Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Hey everyone. I haven't posted in a few days because we have SO much going on but thought I'd pop in really fast. Sadly, our hamster Stuart died last night. He was in really bad shape all day yesterday and we spent every moment cuddling him and trying to keep him comfortable. It was really hard. :sad1: He died around 1am. So, we have one sad household right now. Here's my buddy when he was healthy.
:hug: I'm sorry Shelby.

Off to do a bit of work on my resume but my reward is to come back and post again in a bit! :thumbsup2 We are sending our teaching resumes to FLORIDA this week and it is a bit crazy to think that we might consider a cross country move. :upsidedow I am not sure how I feel about teaching in Florida but I would totally love living there and not dealing with our bitter cold winters any more.

Good luck with the job hunt. We go back and forth about moving south. If we didn't have our dvc and like our jobs, I think we'd go. At least we have the trips to look forward to.

What is for dinner tonight?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

QOTD2 ~ Tuesday:

Name one thing that not many people know about you.

Last night we had hummus, bread, baby carrots and a fresh tomato/basil/fresh mozzarella salad with balsamic vinegar. Yum!

What people don't know--I am a carrier of a rare genetic disorder--recessive x-linked ichthyosis. I didn't know I carried it until DS was born. As far as genetic disorders go, you definitely could do worse. DS's skin doesn't exfolitate on it's own and he didn't sweat until middle school. I also had major labor and delivery complications--but as my ob liked to say only one was life-threatening!:thumbsup2

QOTD- My secret???? I have a disorder called trichotrillomania. Its a form of OCD/anxiety. As a kid I would pull out my hair for no reason and I had bald spots all over. They sent me to the school nurse and called my parents. My mom recently had gone back to work and they thought it was the stress of the change. My mom told me to stop and I did. Then last summer shortly before my disney trip I noticed a bald spot forming in the front of my hairline. I realized I was rubbing at my head all the time when I was thinking or even talking. I did this so obsessively that I had small bald areas all over my head. I made a point to stop myself from doing this and now my hair is growing back. Its a very embarrassing topic so I dont talk about it to many people. Im sure some people wonder why I have pieces of hair that are different lengths but only a few spots are noticable. I try to cover it well. There is no treatment for this so I just try to remind myself to stop when I feel myself going to rub at my head. Sorry for the long explanation!!!

Well, I went to the grocery store and bought milano cookies after work, but everything else I bought was good. I ate 5 of them, and a yogurt for lunch after a crazy morning at work, and went for a 3.1 mile run/walk. I'm a little premenstrual, I think. And a little emotional, last week of school, and last year this week we brought my mom home with hospice, so I'm cutting myself a little slack, and going to make it a point to get the exercise in, and write every bite down, no matter how bad. We're having a mass sunday and a cookout after with family and friends, so that will be nice, and after sunday, I am determined to stay on track the following 8 weeks before my summer vacation in august.

Off to get supper, and then michael has a baseball game. Have a nice evening.:)
:hug: Hang in there Kathy.

:banana: I have to start by saying how EXCITED I am...went to WW tonight and had lost 2.2 pounds this week and this puts me at goal! :banana:
:cool1: Congratulations!

Lisa--Have a great trip!

Congrats to all the losers!

Today starts my week off. I am so looking forward to a regular schedule. They should start interviewing for my position in the next week or so. I'm still nervous about the new job, but also excited!

We found out yesterday that we passed ROFR on our resale contract.:cool1: Now I have to pay for it--not looking forward to writing that check. We will now have 150 points at SSR and 170 at BWV. That's it. We're done. No more addonitis at our house!

DS comes home tomorrow. We should have a good visit. He's only here until Sunday. I did group strength this morning and tonight we're supposed to go for a run. We're waiting until 8:00 because the temp is supposed to be 95 today.:scared1: DH and I had a rather ugly discussion last night about the heat and walking some, but I think we resolved it. He handles the heat so much better than I do. My weight seems to have stalled. I don't think I'll meet my goal for this month, but my hormones are still messed up. I actually took a pregnancy test, but thank goodness it was negative. I guess this probably is the beginning of peri-menopause.

