Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:
I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:

Good luck today hope all goes well. He will be in my prayers.

Had a bit of a slip up today but was able to stop it before the end of the day so feel good about that. Finished the C25K today with a 3.1 mile jog in 34 min 03 seconds. Granted this was on a treadmill with no incline but that's the next step.

Take care all and don't forget to drink that water!


Woohoo! :cool1: Great Job!
Does the desire to reach for food when you're frustrated/ angry ever go away?:sad2: I guess it will, since I'm not going for food when I'm sad anymore. But I am really frustrated, and what do I do--I want to eat. I ended up realizing that's what I was doing and I had a Luna bar instead of ice cream. Besides ice cream we have no junk in the house, so that's good at least. And I am hungry, but wasn't planning on eating until after our run. So I don't think it's so terrible that I ate the Luna bar, but I hate that I had that feeling again and that's where my brain went. And now I'm stuck with this feeling of shame for not handling my emotions better. I'm probably making too big a deal out of this. Just knew you all would understand.

Totally understand! GREAT JOB recognizing that's why you wanted to eat and making a healthy choice!:woohoo:

I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:

:hug: Prayers said! I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you. Please keep us updated.:hug:

Skipped my walk which was a good thing since I was awakened by creatures in my attic at 11:30. DH thought someone was walking around the hallway and then realized that we had visitors. They carried on for about an hour but I was able to get back to sleep. So now I have to get an exterminator here this afternoon. Kids are spending the day at a friends while I give 2 massages and I also really need to go to the transfer station with all of our garbage!

Gotta get moving and get the kids ready for their day as well as myself. Gonna be a scorcher here today! Hazy, hot and humid here! I may want to jump in the pool later this afternoon!

What the heck was in your attic??!!:scared1:
Thanks for all the well wishes. His MRI is at 9:30 and we see the Neurologist for the results at 11.
Woops - wrote most of this last night and failed to post...

If I go by my WW weigh ins, I have now lost 40 pounds!!!! I also got rid of the 160s! I officially weigh 158 pounds!!!! :yay:

I am pretty sure I still want to try to lose a little bit more but for now I am going to celebrate reaching this point!

Woo hoo, Jen! I'm psyched for you! It will definitely be exciting when you get to lifetime in 6 weeks and don't have to pay up anymore!

Since January, I have lost 27 lbs (as of last Thursday).

I thought, really thought, that would be enough to go down a size.

Further down, it sounds like maybe you bought this at a time when you were also the size you are now - that sounds like a very good reason for your suit to fit! Also, I was going to say, it seems like my swim suit acceptably well a lot longer than some other clothes - I think each garment is different. PLUS - lucky you - you don't have to go swimsuit shopping now! :-) Enjoy the water and sun!

As you may remember I went to Wenatchee a couple weekends ago and brought 7.8 lbs home with me to my weigh in last tuesday at WW. Well, I am pleased to say that at todays meeting I lost all of that weight plus 1 lb! Also, I only have 1 day left of the C25K! It is hard to believe! When I started it I had no idea I could do so much! I am so glad I stuck with it! I feel a lot more confident and even though I haven't lost a bunch of weight since I started it I have been getting tons of compliments from people and have lost a bunch of inches which I am sure I can attribute to the program!
Oh, and my son tied his shoe all by himself for the first time today! Also, my baby girl is turning 2 tomorrow! Oh, and my son caught his first fish at a fishing derby last saturday! Soooooo fun!

Congratulations on your son's shoe, your daughter's birthdy and your son's success!

And holy wow - finishing up C25K is a HUGE accomplishment - Congratulations to YOU! It's amazing how quickly our bodies can adapt to what we ask of them, isn't it? Do you have a race coming up? Any idea what you want to do next in your life as a runner?

Just wanted to thank you all for your sympathy about our sweet little hamster. The vet just called to check on him so it brought all the sadness back to me. :sad1: But we are trying to move on and boy does this worry me about how I will respond when our 13 year old dog goes! It's not going to be pretty!!

