I need to keep reminding myself of the broken dish scenario and remember that it is just ONE DISH that is broken... and the rest of the set (the other 85 pounds I've lost ) is still intact and I need to remember how important that is!!

Plus I've been playing mind games with myself and my goal weight and thinking that 130 just isn't going to be low enough... and I think that by continually lowering my goal, I am setting myself up for failure.... because I will NEVER get to goal if I don't stop changing it!! I am committing HERE to keep my goal at 130 until at least September. If, after hitting and maintaining my goal weight for at least 30 days, I STILL want to lower it, then I will give it more consideration.

Thanks for listening everyone! Glad to see I hit the BL list for this past week, but unless we have a Biggest Gainers list for next week, I'm afraid you won't see my name up there again soon!..................P

Hang in there, Pamela. This week is just a bump in the road. Thanks for sharing about the mind games. I am starting to do the same thing. I have a goal for this challenge/ my birthday, which is just after the challenge ends. The plan was to make the goal and then maintain until after W&D. Well, I've started talking about lower numbers. I'm 10 pounds from a goal that will be my lowest weight since I was in my early 20s. I think DH is going to get on me about this because I mentioned a lower number today and he said--wait a minute, get to your first goal and then get through the race and then worry about it. I'm glad he said that, because I needed a reality check.

I know those 5 pounds are going to come off quick.:goodvibes

Thanks for all the PD for Mom!

Taking her for an Xray in the morning. Not a blood clot! It was inflamed and they took out 25ccs of fluid from her right knee! Very painful for her but it had to be done. They are testing for things such as lyme disease. Xray at the drs office was closed so we have to run over in the morning to check for arthritis. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Good night all!

:hug: Hope the xray goes well.

Hey everyone. :sad2: <---- that is how I feel right now I truly can't get myself on track no matter what I do! I don't know what my problem is, I'm usually the type of person that decides to do it and just does it. This time I am just getting NOWHERE!!! It's SO frustrating but it's MY OWN FAULT!!! It's all within my control but I'm not doing it!!! I am so not happy with myself right now and on Monday I leave to go camping. My goal for next week is to just maintain. I will try to eat small portions and to be active.

I did get some exercise in last night, my friend and I went on a very speedy walk. I just can't get my food under control. I'm not eating horribly, just not well enough to actually LOSE anything!!
:hug: We all have weeks like that, Shelby. Try picking just one thing this week to focus on--like making sure you get enough water or getting x amount of exercise each day. Sometimes small successes really help to jump start things again.:goodvibes
Tomorrow I am heading to dutch wonderland (amusement park) in PA. My parents and the kids. Dh couldnt get off of work so unfortunately he's missing out on the fun. Cant wait it should be a fun day. I saved up 24 Flex points just in case for my eating tomorrow. I will be sure to drink alot of water especially because its going to be a hot one. During my run tonight it was so humid and still 93 degrees.
I loved Dutch Wonderland when I was a kid.
It's late so I am going to try to be short and sweet...:rotfl2:

I have to share....just got home from a national dance competition for DD(14). Her group did incredible and they got called back to compete against 3 other groups tomorrow for the top honors! It is a huge deal because there will be only 4 groups competing that were selected from over 100 dances! We are really excited (even though it means sitting at dance again all day tomorrow)!

Time for bed so that we can all be ready for another great dance day!
:cool1: Too exciting!

Good morning everyone! I am down for this week, so that's always exciting!:banana: I think only 1.2 lbs, but as I get closer to goal it is coming off very slow, so I am thrilled with a whole pound.

Thanks Anne for being our coach, and welcome Tracey.:goodvibes

QOTD--my knives for cutting up veggies. We got a new set last year and it's been great.
Music--Bulletproof by La Roux, Lose Yourself--Eminem, Under Pressure--David Bowie, Behind the wall of sleep--the Smithereens, Escapade--Janet Jackson, So whatch want--the Beastie Boys.

I could go on--I love my ipod.:lovestruc

Have a great day everyone!
For week COW4 - I painted my toenails with "mint sorbet".
Looks like lime sherbet :goodvibes

Thanks Maiziezoe for coaching last week! :cool1:
Early thanks to Tigger813 for this week's coaching!:woohoo:

QOTD: Friday, June 25th 2010: PT 1:What item in your kitchen has helped you the most in your journey to better health!

Part 2: Name one song that really gets you moving! ( I need some new music for my iPod and would love suggestions)!

Kitchen: The freezer. When I have frozen low-cal meals easy to grab for reasonably healthy lunches, I am way less likely to treat myself to A&W.

Song: Hips Don't Lie by Shakira. I hear it and I have to move!
I also have to agree with Connie, that Footloose is still good :goodvibes.

Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one CREATIVE idea for adding fruits and vegetables to your day. Share a recipe, a new way to prepare them, how you always are able to get your servings in, etc.

Thanks for doing the COW! :cool1:

veggie beef stew, is a favourite meal of mine that is loaded with veggies. I just use a small amount lean beef with:
1 can low sodium beef broth
1 can each of wax beans & green beans (I've been able to find low-sodium ones lately :cool1:)
1 can diced tomatoes
about a cup of frozen kernel corn
about a cup of frozen peas
about a cup of fresh chopped carrots
about 1/2 cups of potatoes
I brown the meat, add the broth & the liquid from the beans, add the tomatoes, carrots & potatoes, plus some garlic and leave it simmer until potatoes get tender. Then add the rest and leave it simmer for a while.
about a cup of chopped potato. Sometimes I have to add a can of water to get enough liquid. The starch in the potatoes will usually thicken the liquid up. :goodvibes
Happy Birthday to Joannel and Ltl Mermaid:yay::banana::cool1:

Sorry I haven't been on much today. Been carting kids to get haircuts and playdates and then just worked outside for the last 2 hours pulling weeds and picking up wood, etc.

Still haven't heard back from the doctor about the xray. She's still in a lot of pain so they were supposed to put a rush on it! The tech did see a chip on her right knee so we'll have to see what that means. Of course Mom was being her stubborn self and pulling weeds and cutting branches which of course meant bending her knee! She makes me so angry because now she will be complaining and saying how she shouldn't have done it! DUH! (sorry just frustrating!)

Grilled chicken salad for supper tonight with strawberry shortcake for dessert. Also having some margaritas tonight! Watching some soccer now! It feels so much like Saturday. We are all confused!

I'll check in again later!
Happy Birthday Joannel and Ltl Mermaid!!!!:goodvibes

We are totally being lazy today. DS and I played scrabble earlier and now we're just doing nothing. Which is nice. My house is messy, but I'm ignoring it for now. I'm hungry today. Don't know what's up with that. DS is supposed to go out with friends tonight. I need to come up with something for dinner. Next week it is supposed to be back in the 80s for highs.:cool1: I am so excited. We've lived here for 16 years, and I think this is the hottest June that I can remember. Sorry for the ramble... Hope everyone is doing well!:goodvibes
Sorry to be MIA. This week just overwhelmed me. HOpe everyone is doing well!

Got lucky on teh COW this week! Painted my nails a very shimmery pink MOnday adn always read vbefore bed, so I got my points without even knowing. :rotfl: Still, must do better checking in next week.

Thirlled to deat. I am down 2.5 pounds and this week's measurement is 4 weeks, so TOM is the same. Before I didn't know if my loss was real or not. SO happy!!

Now, to keep makin gthat scale go down!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi Everyone!

I have no idea where the last few days have went. My social life has exploded and I'm not sure I like it. :rotfl:

I have read through what I missed, but don't have much time to catch up, but I will send out a few shout outs:

my3princes: :yay: for good news about your son!

Happy Birthday to Ltl Mermaid and Joannel! Have a great day!

Thanks to Ann for coaching last week!

Welcome to Tracey as this week's coach!

Some QOTDs:

- For my last meal, which I'm not so sure I want to think about, I'd ask for a burger with cheddar cheese and both fries and o-rings with an ice cream sundae for dessert.

- Dinner on Wednesday was pot luck and nothing was healthy except some not very fresh raw veggies.

- My last trip to WDW was in August of last year. My mom and I were talking one night and she suggested going. I thought about it knowing that my parents would be the ones paying for it and then decided to get some prices. Southwest was offerring a great deal, so I didn't feel too guilty taking a 2nd trip in one year. It was a quick, 4-day/3-night trip that my sister and I loved. It was hot, but we drank a lot and took breaks. For a busy time of the year, we did everything we wanted to and sometimes twice. We even got a walk-up TS meal.

- Dinner last night was not very healthy: sausage and meatballs. I didn't journal my food yesterday, but I did roughly estimate and I think it fit into my plan.

- I don't really listen to music when I'm working out unless it's a C25K podcast. The WATP DVDs and the Wii are set to music, so I'm good to go.

- I'd have to say my measuring cups/spoons. I need to use them. I will never be able to estimate oil.

I took today off from exercising. I think Friday is going to be my usual skip day. I'm just too exhausted at the end of the work week to get up in the morning. I barely made it work on time today. I did, but I also went from in bed to the car in less than 40 minutes. Not bad considering I had to shower, make my oatmeal creation, and do a few other odds and ends before leaving.