Question--didn't someone from the last challenge order a protein shake online that their nutritionist recommended? Thanks!

Hope everyone is doing great! Think of me this evening. I will definitely be sweating!

NOTE: this list includes participants who have reported in within the last 3weeks, once someone misses 3 weigh-ins they are dropped from this report.
How this works: you set your goal for what to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.
Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) – all you have to do is send me a PM.
Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know. :goodvibes

I'm a little confused about this. I'm sure when I joined, a couple weeks before the challenge actually started, that I set a goal. However my name does not appear on the list this time, or the last time I checked.

And very cool that I actually made one of the weekly top loser lists! :goodvibes
Bathing suits aren't the same as real clothes; you may find that new suits in stores you can try a different size or different style than the one you already have. Sounds like you have a great attitude remembering the changes in your jeans :cool1:

When I complained to my husband last night about this, he reminded me that I purchased the bathing suit a year, perhaps 2 years ago. Chances are when I purchased that swim suit, I weighted what I am now then! (If that made sense).

I think he's right. I remember feeling all last summer/winter that my swim suit was a lot tighter than it used to be. So now I'm happy about it. :goodvibes
Swimsuits are evil and make no sense! :lmao: Don't let it make you feel bad.

I love that your not afraid of color! :goodvibes Purple is such a great polish color.

:rotfl: Makes me wonder who invented the darn things!

I love purple!

Oh and even though I don't think I've lost anything, I can notice a difference! I just put on an outfit I wore last week and my tummy is smaller! WOO HOO!!

I'm sorry to hear about your hamster as well. Always hard to lose a pet :hug:

And isn't it amazing about the tummy?!! I love lying down at night and seeing my tummy has shrunk! :lmao:

Dinner tonight will probably be Cheesecake Factory for DH's birthday. I am pretty sure I'll order my favorite dish and then bring leftovers home and split them between lunch and dinner tomorrow. I am being a perfect angel until dinner so that I can save my points for the splurge. :)

Funny you mention cheesecake and spurging! I tried my best to be good yesterday and all of today for tonights dinner. My parents & brother are coming over for a BBQ. I spent today baking a Neapolitan Cheesecake, potato salad, crystal light/lemon-line punch, cut up a ton of orange/red/yellow peppers for the grill, and a peanut butter & ginger sauce for the boneless skinless chicken breasts. Ohh, I'm going to be bloated tonight but feel so good :rolleyes: No weight loss for me this week!

Congrats on your 27 pound loss!! That is amazing! :)

Thanks! I still have another 23 lbs to lose before our trip to reach my goal (though I'll be happy with just 13). I probably should not eat tonight but ah well :rotfl:
QOTD1 ~ Wednesday:

What is for dinner tonight?

You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

Umm... well.. I'm being a bad girl tonight. I know, I know... Dinner tonight is

- BBQ boneless skinless chicken tights coated with peanut butter & ginger sauce
- BBQ red, yellow and orange peppers
- potato salad (with hard-boiled eggs, mayo, green onions)
- my dad's favorite bread stick
- a crystal light/lemon-line pop with strawberries punch
- and a neapolitan cheesecake I baked today

Last unhealthy meal? Well, does tonight count? Technically the only really bad item is the peanut butter & ginger sauce right? ;)

Otherwise, hmm... the weekend! We had lunch at Dairy Queen (cheese & bacon burger with onion rings)

Healthy meal - 'cept for the sauce, I'd say tonight. Last night was BBQ pork chops, carrot sticks and more BBQ'd yellow peppers.

Ok... after reading a few responses to the question, I think the reference of "making a trip down the green mile" means something other than I thought and went completely over my head... Color me red! LOL
Back from the library where the girls and I signed up for the summer reading program. Going to be fun!

Girls got lots of books and DD1 has already started reading to DD2. Doesn't start until Monday officially but at least they are excited about it!

Did anyone feel the Quebec earthquake this afternoon? Didn't feel it here but they felt it at the MoS in Boston.