So sorry about your hamster- they are such cuties but they don't ever live long enough. We had a few when I was a teenager and they were such sweet little guys.

I agree it's even harder to lose a dog - you'll get through it when the time comes, but for now, just enjoy every day with your sweet pup.

QOTD2 ~ Tuesday: Name one thing that not many people know about you.

I was born blind.

Wow - I had no idea! I'd be interested in hearing more about it if you wanted to share - don't mean to pry, though.

It's been wild times here. Two birthdays in two days - DS yesterday. He wanted coconut cupcakes. DH today. He loves Peanut butter Chocolate Chip cake like his mom used to make for him. So along with the cinnamon rolls I baked for my older DS on Saturday, it's a regular sugar-fest around here. :eek: And we are going to the nice Italian restaurant tonight as well, for extra challenge. I am, however, hanging in there and tracking well again (seems like I'm finally getting back into a normal routine after the nutzo spring) and my weight seems to be solidly in the middle of the maintenance zone again instead of the tippy top. Whew.

I took my new bicycle out for a ride today even though it was a little rainy. I was amazed that my numbers look a lot like they do on the Spin class computer - my average speed was about the same, my highest speed, also about the same! I love how far I can go on a bike, and I love the thrill of the speed a little too. :laughing: I found a very pretty local bike path that was very fun. It went through some woods and by some water and was away from traffic for a while, too.

I also had a good swim at the pool yesterday. .8 miles. Which sounds pretty wimpy, I know. But when I say 1500 yards, that sounds farther, right? Or if I say 60 lengths, that sounds like a lot, doesn't it?


How can my weight be down this moring after what I ate yesterday? No clue, but I was careful not to grossly overdo it at the restaurant.

I can't believe it's official weigh in day again tomorrow!
Originally Posted by my3princes
I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing

Thoughts and prayers:grouphug:
Cow part 2. I almost forgot to post this.

I painted my toenails last night.:cool1: I used a shimmery red. Mostly because this is the only fun color I had at home. I really wanted to get out to buy something new but never found the time.:confused3 I guess living at home with a dh and 2 sons toenail polish does not sit high on the priority list. This is where I am realizing how much I have forgotten to spend time on myself over the past 5 years. Thanks for making me see that Jen. I am trying not to feel guilty spending sometime on me each day.

Have a great day everyone!
Cow Part 2: I had a pedicure and got my acrylics filled last night in a shimmery pink, not very daring but still summery I think! I do work for Disney so I cannot have nails that are too bold.

On my toes I had a cute little design painted, with a heart drawn in white and silver glitter polish around it! I love it!!!

I hope everyone is having a good week. I meant to exercise last night but was just too tired, but at least I exercised Monday and Tuesday and I have been eating good as well!
QOTD1 ~ Wednesday:

What is for dinner tonight?

We had Cheesecake Factory. I was much better than I'd have been in the past, but not "great." (more on that later)

QOTD2 ~ Wednesday:

You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?

I had my favorite meal at CF last night, so I am still lusting after that -- it was Thai chicken pasta with extra bean sprouts. It is the perfect mix of peanut buttery taste and spicy with crunch and linguine and protein from the chicken. Delicious.

If I were going to eat something healthy, I'd choose a huge salad of romaine lettuce, cucumbers & grape tomatoes with grilled chicken on top with no dressing. I LOVE lettuce & chicken together. :cloud9:

Oh, another hard one. If I did something bad enough to be there I wouldn’t have an appetite… my guilty conscience would have done me in a long time before the justice system would have had a chance! So, if I did end up at that point, it would mean I was really innocent, but apparently had a horrendous lawyer… then I’d choose Morton’s or something super expensive and make the bad lawyer pay for it - at that point it wouldn't matter what the food was, as long as it was the most expensive thing I could find :rolleyes1 !


This had me totally :lmao::rotfl: I agree the attorney should have to foot the bill on something outrageously expensive. LOL!