Tomorrow is another busy day. My plan is to sleep in until 9 AM. I'd sleep longer but I just can't fit any more sleep in. Does anyone else see a problem with this? I'll weigh-in and then exercise for about 30-40 minutes. Then, I'll shower and eat breakfast. I also have to clean my bedroom. That should take me about as much time as I have before I need to eat something light and leave for a baby shower.

Sorry this was so long. Have a great rest of today! I'll try to check back in tomorrow morning in between checking off agenda items.

I just caught up on NINE pages of posts. Holy cow. Somehow only one of my multiposts actually worked so here are my shout outs: (and I know I am going forget a few...)

My3Princes - so so glad that everything turned out well for you and your son.!!

Jen - WAY TO GO, EMILY!!!!! WOOOHOOO:cool1::cool1:

Happy Birthday to Joannel and Mermaid! party:

Songs: I am going to date myself here. Does anyone remember "Wild Wild West" by Will Smith (NOT the newer version that's out there...), Sin Wagon (Dixie Chicks), Boom Boom Pow, This Old House (Brian Setzer).
Actually, I need to make a new playlist for my iPod. So keep sending the song ideas!!!

Hey everyone. :sad2: <---- that is how I feel right now I truly can't get myself on track no matter what I do! I don't know what my problem is, I'm usually the type of person that decides to do it and just does it. This time I am just getting NOWHERE!!! It's SO frustrating but it's MY OWN FAULT!!! It's all within my control but I'm not doing it!!! I am so not happy with myself right now and on Monday I leave to go camping. My goal for next week is to just maintain. I will try to eat small portions and to be active.

I did get some exercise in last night, my friend and I went on a very speedy walk. I just can't get my food under control. I'm not eating horribly, just not well enough to actually LOSE anything!!

Shelby, I'm right there with 'ya. I KNOW I can do it but I start slipping...and there I go. I am pretty PO'd at myself for not being stronger. And, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T ANYONE TAKE OFFENSE - sometimes its hard to hear how well everyone else is doing while I feel like the loser who can't seem to get the scale to budge. I think that is why I kind of missed checking in on so many days this week. I had a HORRIBLE week. I was up 4 pounds on Tuesday and am back down to my starting weight today. Which is better than it could have been but definitely not where I want it to be. All I can do is take a deep breath and resolve to try harder this week....
Had a not so healthy supper but I'm feeling relaxed so I guess that's what matters! Enjoyed a spicy chicken dip. It had low fat creme cheese, Mexican cheese, Franks' hot sauce and chicken tenderloins. It's quick and easy and that's what I needed tonight! Enjoyed my raspberry margarita!

Tomorrow we will be doing more yard work and taking a lot of stuff to our transfer station. We will also be watching the USA soccer match at 2 pm! I've got my jersey all ready to go! DD1 is having a sleepover with another friend and we will pick her up when we go to the transfer station as it's only a few doors away!

Sunday is the day I'm looking forward to most as we're meeting a bunch of other Disboard members to see TS3 in IMAX 3D in Natick! We'll be eating at Kelly's Roast Beef after the movie! There are about 24 of us going! It's a great group of people that I'm really enjoying getting to know! Can't wait!

I hope to get a walk in at some point tomorrow and do either WATP or the elliptical at some point tomorrow! I also need to drink my water as I don't think I've had much today! I can't remember as I'm really tired!

Enjoy the rest of the night! I'm confused thinking that it's Saturday since DH was home from work!
Shelby, I'm right there with 'ya. I KNOW I can do it but I start slipping...and there I go. I am pretty PO'd at myself for not being stronger. And, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T ANYONE TAKE OFFENSE - sometimes its hard to hear how well everyone else is doing while I feel like the loser who can't seem to get the scale to budge. I think that is why I kind of missed checking in on so many days this week. I had a HORRIBLE week. I was up 4 pounds on Tuesday and am back down to my starting weight today. Which is better than it could have been but definitely not where I want it to be. All I can do is take a deep breath and resolve to try harder this week....

We all have weeks like that! I'm up this week but like you I'm resolving to "take a deep breath and resolve to try harder this week....". I'm glad that you see it that way! I feel the same way! I had a horrible week that fell apart at the end. We learn from these speaks and grow because of them. I am going to work really hard and when I want to eat stuff I know I shouldn't I'll remember where I want to be by my 40th birthday in August!!!!!

Lots of hugs coming your way! We have all been there and we are here to support each other 100%!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
hi everyone....weigh in day was a liitle disappointing to say the least..........i've been eating well, but since my foot surgery I haven't been exercising/ :cool1:That must really make a difference.
I love the QOTD for music, I'm going to go on itunes and add a few to my running playlist :thumbsup2
QOTD:right now I really love to run to is :Hey, Soul Sister by train :rotfl:
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