Yes!!! I did not feel that house or myself shake, but the floor above me (daughter's room and ceiling in the living room) seemed to be making so much creaking and groaning noises, I thought the floor was going to fall through! I did not find out until a couple of hours later that it was an earthquake. I'm just east of Toronto in ONtario, Canada.

I'm signing my kids up for our library's/TD's summer reading but sign-up is not until June 30th for us.
Does the desire to reach for food when you're frustrated/ angry ever go away?:sad2: I guess it will, since I'm not going for food when I'm sad anymore. But I am really frustrated, and what do I do--I want to eat. I ended up realizing that's what I was doing and I had a Luna bar instead of ice cream. Besides ice cream we have no junk in the house, so that's good at least. And I am hungry, but wasn't planning on eating until after our run. So I don't think it's so terrible that I ate the Luna bar, but I hate that I had that feeling again and that's where my brain went. And now I'm stuck with this feeling of shame for not handling my emotions better. I'm probably making too big a deal out of this. Just knew you all would understand.
Oh and even though I don't think I've lost anything, I can notice a difference! I just put on an outfit I wore last week and my tummy is smaller! WOO HOO!!

:cool1: :cool1:

I'm a little confused about this. I'm sure when I joined, a couple weeks before the challenge actually started, that I set a goal. However my name does not appear on the list this time, or the last time I checked.

And very cool that I actually made one of the weekly top loser lists! :goodvibes

If I'm reading your post correctly, you are saying you included a goal in one of your early posts before the official start date. I don't take anything from the thread as "official" because often those are personal goals, not ones people want publicly tracked. So the only people on the goals list on those who have PM'd me with their goal. I'd be happy to add you (or anybody) into the goal tracking at anytime, just PM me your goal to lose in this challenge and that's all it takes :goodvibes

QOTD2 ~ Tuesday: Name one thing that not many people know about you.

I was born blind.

I've read of people born blind but then regaining some sight. Are you still completely blind?


I'm running behind today because I had to have an ultrasound this morning and it took longer than I thought.

I have Orange Crush polish on my toes. It's orange-y and shiny! I think it is from Mary Kay.

QOTD1 ~ Wednesday:

What is for dinner tonight?

QOTD2 ~ Wednesday:

You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?

Dinner: some kind of meat (have to look in the freezer when I get home), steamed broccoli and probably rice.

Green mile: unhealthy meal - gnocci parmigana, followed by turtle cheesecake and Godiva pumpkin truffles.
last healthy meal - ginger beef stirfry with lots of carrots, broccoli & bell peppers :goodvibes

QOTD1 ~ Wednesday:
What is for dinner tonight?
Probably an egg salad sandwich, but it depends on what time I get back from Ikea :love: !

QOTD2 ~ Wednesday:
You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?
Oh, another hard one. If I did something bad enough to be there I wouldn’t have an appetite… my guilty conscience would have done me in a long time before the justice system would have had a chance! So, if I did end up at that point, it would mean I was really innocent, but apparently had a horrendous lawyer… then I’d choose Morton’s or something super expensive and make the bad lawyer pay for it - at that point it wouldn't matter what the food was, as long as it was the most expensive thing I could find :rolleyes1 !


You have the best answer to the green mile question!:lmao:
Goode evening everyone. Graduation was hot with an occasional breeze. I wish they had just done the walk in the speeches and then walked out. During the reading of the names the kids kept blowing up beach balls and tossing them around. ONe kid must have had 6 beach balls in his socks. We watched him blow up one right in front of us and security stopped him.

Last day tomorrow:banana::banana::banana: Finished cleaning my room today and grades are all done. I have some paperwork to finish and signatures to get. Then the big job is to finsh packing up the math office. We have to move it. The place we are moving it to is being used now and the person who has to pack it up is expecting a baby any day now so won't pack it up until maybe Aug if we are lucky. She is not happy about moving but her stuff is for a club and this is for the math department. We are about half packed but we need boxes and there are none in the building. I think we are going to be using recyling buckets and make sure we have large signs on them so they don't get thrown out. Our coordinator said she would do it but she is not even going to be in our building in Sept. She starts a new job then.