We found out yesterday that we passed ROFR on our resale contract.:cool1: Now I have to pay for it--not looking forward to writing that check. We will now have 150 points at SSR and 170 at BWV. That's it. We're done. No more addonitis at our house!

Congratulations on passing ROFR!! Yeah, that's what we said after our first add-on, then we had an opportunity to buy points at HH and I just had to have them. Then, DD was working at Disney when BLT became available and how could we NOT take advantage of the CM discount? LOL!! Now, our kids talk about using our points (they are 22 and 17) and I have to wonder if we have enough. :laughing:

I've read of people born blind but then regaining some sight. Are you still completely blind?

Nope, not blind at all, though I have no depth perception, physiologically. Since I grew up with no depth perception, I am actually able to compensate really well. I just don't see things in 3D like other people do.

I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:

Thinking of you today and saying a prayer for DS. Looking forward to hearing from you after you meet with the doctor at 11.

Had a bit of a slip up today but was able to stop it before the end of the day so feel good about that. Finished the C25K today with a 3.1 mile jog in 34 min 03 seconds. Granted this was on a treadmill with no incline but that's the next step.

Take care all and don't forget to drink that water!


Great job, SarahMay! Both on not going into a slide and also for finishing up C25K. I think that plan rocks! :cheer2:

Wow - I had no idea! I'd be interested in hearing more about it if you wanted to share - don't mean to pry, though.

I was born blind and my parents realized it within a couple of weeks. They took me to Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia (we lived in Brooklyn, NY) where I had really innovative surgery. The problem was that my eye muscles were paralyzed/frozen. So they replaced them with what was essentially rubber bands, and I was able to see. They had to be replaced every couple years because they'd deteriorate and after the surgery each time, they'd patch my eyes for a couple weeks and then alternate between patching one and then the other. I even learned to read Braille when I was about 7 preparing for what all the specialists thought would be inevitable blindness.

The treatment was state of the art back then, but now we know that my eyes learned to work completely independently of each other. The last surgery was when I was about 12, at which point there was too much scar tissue to ever do it again. The thought was I'd lose vision before I reached 20. I am in my 40s :scared1: and I can still see. I am truly blessed. The only problem is that I am severely near-sighted in one and severely far-sighted in the other. I saw one of the top "muscle" specialists in the country in the autumn of 2008, but attempts to correct my vision have failed because my brain cannot process the information that is sent from corrected vision and I get double vision and severe migraines. We've resigned ourselves to the fact that I won't be driving much longer and I don't drive at night at all except home from work and errands within a couple miles of our house.

So glad to hear you are enjoying your bike, Corinna!! :cutie:
DS comes home tomorrow. We should have a good visit. He's only here until Sunday. I did group strength this morning and tonight we're supposed to go for a run. We're waiting until 8:00 because the temp is supposed to be 95 today.:scared1: DH and I had a rather ugly discussion last night about the heat and walking some, but I think we resolved it. He handles the heat so much better than I do. My weight seems to have stalled. I don't think I'll meet my goal for this month, but my hormones are still messed up. I actually took a pregnancy test, but thank goodness it was negative. I guess this probably is the beginning of peri-menopause.

Question--didn't someone from the last challenge order a protein shake online that their nutritionist recommended? Thanks!

Hope everyone is doing great! Think of me this evening. I will definitely be sweating!

Have a great visit with your son!!

My nutritionist gave me a wonderful protein powder that you can buy online. It's really tasty (especially the strawberry flavor and the chocolate mint flavor!). I buy it at the store my nutritionist works at (which is owned by the guy who makes the protein).... you can get it at

Umm... well.. I'm being a bad girl tonight. I know, I know... Dinner tonight is

- BBQ boneless skinless chicken tights coated with peanut butter & ginger sauce
- BBQ red, yellow and orange peppers
- potato salad (with hard-boiled eggs, mayo, green onions)
- my dad's favorite bread stick
- a crystal light/lemon-line pop with strawberries punch
- and a neapolitan cheesecake I baked today

Oh my gosh.... your dinner sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!

Goode evening everyone. Graduation was hot with an occasional breeze. I wish they had just done the walk in the speeches and then walked out. During the reading of the names the kids kept blowing up beach balls and tossing them around. ONe kid must have had 6 beach balls in his socks. We watched him blow up one right in front of us and security stopped him.

Last day tomorrow:banana::banana::banana: Finished cleaning my room today and grades are all done. I have some paperwork to finish and signatures to get. Then the big job is to finsh packing up the math office. We have to move it. The place we are moving it to is being used now and the person who has to pack it up is expecting a baby any day now so won't pack it up until maybe Aug if we are lucky. She is not happy about moving but her stuff is for a club and this is for the math department. We are about half packed but we need boxes and there are none in the building. I think we are going to be using recyling buckets and make sure we have large signs on them so they don't get thrown out. Our coordinator said she would do it but she is not even going to be in our building in Sept. She starts a new job then.

Painted my toes a nice pink. Since I never do my nails or toes then the pink is something new for me.

Have a nice evening everyone.

Happy last day of school!!!! :cool1:
Healthy Meal-----I definitley would not choose anything healthy...if I am about to kick the bucket I might as well really enjoy a good high calorie fatty meal with no worries.:)

I completely agree!!! :)

I just have to fight the "cravings" when the kids drive me nuts. Maybe I should take up chewing gum or something...

Gum is great. Munching on ice chips is another idea. Having a protein shake. Drink some water with some Crystal Lite in it. :hug:

I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:

Sending good thoughts your way. Keep us posted! :hug:

Had a bit of a slip up today but was able to stop it before the end of the day so feel good about that. Finished the C25K today with a 3.1 mile jog in 34 min 03 seconds. Granted this was on a treadmill with no incline but that's the next step.

Take care all and don't forget to drink that water!


Amazing! Whoooo Hooooo!!!!

Skipped my walk which was a good thing since I was awakened by creatures in my attic at 11:30. DH thought someone was walking around the hallway and then realized that we had visitors. They carried on for about an hour but I was able to get back to sleep. So now I have to get an exterminator here this afternoon. Kids are spending the day at a friends while I give 2 massages and I also really need to go to the transfer station with all of our garbage!

I am afraid to ask what kind of critters. I am not a fan of critters. :laughing:

It's been wild times here. Two birthdays in two days - DS yesterday. He wanted coconut cupcakes. DH today. He loves Peanut butter Chocolate Chip cake like his mom used to make for him. So along with the cinnamon rolls I baked for my older DS on Saturday, it's a regular sugar-fest around here. :eek: And we are going to the nice Italian restaurant tonight as well, for extra challenge. I am, however, hanging in there and tracking well again (seems like I'm finally getting back into a normal routine after the nutzo spring) and my weight seems to be solidly in the middle of the maintenance zone again instead of the tippy top. Whew.

I took my new bicycle out for a ride today even though it was a little rainy. I was amazed that my numbers look a lot like they do on the Spin class computer - my average speed was about the same, my highest speed, also about the same! I love how far I can go on a bike, and I love the thrill of the speed a little too. :laughing: I found a very pretty local bike path that was very fun. It went through some woods and by some water and was away from traffic for a while, too.

I also had a good swim at the pool yesterday. .8 miles. Which sounds pretty wimpy, I know. But when I say 1500 yards, that sounds farther, right? Or if I say 60 lengths, that sounds like a lot, doesn't it?


How can my weight be down this moring after what I ate yesterday? No clue, but I was careful not to grossly overdo it at the restaurant.

I can't believe it's official weigh in day again tomorrow!