Painted my toes a nice pink. Since I never do my nails or toes then the pink is something new for me.

Have a nice evening everyone.
Tonight I had dinner at Nana's again. It seems in the summer I always end up there. They have such a nice backyard and the kids love to play outside. We had thin steaks on the grill mine was only 4oz. Corn on the Cob, sliced tomato, baked potatoe (I had a super small one the size of tennis ball. Overall I think I did pretty well today. Hopefully I will see the scale move tomorrow. I have to weigh in tomorrow since I am off again on friday. I think if it looks bad I will wait and weigh in monday morning. Is that illegal?:laughing: I use my work scale so I want it to be accurate, I cant switch to my home scale now.

QOTD- A million different meals come to mind for my unhealthy choice but if it was happening right at this moment I would would choose a meat and cheese filled stromboli. Only because I was watching the food network on monday and saw them making a one and have been craving it ever since.

Healthy Meal-----I definitley would not choose anything healthy...if I am about to kick the bucket I might as well really enjoy a good high calorie fatty meal with no worries.:)
Does the desire to reach for food when you're frustrated/ angry ever go away?:sad2:

(sigh) I'm afraid it has not for me... Truth be told, the KIDS make me want to eat! Seriously... :rolleyes: I am so not looking forward to trying to lose more weight with them home for 9 weeks!! :eek:

The hunger does go away however! I swear I was hungry for 2 months, even though I knew I was still eating more food than I should have. I do not eat that much food anymore and find I am not hungry.

I just have to fight the "cravings" when the kids drive me nuts. Maybe I should take up chewing gum or something...
If I'm reading your post correctly, you are saying you included a goal in one of your early posts before the official start date. I don't take anything from the thread as "official" because often those are personal goals, not ones people want publicly tracked. So the only people on the goals list on those who have PM'd me with their goal. I'd be happy to add you (or anybody) into the goal tracking at anytime, just PM me your goal to lose in this challenge and that's all it takes :goodvibes

Ahh ok. Gotcha! I'll e-mail tomorrow.
Skipping my walk in the morning as I'm totally exhausted and I have 2 clients tomorrow. Girls are going to a friend's house while I work and I need to get them packed up and ready for that in the morning! Gotta leave the house by 8:40 in the morning so I can get to work by 9 after dropping the kids off!

Need to head to bed now and fold some more laundry! Most loads are taking 2 times through the dryer. Sometimes even 3 times. Need to find my work pants for the morning so I'm not looking everywhere for them.

Hope everyone has a good night's sleep! I hope to sleep until 6:30!
I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:
Had a bit of a slip up today but was able to stop it before the end of the day so feel good about that. Finished the C25K today with a 3.1 mile jog in 34 min 03 seconds. Granted this was on a treadmill with no incline but that's the next step.

Take care all and don't forget to drink that water!

I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:

He is in my prayers. Good luck
Skipped my walk which was a good thing since I was awakened by creatures in my attic at 11:30. DH thought someone was walking around the hallway and then realized that we had visitors. They carried on for about an hour but I was able to get back to sleep. So now I have to get an exterminator here this afternoon. Kids are spending the day at a friends while I give 2 massages and I also really need to go to the transfer station with all of our garbage!

Gotta get moving and get the kids ready for their day as well as myself. Gonna be a scorcher here today! Hazy, hot and humid here! I may want to jump in the pool later this afternoon!
I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:

Sending good thoughts your way.:goodvibes Do you get the results right away? The waiting is so hard.:hug:
I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:
:hug:Sending prayers and good thoughts for your ds and you. Hang in there. I hope you will have the reading very quickly after the MRI. The waiting can be so hard.

Had a bit of a slip up today but was able to stop it before the end of the day so feel good about that. Finished the C25K today with a 3.1 mile jog in 34 min 03 seconds. Granted this was on a treadmill with no incline but that's the next step.
:cool1:Congrats on finishing the c25k!!!! That is an awesome speed too!