Happy birthday to your DH and to your son!! What is it with men and peanut butter cake? My dad, brother and hubby always ask for peanut butter cake for their birthdays? I would never ask for a peanut butter cake! Give me dark chocolate!
If I were going to eat something healthy, I'd choose a huge salad of romaine lettuce, cucumbers & grape tomatoes with grilled chicken on top with no dressing. I LOVE lettuce & chicken together. :cloud9:

I was born blind and my parents realized it within a couple of weeks. They took me to Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia (we lived in Brooklyn, NY) where I had really innovative surgery. The problem was that my eye muscles were paralyzed/frozen. So they replaced them with what was essentially rubber bands, and I was able to see. They had to be replaced every couple years because they'd deteriorate and after the surgery each time, they'd patch my eyes for a couple weeks and then alternate between patching one and then the other. I even learned to read Braille when I was about 7 preparing for what all the specialists thought would be inevitable blindness.

The treatment was state of the art back then, but now we know that my eyes learned to work completely independently of each other. The last surgery was when I was about 12, at which point there was too much scar tissue to ever do it again. The thought was I'd lose vision before I reached 20. I am in my 40s :scared1: and I can still see. I am truly blessed. The only problem is that I am severely near-sighted in one and severely far-sighted in the other. I saw one of the top "muscle" specialists in the country in the autumn of 2008, but attempts to correct my vision have failed because my brain cannot process the information that is sent from corrected vision and I get double vision and severe migraines. We've resigned ourselves to the fact that I won't be driving much longer and I don't drive at night at all except home from work and errands within a couple miles of our house.

So glad to hear you are enjoying your bike, Corinna!! :cutie:

I love chicken and lettuce too!!! However, and this is totally weird... I hate lettuce on my chicken sandwiches (or any sandwich).

What an amazing and fascinating early childhood you had. How scary for you and your family. :grouphug:
I've been reading your posts this week--as I've been able to squeeze in a few minutes here and there--this post sure moves fast! Thanks to all of your inspiration and encouragement and positive energy sent out this week--I am finally down on the scale--and hope tomorrow to post a loss for the first time in 3 weeks :)

Before I started my next training I just wanted to share with you all the most tasty breakfast that I had by accident this morning. Since January I eat Oatmeal most mornings--fills me up and keeps me going. I usually mix in 1/2 oz chopped nuts and also a berry mixture that I make (I boil down the frozen berry mix from Costco til it's about 1/2 volume--so it's like a fruit syrup without the sugar). Well - I ran out of the berry stuff yesterday and with the busy day - forgot to make more. So as I am making my oatmeal this morning I looked around the kitchen to find a fruit to add--and all I had was one very ripe banana (almost too hard to cut it into the oatmeal). I chopped up my walnuts and then enjoyed what can only be described as banana nut warm goodness... it was sooooooo tasty! I loved every bit and am thinking I'm gonna have to make this a usual thing--looking for those bargain bin bananas which I usually just freeze for smoothies... it was good--enjoy!!

Have a great day!!
:) Liz
Healthy Meal-----I definitley would not choose anything healthy...if I am about to kick the bucket I might as well really enjoy a good high calorie fatty meal with no worries.:)

Yep. ::yes:: I also saw no upside to choosing healthy for a last meal.

I'm requesting prayer and good thoughts for my 12 year old son tomorrow. He will be having an MRI which is a follow up for the brain tumor removal that he had 6 months ago. Best case scenerio they see no signs of the tumor regrowing :wizard:

Yall are in my prayers. My mom had a pituitary tumor removed back in 1996 and still has MRIs every couple years. We haven't seen any recurrence since and I wish you the same! :hug:

Finished the C25K today with a 3.1 mile jog in 34 min 03 seconds.

Outstanding, Sarah! :cool1:

How can my weight be down this moring after what I ate yesterday? No clue, but I was careful not to grossly overdo it at the restaurant.

I'll tell ya... Metabolism is a STRANGE thing. I remember several years ago when I was working to lose a few pounds, I was being so GOOD and just got stuck for about 3 weeks. One day DH decided he wanted to McD's french fries and while we were in the drive-thru I up and decided I wanted a Big Mac and small fries. The next morning... I was down 2 pounds. Crazy, I tell ya! :joker:
Good morning losers!! It's a beautiful sunny day in Illinois. We haven't had one in several days.

I'm a little bummed today. Last night the Blackhawks traded my favorite player... the one I named my dog after. Such a bummer.

I also found out yesterday that I have to have surgery on July 20th (nothing serious... having an endometrial ablation)... but my doctor told me I cannot do any strenuous exercise for 2 weeks and I was supposed to run my first 5k the weekend after the surgery. Now I am not going to be able to run. I was going to run it with my dad and brother and DD-13. Such a disappointment. Oh well... life happens. :)

QOTD1 ~ Thursday:

What is for dinner tonight?

QOTD2 ~ Thursday:

Tell us a little about your last trip to Disney... (if you haven't been to Disney yet, tell us what you look forward to the most).

I think I am going to dust off the old sewing machine and make a dress or two and a blanket for Lord Stanley Byfuglien. :)
QUOTD 1: Morningstar Veggie Sausages and mini pierogies, plus salad and vegetables.

QUOTD 2: We were there for a weekend right as spring break - CBR for three nights and Vero for two nights (loved Vero) started but our last big trip was last Christmas - Old Key West and Wilderness Lodge. It was a great trip. Not sure when the next trip is. Sort of taking a mild break but we'll probably do a few days at Hilton Head over Christmas. We don't currently have AP's which is a rare, rare thing for us.
QOTD1 ~ Thursday: What is for dinner tonight?

I went to the farmer's market again this morning, so I think I'm gonna make that white bean & veggie saute recipe that I tried a couple weeks ago. I may cruise the recipe websites for something new, but we'll see.

QOTD2 ~ Thursday: Tell us a little about your last trip to Disney... (if you haven't been to Disney yet, tell us what you look forward to the most).

My last trip to WDW was Nov-Dec of 2005. DH and I (about 1 1/2 years before DD) arrived the day after Thanksgiving and overlapped a few days with his sister and BIL. Their kids were 16, 11 and 6 at the time so it was fun seeing them try everything for the first time. I had never seen WDW as crowded as that weekend since our previous trips had always been Aug/Sept. Then, come that Monday, I had never seen it as deserted. It was heavenly! :goodvibes

My only regret is that I didn't "make" my nephew (11yo) ride ToT. He and BIL and I were headed over to ride RnRC and he kept asking "Aunt Connie, you're not gonna make me ride THAT are you?" and I kept telling him, "of course not. But, if you wanna ride it, I'll be happy to go ride with you." DUH! :headache: He SOOOOO wanted me to "make" him ride it. I wasn't a parent yet. I just didn't get it. :confused3 He'll be 16 this summer and has no recollection of this discussion.

I also remember holding my youngest nephew's (6yo) hand during all the dark parts of the shows and rides. He was scared of the dark at the time, but as long as he could reach out and hold on to one of us, he was still nervous but never upset. He even rode Space Mountain! I was really so proud of him.

And, my niece (16yo)... aside from whining about missing her boyfriend :crazy2: she and I had a great time too. She had been to WDW once before, when she was 3yo - she didn't remember anything from before until she got there and then had some memories of things she recognized. She and DN11 and I rode Mission Space together. I remember that she did enjoy it and she was really proud of herself for riding it but she was also certain that she didn't want to do it again. :laughing:

DH and I also had a wonderful time on our own after SIL and fam headed back home. We stayed at POFQ and just adored it. I especially enjoyed just sitting back and holding hands during a leisurely boat ride to and from DTD.

I can't wait to head back there with him again - this time, with DD. OMG! I can hardly wait! :dance3:

(I wonder if everyone's responses to this QOTD will be as long as mine... Since Disney is why we're all here in the first place, I predict lots of pages will fill up today. :rolleyes:)
:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.
:cool1::cool1:There was no sign of tumor regrowth in Hunter's MRI:cool1::cool1: I didn't realized how stressed out I've been over this, but since we got the results I haven't been able to stop crying. I am so happy, so relieved. Thanks for all your prayers.

Wonderful news, Deb! I'm so happy for yall. :goodvibes
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