:We found out yesterday that we passed ROFR on our resale contract.:cool1: Now I have to pay for it--not looking forward to writing that check. We will now have 150 points at SSR and 170 at BWV. That's it. We're done. No more addonitis at our house!

DS comes home tomorrow. We should have a good visit. He's only here until Sunday. I did group strength this morning and tonight we're supposed to go for a run. We're waiting until 8:00 because the temp is supposed to be 95 today.:scared1: DH and I had a rather ugly discussion last night about the heat and walking some, but I think we resolved it. He handles the heat so much better than I do. My weight seems to have stalled. I don't think I'll meet my goal for this month, but my hormones are still messed up. I actually took a pregnancy test, but thank goodness it was negative. I guess this probably is the beginning of peri-menopause.
Congrats on your new DVC!!! And congrats on not being pregnant. That would have been quite a way to filll up your empty nest.

When I complained to my husband last night about this, he reminded me that I purchased the bathing suit a year, perhaps 2 years ago. Chances are when I purchased that swim suit, I weighted what I am now then! (If that made sense).

I think he's right. I remember feeling all last summer/winter that my swim suit was a lot tighter than it used to be. So now I'm happy about it. :goodvibes
Glad you're good with the suit. I have the same swim suit in 3 different sizes that I've bought over the past 6 years. I love the suit, the 18 is too big and doesn't hold me in enough, the 14 from a couple years ago is a little tight and hard to pull up, but i still can wear it, and the 16 is just right now. :rotfl: Kind of like the three bears for swimsuits. They are a necessary evil.

Yes!!! I did not feel that house or myself shake, but the floor above me (daughter's room and ceiling in the living room) seemed to be making so much creaking and groaning noises, I thought the floor was going to fall through! I did not find out until a couple of hours later that it was an earthquake. I'm just east of Toronto in ONtario, Canada.
Glad you are ok up there in canada.

Does the desire to reach for food when you're frustrated/ angry ever go away?:sad2: I guess it will, since I'm not going for food when I'm sad anymore. But I am really frustrated, and what do I do--I want to eat. I ended up realizing that's what I was doing and I had a Luna bar instead of ice cream. Besides ice cream we have no junk in the house, so that's good at least. And I am hungry, but wasn't planning on eating until after our run. So I don't think it's so terrible that I ate the Luna bar, but I hate that I had that feeling again and that's where my brain went. And now I'm stuck with this feeling of shame for not handling my emotions better. I'm probably making too big a deal out of this. Just knew you all would understand.
:hug: I totally understand. I wish I knew how to stop it. I have been reaching for food this week with my emotions too. At least you had the Luna bar. I know the exercise helps me, but it doesn't last the full day.

Last day tomorrow:banana::banana::banana: Finished cleaning my room today and grades are all done. I have some paperwork to finish and signatures to get. Then the big job is to finsh packing up the math office. We have to move it. The place we are moving it to is being used now and the person who has to pack it up is expecting a baby any day now so won't pack it up until maybe Aug if we are lucky. She is not happy about moving but her stuff is for a club and this is for the math department. We are about half packed but we need boxes and there are none in the building. I think we are going to be using recyling buckets and make sure we have large signs on them so they don't get thrown out. Our coordinator said she would do it but she is not even going to be in our building in Sept. She starts a new job then.
Whoo, last day!!! The packing up sounds very frustrating, but just think, then you're on vacation!!! Do you work part of the summer? I'm sure you keep yourself very busy as always. It must be nice to have summers off as a teacher, but it must be hard too. I know I spend more money when I'm not working, so I'd have to be very good with a budget to have the summer off. Enjoy.

I did ok at the game last night. Had a bite of michael's hotdog, and a box of popcorn, but came home and ate a bowl of ice cream. I'm up 1 pound this morning, and I hope I can see it gone tomorrow for weighin. I don't want to go back above 210 again.

Last day of school, so gotta get the kid in the shower and get dressed. I'll run as soon as he gets on the bus, and I hope that will give me some motivation to stay healthy for the day.

Have a great day.:)
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